The Wiwi Jury will be travelling around Austria in the lead up to Wer singt für Österreich 2016 on February 12. Today, we caught up with Eurovision 2014 winner Conchita Wurst and  sampled some of the famous Conchita Wurst sausage. After the Queen of Austria departed, we continued our search for the next Austrian superstar with our next song — Elly’s “I’ll Be Around (Bounce)”. Do we think that Elly will be around at Eurovision — or are we hoping she’ll bounce far away? Read on to find out…



Antranig: Elly is channelling Ellie Goulding circa Delirium with shrewdly calculated verses and a chorus that explodes out of nowhere. I can’t help but wish this song was representing Armenia instead. This is the only one with a chance of qualifying at Eurovision, especially with Armenia and Austria in the same semi and sending her an easy 12 points. Home girl SLAYS!

Score: 10/10

Bernardo: Elly’s voice is great — one of the best in this year’s Austrian NF. The first 40 second are quite dark, nice and enjoyable but then I guess the song fails to deliver. “I’ll Be Around” is good, not perfect. She may be around, but she ain’t going to win.

Score: 6.5/10

Chris: It’s… different. Elly’s got a killer vocal in parts but her diction is a bit hard to make out. It reminds me of Amanda Fondell’s “Dumb” — a good NF performance killed off by the fact nobody could work out what was going on. If the stage performance is particularly manic, then that could just make things worse. As it stands, I’m hesitant to throw my weight behind this.

Score: 7/10

Luis: It’s enjoyable, but she needs a bit more cohesion. While it’s not terrible, “I’ll Be Around” still needs to be improved. There are too many things going on at the same time, and this has to be difficult to sing with so many changes, ups and downs, through the three minutes. However, if Elly manages to give a good performance, I can see her in Stockholm.

Score: 7/10

Mikhail: At first it seems to be a nice and interesting song, but then it gets a bit weird. It has several parts and they seem to be incompatible with each other. Some of the electro sounds are not pleasant to my ears, but, overall, the song is good. If they use some scissors and glue maybe it can become really good.

Score: 6.5/10


Patrick: This is the music style in Austria that is the most popular right now. Austria is going very different this year with the variety of songs. This is probably one of the best ones, especially because people will love it because they’ll be familiar with the style. Elly’s voice is fantastic, the bounce in the song is really strong but also I have hope for a strong performance. Yes, I think Eurovision needs something like that and Elly might even win.

Score: 8.5/10

Robyn: “I’ll Be Around” sounds like it’s building up to a massive chorus, but it never delivers. Instead we get a fast and furious burst of dubstep, and then an inexplicable key change. The song feels really underdeveloped, in need of a tighter, simpler structure. It’s a pity – Elly has a brilliant voice and deserves a better song.

Score: 5/10

Sami: Finally a modern song in this selection! Even though dubstep might be out of style already, it doesn’t sound too dated in this song. Elly has really a nice voice and if she sounds as good live, she might be the best choice for Austria this year.

Score: 7/10

William: Sorry, but this is boring. She’s got an interesting voice and it could be put to much better use. I like the upbeat bit with the male backing going ohh-ohh-ohh to the drums. Sadly the actually melody and chorus is significantly less interesting.

Score: 5/10

In the Austrian Wiwi Jury we have 15 jurors, but only have room for 9 reviews. The remaining 6 scores are below.

Denise: 7/10

Edd: 7/10

Josh: 7/10

Judit: 7.5/10

Sinan: 7/10

Steinunn: 8/10

The highest and lowest scores are dropped prior to calculating the average score. This is to remove outliers and reduce potential bias. We have removed a low of 5 and a high of 10.


For our list of Austria 2016 rankings, click here

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9 years ago

Natália Kelly 2.0? 😀

9 years ago

Dubstep?? Sorry this is drum and bass at most with a 2015 hipster bass thing that’s pushed hipster even more mainstream

9 years ago

this is actually my favorite but i think the chorus needs to merge a little better with the first couple of seconds

9 years ago

Like this song much because of this AMAZING voice but dont like this beat- not good/

9 years ago

Really.. Dubstep in 2016? Everything but the chorus is amazing!!!

9 years ago

Like it a lot!

9 years ago

Azerbaijan will have a tough time to decide whether to put Armenia or Austria last in the semi xD

9 years ago

I like it! It sounds much better than the generic dance tracks that top the charts right now…..

My number 2 after Zoe and maybe soon my number 1.

My Austrian NF Top 5

1. Zoe 12/10
2. Elly 10/10
3. Bella Wagner 6/10
4. Orry Jackson 5/10
5. Sankil Jones 3/10

The rest is 0/10 for me

Ben Rafter
Ben Rafter
9 years ago

Love this!

Steven Keenan
9 years ago

So underrated! This is really the only choice for Austria to slay and be back on the left side of the board. It’s extremely contemporary and makes an impact on the first listen. Especially around summer when this kind of music is rocking the charts Austria could do really well.