Forget the jury! Romanian broadcaster TVR gave viewers the final say in choosing the winner of Selectia Nationala this evening during the final. This made the contest open for all six finalists, but there could only be one winner, and it was Ovidiu Anton with “Moment of Silence”.
His dramatic performance seemed to meld rock and musical theatre with a healthy dose of eccentricity. Ovidiu and four backing vocalists looked like musical warriors in period costume. They stood in a sea of smoke while a dancer — wielding a sword and flashing his abs — spun around the stage serving some Romanian swashbuckling realness. It’s an interesting if divisive performance — and one that clearly won over the Romanian people.
“Moment of Silence” finished second in our flash poll with 28% of the vote, and eighth with the Wiwi Jury. The song had qualified for the final by being one of the jury’s picks in the semi-final, scoring 54 out of a possible 60 points from the jury. The Romanian public were just as enthusiastic, giving it a total of 6,585 votes, putting Ovidiu well ahead of the second placed Vanotek feat. The Code & Georgian.
Ovidiu Anton’s performance had been the favourite of the expert jury on Friday, and his winning the televote proved once again that the winner does take it all.
Full results
Interval acts
During the hour-long televoting period, national jury members Zoli Toth, Cezar Ouatu, Randi and Horia Moculescu provided some spectacular moments, culminating with Cezar’s rendition of “Rise Like A Phoenix”. At the end of performing Conchita’s winning song, Cezar Oautu urged the Romanian public to embrace good music regardless of one’s sexual orientation and professed his love for Conchita Wurst. It was an epic Eurovision moment and we would love to see a Cezar-Conchita duet now!
Before the winner was announced, Moldovan representative Lidia Isac performed her winning song “Falling Stars”, and she looked and sounded even better than at the national selection in Chisinau.
What do you think about the show and the results? Did you like Ovidiu’s song and performance? What about Romania’s chances in Stockholm? Let us know in the comments below!
Shoot me now! I like this song. I love symphonic rock, I love drama and this just does it for me. I think Ovidiu Anton has a very strong performance and the song speaks to me. I don’t care about the trends, whether it’s outdated or not, I just liked it from the first time that I’ve heard it and it has grown on me even more since then. It could have used a bigger punch, but it’s still good. For the record, I also like Poland’s entry, which seems to contradict the opinions of just about all fellow commentators… Read more »
My faves were Florena and Ovidiu. I’m happy with the result…He will qualify for sure in the final and after that it does not matter as far as I’m concerned. If the standard for an Eurovision winner is Margaret from Poland (apparently even Poles in totality could not accept that :-)), then I won’t be upset with any position Ovidiu will reach in the final. And he will not embarrass us anyway like few countries always do (not naming them here). Good luck, Ovidiu!
Could be the big number before Intermission in The Hobbit: The Musical off off Broadway.
WTF spot on
Quite hilarious how the same people who wet themselves over acts like Margaret or Barei have the audacity to call this an “embarrassment” and “the reason why people say Eurovision is rubbish”… The same narrow-minded bunch who cry foul and “not suitable for ESC!” (how’s that petition going, btw?) whenever something that doesn’t suit their “taste” gets selected, yet still hypocritically complain that the show they claim to be fans of doesn’t get taken seriously… The name’s still “Eurovision SONG Contest”, right? In that case, since when does the term “song” limit itself to all of one genre? But I… Read more »
In 2012-2015 this would’ve been an obvious non-qualifier, but this year it’s not so certain. What ultimately lets this entry down is the lyrics. The repetition of “Gonna wiiiiiiin the fight” is especially cheesy and lacking depth. Ovidiu does have a good voice, but come on… since the video was posted yestoday nopt many dislikes on there.And same goes for the video from the semifinals ,not many dislikes there either.
I dont think only romanians are clicking the videos from youtube.
Eurovision fans should stick with their eurotrash of each year at Eurovision.
This is the type of act that gives ESC a bad name and makes americans and euroesceptics giggle. It will qualify just like Cezar did and, considering overall quality this year, I wont be surprised if it finish on the left side of the board.
Well done Romania, not just for embarrasing yourselves, but also for embarrasing so many eurofans across the world.
I’m reading these comments and I can understand that some of you Romanians and fans of the song are trying to be positive.That is a good thing, but the reality is that this song will not go high on the scoreboard. I think so to that there a lot of crap tc tc songs this year but there are good one to…at least 8-10 songs.No chance to go far with this song.Is over the top, very outdated…but hey in Eurovision you never know.
@ Aurelian Tamisan: you should be ashamed of yourself, calling stupid everyone who doesn’t like this atrocious song. I am from Romania and I am ashamed of you.
As concerns the dissapointment in Stockholm, I indeed confirm that I will not be dissapointed! In order to be dissapointed, you have to have high expectations, and my expectations are extremely low this year! As a consequence – no dissapointment awaits me!
Dramatic, dated and bloody awful. A sure qualifier for the final and bound to get lots of televotes.
My God, I just heard Cezar’s rendition of “Rise like a phoenix”. Now I can never un-hear it. Thanks a lot Wiwi…
This is the second year in a row that Romanian voters are inclined towards songs and performers who are socially and politically engaged, and while ‘Moment of Silence’ just like Djamala’s 1944 refers to a certain “They” with “Blood on their hands” and even goes further with the imagery, the verses are self-defeating because they don’t offer redemption but rather fall into Disney cliches. I didn’t like the styling of the performance because it made Ovidiu look a bit like Quasimodo and it just isn’t right for him to wear that armor and shoulder pads as if he is telling… Read more »
Wow, this is bad! Sad part is it might still qualify, thanks to Romania’s powerful diaspora vote…
There is a lot of stupidness on this forum. Just don’t take serious every comment, with Cezar was the same, a lot of hate and than he got 1st in the semi-final and 7th in the final with the public. The good part is that now I think that the juries will aprecciate this. About the Romanians, if you truly feel that Florena would have ben a better choice, I assure you it wouldn’t. She would have gone for another 13th spot, Ovidiu is going with chances for a high spot there. Florena’s song was good, but lacked of power,… Read more »
I am happy with romania, is cool
btw, I am really impresed by Moldova, with a good sound and stage the song grows so much, she doesn´t have a bad voice at all 🙂
I know that if you like this kind of music it’s ok, but I personally can’t stand this. Holding hands with epic-fail-poland in my bottom 2.
Huge disappointment. Predictable, cheap and dated rock musical. The only thing I like about the performance is the sword dancer lol. I’m already embarrassed for my country.
Florena should not give up and try again. She was magnificent once again. 🙂
They are so many ugly persons and bad songs
in 2016,
Maybe no one wann’t to see eurovision this year
l never but euro’s CD and DVD
In all fairness, there wasn’t much of a choice. All songs were mediocre this year. ‘A moment of silence’ was just the least awful of the bunch.
It’s quite clear by now that we have lost our interest in Eurovision, hence the avalanche of crappy songs, with no effort or passion invested in them whatsoever. Vanotek’s song might be decent enough for radio, but with so few lyrics it doesn’t translate well on stage. And Mihai… well, we all know how delusional he and his fans are. Not surprised he ended on 5th place.
Glad we choose Ovidiu. Not sure why some people are enraged over it. Surely they only want us good in general. They are only so sad about this mistake we made.
If you think there were too few votes only postpaid (contract), fixed or mobile, phones were allowed to vote – no prepaid. And only one vote for a song per contract (voting for more songs was allowed too).
I think these comments just once again prove that people only want more of the same at Eurovision. Just more crappy eurotrash dance music.
This song is dreadful.He can sing but the song is outdated and crap.It is one of the worst songs send by this country.It is not a contender at all.It will be in the final but just.I really think Romania in the strong semi final will be borderline qualifier.And his English pronunciation is very bad.Vanotek or Florena was better choice but once again another country voting for a very mediocre song.
I don’t hate this. I love drama.
Romania always sent mediocre songs and they always qualified ????
Well, Vanotek is only second. I was rooting for them. It’s okay though, I’m rooting for Ovidiu Anton too and I’m glad he won.
Thanks for giving us something different, Romania. I can’t wait to watch the performance in Stockholm, will be unique.
I don’t think the song is bad. I think those who complain either don’t understand symphonic rock or don’t want it in the contest. Those examples we had before failed because the performance wasn’t all that. Romania always deliver solid performance so there’s the difference.
An O.K song as usual from Romania. if they could qualify with lesser acts such as Cezar they should have no problems qualifying with decent enough entry.
I’m a huge fan of symphonic rock/metal and this is utter rubbish. It looks like Ukraine circa 2004. God help us what an awful year. There aren’t any other countries to look forward to again.. Azerbaijan will send it’s usual slim look alike clone girl with some sort of prop, Macedonia is well..Macedonia. Greece has been in a slump these past few years. Georgia, Montenegro, Romania…rock/metal is HUGE in the Nordic countries, how hard is it to get a good writer?? Should we even have a competition this year and just tell Russia to host in 2017? Cause from the… Read more »
Yes! @Colin: Completely agreed about Lidia – and as a result, Moldova has found its song rising up my Top list. 🙂
On unrelated note, Lidia Isac gave a good performance of ‘Falling Stars’ as a guest in tonight’s finals. Staging was better and it came to life more.
Musically this song is a bit of an ode to Jim Steinman by the sounds of it (he wrote for Meatloaf and Bonnie Tyler, among others). It’s entertaining, but oh so dated now. Still, it’s an okay song compared to some of the others this year, so it will probably get a position bang in the middle of my Top list. The lead singer is awesome, so for that alone it escapes my bottom 10.
Was this the best of a bad bunch from Romania this year? Perhaps, yes. (Sorry Daniel E xx)
How short are people’s memories? Yesterday, Poland was the “BIGGEST ROBBERY EVER,” and now this is the “BIGGEST ROBBERY EVER.”
Frankly, I think both countries made the right decision, and they both enter the growing list of songs this year that I enjoy.
seems like a little camp contingent is sneaking through right at the end of the NF season with Israel, Romania, and Poland
I was getting so excited that this year’s competition would be 100% serious/well-thought-out music too
It’s horrible..reminds me of last year’s mess from Czech republic, and could well go the same way. It’s surely the worst of the so-called Rock songs this year??!
Alcohol is free – Greece strategy!?
I’m really not a fan of this song. I simply cannot fault Ovidiu’s vocals and his fabulous stage presence, but the song, I just can’t seem to like it.
There is a huge gap between retro and dated, and for me, this is just so dated. I’m thrilled lots of countries are celebrating a variety of rock & alternative songs this year, but this style of dated 1970’s rock doesn’t engage me in the slightest.
Sorry Romania!
Uk…Definitely Romania it would qualify in the final,same was criticizing Cezar in 2013 and it end up 13th place,Same was with Conchita in 2015 and she won the competition .Hes got good voice and it would stand up to the jury for sure.
Hello Hi, you have a problem. Cezar was voted by a lot of people, he was nb 1 in televoting in the semi-finals. Romania doesn’t have such a big diaspora. And now it will be the same thing, Romania will qualify because it will impress, not because of diaspora.
Without entries like this it won’t be Eurovision, right? At least it has character, which is more than you can say about most 2016 entries. Guilty pleasure.
Well, I do know that people were complaining about a considerable lack of cheese last year… Maybe Romania made it up for us this year?
This is gloriously cheesy, so glorious that I can’t fault it. Someone pass me the stale bread because tonight we’re having fondue!
This is too glorious for a conventional numeral score. It surpasses numbers, time, borders… I give it a ‘YES’/10!
It was best song in Romanian final (because Andra lost the semi-final).
Thank You Romania! For sending different song and unique artist, let’s see in final.
Australia please save Eurovision this year ! not 1 massive hit at all ! maybe even Malta, Azerbaijan, Italy, Israel or Bulgaria will give us a TUNE
A decent enough song! But pantomime baddy at 1:05 anyone? Haha.
Wow. Romania might not get out of the semi-finals!
@wowowow I’m actually really impressed by almost all of our 12 entries in the final of Melodifestivalen. Yes, although I quite like Frans’ song, it’s nice to send a more modern/uptempo song when all of Europe is choosing rock or 70’s disco pop. I really want either Robin, Wiktoria, Oscar, Molly or Lisa Ajax to win this year! 🙂 I have a feeling that either Frans or David Lindgren might be the dark horse on the night, according to polls and some the main Swedish newspapers.
This is becoming really hilarious! What a year!
As terrible as this vulgar , vile ,
Stinking , disgusting , sickening , putrid , dirty , disease ridden, lowlife, scum worthy, dead carcass entry is , it could have been worse , could have been MIHAI !!!
Romania qualified with cezar and will qualify again ..
Diaspora will make it happen
Shameful !!!!!
Day After Day – Azerbaijan 2008
Wolves Of The Sea – Latvia 2008
When Spirits Are Calling My Name – Sweden 2000
Valentine Lost – Iceland 2007
Mix them up, and you got Romania 2016. Be careful not to vomit.