Top Tracks 2016 Eurovision Artists wiwibloggs 5 1 Mans Zelmerlow Dami Im Loic Nottet Eric Saade Juri Pootsmann

Blast the trumpets! Bang the drums! The moment has finally arrived. No, not Christmas. We’re afraid that’s still a day away, but we have something much more important for y’all — our top five songs of the year.

Have you been following our countdown so far? If not click HERE and treat yourself to an early Christmas present (yes, the music has been that good). 

Just to recap — the team from wiwibloggs voted for their favourite 2016 releases and recordings by and featuring Eurovision stars. Songs which competed at Eurovision or national finals were excluded (they’ve been analysed to death in our jury reviews), as were artists who’ve yet to compete on the Eurovision stage (sorry [insert name of your favourite national final act]).

After considering well over 100 songs, we finally settled on our top 50. We’ve already shared 45 great tracks, but what songs have made it into our top five? And what song will join Loreen’s “We Got The Power”Emmelie De Forest’s “Drunk Tonight” and Lena’s “Traffic Lights” in our Hall of Fame?

All shall be revealed in our final countdown!

Best songs of 2016: (5-1)

5. Cartoon feat. Jüri Pootsman “I Remember U”

What we said: In an alternate reality, both Cartoon and Jüri Pootsmann ditched their respective Eesti Laul entries in favour of “I Remember U”. They won the competition and now they’re amongst the favourites to win Eurovision… if only.

This track represents a massive missed opportunity for the Baltic nation. Combining retro and modern elements with aplomb, it’s effortlessly cool. It’s a much better match for Jüri’s fun personality than the dreary “Play”, and allows him to put his wonderfully seductive vocals to good use.

We only catch a brief glimpse of the man himself in the official music video. Instead, the hapless guys of Cartoon take centre stage, rocking 1970s fashion as they deal with the persistent romantic advances of the girl next door. (Padraig)

4. Eric Saade feat. Gustav Noren “Wide Awake”

What we said: Just like his previous single “Colors”,  “Wide Awake” is an electropop track which draws influences from everywhere — dance hall beats meet Arabic rhythms. With an inescapably catchy chorus and tropical vibes, the song is an instant earworm which becomes lodged in your brain after just one listen.

The lyrics describe how Eric is addicted to loving someone, but his love isn’t reciprocated — “I want your love but your love’s not in the air”. The “Popular” hitmaker acknowledges the problem, yet he can’t let go — “I wanna believe I can leave but it makes me scared”. (Sami)

Eric Saade released “Wide Awake” in his native Sweden back in May. But, despite his status as a three-time Melodifestivalen veteran and third place finisher at Eurovision 2011, the track failed to make much impact. It missed out on the Swedish charts completely.

However, in a somewhat surprising twist, the single has gone on to become a major breakout hit in Russia and the surrounding region.

So where is Russia’s sudden insatiable appetite for Eric Saade coming from? For the most part, he has the DJ pairing of Filatov & Karas to thank. Because it’s their “Wide Awake” Red Mix, rather than the original, that’s getting all the attention.

Riding high on the pan-European success of “Don’t Be So Shy”, the Russian duo have worked their magic once more. We’d already commended Saade for the song’s edgy sound, and that’s not lost in this version. In fact, the added house beats and vocal trickery arguably make it even better. (Padraig)

3. Måns Zelmerlöw “Glorious”

What we said: Nodding to the anthemic quality of “Heroes” while fully embracing his evolving sound, Måns serves us a romantic number that somehow mixes rock, pop and EDM. It’s a unique sound and very Zelmerlöw.

We don’t know who the lucky lady is who he’s singing about, but we definitely want to be her as they are getting down and taking their love to another level.

“Lay it bare, lay with me,” he says. “We will be glorious, in this moment nothing matters.” Swoon(William)

2. Dami Im “Fighting For Love”

What we said: The three-minute track rides the electronic dance wave that’s sweeping the charts worldwide, marking a dramatic shift in sound from Dami’s recent Carpenters tribute album.

And while the style may be different the delivery is once again fuelled by her signature powerDami, you ain’t gotta fight for our love — you already got it!

Heavy on synth and drums, the song has hit written all over it, building steadily to a memorable chorus. I dare you not to bob your head.

In the number Dami lets her lucky love know that she’s in it for the long-haul: “When the weight of the world is on your heart, no, I won’t let it tear us both apart, My love, I’m fighting for love”. (William)

1. Loïc Nottet “Million Eyes”

What we said: Unsurprisingly, for Loïc, it’s a dark, moody electro-pop track. The song also perhaps hints about why it’s taken so long for Loïc to get back in to the game. “Million Eyes”, at its heart, is raw and emotionally charged. “Too, different, I’m scared of judgement”: there’s fragility running throughout the song. The glare of the public and the “million eyes” watching, forcing him to put on a fake smile as a mask.

It’s a theme that some people will obviously both identify and sympathise with. Loïc is laying it all out in public on this track and that strength must be commended.

There is, however, an overriding sense that maybe the song is too emotional. Loïc’s vocal here is not going to be appreciated by everyone. It bounces from the raw vocal cracks to a slightly overwrought key change in the final verse. But it never feels out of control — which we wouldn’t expect from Loïc anyway. (Chris)

Is “Million Eyes” a deserving number one? We think so, but what about you? Do any of the others rank among your best songs of 2016? Let us know below.

<< OUR TOP TRACKS (10-6)




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7 years ago

Loïc’s first album ‘Selfocracy’ comes out on the 31th of March 🙂

8 years ago

We aspect a lot from Loic in 2017, collaboration with other artists ,new album
Tour in Europe ( already coming to France, Luxemburg, the Netherlands ,Germany,U.K,Switzerland).

8 years ago

LOIC NOTTET is the best !!!! Congratulations Loïc, I’m your biggest fan 🙂

8 years ago

I Remember U was apparently bound by some CF contract which forbid to use it anywhere else until a certain time other than said (phone company?) commercial. or so I heard

But IRU is relatively old release by now. you could also have picked a song from Jüri´s new album Täna – the title track, “Silmades” ( & “Ootan und” ( are all very good, most songs are in estonian though. there is just one in english, which happens to be my least favorite from the tracks

8 years ago

Can anyone ask E! Channel to produce a docu-series about Polegend Godgarina’s life bashing every winning Eurovision artist screaming it out loud to the seven winds like there’s no tomorrow?

an esc fan
an esc fan
8 years ago

@ Robyn Gallagher
I agree that the original of ”Wide Awake” was just fine, did not needed a faster version.
Top 5 is good, all artists are doing what they know best because why fix it if it is not broken, they stick with their style.

8 years ago

@robyngallager and anybody else that cares. I always get so suprised when “music journalists” have someone that can’t even sing as their favourite.. Like, what am I missing?? Feeling blank in the head just by the thought to have Erik Saade just one step behind someone like Måns Zelmerlöw.

8 years ago

How did Fire in the rain with it’s 13 million + streams on Spotify flopped harder than Rainmaker??? Oh, and you forget to consider all the other countries he’s succeful in. And… Måns was just choosen “the all time best artist in Sweden”.

8 years ago

Personally, Dami’s song Fighting For Love is a great song, I love, it’s a new sound for her. It deserve to be number 1. And I also love her power ballads type song like #SoundOfSilence and her cover of The Power of the Dream at the Melbourne Cup this year was totally awesome.

8 years ago

Good number one. And I’m happy to see “I Remember U” here.
Personally, my #1 would be “Wide Awake”.

8 years ago


8 years ago

you must be ver smart 😉

I don’t care how it works. Anyway it’s based on Spotify there.
You just need to check out the Official single charts. That’s how it works in Sweden or any country 😀
Before talking you can go to Sverigetopplistan and see what Swedes like 🙂

8 years ago

I see that here are commenting people who don’t know how charts in Sweden work. Before you write something, Polegend and Marc, inform yourself how it works.

stephen podesta
stephen podesta
8 years ago

That Poligend who said that fighting for love has to much Auto tune, well ive got news for you all studio versions are autotuned, but only Damiim does not need autotune, she sings better than her studio versions on ever occasion. Its a shame it did not charge very well, but australians are not into electro pop and it was made for the European market. Dami released it to see the reaction and to see if Europeans whom wanted her to tour wanted this sort of music, because Australians don’t. Dami will release her new album in 2017 and this… Read more »

8 years ago

Yes I know. This is just game. And they will always put higher artists they really like.

Cleo is amazing and she deserves all her success 🙂
Always it’s better to be overplayed on the radios of your country (Cleo, Amir, Loïc, Vaidas etc) than just being on this list. 😀

8 years ago

Mans has flopped this year. That’s the truth. At least in music.
His album spent only 1 week at Top 60 in Sweden.
Glorious and Hanging couldn’t even make the Top 100. And Swedes have great taste in music so I don’t see Glorious suddenly becoming a hit or reaching Top 20 or something.
His only decent achievement was Fire in the rain being top 40.

I like “Heroes” btw. And you know I supported Sweden a lot this year with Frans.

Polegend Godgarina
8 years ago

@ Denis – you sound uninformed about how the Swedish charts work. I’m not talking about Digilistan, I’m talking about the official charts, which are mostly based on Spotify. Poor old Manny isn’t doing well there, and he isn’t doing well on sales either. Can we blame the Swedes for this? No, since his album sounds like one long bland and uninspired song. As for the excuse that Glorious hasn’t been promoted yet… Payola in the Rain was performed at the Eurovision and it still flopped harder than Rainmaker by Emmelie de Forest.

8 years ago

Marc and Podlegend, seeing how anything you comment seems to be either about Sweden or Måns I’m guessing you still feel raw about him winning! Despite your bashing anything Swedish and Måns in particular cause you still fell raw about that he won and you feel better knowing he flopped the truth is different The song Glorious hasn’t been promoted yet, nor has it been released to radio stations yet. Once it does the status might change. Besides in Sweden the only thing that matters is Spotify , charts is something no one cares about. Why should Måns? On top… Read more »

8 years ago

#JusticeforNina. :@

Gotta ask did you forget to include her??

8 years ago

Yes Loïc deserve it????

Polegend Godgarina
8 years ago

@ Marc – I had to google it, and I’m not a fan of Marco. I didn’t even like him during X Factor, his accent when he sings annoys me tbh. But L’essenziale was a good song.

I’m surprised that you didn’t include one single Polina Gagarina or Nina Kraljic song – they had their albums out in September, respectlivey called ‘9’ and ‘Samo’, and they’re full of fantastic songs. “Tantsuy su mnoy” (Polina) and “Snijeg” (Nina) should make up the top 3 along with Loïc, not those two basics.

Purple Mask
Purple Mask
8 years ago

“Million Eyes” is a very sad subject for a song, but the vocals and the video are both outstanding. Reluctantly, yes it deserves the top placing.

8 years ago

@Marc you cant take it seriously, cuz now i see , that they pay attention only these artists whose had great results on Eurovision

8 years ago

@Padraig Muldoon but say honestly, did you hear these songs?? She realesed her album probably in september and she have so, so many fabulous songs, and i just cant believe, that no one of them is in this top. I dont like to say this but now i have to – they are better than most

8 years ago

@Poldgend Gagarina

Hahaha Totally agree!
Mans is so flopping, and of course Swedes don’t buy him. Yes, it’s the same generic song over and over again.

Dami is even worst xD

Btw What do you think about “Sai che”?

Polegend Godgarina
8 years ago

@ Marc – spill that piping hot tea! Manny only released mediocre tracks that sound all the same (just like on his previous album), I don’t get the hype at all – and the Swedes don’t either, considering how hard he’s flopping this era. Fire in the Trash didn’t even go top 30, while the two more recent singles failed to chart in the top 100. A FLOP indeed. Lady Gaga is SHOOK.

Polegend Godgarina
8 years ago

Okay, Fighting for Love is quite horrible because there’s too much autotune and that post-chorus drop is ear-ripping, but that #1 is completely deserved. Loïc DELIVERED.

8 years ago

Loïc deserves to be number one, I agree! Very good song, love the sincerity, beautiful video. Wish I could go to his concert in London! Will be amazing no doubt, can’t wait to hear his album 🙂

8 years ago

instead of putting more than one song from artists in this it would’ve been nice if you put a song from artists such as anouk or douwe bob who released awesome tracks this year.

8 years ago

Where is Dviese by Vaidas? :S
It’s so so good! and it’s huge in Lithuania.
I don’t get why is not here.

Dami and Mans’ songs are really average and mediocre. Nobody in Australia and Sweden care about these songs. FLOPS.

Loïc is the best 😀

8 years ago

No Celine with “Encore Un Soir” in top 50 – what a joke!

8 years ago

Wide Awake is my favourite out of these five <3 Glorious is also a great track. I'm not a big Loïc fan though :/

8 years ago

Totally deserving No. 1, I love Loïc! I got my tickets to see him perform in London in April, I can’t wait!

8 years ago

WOW…….absolutely agree with you……Samo is really so good.

8 years ago

Perfect choice for number one!!! Love this song and Loïc <3

8 years ago

I could call #1 song just as Loïc Nottet – Loïc Nottet, basing on his extensive vocal jumping. Nice one! I’m glad to see both Juri and Eric here with awesome works.

8 years ago

Shocked how Nina Kraljic is not in the list .. oh well

an esc fan
an esc fan
8 years ago

@Nadav Salomon
Yes, this is why I agree with _Peyton22, that France can choose Loic.

Nadav Salomon
Nadav Salomon
8 years ago

@an esc fan, Just to remind you: Blanche has been already chosen to represent Belgium in ESC 2017, and not Loic.

8 years ago

Its soo unfair… what about Cleo and ,,zabior? nas” or ,,N-O-C” ?????? These songs are really great and I think, that you even didn’t check them

an esc fan
an esc fan
8 years ago

I hope Loic with that song to be in ESC 2017. A country should have the courage to send a song released early, it is an advantage, this is why EBU has that rule ”not before 1 sept.” Belgium already has the artist, but France can do that.

Antranig Shokayan
8 years ago

“Million Eyes” is my personal number one too – incredible song!

8 years ago

Loic deserved to be number one. Perfect choice!
His song is the most touching song, i’ve ever heard. His voice is unique and unlimited. He should be a worldwide-star. He’s got the starpower. He has the rhythm inside of him. Merry christmas <3

8 years ago

I realized that Loïc released the song after September 1st, he could return to Eurovision. After winning France’a Dancing with the Stars, I could see the French broadcaster sending him.

8 years ago

Yes Loic!!! My number one pick too

matilda teodora
matilda teodora
8 years ago

Milion eyes is a good song and the music video is stuning, loic is deserved number one