So what do you get if you mix the “Heys” of The Lumineers and Of Monsters And Men with Nicola Roberts‘ and Madonna‘s fondness for spelling along with a dollop of Beyoncé‘s girlpower? Why it’s Soluna Samay’s brand spanking new single “L.O.V.E. (If Women Ruled the World)”!

After a brief hiatus, Soluna is back with her attempt at a new feminist anthem. Throughout the song she sings of how if women were in charge there would be world peace:

If women ruled the world
There will be no wars

However, at the same time she takes a swipe at the perceived cattiness and bitchiness of certain women:

Just a bunch of hands not talking to each other
If women ruled the world

Luckily Soluna has the perfect solution – love:
L to the O to the V to the E
Y’all listen up, don’t ever stop believing
L to the O to the V to the E
You’re not alone
L to the O to the V to the E
Y’all listen up baby that’s how we need it
L to the O to the V to the E
L to the O to the V to the E

The retro video which features some of the most powerful women from history including Angela Merkel, Margaret Thatcher and Condoleezza Rice would seem to be something of a contradiction to the message of the song. Afterall, Thatcher was responsible for the Falklands war while Rice was heavily involved with the Bush administration. Also, the video depicts a lot of violence towards fruit, particularly bananas and apples. Now I might be just reading a bit too much into this but as a man I couldn’t help but squirm as that foot slammed down on the banana. And as for the stiletto heel through the apple – OUCH!!!

But there’s no need to dwell on such trivial matters when the song is as catchy as this. Come on now everybody “L to the O to the V to the E…”

Padraig Jude contributed this report from Ireland. Follow him on Twitter at @PadraigJude. And while you’re at it, like our Facebook page to stay up-to-date with the latest Eurovision news and gossip.

Photo: Soluna Samay

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11 years ago

This is so catchy! I agree that the lyrics don’t make that much sense (especially with Condi being in the video), but she did a good job with this one.