Could you pass the tissue? Wiwi is still devastated that Slovakia’s Kristina didn’t make the final. Sure, she was nervous and her vocals weren’t as strong as they normally are. But her routine was among the most original, she managed to make Enya-style music sound cool, and she had a fantastic back-up singer wrapped in white chiffon singing hallelujuh. How could you diss her like this, Europe? How could you?

I point the finger firmly at the former Soviet bloc. Russia’s Peter Naltich does not deserve a place in the final. His song Lost and Forgotten deserves to be both lost and forgotten. It was three minutes of “I want to kill myself” and “Do you have any Prozac?” The cheap staging—what was up with him holding that photograph?—and monotony of it all made me want to jump off a bridge.

Belarus’ 3 + 2, another surprise qualifier, doesn’t deserve to perform on Saturday, either. I’ll be the first to admit that they’re an attractive group of people. But the song is classic cheese with no meaning and really bad English (“Heartfully just wait for it.” WTF?? I’m fairly certain “heartfully” isn’t a word.)

Anyway, hallo Germany! Dobry vecher Moscow! It’s Wiwi calling. I’m here with the results of Wiwi’s voting.

12 points go to…..ICELAND!

Hera Bjork really worked it last night. Let’s face it: she’s a bigger girl so she was never going to do back-flips or splits. But she managed to make simple staging interesting. It was by far the classiest, most professional act of the evening. And that voice—oh that voice! It was like that volcano was erupting again, and it was just as hot.

11 points go to …..SERBIA!

I know Eurovision doesn’t assign 11 points, but I just had to. In an earlier post, I questioned the suitability of this song. But after seeing it on stage, I’m absolutely in love with it. From the pink shoes to the Balkan-style street dance, Milan Stankovic gave his act a ton of personality. LOVE IT.

10 points go to…..SLOVAKIA!

Kristina, I’m still bewildered that Europe snubbed you like this. I think that they’re just afraid of plants that dance and trees that look like muscular back-up dancers. I loved your staging, and I love you. Wiwi got ya back, boo!

8 points go to….MOLDOVA!

Wiwi was a little nervous when the saxophone player had an eruption in his pants—those hips would not stop shaking—and he needs the fiddle player to slow his roll when he runs down the runway. But I was pleasantly surprised with how in-tune Olia and the blond guy were. This was a really memorable performance! So much so that I forgot about all the bad Eurovision English.

7 points go to….GREECE!

I’ve written a lot about how sexual I think this act is. But even with perfectly-sculpted back-up dancers getting down on it, I couldn’t stop focusing on Giorgos Alkaios. He looked so confident on stage, he delivered his lyrics with power, and the bridge—which featured the lyra player, Giorgos beating the drums and a “rewind” sequence—was pure brilliance!

6 points go to….BELGIUM!

In an earlier post I called Tom Dice boring. But now I just think he’s sweet. At times he seems to whisper, but on the whole I was with him from start to finish. He’s a real threat to win this on Saturday. Watch out Safura!


Vukasin Brajic, who does a mean impersonation of Kylie Minogue, delivered the darkest performance of the night. And that was spot on given that his song was about the thunder and lightening of a troubled relationship. He did rock with class and his sound really stands out against all these bland ballads. Awesome.

4 points go to….ALBANIA

Juliana was singing about her love of Jesus Christ. Now, Wiwi is not the most religious person, but he was totally feeling something spiritual during her techno him. Loves it!

3 points go to…PORTUGAL!
You’re adorable, Felipa.

2 points go to …MALTA!
It’s a shame you didn’t qualify. Your voice is better than your placement. I blame the man dressed as a bird. That was kind of scary.

1 point goes to …LATVIA!
You remind me of an adorable Chihuahua wearing a blonde wig.

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christina anderson
christina anderson
14 years ago

Why do you say that Belarus doesnt deserve to be in the final??? Because its from the former USSR? They have great voices, they did a good job yesterday! May be not too much action on stage but according to the rules there can be up to 6 people only! Yes , kinda disney song, but people like it thats why they made it to the final!!!

14 years ago

Hey Wiwi,
I have realized why you’d like Islander’s singer sooo much..
She definitely looks like american hamburger! Enjoy yourself!

14 years ago

Christina and Aisha both massacred two great songs and deserved the dustbin. I was 100% certain they wouldn’t qualify the minute I heard them both. That’s what’s great about ESC; if you can’t sing, you’re out. Tak Alkeos on the other hand. Not the handsomest of singers, but he oozed confidence as a singer. Just an amazing performance. I am absolutely appaled that Russia, Belgium and Portugal made it to the final. I blame it on the juries. Perhaps the EBU should rethink the whole jury thing as it may have contributed to the dreadful selection of songs we had… Read more »

14 years ago

Both Christina and Latvia’s Aisha massacred two great songs and deserved the dustbin. The minute I heard them both I was absolutely convinced they wouldn’t make it. That’s what great about Eurovision – if you can’t sing, you’re out. On the other hand you had Alkeos. Not the handsomest of blokes but his confidence as a singer just oozed. He just couldn’t go wrong. AN amazing performance. I am appalled about Russia, Protugal and Belgium making it to the final – you can blame it on the juries. This belgian person is just so miserable, irritating and sad (I think… Read more »

14 years ago

I can’t believe it … no way … first semi final was disaster … in my homble opinion as eurovision fan since ever. Even that i’m romanian, and I support with all my heart Paula & Ovi, my favorite song, after Romania’s entry was Slovakia’s Kristina melody – she deserve a place in top 3 and even the 2010 trophy. Something was wrong there, someting was not fair. Waiting now with fear second semi-final because I see that everything is possible.