William: Amber tells us to “break through the silence” and she certainly did that this morning. She continued to grow in confidence during her second rehearsal, belting out verse after verse with conviction and pizzaz. Her fire also came through in her movement. Leading into the final verse she gave the audience a coquettish wink, she dropped some sexy lasso-like arm movements, and she closed the number by leaning back and shouting upward into the mic. The dress — all black lace and sparkles — looks fabulous, as does the simple but effective LED which moves from dark blue to orange. A “Warrior” always fights through the tough times, so it works that she’s moving from darkness to light. Slay, mama!
Malta’s Second Rehearsal at Eurovision 2015
Amber Interview
(Photo: Elena Volotova, EBU)
Well done amber …. One of the best ..
Best song in the contest so far . My opinion she have same chances of winning like Italy and Sweden. Good Luck
welldone malta welldone amber .. 12 points ..
Stupendous! A great performance indeed! Well done Amber.
her wink and sexy face is so good! but her voice in some parts of the song becomes annoying. Fingers crossed it will qualify.
As much as I love this, Im terribly afraid that it will end up 11-12th place, just missing out :/
I hated the song, and when I saw her first rehearsal I start loving it, but now…. It’s AMAZING!!! Maybe…. I can see…. A new Dark Horse called “MALTA” is coming strongly. GOOD LUCK FROM SPAIN!!!
you are such a warrior amber, bring it on for malta, youre the best good luck amber
go Amber! we believe in you…make us proud
Her frock looks like a cheap imitation of Sanna’s last year, the commotion with the Conchita-like graphics in the background is too much and doesn’t really fit the song and if she sings like that she simply has no chance.
I don’t think we will see Malta in the final.
very dull song, no charism and the voice is not strong enough… not even close
She is trying way too hard to show off the vibrato in her voice
Vocally she is really off in places during this rehearsal and her song is not good enough to get away with doing that. She needs to deliver this flawlessly or she will be going home early. The staging is ok but she is not delivering or performing with enough confidence.
I voted for Amber in the malta eurovision song contest because I believed in her and knew she could make us Maltese proud. Now I can truly say that I don’t regret that descison a bit. She is the true warrior and she is there to win it so move out of the way because competition has just arrived. Goodluck Amber from all of us in Malta we are behind you 100%.
Wow! Her english has improved so much. I can no longer hear “The pasta’s depressed” when she sings “The past is the past”. Go Amber! Your vocals are on point, girl!
The song is great but I think she needs to have a stronger voice in some sections like last year’s song, and also she should have both hands free.
This song is so underrated. I have goosebumps when I listen to it.
This has definitely become my favourite this year! Amazing! I know it won’t win, but people actually questioning her chances for qualifying into the final is beyond me!
Well I think that this girl gonna make it trough the final….I do not like why some people write certain comments …every one has an opinion..Yeah Georgia warrior is good too but i like more Amber… I know that this is a competition but please realize that these singers are doing their best to perform…any way good luck too all singers and to the beautiful Amber as well…
Describe it in one word: Amazing! This should obviously qualify for the final and be in the first places. The problem with bookmakers is that they are compering this song to the other “Warrior” title of Georgia, which the song message is not the same at all. Apart from that, Malta is being judged badly (dislikes, disgusting comments) from Georgians, which this is truly annoying, all of all Malta chosen the song first in November and the song was written too much before. They were know that there was already song with that title, so they wanted that type of… Read more »
I dislike her voice and in addition…
What a rehearsal! and i hope people vote for her
Guess it’s just me who doesnt see the appeal to this! Her voice is so nasally but I’ll agree that she is selling it and the audience is so gonna buy it
I wouldn’t really mind Malta qualifying, with a performance like this…
What a rehearsal!!!!!! This is sailing through to the final. Don’t listen to the bookies who have this 5th from the bottom and a borderline qualifier. One of the best so far.
She is performing so well to the cameras, and these are not even the optimum shots. I hope she advances.
@ Well i really love both *Warriors*.. <3
Each of them has its own charisma & they are unique on their own different way.. <3
@ Oh yeah *Otna* 🙂
Thank you Robyn <3 🙂
Amber's first version was much stronger & powerful…Much of her passion & energy were just gone with this version..
I can understand you though..
I completely agree Mario, I could listen to her talk for days! Love her accent! Melanie Rene and Morland also have amazing voices that I love to hear <3
@Robyn – I agree with you to some extent, but Nina ‘sells’ her Warrior literally. She’s dark and dangerous, whilst Amber sells hers in more lyric way, and by that I mean she is a regular person who has to fight in her life. Nina is overdramatic to me, I guess. And some people like it, but I don’t. I find Amber more natural, more ‘human’, and props to her for not changing herself into Lord Voldemort or smh ‘dark’ just to sing at ESC.
I love Amber’s wonderful accent & beautiful way of talking! <3 😀
I would go & meet her & record her talking with my cell phone! <3 😀
<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 😀 Yesterday when it was my birthday & woke up early in the morning i opened the escradio & the first song that was getting played was the *Warrior* of my dear Amber! <3 😀 Its my #1 most favorite song of the 2nd SF! <3 🙂 My 5th most favorite song among the 40.. <3 It would actually be even my #1 most favorite if Amber had went to Vienna… Read more »
That wink was amaaazzzzzzzzzzinnnnnnnnnnggggggg!!!!!
She absolutely SLAYED that! <3 That was, in my opinion, the best rehearsal so far! I adore her voice, can't wait to see it live and vote for it!! <3