After teasing us at the beginning of the month, Stefan Stan and TeddyK have confirmed that they are entering Selectia Nationala 2014 and they just released their song for Eurovision, “Breathe”. Could this be Romania’s dark horse?

The song is surprising in many ways. First of all, TeddyK, a virtually unknown 18-year old singer (her real name is Teodora Constantin), is paired with the first winner of The Voice – Romania, Stefan Stan, and gurl can definitely keep up! Stefan’s voice is deep and masculine, but sensitive and tender at the same time, while TeddyK’s delicate but also strong voice conjures a broad range of emotions. She sounds to us like a cross between Rihanna and Lana del Rey, combining the sensual tones of the former with the dark undertones of the latter. Possibly the biggest surprise of Selectia Nationala so far – and we can’t wait to see them live! “Breathe” sounds almost too good to be true.

The song itself, written by “Tornero” co-author Eduard Carcota, is more than just a love ballad, it’s a sensitive but radio-friendly tune with a memorable chorus. The two voices blend and compliment each other beautifully. The lyrics, which are a whole class above those of “Miracle”, are deep – although a tiny bit incomprehensible at times. But we are sure that, come Selectia Nationala final time on the 1st of March, the two singers will have polished their English. (And yes: we have no doubt that this will go directly to the final).

So yes, “Breathe” makes us excited and we’re glad to see that “Miracle” has some strong competition. This year’s Selectia Nationala promises to deliver, y’all. Too close to call!

What do you think? Are you team “Breathe” or “Miracle”? Or are you waiting for the official announcement of the 12 finalists on 20 February before you make up your mind?

Bogdan Honciuc is a Romania-based correspondent for You can follow him on Twitter @stingovision.

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Irina Gavrila
Irina Gavrila
11 years ago

Wow! That`s a clever ballad! With a great, simple, but sensitive show they could conquer entire Europe! Romania, please send this!

11 years ago

It’s not bad! Pretty when you’re in the moment while listening to it, but like da 1st Alex said, it’s linear.. not much of a difference the whole way through.

11 years ago

Wow, such a wonderful song!!! Love it! Definitely my choice!

11 years ago

I like the song. Good melody. Wish Breathe to win. Well, we’ve heard just 2 songs from Romania so far. Let’s wait and see. But Miracle is a song about …nothing. Boring. Sorry.

11 years ago

Okay, enunciation problems first of all. I can’t understand 70% of what they’re saying in the first verse. Also, so much autotune – why??? This could sound nice live, and the musical composition is deeper and more interesting than Miracle (for instance), but the studio recording is a bit of a letdown. As of now, I don’t see Romania sending either this or Paula & Ovi’s act. Also, if this does go to Eurovision, they should fix up the studio recording to make it both more intelligible and less pitch-corrected. I’ve noticed songs that sound autotuned in the original recording… Read more »

11 years ago

This is way way worse than Miracle. It is very linear, boring, it doesn’t have a climax, it wouldn’t even qualify at Copenhagen. Miracle is a winner song, with Paula’s 18 seconds high note and their amazing live performance they might bring the trophey in Romania. I totally hope Romania won’t send this because it won’t gen any votes in the show.

11 years ago

This is five billion times better than “Miracle.” If Romania sends this, it probably won’t win because it isn’t ‘Eurovision-y’ enough, but I know I’d vote for it. But remember Albania in 2012 sent an alternative sounding song and placed 5th.

11 years ago

@Giorgios: ukraine still has their record, you may be refering to Armenia, Sweden or Turkey.

11 years ago

It’s really hard to compare them both. You have one plastic sounding-one with a duet of amazing voices that could easily be a worldwide hit against a deep-dark pair that verses may fly through people’s minds. but may surprise everyone. Apples and Oranges I might say.

Let’s see if Mihai can shake things up.

11 years ago

This is better in just about every way to “Miracle” in my opinion. Clearly I will be in the minority here but I would love this to be sent to Copenhagen over Paula and Ovi.

Melissa J
11 years ago

Nice song, but I’m still behind Ovi and Paula Seling!

11 years ago

Miracle is 1000 times better than Breathe.This song won’t even qualify if they send this.I don’t know if they want to break their record as Ukraine already did

11 years ago

Game *ON*.