Eesti Laul 2015 — Estonia’s national selection for Eurovision — will stage the second semi-final on February 14. So the Wiwi Jury — our in-house panel of musical unprofessionals — is busy reviewing the ten acts that will compete. Up next it’s Daniel Levi with their song “Burning Lights”. Do we think they will be burning through to the finals? Read on to find out…

Reviews: Daniel Levi’s “Burning Lights”

Angus: This is ultra slick and ultra catchy. Estonia’s answer to A Friend in London have arrived and the song is literally bursting with so many different things to hook it is impossible not to be won over. It is a composition chameleon – part rock, part One Direction, part Disney Channel and part highly polished pop.

Score: 9/10

Anthony: Another pop rock entry from Estonia this year, and it’s one of the pleasant ones this time. “Burning Lights” has the catchiness, amid a more polished one, of McBusted combined with the stage presence of OneRepublic from Daniel Levi. He’s like a one man version of the two bands!

Score: 7.5/10

Chris: I like the ethereal start to the song and then it turns in to a catchy pop-rock number that really works. I mean – this is really, really good. It’s really memorable and the “li-i-i-i-ights” hook is a great earworm that just managed to stay on the right side of being catchy and not annoying. I hope this wins!

Score: 8.5/10

Josh: I have a sneaking suspicion this song could be the dark horse of Eesti Laul 2015. It’s a solid, catchy pop-rock song. Daniel is super cute, and I love his style, and I love his voice. I enjoy this. I predict a second place behind “Goodbye To Yesterday” this year.

Score: 8/10

Patrick: I had high hopes in this but the result of the song is horrible rock trash. It’s loaded with energy like they had drugs beforehand. I can’t handle it – it gives me a headache!

Score: 0.5/10

Ramadan: It sounds like a song you’d find on an American album. It’s catchy, radio-friendly, it’s got the whole package, boom! This could easily be the dark horse and win the whole thing.

Score: 8/10

Robyn: “I’m switching my brain to energy efficient”, sings Daniel, using one of the song’s many electrical metaphors for love. And speaking of energy, this song has it in abundance. It has a really great vibe to it, the sort of song that would really get the party started. I would be very happy if this won Eesti Laul!

Score: 9/10

Sami: It’s one of my favourite songs from this year’s Eesti Laul. I love his voice, I love how the song grows and it’s so easy to sing along for those who can’t speak English at all. He looks like a star and I really hope we see this song in the final.

Score: 9/10

Sopon: Slay, Daniel, slay!!! This is super catchy and actually utilizes modern rock in the right way. Rock is either done really well or really bad, and Daniel has done the former. I don’t see this winning, but maybe OGAE Second Chance will deal him a victory?

Score: 7.5/10




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10 years ago

‘Slay, Daniel, Slay!!!’
This is why I love Wiwibloggs

10 years ago

So why weren’t highest and lowest scores removed here? It’s kind of silly that the average score is below all scores except one…

10 years ago

* Patrick hope you saw this

10 years ago

Oh I missed so much this low evaluations . Good job guys! You proved again how unprofessional you are :)) (Patrick is hope you saw this)

10 years ago

This is my favourite song in Eesti Laul and I loved it from the first listen. Either this or goodbye to yesterday should win to get Estonia back in the top left hand side of the scoreboard