The Wiwi Jury — our in-house panel of music unprofessionals — continues to review the songs competing in Georgia’s national selection for Eurovision 2017. Next up, it’s Nutsa Buzaladze with “White Horses Run”Oto Nemsadze & Limbo with “Dear God” and Rati Durglishvili with “Why”. Do we wanna put in any of these songs? Read on to find out!

Nutsa Buzaladze – “White Horses Run”

Antranig: If Georgia want to do well at Eurovision, this is the song they have to send. I feel Nutsa’s raw emotion as she belts out this compelling ballad. She is on point vocally and I hope Georgia will select her. The lyrics may get repetitive but that’s a minor criticism for this song.

Score: 10/10

Chris: Great singer, awful song. I expect Nutsa will do her absolute best to sell this on stage, but there’s no story really to tell. We get it: “white horses run”. Now what else? The song loses me in the verses and only bugs me in the chorus.

Score: 4/10

Luis: Nutsa’s vocals are golden and “White Horses Run” showcases them perfectly. The problem is that the song gets repetitive and it feels a bit plain. It’s contemporary and soulful, but it’s not engaging as it should be. Chances are that Nutsa belts out a performance à la Dami Im, where she makes the song dynamic enough, but as of now, it’s just monotonous.

Score: 6/10

Renske: I can easily picture this at Eurovision and reaching the final once it’s there. It’s simple, yet extremely effective. The song is also raw, which gives her plenty of space for a revamp. Nutsa is a very powerful vocalist and stage performer who will nail this with ease.

Score: 10/10

Robyn: Nutsa is obviously a great singer, but she’s been given such a boring song. There’s no story, no sense of progression. It’s just her belting out the same line in different styles 13 times. In the end, it sounds more like a vocal exercise than a ballad worthy of such a diva.

Score: 4/10

William: I feel like I’m in a bar in Texas. There are neon lights and a lot of peanuts on the floor. And I’m really uncomfortable because there’s this beautiful lady singing about white horses and I’m like, “You deserve better than all of this!” Nutsa has the goods — the voice, the personality, the charisma and the charm — but this song is from another era. And unfortunately it’s long since past.

Score: 6/10

In the Georgian Wiwi Jury we have 12 Jurors, but only space for 6 reviews. The remaining scores are below:

Bernardo: 6/10

Cinan: 9/10

Dayana: 7/10

Jordi: 6.5/10

Josh: 6/10

Zakaria: 3/10

The highest and lowest scores are removed before calculating the final score. We have dropped a low of 3 and a high of 10.

Wiwi Jury Score: 6.45/10

Oto Nemsadze & Limbo – “Dear God”

Antranig: “Dear God”, what did I do to deserve this song? This sounded like it would be the worst song in the selection. Fortunately, the last minute of it is really good. Unfortunately, I can’t overlook two minutes of boredom. Give me three minutes of that final minute and I would be on board.

Score: 1/10

Chris: It’s like a bad cover band playing a song inspired by various different rock bands and trying to be really deep and have a message, because they’re so cool. In the immortal words of Michele Perniola: no.

Score: 1.5/10

Luis: I’m hearing System of a Down and I’m hearing Aerosmith, but I’m not hearing them enough. There are moments in this song where it is really powerful (the last minute, especially) but the verses are just boring. This needs more grit in the verses and a bit more oomph at the very end.

Score: 6.5/10

Renske: Nothing happens, just nothing. It is an average song that would get lost among the better entries at Eurovision. But I must admit that I really like the electric guitar solos. Sadly those don’t really fit the song.

Score: 2.5/10

Robyn: I think “Dear God” is trying to evoke a big dramatic rock ballad style, perhaps akin to Ovidiu Anton’s disqualified “Moment of Silence”. But it hasn’t quite got it right. The verses are repetitive, and the lyric where he generously tells God “I won’t judge you” asks more questions than it answers.

Score: 5/10

William: I’d love to come up with something clever and witty, but this song has me furrowing my brow so hard I can’t actually see the screen. It’s noisy and rambling and a man is screaming “suicide”. I just want it to stop.

Score: 1/10

In the Georgian Wiwi Jury we have 12 Jurors, but only space for 6 reviews. The remaining scores are below:

Bernardo: 3/10

Cinan: 4/10

Dayana: 3/10

Jordi: 6/10

Josh: 2/10

Zakaria: 1/10

The highest and lowest scores are removed before calculating the final score. We have dropped a low of 1 and a high of 4.5.

Wiwi Jury Score: 2.9/10

Rati Durglishvili – “Why”

Antranig: “Why” is a fitting song title. That’s exactly what I’m asking myself after I’ve listened to it. Completely forgettable, there are literally no elements that stand out. I am basing my score on the fact that there are somehow three songs that are even worse.

Score: 0.5/10

Chris: It’s like a bad late ’90s boyband song that has been updated with weird cheesy lyrics for Eurovision. I suppose the good thing is that I didn’t actually realise how long this song is, so maybe if they had to cut it down to three minutes, something positive may come from it?

Score: 2/10

Luis: The first 30 seconds are quite modern. But then, just when you think there’s going to be a big chorus, similar to that of “J’ai cherché”, this turns into a ’90s pop tune, heard zillions of times before. “Why” is not memorable, it’s totally disposable and, to sum up, not enough for the Eurovision.

Score: 2/10

Renske: It sounds like some kind of X Factor winner’s single — one that is released just before Christmas and tops the charts before dropping down fast. But the song definitely belongs to the better half of the Georgian national final. It is sincere and has some staging potential (think John Karayiannis, people!). So this is not one to rule out immediately.

Score: 8/10

Robyn: Generally speaking, a potential Eurovision song should aim to be more memorable than the music used in the postcards that play before each song. “Why” would perhaps work as a peaceful and relaxing background track for anyone struggling with insomnia.

Score: 3/10

William: Better suited to a Guantanamo Bay torture session than Eurovision, this song aims to be sweet and atmospheric but ends up being incredibly irritating. I want to like him — he seems so sweet — but I can’t stop thinking “wedding singer”.

Score: 3/10

In the Georgian Wiwi Jury we have 12 Jurors, but only space for 6 reviews. The remaining scores are below:

Bernardo: 2.5/10

Cinan: 4/10

Dayana: 3.5/10

Jordi: 5/10

Josh: 1.5/10

Zakaria: 2/10

The highest and lowest scores are removed before calculating the final score. We have dropped a low of 0.5 and a high of 8.

Wiwi Jury Score: 2.85



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8 years ago

“Dear God” : just don’t like it, bit of mess here
“Why” : generally it’s a good song, it has apromising start and that’s it.
“White Horses Run” : what a song! Can I say I just love it? Great voice, great sound! This is good!! And if she is as good live as here, then I’m done. It will be perfect.
So apart from Maliibu with “We live once” I add “White horses run” as a favourite. Now, I have two favourite songs.

8 years ago

I just love White Horses, I hope she wins. Maybe it could be less repetitive.

Tomas Patrick Davitt
Tomas Patrick Davitt
8 years ago

The ‘Wooooooo Ooooooooo’ part of Nutsa’s song sounds A LOT like Chris Martin in ‘Adventure of a Lifetime’ towards the end of the song. Oto & Limbo – the last minute is passionate and wild but its too late cos I already murdered myself from boredom a minute before that. On a side note – second from the left is hot. Rati – Is he yakking on about satellites towards the end? Why exactly, Rati? Why? I cant remember any of the tune. Just the fact that he wants to have sex with a satellite and is pretty persistent about… Read more »

8 years ago

For Rati looks 10/10 <3
but for his song 4/10 :/

8 years ago

Nutsa song is good,but if she will win the competition that song needs a revamp,the chorus sounds weak to me :/

8 years ago

I don’t understand the low scores on “Why”. I think it’s pretty good and do well with a good staging.

(J)ESC Fanatic
(J)ESC Fanatic
8 years ago

I think Nutsa’s song would be amazing if it was less repetitive.

8 years ago

Nutsa Buzaladze has one of the best songs in any selection for me. The last minute needs a revamp. For a vocalist this talented not to variate the song or show off some more of her vocal talent, is a criminal waste. If Georgia pick this, they will deal with these problems and they will have a very good chance of doing something special at Eurovision.