William: Belgium’s Loïc Nottet went avant-garde and minimalist on stage during his first rehearsal at Eurovision 2015. Visually this is very black-and-white: The LED screen is super bright and blinding, and Loic wears a black coat (that in some ways reminded us of Aram Mp3’s shape from last year). His dancers have very jerky body movements and at various points they fall to the floor. Loïc spends most of the performance jerking his neck — let’s hope he doesn’t get whiplash — and he forgot a lot of his choreography. The word on everyone’s lips in the press centre is “disappointing”.
Belgium’s first rehearsal at Eurovision 2015
Padraig: I LOVE “Rhythm Inside”, but something was missing today. Hopefully that’s down to nerves. They had to start over several times due to Loic messing up. The staging is reminiscent of his Voice performance, but without the backing dancers. The staging is certainly out there, but there’s no Loreen or Margaret Berger style wow factor. I’m confident that this can be all ironed out by the time the second rehearsals come round.
Loïc Nottet: Reviews and Reactions
Chris: As much as I loved Loïc’s performance on both the Voice as well as his Alice in Nightmareland video, I was worried that if he tried the same here that it might not come across well on screen. Turns out I was right to be worried – nothing seemed to click in this performance. The bright white screen clashing with Loïc all in black really didn’t work for me and I’ve been left thinking that Belgium have truly shot themselves in the foot. Where others around him have improved, Loic is looking to be on the qualification precipice.
Belgium: Meet and Greet
You can read our reviews of all of the rehearsals by clicking here.
Photo: Thomas Hanses (EBU)
Don’t really understand the comments about him not sounding great live. In my opinion, he’s one of the very few who sound better live than they do in their music video.
love the staging, but his voice isn’t working for me
which is sad since it’s one of my favorite songs
Okay, that twist will give him lots of points.
Too much, too much of anything so my first impression & many others from the press room of 1st rehearsal ““Disappointing”.
…more to come
This is seriously cool …. I love how not Eurovisiony it is !!!! A-M-A-Z-I-N-G
Best rehearsal for me till now.
I loved his performance in The Voice so I’m going to be mad when this isn’t as good… But I believe in him! Also, his clothes are still on their way to Vienna (there was a problem, I think) so he’s going to wear something different.
C’mon Loïc! You can do it!
I like the black and white and the Michael Jackson vibe I’m getting out of this
It does nothing for me. I liked the song and the video, but the live vocals en performance are bad. I hope it will get better.
Of course, it looks a bit unfinished (that’s what rehearsals are for), but I think it’s promising! If it’s only half as good as his performance on The Voice Belgique, it’ll be amazing (and I love the way he spins)! However, I hope they are not gonna use so many lights. I was on the verge of an epileptic seizure just with those 30 seconds.
didnt he say this performance will be different or something? dissapointing indeed… i was expecting dragons
This song was annoying to me all along and I have a feeling it’s just gonna fall flat and become the most forgettable number of the evening especially given that it’s performed so early.
@bavarson If you feel that way, then don’t watch!
stupid Europe = stupid performances at ESC
So funny how my impressions from the videos are different from the team’s reviews – Looking at the videos, Belgium looks stunning to me, while Armenia looks plain ok, while the reviews are just the opposite… the wonders of press center screenings?
Many on this blogs predicts win or TOP 3 or 5 for Beligum . With this performance Belgium wiil be out of TOP 10 in final.
This boy can really win , is a Belgium victory in the air, fantastic perform
I am in love with this performance. I really has grown on me when I first saw this.
It’s everything I expected. It doesn’t rally surprise though.
I just mentioned that on the Armenia’s post. You guys are quick!
Anyway… spin!!! But like Armenia, I have to see the entire thing.
This performance screams "Taken By A Stranger"! <33333333
Can't wait to send 100 votes to Belgium!! <3