From the opening number to the voting segment to the green room, the hosts of Eurovision are always there — hopefully smoothing transitions and filling time. They guide the show and make it flow, and, as was the case this year, they sometimes remind the audience that this is a “music contest” and not a “political conflict.” They are routinely targets of harsh critique from fans and official commentators. In 2001, for instance, Terry Wogan labelled the 2001 hosts “Dr. Death and The Tooth Fairy”.

Now that Eurovision 2015 has come to a close, it’s time to assess how this year’s hosts stacked up against their predacessors. We’ve chosen to limit the poll to contests staged since 2000. Given the evolving format of the show and technological innovations, it seems unfair to compare the hosts from 1956 with the hosts from, say, 2011. The 2009 contest featured a different set of hosts for the semi finals and final, so they are listed separately.

You can vote for as many hosts as you like, but you can only vote once, so make it count! Be sure to click the box next to each set of hosts you want to support before pressing submit. 

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This poll will close on the 30 June 2015 at 23:59 GMT

Vote in all of our polls by clicking here.

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9 years ago

2011 2013 2014 and 2015 were best but out of all of them


9 years ago

I’m from Germany and i love Anke ? xD She’s awesome! She has to host the national final again – maybe with Barbara? 😉

9 years ago

Actually my favourite are this year hosts with Conchita.I liked that there were only women and they were all so impressive end without stress.I liked that the green room was like a part of the scene as the hosts was speaking to Conchita during the shows and I liked them because they were calm and professionals.Also I liked their humour and the way they presented the voting.Nice job ORF..12 points Austria!!!

well,now I want to see a Eurovision only with men as host beacause I saw that women succeeded and I want what men can do!!!!

9 years ago

Petra, no contest.

9 years ago

My Top
1. 2007 Jaana & Mikko <3 <3
2. 2003
3. 2014
4. 2013
5. 2010
6. 2011
7. 2009 (Final)
8. 2005
9. 2000
10. 2004
11. 2001
12. 2006
13. 2015
14. 2008
15. 2012
16. 2002
17. 2009 (Semifinal)

9 years ago

2010, 2004, 2007 and 2012 these are my favourite hosts. I dont like Petra during the voting but without voting she was good. This year Mirjam was awful she just act like child during the voting. She has a lot of experience but she didnt show us according to me.

9 years ago

2004 and 2007. Meltem(2004) was amazing she was so adorable and excited. I really want to meet her one day. <3

9 years ago

“Even Graham Norton [BBC Commentator] said she’s funny [on Petra], which is a massive compliment.”

And Graham is the ultimate juror for that, ha? Those English self-centered pricks have really big egos and I’m more than glad when UK hits bottom of the table list over and over again.

9 years ago

Definitely Petra Mede, for her skills and professionalism, and for coming back to having only one host in the show (cause if we keep on like this, we’ll have 5 hosts in the 2020 contest). Second best were the Danish trio.

The three Austrian girls from this year were a disaster.

9 years ago

We all know that the first 3 places are reserved for Petra, Anke and that Danish trio.

But, for me, Petra was too much “plastic” and rehearsed. I do love how everything looked like at the end and I do believe that in this line up she’ll be the winner, but somehow, I don’t like her unnatural & robotic hosting.

Somehow, the Danish trio deserves to be on top, first and foremost because of their naturalism.

Maya G
Maya G
9 years ago

I voted for 2011 mostly because of Anke Engelke who is IMO the best Eurovision host of all times.
I’m quite surprised 2013 is the favorite so far, as I thought Petra had the charisma and stage presence of the Siri app.

Omar - Mexico
Omar - Mexico
9 years ago

It would be good if in the poll we could vote for each host individually, for example, I LOVE Anke in 2011, even more than Petra Mede, but the trio in Dusseldorf was not as good, but individually I would vote for Anke 10x better than Petra.

9 years ago

This year’s were terrible. It was uncomfortable watching them. The current top three in the poll were all good but my favourites were Denmark 2014. They actually enhanced the show instead of taking away from it.

9 years ago

I think Finland’s hosts are underrated. Jaana and Mikko were great in my opinion. Krisse was also funny.
Norway’s hosts were good too, but they are underrated.

Marco Antonio
Marco Antonio
9 years ago

Petra Mede, Petra Mede, Petra Mede and oh… Petra Mede!

9 years ago

The best were:

Austria 2015
Azerbaijan 2012
Germany 2011

9 years ago

For me best 3
1. 2011
2. 2007
3. 2003

Worst 2009 semi final in history of Eurovision

9 years ago

Top 5 best
1.Sweden 2013
2.Germany 2011
3.Sweden 2000
4.Norway 2010
5.Serbia 2008
top 5 worst
1.Russia 2009(semis)
2.Azerbaijan 2012
3.Ukraine 2005
4.Greece 2006
5.Austria 2015

Sweden’s knows how to choose hosts!And also in 1984 the hostess was great!!!

9 years ago

Pity that so few remember the Eurovision of 2003 in Riga. They were really great, so natural and with a huge sense of humour. Their way of presenting the voting was just epic. Thanks to this duet Riga has been one of the best editions in the history.

9 years ago

I loved 2000, 2002, 2003, 2007, 2011, 2013 and 2014.

I hated 2004, the Turkish hosts didn’t even speak proper English and the hostess was so annoying.

9 years ago

Germany 2011, Sweden 2013, Austria 2015 🙂

9 years ago

Germans where good and finland where hilarious especially the women in the Green room I always remember how they acted like she was a random women in the audience it was like watching surprise surprise hahah

9 years ago

Anke (especially Anke!), Stefan and Judith from 2011 all the way! By far the best, no doubt.
I liked the 2012 hosts very much as well, although I seem to be pretty much the only one.
I’m not a huge fan of Petra Mede, she’s good but not THAT good in my opinion.

9 years ago

2011 probably had the best hosts in recent years. 2007, 2009, 2013, and 2014 were also pretty good. I absolutely hated the 2012 and 2015 hosts though.

9 years ago

Sorry, but Petra Mede is the clear top. She made the contest fun, while not a joke. Even Graham Norton [BBC Commentator] said she’s funny, which is a massive compliment.

9 years ago

Well this year’s Vision trio of ladies definitely were NOT the worst hosts though..
I want to clear this..

9 years ago

germany and sweden 2013 are the only ones i can really remember.

9 years ago

2015 2013 and 2014 were the best. I didn’t like this year’s hosting

9 years ago

2011 and 2013 were the best. 2014 is almost good because the program is great but I don’t want them trying to joke about Eurovision stereotypes – too awkward, seems trying hard, and should’ve stayed in Danish viewers instead (I am looking at you Pilou).

9 years ago

This year’s hosts were boring and awkward. No excitement (apart from Anabella).

Serbia’s hosts were boring and basic as well. Russia’s hosts were lifeless and quiet. The hosts of the semifinals in Russia were the most annoying. I was also annoyed by the voice of the Estonian hostess in 2002.
Latvia’s hosts had no personality and the male host was annoying and kinda rude.
Also, Ukraine’s hosts were annoying (the guy kept repeating “could you please give us your votes please”) and the hostess’s voice was annoying again.

Susanne Schoeberl
Susanne Schoeberl
9 years ago

Why isn’t it possible to vote single persons? In each group there are good and not so good presenters.

9 years ago

Germans 2011
Petra 2013
Greeks 2006
Finns 2007
and the Danish guys in 2014

Azeris 2012
Russians 2009 (both semifinal and final)
Norwegians 2010
Latvians 2003
Ukrainians 2005
Serbians 2008

9 years ago

Mirjam Weichselbraun was the weakest hostess this year, which is shame, is she is normally very funny and quick-witted. She has a high profile in German television, but for the international audience she seemed uncomfortable and intimitated. She already told in advance of Eurovision, that she does not know how to be funny in English language. And everyone could see that she really didn’t know it. Alice Tumler gave a very confident performance, you could tell that especially when Suzy from Portugal got lost. Whereas when Estonia got lost, Mirjam got lost too. Arabella gave a pretty overconfident performance. Here… Read more »

9 years ago

For me, it was Petra Mede (and Eric Saade in the green room) because her English sounded real and not robotic or rehearsed at all. And, no dodgy pronunciation of the word Europe (ahem Eldar 2012 “Your Rope”). After Petra I’d say the hosts of the 2011 edition. Which was my favorite contest so far, the songs were good, the host city was nice, the hosts injected some humor (especially Anke) although Judith wasn’t really needed as Stephan and Anke seemed to present the show without her. The 2014 hosts were good, although Lise didn’t really know what to say… Read more »

9 years ago

Germany 2011, Petra 2013, Denmark 2014 are the best.

9 years ago

This year’s were the worst for a long time I think, especially the blonde one, can’t remember her name. Every time the camera was on her she looked so bored with the whole thing and came across as really arrogant. I liked Sakis and Maria in 06, Anke from Germany and the Danes last year. Personally I think Petra was good but is really over rated.

Melissa J
9 years ago

I wish the 2010 hosts had more love! I thought they were great and worked well together. I miss that Erik Solbakken didn’t host MGP this year, as I’ve enjoyed seeing him do it the past couple years. I did not care for the 2011 hosts–I did not think they were that funny (seemed too staged, too gimicky, and I thought it was rude of Anke to make the 2012 contest political) or last year’s host (what was the thing with China? They were pretty bland). This year, it was hard to understand the hosts and they didn’t really have… Read more »

9 years ago

The hosts of 2006,2011,2013,2014, are the best!! I really didn’t like the 2012 hosts!! Sorry…

9 years ago

My favourite hosts of all time are the Finnish hosts, Miko and Jaana, I loved them so much. I also enjoyed the Danish and of course my hometeam this year. I liked Anke a lot in 2011, but her co-hosts not so much. The Azeri hosts were probably the worst.

I am not a fan of Petra Mede at all, as she seems unfriendly and smug.

Mei International
Mei International
9 years ago

BEST MOMENT EVER-Anke throwing shade at Azerbaijan in 2012 voting **Eldar and Leyla die a little on the inside**

Mario I Am Summer ~ My Summer Vision of Gay Love Summer Lovers
Mario I Am Summer ~ My Summer Vision of Gay Love Summer Lovers
9 years ago

4 next year Sweden’s Vision i would like to see one of these ladies as hostess..

~ Loreen <3
~ Petra <3
~ Charlotte Perelli <3
~ Carola <3
~ Mariette <3
~ Helena Paparizou! <3

& Samir with Victor hosting the Green Room <3 🙂

9 years ago

@Arianator your hosts were bad sry. If this were a subject of stage I’d be scrambling to vote Azerbaijan but it isn’t so

Mario I Am Summer ~ My Summer Vision of Gay Love Summer Lovers
Mario I Am Summer ~ My Summer Vision of Gay Love Summer Lovers
9 years ago

Well i did not really like much Petra of 2015 that she hosted the Greatest Hits Party in London compared with the briliant Petra of 2013..
It really depends on the timing & the actual whole atmosphere of each Vision..

And it is just ironic because in 2013 i remember that there were many eurofans that were not really impressed by Petra but now i have seen mainly almost praising her on her 2013 hosting.. 🙂
Well they might changed their mind i guess.. 🙂

9 years ago

I think the problem this year with the hosts was that they didn’t work as a trio. All 3 were good on their own. Petra and Anke forever remain the two best hosts though I quite liked the hosting in 2014 it wasnt bad at all. The Azerbaijani trio were quite dull – they should’ve dropped Eldar.

9 years ago

Petra Mede was by far the best. 2011 would’ve been my 2nd, even though Anke was the only one of the 3 that I liked.

Mario I Am Summer ~ My Summer Vision of Gay Love Summer Lovers
Mario I Am Summer ~ My Summer Vision of Gay Love Summer Lovers
9 years ago

Too many adore Anke but i do not feel really the same.. She did a fantastic job & she was very sympathetic {nothing wrong at all with her } but i do not have her though on the same league with the fabulous GreAtY Petra or the charming turks hosts of 2004.. I really liked her but i do not adored her as i did with Petra especially.. Even if Petra gets picked by SVT to host again the 61st Vision next year in Sweden the feeling & the whole atmosphere will definitely not be the same as it was… Read more »

9 years ago

In 2011 Germany got the presenting choice perfect, it had a brilliant balance between being humorous and informative and all three of them had great chemistry. It turned a contest of average musical quality for Eurovision into one that I still remember like it was yesterday.

However I’m pretty sure Petra Mede’s interval act will not be topped in the next decade, and she was brilliant in the 60th anniversary show 🙂

Mario I Am Summer ~ My Summer Vision of Gay Love Summer Lovers
Mario I Am Summer ~ My Summer Vision of Gay Love Summer Lovers
9 years ago

@ Arianator
Why you get upset really that Zac did not vote 4 Azerbaijan’s hosts?
Mainly almost all of the eurofans believe that they were not good as hosts..
So just chill out & do not get it personally that they dislike your country..

This thing that i have seen mainly azerbaijanis & armenians mostly that are getting so sensitive about their country/entries/acts if they see someone writing negative words about them is immature & childish behaviour..

Mei International
Mei International
9 years ago

2006, 2009 and 2011 were the best years
Why? Because Maria Menounous is a trained presenter, as are Ivan Urgant and Anke Engelke. Their co-presenters were really good too! Sometimes I question why they pick certain people to present (such as Eldar) whose English is so so and whose presence are boring (2010…)

I do LOVE Petra–the Swedish Smorgasbord number is legendary! However 2009 had 3 solid hosts who were fun, informative, knowledgeable of Eurovision and overall made it an enjoyable experience

Mario I Am Summer ~ My Summer Vision of Gay Love Summer Lovers
Mario I Am Summer ~ My Summer Vision of Gay Love Summer Lovers
9 years ago

These all are the artists that i truly think that they would be amazing as hosts of our Vision! <3

Loreen! <3
Conchita! <3
Emmelie <3
Amber! <3
Peter from Slovenia! <3
Leon Menski of Albania <3
Rona Nishliou! <3
Dana International! <3
Ryan Dolan of Ireland! <3
Tooji! <3
Silvia Night of Iceland! <3
Greta Salome of Iceland! <3
Yohanna of Iceland! <3
Jonsi of Iceland! <3
Charlotte Perelli! <3
Carola! <3
Hera Bjork! <3
Chiara of Malta! <3
Bojana of Serbia! <3