Sanremo 2022

Tonight 25 acts will take to the hallowed Ariston stage for the grand final of the 72nd edition of the Sanremo Music Festival. One one act — most likely the winner — will also go on to represent Italy on home turf at Eurovision 2022. But who should be Italy’s star in Turin?

The Wiwi Jury — our in-house panel of music unprofessionals — has listened to all the competing songs and ranked our favourites. Read on to see who was top with the jury.


1. Michele Bravi – “Inverno dei fiori”

Usually at Sanremo it’s the uptempo songs that get my attention but I think there are several really compelling ballads this year. My favourite is undoubtedly “Inverno dei fiori” by Michele Bravi, the only one that, at the moment, moves me at every listen. Michele has a voice that gets inside, it gives me goosebumps. The musical part takes my breath away. The lyrics are a blow to the heart that speaks to me: “In the hypothesis and in the doubt that I have lost myself, teach me how to learn happiness.”

2. Mahmood & Blanco – “Brividi”
3. Ditonellapiaga & Donatella Rettore – “Chimica”
4. Matteo Romano – “Virale”
5. Sangiovanni – “Farfalle”


1. La Rappresentante di Lista – “Ciao ciao”

“Ciao ciao” is the type of song that makes you think “oh my god, this song is on”, as early as one second in. It captures you from beginning to end, and has you singing it minutes after it’s over. That’s exactly what I look for in a Eurovision song. It’s fun, it’s current, and the vibe is so fun. It hits the mid-point between 1980s music and 2020s music (and, no, it isn’t 2000s music), and has a sound that appeals to all people. I’m hoping these guys make participating in Sanremo an annual thing – they’re the best thing in Italy nowadays.

2. Rkomi – “Insuperabile”
3. Sangiovanni – “Farfalle”
4. Tananai – “Sesso occasionale”
5. Dargen D’Amico – “Dove si balla”


1. Mahmood & Blanco – “Brividi”

It’s shocking how daring “Brividi” is despite being one of the most tender songs on offer. A two-man ballad with (heavy) romantic undertones towards each other that borrows from the sensible side of Bad Bunny, but still retains some urban edge — this is pretty much unseen before in the Eurovision stage. It has all it takes to become the best-faring host entry since Sabina Babayeva, and up there on the Turin stage, who knows what could happen?

2. La Rappresentante di Lista – “Ciao ciao”
3. Ditonellapiaga & Donatella Rettore – “Chimica”
4. Michele Bravi – “Inverno dei fiori”
5. Dargen D’Amico – “Dove si balla”


1. Tananai – “Sesso occasionale”

Look, this isn’t the song I want to win Sanremo nor is it the song I want to represent Italy at Eurovision 2022. But it’s my favourite! The song may be languishing at the very bottom of the overall rankings, but it has plenty of charms. “Sesso occasionale” comes with an 1960s era pop melody, especially packing a punch in the chorus. The lyrics are the cries of a lothario, begging his boo to give him another chance and he swearing he never even liked the other girl. Ok, sure, Tananai doesn’t have the most tuneful vocal style, but he’s got the attitude and is convincingly selling this messy love song.

2. Mahmood & Blanco – “Brividi”
3. Highsnob & Hu – “Abbi cura di te”
4. La Rappresentante di Lista – “Ciao ciao”
5. Rkomi – “Insuperabile”


1. Mahmood & Blanco – “Brividi”

Mahmood has returned to Sanremo to conquer again! Collaborating with one of the biggest young artists of 2021 in Blanco is the perfect move and has produced a heartfelt ballad that fuses their distinctive styles effortlessly. The fragility and the vulnerability of the music draws me into their story from the first note. As the song builds, the breathtaking harmonies of the chorus leave me completely entranced, hearing the sincerity of every word they sing. And whether you understand Italian or not, the emotion Mahmood and Blanco convey to each other on stage and through the song transcends language. This is arresting from beginning to end, and truly left me with shivers.

2. La Rappresentante di Lista – “Ciao ciao”
3. Sangiovanni – “Farfalle”
4. Ditonellapiaga & Donatella Rettore – “Chimica”
5. Noemi – “Ti amo, non lo so dire”


1. Mahmood & Blanco – “Brividi”

Mahmood is back, and for one, I am delighted. This time he completely switches things up and loses a touch of the swag but brings his softer side to Sanremo. Plus, he has brought a friend in Blanco. I am a sucker for a harmony and this one hits the spot! “Brividi” is gentle and affectionate and yet passionate – my clear winner this year. Their voices blend beautifully together, however, it is Mahmood and his smooth yet gritty vocal that wins the day. His voice is special, unmistakable and I could listen to him sing on loop.

2. Irama – “Ovunque sarai”
3. Gianni Morandi – “Apri tutte le porte”
4. Dargen D’Amico – “Dove si balla”
5. Elisa – “O forse sei tu”

What do you think? Who is your favourite act in Sanremo 2022? Who would you like to see be the Eurovision host country’s act this year? Tell us your thoughts below!

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3 years ago

Irama touched me the most tonight, he deserves to win. My other favourites are Mahmood& Blanco and Sangiovanni

3 years ago

There’s only one winner here for me . Irama, this song is an absolute winner in ESC.

3 years ago
Reply to  Europotato

1000% agree! He sings with so much emotion, it’s amazing!

3 years ago

my top 5: Mahmood & Blanco, Gianni Morandi, Elisa, Irama and Dargen D’Amico
Sangiovanni’s song is nice as well

3 years ago

I really like Brividi, and I feel like it could be in my top 10 if chosen. Their chemistry is undeniable, the melody is lovely, and it’s also very well written. Still, I think that my winners are Irama and Michele Bravi. These two songs are just very powerful. I would also place Elisa, Noemi, LRDL, and Sangiovanni quite high on my overall list. Notable mention goes to Massimo, because that chorus paired with those lyrics can provoke some feelings.

3 years ago

Brividi its a boring song. Its a ordibary song. If a nother cobtry gave this sobg its not be in topp of the bettinglist. But now its Italy, so its gonna win again. Borinf

3 years ago
Reply to  2022

Please learn to spell check before posting

3 years ago
Reply to  2022

I haven’t seen so many R&B ballads with rapping parts in Eurovision. So I wound’t call it ordinary. Unless you live in a parallel world.

ete sech
ete sech
3 years ago

I found myself loving a couple of this year’s underdogs: Virale and Sesso Occasionale. They’re both lovely and fun songs in their own ways and have actually a good composition: I love the melody and the lyrics, even if the latter one’s can come off as sketchy. It’s such a shame Sesso Occasionale is dead last, but I get it, Tananai had a messy first night, and was also buried by the press 🙁 I almost forgot, but this is my top 5 (I hope at least one of these entries, besides Brividi which is already taking part of it… Read more »

Last edited 3 years ago by ete sech
3 years ago

I miss Madame

3 years ago

I just read that mahmood has tour dates during the eurovision week. So there’s a chance he will refuse and someone else will go

3 years ago
Reply to  Alo

That doesn’t matter, he needs to win Sanremo, even if he rejects. Rai might pick the second place, if agreed to do Eurovision.

ete sech
ete sech
3 years ago
Reply to  Alo

Maybe he can postpone the dates in case he wins

Last edited 3 years ago by ete sech
3 years ago
Reply to  ete sech

Brividi needs a slight revamp to meet ESC time requirements so it’s possible that it’ll become a solo Blanco version.

3 years ago

Strong selection this year. Favourites are Matteo Romano, Mahmood and Blanco, Elisa, Irama, La Rapp.di Lista and Gianni . Realistically, I think it’s between Mahmood and Blanco and Elisa. Gianni possibly has an outside chance with a very strong televote tonight.

3 years ago

1. Mahmood e Blanco
2. Gianni Morandi
3. Irama
4. Emma
5. Ditonellapiaga e Donnatella

3 years ago

“Brividi” is probably my favourite but I don’t know if it is the best suited for a contest. Anyway, I’m not as excited as other with this selection. Tbh I’m not a big fan of San Remo. They are, objectively, good songs in general but I always struggle to find a song I can root for.

My top 5:

1.     Mahmood & Blanco – Brividi (7)
2.     Dargen D’Amico – Dove si balla (7)
3.     Aka 7even – Perfetta così (6.75)
4.     Irama – Ovunque sarai (6.75)
5.     Michele Bravi – Inverno dei fiori (6.75)

3 years ago

No matter what happens, Italy has at least 5-6 songs that can end up in top 5 so I am not worried whoever wins. We will not have a zero points host country this year, no way.

3 years ago

i think farfalle could be the dark horse for tonight

3 years ago

My Top 5:

  1. Guisy Ferreri – Miele (am I really the only one who loves this song?)
  2. La rappresentante die lista – Ciao ciao (live a bit weak though)
  3. Dargen D’Amico – Dove si balla
  4. Noemi – Ti amo non lo so dire
  5. Iva Zanicchi – Voglio Amarti

But there sooo many good songs. Not sure about “Brividi” though. I don’t see anything special in it.

Last edited 3 years ago by Andi
3 years ago
Reply to  Andi

Miele is also one of my favorites, some people don’t seem to like Giusy’s voice but personally I love it.

3 years ago
Reply to  Andi

Giusy is my favourite too! Happy to know someone else loves Miele too

Last edited 3 years ago by Nata
3 years ago
Reply to  Andi

Ferreri has much better songs than this.
Some of her pieces are now italian classics (Non ti scordar mai di me, Novembre) others are very popular (Amore e Capoeira or Roma-Bangkok, the mist viewed italian song on YouTube).

Alfonso Moreno Domínguez
Alfonso Moreno Domínguez
3 years ago

My favourites are ciao ciao and chimica

3 years ago
  1. Mahmood + Blanco
  2. Irama
  3. Dargen D’amico
  4. Michele Bravi
  5. Elisa / La Representante Di Lista

I also like Rkomi, Emma, Achille Lauro etc. many good songs this year!

3 years ago

Michele Bravi, Mahmood & Blanco, Gianni Morandi, Irama and Highsnob & Hu are in my Top 5.. but there is even more songs (Matteo, IRDL, Sangiovanni…) which would take my nr. 1 spot at the moment..

Little Miss Sassy
Little Miss Sassy
3 years ago

Ana Mena is underrated

3 years ago

Even though Matteo Romano will not win is my absolute favourite and then Elisa. Today is the fist time I listened to Irama and it is probably the best in terms of quality.

Ravencrow Neversmiles
Ravencrow Neversmiles
3 years ago

My favorites are:
Rkomi – Insuperabile
Michele Bravi – Inverno dei fiori
Sangiovanni – Farfalle
Mahmood & Blanco – Brividi
in that order. If any of these win they will go straight to the first palce of my top list.

3 years ago

Sometimes, it’s scary how much Robyn and I think the same about music.
Here’s hoping Sesso Occasionale doesn’t come last!

ete sech
ete sech
3 years ago
Reply to  Briekimchi

Omg, count me in, it’s uncanny! But it’s said great minds think alike 😀

3 years ago

Not sure i find brividi good. A bit forgettable.

3 years ago
Reply to  Irishfan

Lol how this comment survived from the dislikes attack that every comment against brividi has?

3 years ago

I hope it will be Brividi. Really strong. Ciao, ciao is passable.

3 years ago
Reply to  Ulla

I will be suprised if it doesn’t win.

3 years ago

Pretty random choices.

ete sech
ete sech
3 years ago
Reply to  Jacob

It’s an event stacked with great entries, what did you expect? lol