Ukraine 2019 Jamala Russia Eurovision 2020 Sergey Lazarev

It’s the country that dramatically withdrew from Eurovision 2019 on Wednesday evening. But in a press conference held on Thursday, UA:PBC confirmed that Ukraine will return to Eurovision in 2020.

However, there’s one condition — not if Russia hosts. Such a scenario would come about if Russia’s 2019 representative Sergey Lazarev were to win in Tel Aviv. He famously finished third behind Ukraine’s Jamala in 2016.

The TV network was represented at the press conference by UA:PBC chairman Zurab Alasania, head of entertainment Oleksandra Koltsova, Ukrainian head of the delegation Oksana Skybinska, and head of PR Victoriia Sydorenko.

Ukraine at Eurovision 2020

The beleaguered broadcaster intends to return to Eurovision in 2020. However, a Russian victory in 2019 would put paid to those plans. In that case, Ukraine would neither participate in or broadcast the contest.

The TV execs highlight last year’s FIFA World Cup as an example. As it was hosted in Russia, it was not shown on Ukrainian TV. Notably, though, the Ukraine football team did not withdraw. They simply failed to qualify for the tournament.

Vidbir 2020

One of the many fallouts from this week’s fiasco was a strongly worded statement from the private broadcaster STB. Since 2016, it has organised the Vidbir selection process on UA:PBC’s behalf. Despite the statement, which made it clear that STB did not support the misuse of Vidbir and MARUV, UA:PBC wants to continue the partnership.

And it is hoped that a 2020 selection will happen regardless of the country’s Eurovision participation. Without the Eurovision element, it would take on a “best song of Ukraine” format.

As for the 2019 mess, UA:PBC is holding its hands up, “We take the blame for the situation with the Eurovision and want to launch a public dialogue.”

Over the coming months, the TV network will seek a broad discussion on the rules and regulations regarding royalties and artists touring Russia — two of the big issues in the breakdown of MARUV’s contract negotiations.

“We think that this year has we have already put a final dot to the issue, and now we have a year or even two to sit down and think”.

Ukraine Eurovision 2019 withdrawal press conference

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Posted by ??? on Thursday, February 28, 2019

Ukraine Eurovision 2019 fine

The EBU will not fine UA:PBC as it withdrew prior to the heads of delegations meeting. However, it will still be required to pay the full participation fee. The contest will be broadcast live on Ukrainian TV but viewers will not be able to vote. Russia’s performance will be shown in full.

Additional info via ESCKAZ.

What do you think? Are you happy that Ukraine’s absence will only be temporary? Or do you feel that the EBU should take further action? Let us know in the comments.

Follow all of our Ukraine Eurovision 2019 news.

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5 years ago

I think Ukraine should participate in the next ESC even if Russia will win.

6 years ago

On the one hand I understand Ukraine, Russia took a territory which belonged to them. On the other hand, I can’t understand why the whole situation between the 2 countries should affect Euroivision. Eurovision is about peace.

6 years ago

To sum up.
1. Jamala’s 1944 was about politics as we see now ( actually it was proved by prankers who called Ja but who cared)
2. UA: PBC politized the selection process and has to be punished according to the rules.
3. EBU has no balls to fine UA: PBC both in 2016 and now.

6 years ago

Ukraine should get a penalty for what they did to Maruv, and get banned from the contest for one year in 2020. Maybe then they will learn the lesson???

6 years ago

Feel sorry for Ukraine, I think that if the TV broadcaster would apoligize Maruv would go. But anyway…PORTUGAL 2020 We are ready! 😛

Stian F
Stian F
6 years ago

They should just send Tayanna this year and get it over with… Or else she will be with us forever… Or they should internally just pick The Hardkiss and actually send some proper quality to the contest.

6 years ago

good job ukraine. enough is enough.

6 years ago

am i bad person that now i want Russia to win more my country ? 🙂 🙂

6 years ago
Reply to  euroMaster

No, maybe you are not a bad person, but you are definitely doing as bad to ESC as ukrainian broadcaster did ( so you are not better than them in this aspect) .. they politiced the contest some days ago and you all judged them, now it’s you who are wishing for a political win of a song you haven’t heard… makes sense, huh? At least, people that think this way should stop pretending to be worried that ESC musical values are at risk from politics, cus you’re not matching your words with the logic! I will not stop saying… Read more »

6 years ago
Reply to  Maggie

So, someone’s misery makes you more happy than your hapiness? Interesting

6 years ago

What an impossible stupid behavior.
They didnt understand the Message and Meaning of Eurovision at all.
Sorry for the People in Ucraine. They deserved to have a entry there.

Jamala should be disqualified reactively to feel like she likes to put others do. UNCOMFORTABLE.

6 years ago

To everybody saying that it’s normal what Ukraine does in Eurovision, sorry but it’s not.
I’m from Serbia and we hosted Eurovision in 2008, the same year Kosovo unilaterally declared independence and yet Eurovision had nothing to do with our political problems. We even had Albanian artist perform in Belgrade.

That being said, I completely understand political problems they are having but it’s absolutely no excuse for them to bring politics into Eurovision.

6 years ago
Reply to  EuroBalkan

Thank you! Someone with common sense here.

6 years ago

Easier to have no expectations.
Alasania the Fired-Twice will talk as much as he likes instead of helping to cover costs and travelling of team. Still there are no regulations for ukrainian artists regarding touring (that don’t breach freedom), no royalty regulations and on top of that most if not all major labels still see Russia as the center of distribution and operator of region, despite half-dead CIS.
There should be an interest from respective ministry so they’ll start work out problems where they have influence.

6 years ago

Ukraine – better stay with “best song of Ukraine” format and keep the drama within your own borders (even in Crimea, we do not care). But stay away from Eurovision if you don’t understand the idea of this song contest… nobody will cry after you

6 years ago

Before anyone comes at me with any preconceptions to try and debunk my points of view, I am neither pro-Russia, nor did I know of MARUV until she was voted the winner. I did however like her entry. But… I simply don’t believe them. A lot of their statements struggle to make any sense in contrast to the soft position they are trying to embody. This is a hard nosed political and politically funded broadcaster, so of course they have an agenda to make their entrants toe the line. I would go as far to say there were far worse… Read more »

6 years ago

One more reason for russia to win then….

6 years ago

At this point the EBU seems useless solving any kind of conflict.

6 years ago
Reply to  Héctor

What else is new?

Miki Bihon
Miki Bihon
6 years ago
Reply to  Héctor

It’s no surprise that they are sleeping on this issue.

6 years ago

For me, the Ukraine case is over.
I have enough of incompetence of their Tv that thinks Marouv would not represent the values of Ukrainian people.
Yep. Like this Tv scandal does.

6 years ago

In 2006 former Serbia&Montenegro withdrew, but they were allowed to give their votes in sf and the final.
That made a HUGE difference as thanks to their votes former FYR Macedonia qualified insted of Poland.
If they would not vote, as Ukraine this year, Poland would qualify and who knows what would that change…

Good that the decision is made and clear. Ukraine is out, so their votes doesn’t count.

6 years ago

Eurovision fans are distracted by this drama. I’m sure majority would care less if bloggers & media would stop giving them an undue attention. Jamala still wants the limelight when her time was already long gone. Even forgotten by others. Sobral & Netta’s are definitely more refreshing and soothing to the soul. Now back to the regular programming. Now that Maruv is no longer in the race, Mahmood is alone there on the top.

Tuvia Pollack
6 years ago

I just don’t get it. Either they’re at war or they’re not. If they’re at war, borders are closed, artists cant do shows in an enemy country, there is no embassy in the enemy country, they refuse to compete against ine another in sports, eurovision, etc. But if borders are open and diplomat relations exist, they are per definition not at war. They have a weird semi-war situation, and no one knows what the rules are. I’m from Israel, and we have no Iranian singers doing shows in Tel Aviv. If anyone would dare ask an artist in the preselection… Read more »

6 years ago

Who cares if they will return or not. They just want to make drama, and Jamala wants to do active politics.

6 years ago
Reply to  Valentino

Jamala should run for the President of Ukraine. That’s her thing.

6 years ago
Reply to  ESCfan

Please, no. She would be terrible politician, same as an artist…

6 years ago

The Ukrainian broadcaster will finally be doing what it needed to do already in 2015…

6 years ago

Still no lesson learned. Even now they involve politics. even if you are at war, eurovision and politics should not be mixed. Better show your of good will and participate even if Russia wins…… I think EBU should make that clear to the Ukrainian broadcaster…..

6 years ago

EBU probably wont care about that, as long as Ukraine pays their fees, theyre welcome. As for me, tables have turned, Russia may not be an angel at all, but they haven‘t made such a drama in a music competition as Ukraine did the last few years. I wouldn‘t mind if Ukraine stays out of ESC for a couple of years as this is just getting out of hands. I won‘t vore for Sergey if his song isn‘t good enough, but on the other hand a small part in me wants him (and Russia) to win only because the drama… Read more »

6 years ago
Reply to  KuhKatz

Money first for EBU, yes.

6 years ago

It seems to me that Sergey was pretty fair-play in 2016 and congratulated Jamala. So the problem is the victory of Russia more than Sergey’s one. Ukraine put an end to the drama… until the next one

6 years ago


6 years ago

People here that are calling people hypocrites for saying that they will vote for Sergey are the same ones that are saying no to Russia and Sergey before even hearing the song as well. Listen Sergey is a well known artist in Eurovision and people have expectations, people love him and that is why many people already see him as a favourite. Same would be if idk Zeljko or Poli said that they are preparing a song people would be the same. And honesty have any of you people even been to Russia?! I have with many of my friends… Read more »

6 years ago
Reply to  Lena

Saying no to Russia???!!! Honey, I am saying NO to voting a song I haven’t heard yet just for political reasons, so check your facts!. it could be any country and I would say the same.. now, I understand the wish of fandoms to see their idol winning ,but all I have read here is not the high expactations for sergey’s song, but the disgusting idea of voting him just to piss off Ukraine.. so yes, this is super HYPOCHRITICAL and something this contest does not need in terms of a deserving winner!! If Russia comes up with a winning… Read more »

6 years ago
Reply to  Maggie

Then my comment does not aply to you and as I said there is a lot of songs to come and we will see in May. I want the best to win as always

6 years ago

But Ukraine has been to Moscow 2009

6 years ago
Reply to  Alex

That was before the battles in crimea.

6 years ago
Reply to  Porsteinn

Before the Maidan coup. There weren’t any battles in Crimea.

Alex M
Alex M
6 years ago
Reply to  ESCfan

There were battles in Donbas.

6 years ago
Reply to  Alex M

That is truth.

6 years ago
Reply to  ESCfan


6 years ago

Italy 2020! Please, let’s do this!

Idan Cohen
Idan Cohen
6 years ago

I wonder .. will mister Paudrig boycott Russia like he’s boycotting Israel? Or when a white Christian country is involved in disputed areas and human rights violations it’s suddenly ok?

6 years ago
Reply to  Idan Cohen

Who is that?

Idan Cohen
Idan Cohen
6 years ago
Reply to  ESCfan

He’s a random European hipocrit.

Fun or ban?
Fun or ban?
6 years ago
Reply to  Idan Cohen

Shalom Idan. Don’t bother yourself about Padraig. He doesn’t know much about Israel. If he boycotts Israel, maybe he should stay at home this year and reflect on that. But he will grow and learn, and he has all the abilities to do so. Until than, long live Israel, the Star of the world! I will always love you Israel!

Idan Cohen
Idan Cohen
6 years ago
Reply to  Fun or ban?

don’t worry dear, I’m not annoyed at all. thanks for your support! where are you from?

Idan Cohen
Idan Cohen
6 years ago

ah, ok. so my question remains the same, would you also have “personal commitments” when Eurovision is in Russia, or those “personal commitments” only pop out when Eurovision is in Israel?

6 years ago
Reply to  Idan Cohen

Wow, grow up .Also most Irish people thought the idea of a boycott was ridiculous. @idan cohen

Polegend Godgarina
Polegend Godgarina
6 years ago

lmao ukraine better find another broadcaster for esc

6 years ago

That is impossible with their government now.

6 years ago

I feel uncomfortable by just watching them.They publically blackmailed an artist that was chosen by the public therefore whats the point of “banning” artists who performed in russia while the ukrainian people dont have an issue and VOTED her?

6 years ago

We Will laugh together at this after seeing how many countries will boycott competition in Russia

6 years ago

Dumb and very hypocritical

6 years ago

So many people here in the comments who will vote for Russia because of political reasons. Shame on you. You guys are destroying the contest in the same was like Ukraine. So sad that the fans doesn’t care about the music anymore. They should finally change the name into Eurovision politics contest. You are so dumb and hypocritical

6 years ago
Reply to  Max

Same as people who say no vote, because it Russia.

6 years ago

I am really tired with this drama that Ukraine is bringing to Eurovision since Jamala won in 2016…. cut them out from competition for good and Its gonna be over…

esc stan
esc stan
6 years ago

Jesus f*cking christ excuse my language but they are getting on my last nerves. This contest is about UNITING nations and building bridges with one another… NOT WAR! Ukraine is acting like a little brat right now.

6 years ago
Reply to  esc stan

Nobody asks you to watch press meetings of our broadcaster. I have never watched SVT or RAI press conferences.

6 years ago
Reply to  Wilhelm

get lost troll, you are pathetic

6 years ago

Good, they should not be in ESC anymore. And stop Russia to. ESC started to make peice in Europe. Dont let thrm be in ESC anymore.

6 years ago
Reply to  Tim

you english shouldnt be here

6 years ago

Ukraine is playing dirty. What is this, if not an attempt to pressure the jury? The desire to make them reduce Sergei points to avoid new scandals for next year. Ukraine should speak after the fact.

6 years ago
Reply to  Catherine

Yes, I agree. That is some attempt of pressing on the jury. They want that shame in 2016 to happen again.

6 years ago
Reply to  Catherine

Yup agree. This is discusting

6 years ago

Music not war !!!!! Eurovision 2003 Ich troje Poland representative onec sing Keine Grenzen

esc stan
esc stan
6 years ago
Reply to  Luk


6 years ago

That’s funny to read comments here. So sending Julia to Ukraine in 2017 wasn’t political act by Russia ( and they knew that’s going to happened) . Points from jury to Melovin in 2018 – don’t you think they weren’t political?
And now you screaming that Ukraine is making it political.
Eurovision was always about politics like it or not.

6 years ago
Reply to  August

Ukraine open Pandora’s Box send political song in 2016

6 years ago
Reply to  Catherine


6 years ago
Reply to  August

could be politics too, but at least its subtle. that cant be said of the Ukrainian official broadcaster and politicians.

6 years ago

If you want to vote for Sergei, remember, that not only Ukraine will boycott ESC in Russia. Maybe several other countries too.

6 years ago
Reply to  Wilhelm

I doubt that. No country boycotted World Cup in 2018.

6 years ago
Reply to  ESCfan

Ok, we will see. Ukraine also show World Cup because rights were brought in 2013, before the war. Ua:PBC just sold it to private broadcaster.

6 years ago
Reply to  Wilhelm

I dont care, i ll vote for the best song. Bye

6 years ago
Reply to  Wilhelm

why should they? the football WC as well as the olympic winter games weren’t boycotted…

6 years ago
Reply to  Wilhelm

I hope so

6 years ago

It’s funny how many people here are so willing to completely abandon their idea of “having no politics” just a few moments after saying so. You all said, that Ukraine should stop making the contest a political event and I completely agree. But it’s not gonna get any less political if you start screaming “lol, I hope Russia wins now, regardless off the song, just so Ukraine can make the contest political again and we have even more drama, now isn’t that funny?” Nah, it’s not that funny. I kinda even understand Ukraine for not wanting to participate in Russia,… Read more »

6 years ago
Reply to  Weißbrot

Plus: We all know that Eurovision in Russia is destined to be a political event either way. I’m not putting myself against either of Ukraine or Russia here.

6 years ago
Reply to  Weißbrot

Russia just doesn’t need that political mess like Ukraine does.

6 years ago
Reply to  Weißbrot

No one says vote for Russia anyways. Only if the song will be good.

6 years ago
Reply to  ESCfan

Dont vote for Russia

Loin dici
6 years ago
Reply to  ESCfan

Unless they vote for Russia because it’s Sergey. We clearly have seen some cases in the national finals this year.

6 years ago

That picture tho 😀 ”Sergey, Crimea is Ukraine?” lmao

6 years ago
Reply to  Wai

“Nope. Sorry, Jamala. Meet me in Moscow-2020”. :))

Alex M
Alex M
6 years ago
Reply to  Wai

Actually he would answer ‘Yes’ to that question 😀 He already did it in the past

6 years ago

Lol, you are hypocritical!
You say politics shouldn’t be involved yet you all go on and on how you hope Russia will win just because. Well if that isn’t political…
I doubt Russia will win. No doubt they will reach top 5 because it’s Russia and they always reach it with overrated entries, like Sergey ‘s last entry. But to win his song will either be better than last time or the rest be weak entries. With the team he’s chosen it’s not going to be a better effort than 2016.

6 years ago
Reply to  Denis

Did you listen his song?

6 years ago
Reply to  Catherine

No. And yet I can guarantee it will be top 5. Because it’s Russia. And Sergey

Vladimir P.
Vladimir P.
6 years ago

My feeling about Ukraine in Eurovision is ambivalent. On one hand I love the creativity and talent of Ukrainian artists because they always give 150%. On then other hand, anti-Russian propaganda is more important to UA:PBC than promotion of Ukrainian culture and artists. They disgust me.

6 years ago

“The TV execs highlight last year’s FIFA World Cup as an example. As it was hosted in Russia, it was not shown on Ukrainian TV” – it’s not true, it was shown on one of the biggest Ukrainian commercial TV channels.

Alex M
Alex M
6 years ago
Reply to  Skimur

It was a pro-russian channel ‘Inter’

6 years ago

Oh crap. Russia will win the televote again. The pro-Russia votes will be huge when this news spread around in those countries.

6 years ago

Good riddance , Ukraine and please don’t come back. Ever !

6 years ago

Tomorrow will be Super Saturday with Portugal and Iceland and nobody will talk about Jamala anymore.