
Zdravo! Did you know that Slovenia has entered the exact same number of Slovene and English language songs to Eurovision? They’ve had 11 entries in each language and two mixing them. That’s how you find balance! But which is best?

We’re pretty sure that equilibrium will break next year, though. On Tuesday, RTVSLO announced that they will be introducing a language rule for their national selection EMA in 2018. Performers will be required to sing in either Slovene or a minority language during the process.

So we’ve decided to look back at the Slovenian entries in their national languages and do a poll. Are you a fan of Eva Boto’s bridal staging? Did you fall under Tinkara Kovac’s spell? Did you miss Omar Naber’s rock swagger? Come time travel with us and sound off below!

2014: Tinkara Kovac – “Round and round”

Slovenia’s last Slovene entry was a mix of both languages. Tinkara Kovac, her flute and her over-dramatic backing vocalists brought the country to the final for the first time since 2011… and finished second to last. But hey, that was the first time Maraaya were involved with Eurovision, so at least it was a good omen of what was to came.

2012: Eva Boto – “Verjamem”

Speaking of dramatic vocalists, in 2012 Slovenia transformed their staging into a bridal fashion show to back up the anthemic “Verjamem”. Sadly, 16-year-old Eva Boto took inspiration from her surname and finished… near the boto(m) of semi-final two in 17th place. Badum-tss!

2010: Ansambel Žlindra & Kalamari – “Narodnozabavni Rock”

Someone thought this was a good idea. Europe didn’t. Don’t say that wasn’t expected.

2009: Quartissimo feat. Martina – “Love Symphony”

Eurovision’s most prolific backing vocalist ever, Martina Majerle, finally got her chance to shine as a main artist. Sadly, her light was dimmed soon, as “Love Symphony” only managed to gather 14 points in the semi-final.

2008: Rebeka Dremelj – “Vrag naj vzame”

Glitter, non-ensical Spanish guitars, see-through dresses, Cruella de Vil’s cape, a LED cage, chains, dancers with helmets and skates, and a dress reveal! In 2008 Slovenia mastered over-the-top and presented it to Europe in all its glory. Rebeka Dremelj’s Slovene kitsch delight came close to qualifying, finishing 11th.

2007: Alenka Gotar – “Cvet z juga”

In 2007, Slovenia’s mix was more polished. They brought a soprano with a popera song and dressed her up as a goth princess. Alenka Gotar achieved Slovenia’s only qualification in the single-semifinal years, and her entry “Cvet z juga” became a fan favourite. That’s probably the last Slovene-language entry that actually succeeded.

2005: Omar Naber with “Stop”

Many of us didn’t rank Omar Naber particularly high in his attempt at Eurovision 2017. A big part of that may come from the difference between the dated “On My Way” and the magnificent “Stop”. Omar gave a fierce performance and sang one of the most on-trend entries of the year… however he only managed to place 13th in the semifinal.

2002: Sestre with “Samo ljubezen”

Slovenia is a country of firsts at Eurovision. They didn’t only bring the first popera act, but also the first drag act! Back in 2002, they got three drag queens dressed as flight attendants who sang a ’60s-style pop tune in Slovene. How did this not win, you may ask. How could this not even make the top 10?! Those were different times, I guess…

1998: Vili Resnik – “Naj bogovi slišijo”

In 1998, Slovenia brought Vili Resnik, a rocker with a romantic ballad, to Birmingham. The song was called “Let the Gods Hear”, but the divine intervention never arrived and he finished 18th with 17 points. There were dramatic fades-to-black, an electric guitar and two loud female backing vocalists. You may have also heard this song at Festival i Kënges this decade.

1997: Tanja Ribic with “Zbudi se”

Riding on Eimear Quinn’s wave of mystical entries, in 1997, Slovenia brought Tanja Ribic, with “Zbudi se”, a part dreamy and part dark ballad that finished 10th. This is one of the three times that Slovenia has finished in the top ten.

1996: Regina – “Dan najlepših sanj”

I suppose that beat combined with the oboe were an experimental combination back in 1996. Despite that, Regina and her dreamy entry didn’t really do well. She finished 21st out of 23 with just 16 points. Ouch!

1995: Darja Svajger – “Prisluhni mi”

Maja Keuc might have received the largest amount of points, but to date, this is Slovenia’s best performing entry at Eurovision. 1995 was a year of big ballads, and Darja brought one of the best ones. She finished seventh in a field of 25, and that encouraged her to come back four years later. Surely someone has sung this in a Belarusian audition in recent years and no one has noticed it.

1993: 1xBand – “Tih deževen dan”

Well, we can all agree that this isn’t the most stellar début entry ever. The colour combination of the clothes must have put the stylist in jail for a few years, but look at the coordination of the backing vocalists. Precise like Russian synchronised swimmers, y’all! This finished 22nd in a field of 25 entries.

Poll: Which is your favourite Slovenian entry in Slovene?

[polldaddy poll=9758717]

Which one is your favourite? Is a Slovenian language song the key to getting into the grand final? Which of these deserved better? Tell us in the comment section below!



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7 years ago

A very long shot…
In 2004 at the EMA national final, Karmen Stavec did a rocky performance of Lep Poletni Dan, and it was brilliant. Does anyone have a clip of it?

I think this is a good rule for Slovenia, some of there best songs like Energy 2001, Na Na Na 2002 & No One 2011 were better before they got translated.

My fave was Nuša Derenda but from the list I’d go 1) Sestre 2) Darja 3) Alenka 4) Omer 5) Rebekah 6) Eva
All good songs

7 years ago

Why is Maja Keuc not in the list ???

She should have won in 2011 be it in the original Slovenian version or the English one.

7 years ago

Darja forever.

Mariam Habach
Mariam Habach
7 years ago

“You don’t know, you don’t know, is it love, is it hate?
What are you changing?” The best EVER!!

7 years ago

Gotta give it to Alenka Gotar, big voice and a dark popera song. Definitely my type of song and by far Slovenia’s best song to date. It is my 2nd in 2007 losing only to Serbia.
My top of the Slovenian songs sung in their native languages:
1. Cvet Z Juga
2. Round And Round
3. Dan Najlepsih San
4. Prisluhni Mi
5. Verjamem

7 years ago

Cvet Z Juga got my vote but honestly I’ve loved all the songs in Slovene this side of the millennium minus Stop.

Slovenia used to be one of my favourite countries at Eurovision for that reason there was very few songs I disliked but they’ve been going downhill since ManuElla represented and I hope this language rule will help them send greatness again

7 years ago

Narodnozabavni Rock is a great song that nobody understood. The whole idea was to combine and contrast folk and rock music, and I thought it was great. And the live vocals were on point. Love Symphony is a song that underscored how unfortunate it is that live instrumentation in Eurovision is prohibited. Round and Round is another one, actually. Think about how much better Slovenia could’ve done with live instruments, instead of (for instance) having Quartissimo walk around awkwardly. Verjamem was a great song, and at the time I thought it was a sure qualifier. But Molitva was a more… Read more »

7 years ago

Alenka Gotar all the way <3 <3 <3

7 years ago

Slovenia, very small but talented. You can do so much better than “on my way”. Good luck in 2018.

7 years ago

I was too young to remember Eurovision in the 90’s so I’m not aware of the entries back then. So, I’m going to speak for the last decade or so.

My favourite acts in general are “No one” in 2011 and “Here for you” in 2015. Both great entries! But they were in English.

As for the rest, I liked 2014 and I was glad it qualified because Slovenia always struggles and that was a good song. I also liked 2012 (the song), not the staging.

Ay Jo
Ay Jo
7 years ago

But wait… Where is Maja Keuc? Her song is one of my all time favourite Euro songs.

7 years ago
Reply to  Ay Jo

This is a list of songs sung in Slovene, not English. This is why entries like Maja Keuc and Maraaya aren’t here.

Justin K.
7 years ago
Reply to  Thomasfan22

It’s a shame since Maja Keuc could have probably done just as well, if not better, if she kept it in Slovenian. It actually sounded more fabulous! Haha. The only issue with using “minority” languages (i.e. non-Big 5 languages) is the song needs to really create and maintain an atmosphere (whether it be fun or melancholy)–that’s how Molitva and Amar pelos Dois won in the age when every country can sing in any language. Slovenia, Serbia, and Estonia are especially strong at this when it comes to using their national languages–if Slovenia can go back to those types of entries,… Read more »

7 years ago

Gery-Nikol’s version of the song that she competed with in the BNT internal selection has been released:

7 years ago

What is this; the best songs ain’t even in the poll?

7 years ago

For me it’s :
1. Zbudi se
2. Cvet z juga
3. Tih dezeven dan

7 years ago

As a Slovene myself, I can definately say that Cvet Z Juga is the best out of these.

7 years ago


Regina Phalange
Regina Phalange
7 years ago

To be honest, I don’t get the new rule in EMA because I think that the language alone can’t guarantee success.
Anyway, my favorites are 2014, 2012 and 2007.

William Lee Adams
7 years ago

I thought and still think Tinkara was underrated. I loved her spiralling visuals and the sound. 🙁

7 years ago

Cvet Z Juga was my favourite of the whole 2007 line up. The song and performance is just WOW!

Adrian Kavanagh
7 years ago

One of the biggest crimes in Eurovision history – Slovenia’s result at Eurovision 2012. It’s Eva all the way for me… But with very honourable mentions for Tanja, Darja and Rebekah. I really like Slovenia at Eurovision (apart from this year’s entry maybe…) and wish they could get better results.

7 years ago

No, Luis, I can’t agree with your comments about 1XBand, I thought they were super and I loved the guitar riff. Also, it was quite magical when we started to see entries from new Eastern European countries in those years.

7 years ago

Also honourable mentions to Prisluhni me and Verjamem <3 but Stop is my #1

7 years ago

In my opinion, it’s Stop. One of the best Eurovision entries ever to me.

7 years ago

I usually like Slovenia’s songs. They are mostly underrated. My top 5:
5 Vrag naj vzame
4 Zbudi se
3 Round and round
2 Prisluhni mi
1 Cvet z juga <3 <3 <3

7 years ago

Slovenia was generally A LOT stronger in the 90´s.
Prisluhni mi is far better than any of the others.

Polegend Godgarina
7 years ago

Prisluhni mi, by far. Followed by Vrag naj vzame and Cvet z juga. All very different songs, yet all great.

Round and Round winning the poll with that lead makes me think that the voters don’t really know any pre-2010 entries…

7 years ago

Cvet z juga is absolutely Slovenia’s best entry ever. It was underrated.

7 years ago

My TOP 5

7 years ago

Failed to mention my love for Rebeka Dremelj, Alenka Gotar and Quartissimo.
Slovenia is so underrated I can’t take it.

7 years ago

Omar Naber’s first attempt with STOP is amazing.
It has aged better than almost all the songs from 2005.
I adore Tinkara’s SPET and I voted for it multiple times in the final.
Also Eva Boto was amazing and definitely robbed.
And yes, if you haven’t noticed by now Slovenia is the underdog I cheer for almost every year.

7 years ago

there is really no other option but Eva Boto <3 Her song and vocals were absolutely flawless, one of the best, and easily the most robbed, Eurovision entries of all time

7 years ago

Zbudi se is a masterpice.

7 years ago
Reply to  Catherine

Completely agree.

Sophia Stedman
Sophia Stedman
7 years ago

As I also play the flute I fell in love with Tinkara’s performance. It was also my first year watching.