
Wiwi has been making fun of Ani Lorak’s outfits for weeks, and now he feels like a total douche. Wiwi saw her speak at the ‘celebrity’ press conference this morning, alongside co-host Timur, and she was sweeter than a blini dripping in maple syrup.

“It’s a contest for the children, but it’s also a big deal for us,” the Shady Lady singer told reporters. “I’m so happy to be here and to see how emotional it is for the children.” Then she said a bunch of stuff in Russian and Ukrainian, and Wiwi missed it all. But he’s sure it was real nice.

The contestants are actually at their first dress rehearsal right now. Wiwi just watched them parade out. They’ve done so at least 12 times this morning. Apparently the producers aren’t happy with their various struts (Russia’s Ekaterina Ryabova looks really confident. Love her). After the contestants are introduced (OMG, they are parading out AGAIN) a bunch of teeny tiny Ukrainian children do some crazy acrobatics. They seriously look like they are made of elastic.

Ooo — Ani Lorak is on the stage now. She’s going to be performing two numbers tonight. Despite my protestations about my earlier protestations, I can’t wait to write about her clothes. See y’all later. xoxo, Wiwi

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14 years ago

I hope she performs ‘Shady Lady’! But probably she debut new song which not as good

14 years ago

don’t speak too soon. let’s see how she acts on stage

14 years ago

I was surprised about how nice she was too. Down to Earth