Grab your sparklers, crank up the music and please remember to drink some water —  New Year’s Eve has arrived and with it the chance to let your hair down. As you mark the end of one cycle and the start of another, we hope you’ll find the time to wish yourself a Happy New Year with the most festive entries from the Eurovision bubble. Here are some suggestions to get your night — and your 2018 — started.

I look at the floor and I see it needs sweeping

It’s the start of the party. Your guests have just arrived. They’re drinking and chatting, but you need them to feel that fire. Get them ready for what’s to come by dropping some beats, then watch and enjoy as their hips start to shake. This first section is all about loosening them up. Consider it your social lubricant.

Piero Esteriore & The MusicStars — “Celebrate”

Piero Esteriore & The Music Stars represented Switzerland in the Eurovision Song Contest 2004. Their entry “Celebrate” might have failed to dent the scoreboard, having stalled in the semi-final, but at least we still have this sweet song for opportunities like this one. The title says it all — celebrate (no matter how dated your wardrobe).

Lena — “Satellite”

Lena brought the Eurovision trophy back to Germany for the first time in almost thirty years, winning in 2010 with “Satellite“. It’s so feel-good and bouncy you may forget the fact she’s singing about the thin line between love and psychotic obsession. (The last time a girl told us she bought new underwear dyed blue we had to issue a restraining order). This one will definitely get your friends bouncing.

Alexander Rybak — “Fairytale”

Alexander Rybak achieved one of the most convincing Eurovision victories ever with his entry “Fairytale” back in 2009. It has remained a fan favourite ever since, owing to that infectious violin and the presence of Nordic dancers performing some sort of mountain aerobics. Take a deep breathe and fall in love all over again.

You might wanna add this to the playlist…

• Blanche — “City Lights

• Lulu — “Boom Bang-a-Bang

• Sandie Shaw — “Puppet on a String

Get this party started

So everyone is laughing and chatting, but now you need them off the sofa and on the dance floor. Cue these bangers to inspire a bit of dance, dance, dance, dance

SunStroke Project feat. Olia Tira — “Run Away”

Epic Sax Guy is, without question, the best way to get folks moving. His thrusts, which became an Internet meme following SunStroke Project‘s first Eurovision entry “Run Away“, took Moldova to the grand final and has inspired endless pelvic motions among the fandom ever since. All that movement will likely distract your guests from the lyrics, which seem to have been written with Google Translate. Now just run away from my mind

Deep Zone and Balthazar — “DJ, Take Me Away”

Deep Zone and Balthazar represented Bulgaria at the Eurovision Song Contest 2008. Their very contemporary entry “DJ, Take Me Away” seemed to mix ska, garage, dance, electro and warehouse. There was a lot going on so folks didn’t always know how or where to focus, and it proved to be too much for Eurovision fans at that moment and stalled in the semi-final. No matter. When the lights go down we all need a DJ…

Tajci — “Hajde da ludujemo”

Hajde da ludujemo” is one of the last songs to compete for Yugoslavia prior to its dissolution. Performed by Tajci at the 1990 contest, held in Zagreb following the country’s victory in 1989, it translates as “Let’s Go Crazy”, which is, no doubt, the perfect line for tonight. Older guests will appreciate the late 80s sound, which conjures up films like Fast Times at Ridgement High and Ferris Bueller’s Day Off.

You might wanna add this to the playlist…

• JOWST — “Grab the Moment

• Luminita Anghel & Sistem — “Let Me Try

• Euroband — “This Is My Life

Swing it, shake it, move it, make it!

Now that everyone’s had a few drinks, it’s time to take us home as we move toward countdown ‘o clock.

Sirusho — “Qelé Qelé”

Sirusho achieved fourth place, taking the country to a new high. Her entry “Qelé Qelé” gets under your skin and into your bloodstream — so much so that you may need to conduct Breathalizer tests. Just watch as her ethnic reverberations make your guests sway.

SunStroke Project — “Hey Mamma!”

What would the party be like without everyone’s favourite song of 2017? SunStroke Project returned to the Eurovision stage with major style, enlisting the help of some seriously crazed brides and some slick tuxedos. Their entry “Hey Mamma!” took the bronze medal and gave Moldova their best result ever. The leg choreography is easy to mimic and, depending on how many cocktails everyone has had, so is that blurry, infinite series of people in the background.

Sakis Rouvas — “Shake It”

Back in 2004, “Shake It” earned Greece third place and turned Sakis Rouvas into a Eurovision superstar. His performance in Istanbul remains one of the most memorable ever at Eurovision — even if he didn’t re-create the music video where he rubs water on his half-naked body. “Turn me on all the way,” he sings. “Skin on skin it’s pure delight.” Let’s do this!

You might wanna add this to the playlist…

• Carola — “Fångad av en stormvind

• Nadav Guedj — “Golden Boy

• Kurt Calleja — “This Is the Night

Now it’s time for us to say… Happy New Year!

Ten, nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, one…

Dana International — “Diva”

The winning entry from 1998 and one of everyone’s favourite Eurovision songs of all time, “Diva” by Dana International is a celebration — not just of femininity and freedom, but also of life itself. Strong, upbeat and empowering, it’s a dramatic and inspiring way to usher in 2018.

Buranovskiye Babushki — “Party for Everybody”

Party for Everybody” by the Buranovskiye Babushki earned Russia second place in 2012. Some laughed after they won the national final. But these spirited ladies pushed past the hate with their walking sticks and had a blast while proving that energy and optimism can power you at any age.

Verka Serduchka — “Dancing Lasha Tumbai”

Dancing Lasha Tumbai” — the camp, mad-cap song from drag queen Verka Serduchka — is a WTF explosion delivered by a man who resembles a silver Christmas tree. It’s got holidays written all over it…

You might wanna add this to the playlist…

• Cliff Richard — “Congratulations

• Loreen — “Euphoria

• Johnny Logan — “What’s Another Year

Please don’t stop the music!

You wished each other happy new year, hugged and kissed, and now it’s time to get on with the party. It’s time to take things to another level.

Azúcar Moreno — “Bandido”

Almost thirty years after Eurovision 1990, “Bandido” by Azúcar Moreno remains a hit, especially in the countries of the former SFR Yugoslavia, where the 1990 contest was held. Its flamenco rhythm is guaranteed to make everyone dance. Forget “Despacito”. This is the Latin music you need in your life.

Deen — “In the Disco”

Music is what I want, music is what I need! Kiss me and turn me slow, up and down, here we go!In the Disco” is another upbeat entry that features memorable choreography. It took Deen to ninth place — much higher than his underrated 2016 entry.

Who See feat. Nina Zizic — “Igranka”

I’m taking you to a dance party! Is there a better song for a go-crazy moment than this? “Igranka” by Who See and Nina Zizic, who represented Montenegro in 2013, is remembered as one of the biggest injustices in Eurovision history, as they failed to qualify for the final in Malmö despite being ranked fourth with the audience. The jury has blood on its hands…

You might wanna add this to the playlist…

• Sandra Kim — “J’aime la vie

• Ruslana — “Wild Dances

• Nika Kocharov & Young Georgian Lolitaz — “Midnight Gold

I’ll let the funky music do the talking

After some drinks and dancing, it’s time for the couples, present and future, to hit it off with a few love songs. Thunder and lightning, it’s getting exciting!

Manga — “We Could Be the Same”

We Could Be the Same” by Manga gave Turkey their best result since their 2003 victory, achieving second place in 2010. It’s a perfect song if you want to woo someone, “For all this time I’ve been loving you, didn’t even know your name”.

Amir — “J’ai cherché”

Amir finally got France back on the track when his entry “J’ai cherché” finished in sixth place. The most successful French entry of the 21st century, “J’ai cherché” is a cheery tune about expressing those feelings: “I’ve been looking, looking for you-u-u-u-u, like a melody of my song”.

Johnny Logan — “Hold Me Now”

One of the most successful entries of all time, “Hold Me Now” by Eurovision legend Johnny Logan remains a hit. It’s perfect for couples to dance to and for you to confess your feelings to that special someone.

You might wanna add this to the playlist…

• Poli Genova — “If Love Was a Crime

• Marie N — “I Wanna

• Salvador Sobral — “Amar pelos dois

And said drink from me…

The party is about to finish. After so many hours of partying and dancing, you are kind of… hammered. In those moments your deepest feelings come to the surface and you tend to get over emotional. It is time to sing your heart out!

A Friend in London — “New Tomorrow”

With so many problems in the world, “New Tomorrow” is the anthem the world needs about now. Performed by the now defunct group A Friend in London, it sounds as current now as it did back in 2011.

Elina Born & Stig Rästa — “Goodbye to Yesterday”

Goodbye to Yesterday” is precisely what you need to play if you want to say goodbye to 2017 with class and style. Or from a more emotional perspective, to break from your past, to turn a new page and to choose to be happy. Sung by Elina Born and Stig Rästa, it earned Estonia 7th place in 2015.

Conchita Wurst — “Rise Like a Phoenix”

No explanation needed. Sing at the top of your lungs!

You might wanna add this to the playlist…

• Hersi — “One Night’s Anger

• Marija Serifovic — “Molitva

• Anna Vissi — “Everything

What’s on your New Year’s playlist? What other songs would you add? Tell us in the comments section below! And on behalf of Team Wiwi, we wish you a very….

Happy New Year!

Photo credits: La Marcha

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7 years ago

Where is One Life – Xandee (Belgium 2004) in this list? She deserved to be here as well Europe Living a Celebration (Spain 2002).

Women, football and rock'n'roll
Women, football and rock'n'roll
7 years ago

There are some songs I love in this list…and some I hate 😉 But that is logical. We have different music taste 🙂 If I should mention some good party songs, my list is like this. Of course, I could have gone from 1956 onwards. But it would be such a long list….probably boring both you for and me 🙂 So – not saying those always are the best – my list is for 2012-2017 For me – a good party song is either fresh rock, cool pumping dance beats or….just something that puts a smile on my face in… Read more »

Roy Moreno
Roy Moreno
7 years ago

I would do ANYTHING to be in a party like that 0.0

7 years ago

Not to be mean, but if you start a party by playing Celebrate, chances are you’re not gonna have too many other people to play the rest of the songs for.
Also, where’s Tanel Pader and Dave Benton with Everybody? I’d call that a fun party song, even if it’s somewhat derided by Eurovision fans (Roll that carpet from the floor!)

William Lee Adams
7 years ago
Reply to  Joe

LOL. It’s a good point about Celebrate

7 years ago
Reply to  Joe

Should have been Celebrate from Croatia 2011, that’s at least a good floor filler

7 years ago
Reply to  Joe

Definitely Everybody. Definitely not Salad Break.