They’re the Icelandic anti-capitalist BDSM techno performance art group who are one of the favourites in this Saturday’s first semi-final of Söngvakeppnin 2019. Now Hatari has issued a challenge to Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu. The group has invited him to a bout of Icelandic trouser wrestling — and that’s not a euphemism.

The group made the announcement yesterday on Rás 2 Radio, with an “unofficial statement” in English read by an anonymous spokesperson for the band.

The band have challenged the prime minister of the Eurovision 2019 host country to a friendly game of glíma — Icelandic trouser-grip wrestling. The sport involves two opponents, each wearing a leather harness strapped around the waist and lower thighs. Glíma favours technique over strength and is the national sport of Iceland.

The Hatari-Netanyahu match would take place in Tel Aviv on May 19th, the day after the Eurovision grand final. This suggests that Hatari are planning to be in town, whether or not they win Söngvakeppnin 2019.

Hatari state that if their representative wins the game, then the band will be permitted to establish within Israel the “first ever Hatari-sponsored liberal BDSM colony on the Mediterranean coast”. If Netanyahu wins, then Israel will be given full control of Vestmannaeyjar, a small archipelago off the southern coast of Iceland.

Read the full statement from Hatari

This is unofficial statement from award winning Icelandic anti-capitalist BDSM techno performers art group Hatari:

We address our statement to Benjamin Netanyahu, prime minister of Israel and chairman of the Likud national-liberal movement.

We members of Hatari hereby challenge you to a friendly match of traditional Icelandic trouser grip wrestling, or glíma. The wrestling match is to take place on Magen David Square in Tel Aviv on May 19th at the time of your choosing.

We will use traditional Icelandic trouser grip rules; illegal holds and unsportsmanlike conduct will lead to disqualifications, and to ensure drengskapur [honour] is upheld, a neutral UN-sponsored referee will be present.

If the chosen Hatari trouser grip wrestling champion wins this fair match of glíma, members of Hatari reserve the rights to settle within your borders establishing the first ever Hatari-sponsored liberal BDSM colony on the Mediterranean coast. If prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu wins the glíma, the Israeli government will be given full political and economic control of South-Icelandic Island municipality Vestmannaeyjar. Members of Hatari will ensure the successful removal of the islands’ current inhabitants.

We await your swift response at our email address [email protected] or contact at Whichever you or your staff prefers.

Hatrið mun sigra, hate will prevail.

Tomorrow evening, Hatari will compete with their song “Hatrið mun sigra” in the first semi-final of Iceland’s national final Söngvakeppnin 2019. Joining them will be fellow competitors Daníel Óliver, Hera Björk, Kristina Skoubo Bærendsen and Þórdís Imsland. Two acts from each of the two semi-finals will qualify for the Icelandic grand final on 2 March.

Iceland has not made it to the Eurovision grand final since 2014 when Pollapönk placed 15th with “No Prejudice”. Most recently, Ari Olafsson placed last in his semi-final with the ballad “Our Choice”.

What do you think? Should Netanyahu take up the challenge? What other national final acts would you like to see involved in sports challenges? Tell us your thoughts below!

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6 years ago

I had to find this post as soon as I saw this:

6 years ago

I first liked them to represent my country but now they can F#%& off. I’ll support Friðrik Ómar instead.

6 years ago

I think they will become the next Silvia Night. No one will understand their real intention with this. Silvia Night was booed in the beginning of the Greeks because she said bad things about them (and other participants). But this was all a joke and part of her persona but people didn’t get this back then

orel nir
orel nir
6 years ago

Europe can’t manage its own “immigration crisis” (or let’s just face it, the “Islam crisis”), but dares to educate Israel on the subject.

European hypocrisy at its best.

6 years ago
Reply to  orel nir

Arent Israelis actually the immigrants in “Israel”?

Orel nir
Orel nir
6 years ago

It’s gonna be very amusing to see Iceland going from the last place to basically not participating.

Considering how bad they are, I encourage.

6 years ago

I’m the last person who’s a fan of Netanyahu. But those guys seem pretty desperate to show off their protest spirit. You don’t need to sweat so much darlings.

6 years ago

Wow, what an unfair proposition for a competition against the poor Israeli PM!

…It’s quite clear that these boys have a lot of experience “wrestling” with leather harnesses around their thighs and waists 😉

(I’m sorry)

6 years ago

They don’t give a damn about anything and I’m so here for it!

Love love peace piece
Love love peace piece
6 years ago

These guys are nuts or just good at self-promotion? hum…

6 years ago

Everybody read this (with Google Translate):

Apparently they don’t really want to compete. They just want to make a statement and are expecting to get disqualified if they go to Tel Aviv. Which would be a really selfish act since Iceland would probably be fined and banned for a while. I think it’s a shame because I thought their song was really good and I imaged them to be more intelligent than this.

6 years ago
Reply to  Bob

They’re not trying to get disqualified, but they are aware of the fact that they might get disqualified with their entry, in the end, they want to make a statement if they go to Israel, and they’re doing it in a clever way

6 years ago
Reply to  HallsiKallsi

If they get disqualified it’s because they intentionally did something to provoke it. Also what’s clever about making a statement at the expense of others? Are they going to pay for the fines themselves?

6 years ago

best news ive heard all yr

6 years ago

As a Mediterranean person, I DO WANT a BDSM colony in our sea. Just saying.

6 years ago

I don’t know why, but everything they say or do entertains me. I hope they go to eurovision!

6 years ago
Reply to  Lolek

I 100% agree with this.

A random russian guy
A random russian guy
6 years ago

Iceland had its golden age in 2006-2013 but recently something has went wrong. I hope they fix it.

6 years ago

who are they? lol

Chingiz Khan
Chingiz Khan
6 years ago

Previously unsaid sentence in human history

6 years ago

What is the difference between capitalist BDSM and communist BDSM?

6 years ago
Reply to  fortunato

Capitalist BDSM has monetary exploitation, while communist BDSM does not.

6 years ago
Reply to  EDM Fan

I get it. I’ve spend my childhood in communism, and my conclusion is : communism is well intended, but among all the political regimes, is the most at risk to go wrong. This is all. Do it, but be extra careful about human rights.

6 years ago
Reply to  fortunato

I don’t pretend that I’m a guru about everything, but what I know, I know because I’ve lived. Do communism everybody, just do it, but be careful. In no time you can find out you have no rights anymore, and the borders are closed. Be extra careful. I’ve lived this!!!

6 years ago
Reply to  fortunato

I’m pretty sure they’re not actually communist. They’re an art project so you can’t really take anything they say seriously. I still think it’s a good thing to be anti-consumerism though.

6 years ago
Reply to  Joe

You are right, I’m from Romania, I know what communism can do (good and bad) and it’s not worth it. How can people learn to be against consumerism? Just let them look at their own bills and debts, that will teach them a lesson.

6 years ago
Reply to  fortunato

Just because they are anti-capitalist doesn’t mean they are communist. Socialists are also anti-capitalists. Also anti-consumerism is interesting with many ecological movements being against consumerism for the sake of our planet.

6 years ago
Reply to  EDM Fan

To be fair socialists are like communists with less power.

Love love peace piece
Love love peace piece
6 years ago
Reply to  Joe

To be fair, socialists are capitalists who pretend they are protecting the people giving them crumbs and the right to protest peacefully.

6 years ago
Reply to  fortunato

Communism brings up many good ideas, the only problem is that every implementation of it has been corrupted by greedy individuals. If communism was to be implemented by actual communists who truly followed communism it would work, that just has never happened and every implementation has just been lead by autocrats and tyrants.

6 years ago
Reply to  Katariina

It’s good as long as it’s voluntary.

6 years ago

Although this is the best song for Iceland, Söngvakeppnin’s viewership is mostly a family audience.

I really have doubts the juries will like this either. Wrong year to bring in the juries with a anthemic song like Hatari’s

6 years ago
Reply to  Floprina

Betting odds currently say Hatari has almost a 50% chance of representing Iceland (in the lead) and I’m really praying that comes true

It’s the only one that’s final-material out of the 10 songs

6 years ago
Reply to  Floprina

Bring in juries? We’ve had juriea since at least 2012

6 years ago

I really hope they win this national selection! This would be my 1st at the moment.

6 years ago

Sylvia Night 2.0

6 years ago
Reply to  Mako

We need more Sylvia Night at Eurovision tbf

6 years ago
Reply to  eurovision6

No x)

Chris Mo
Chris Mo
6 years ago
Reply to  Mako

My thought exactly. Glad someone else also sees it.

6 years ago
Reply to  Chris Mo

Welcome x) I just hope they won’t accuse the future Swedish representative of attempted poisoning 😛

6 years ago

I hope that Hatari will win Söngvakeppnin and win the wrestle match, so they can establish their colony. Hataris song is a protest song and I love it. Solidarity to my comrades at Hatari!

Mr. Vanilla Bean
Mr. Vanilla Bean
6 years ago

My kind of guys <3

6 years ago

I like their entry but kind of gone off them now…. seems they’re trying too hard. We don’t need these kind of concertedly ‘different’ personalities in the contest.
Going to support Tara Mobee now.

6 years ago

I am all for confrontation with Netanyahu but this is childish.. still hope they win though lol

6 years ago

I just want to see ”Icelandic anti-capitalist BDSM techno performance art group ” at Eurovision, lol 😀

6 years ago

Hatari ils sont vraiment phenomenal

6 years ago

Ok I’m swimming to Tel Aviv from Australia to see this (and hopefully Hatari at Eurovision too).

Roy Moreno
Roy Moreno
6 years ago

W… What? What is going with them?
Anyway… I’m not a fan of their entry, seriously don’t get the hype
Not everg different song is neccesarily good

6 years ago
Reply to  Roy Moreno

I don’t know what going on with them lol. But you have a good point.

Frisian esc
Frisian esc
6 years ago
Reply to  Roy Moreno


6 years ago
Reply to  Roy Moreno

Did you listen to it multiple times? Even ignoring everything around it, it just sounds good.

Roy Moreno
Roy Moreno
6 years ago
Reply to  Joe

I have and it isn’t that good

6 years ago

These guys are so ironic. I hope they will still take the contest seriously since their song is actually really good.

Purple Mask
Purple Mask
6 years ago

I just checked the date, to make sure it is not April 1st.