He’s a fabulous French singer and YouTuber in every sense of the word.

And 19-year-old Bilal Hassani has already had a wild ride on the road to Tel Aviv.

He’s sung at 30,000 feet, won France’s national final in a televote landslide and had to grapple with an onslaught of online hate.

We discussed all that and more when we spoke to him at the London Eurovision party.

France’s Bilal Hassani at the London Eurovision Party

On why he’s kept the final version of “Roi” under wraps, Bilal reveals it’s because he loves “surprises”:

“I keep it tight-lipped – I love surprises, I love pranks, I love preserving the mystery because I really think most of the people in the 200 million haven’t seen all of the action that’s been going on for months, they discover it on the night and I want that experience for everyone who has watched the national selections too.”

Singing at 30,000 feet

The star also discusses his impromptu gig at high altitude on an EasyJet flight to Tel Aviv:

“That was a moment. The idea wasn’t mine. They were like, “Do you wanna sing to the plane at 7am in the morning going to Tel Avi?”

Even for a consummate star like Hassani, that poses some logistical hurdles, “First of all do I need makeup and my wig done by 7am, second are you sure you want me to sing for people at 7am, aren’t they gonna get p*ssed?”

The “Jaloux” hitmaker continues, “The tannoy doesn’t sound right, my voice is not awake, but I thought you know what I’m gonna have fun and do it and kiki. Israelis are so fun and light-hearted, so I knew they were gonna be okay about it. Everyone was so excited, it was really really nice.”

How to deal with haters

Asked about the hate he has received online, the star is candid about how important his support network is:

“That’s why I need my mum all the time. We’re a family living the adventure together they always uplift me when I’m down and I read too many negative things, they’re always here to raise me up.”

Asked about his Moroccan heritage, the “Fais Beleck” star says:

“My Moroccan spice comes from my parents. I always try to incorporate a little oriental vibe in songs.”

His album Kingdom is available now from online music retailers. And he is Bilal and we will see him at the Wiwi Jam in Tel Aviv.

Are you excited to hear the final version of “Roi”? What wigs do you want Bilal to wear in Tel Aviv? Let us know in the comments below


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5 years ago

When did this trend of “anyone can become a singer” really start?
He is sympathetic but that is all.

5 years ago
Reply to  Elsa

When did this trend of “being disrespecful and not admitting the reality which is in your face” really start? He is a singer and a good singer why you don’t want admit that? In london he was on fire only pityful hater can’t see that…it’s sad…and Bilal read wiwibloggs and all your comments so thank you for him to respect his person, his job , his lovely voice, his passion, he has so much fans and it’s not for nothing, you can’t live with that and accept him as a good singer? I call this frustration and jealousy.

Bubble too polluted
Bubble too polluted
5 years ago
Reply to  Elsa

He has so much talent and such a good voice, we can add a very good dancer and performer with an undeniable stage presence and charisma but some persons here are so blinded by their stupidity……

5 years ago

Go Bilal you re the best, don’t listen some readers here, they are jealous childish and idiot.
Seriously wiwibloggs you should literally delete these toxic person full of hatred from Wiwibloggs, he is direspectful with everybody except for the entry of his country Paenda lol , this guy is so childish and has really brain’s issues .

5 years ago
Reply to  EscJusticiary

Wiwibloggs should not admit hatred’s comments and vicious persons like that…..or react a little bit more to show the example and to defend a little bit Bilal, and not to let this climate of hatred spread too much…it’s not good for everybody.

5 years ago
Reply to  EscJusticiary

You are talking about hate and you call people who disagree with you idiots. Well let me be one of them too and say bilal song is mediocre as is his voice, in fact i don’t even concider him a professional singer but the amateur one. He even had to lower the key in his london performance because he doesn’t have range or vocal skills to sing it properly.

5 years ago
Reply to  Ksenija

Be happy with your hate….and yes I confirm people as you are idiot, it’s a fact, saying what you say yeah you seem so clever and full of respect, Bilal’s song is good and strong his voice is so good, his personality so lovely, his perf in London was one of the strongest!! You can’t live with that what s your problem? You won’t change nothing with your bad and wrong comments, you just show your stupidity without an argument just hate hate and hate however how many account you have here!! It’s huge!! Cause one person for all these… Read more »

5 years ago
Reply to  Ksenija

And no he sings the same version than in destination eurovision, his voice has improved incredibly, you said the same on youtube you’re not tired?
BILAL is going to sing a song full of love with a very strong and touching message in front of 200 millions viewers and you what you do of your life? except to hate Bilal nothing it seems.

5 years ago

Too bad you are always here to be unpleasant with your multiple surnames, too bad you have not a different brain, bean’s brain….. Eurovision has created monsters in Austria too… too bad.

5 years ago

Eurovision YT channel posted a video on Bilal and his wigs. They have names. He was so cool when he talked about that one special wig. No spoilers.

5 years ago

I care so little about your comment that I don’t bother to downvote you.

5 years ago
Reply to  Whisker

I agree with TIML

5 years ago

This is such a sleeper. This may shock everyone, me thinks. Gay arab singing in Israel is enough for some crowd to vote, and I think song is as not as bad people claim. His vocals were better in London pre party. It’s odds are shortening, if you missed.

5 years ago
Reply to  NickC

Being gay has never been a reason for voting for anyone. Thankfully! It’s a bout music, not sexuality. France will not do well. He is not a good singer

5 years ago
Reply to  MyName

The goal of your pathetic relentlessness ? We have all recognized who you are, lol, I wonder why some parents let their child using internet when he has no brain….

5 years ago

So true 😀

5 years ago

Bilal is a sweetheart! You are allowed to hate the song, but bullying a boy or man for being gay or wearing wigs is simply rude and stupid!

5 years ago
Reply to  ESCFan2009

Being gay is (of course) OK. But I don’t like how he uses it to gain symphathy. It’s a song contest, not a contest for statements. I think he plays an unfortuante double role. he might be a good guy for what I know. But I personally don’t like the song, lyrics and performance

5 years ago
Reply to  MyName

I fail to see how he uses his sexuality to “gain sympathy”. I don’t think that song applies only to sexual diversity, it can apply to anyone because social dynamics vary a lot and affect many people every.single.day. So trying to diminish the message of the song while people get bullied every day because they are different or don’t “fit” with others – who are usual mediocre (same goes for the KEiiNO empowering song) is cruel. Some people take their life because of bullying. Gay, straight, it doesn’t matter. No to mediocrity, yes to extraordinarity and personal freedom. No one… Read more »

5 years ago

I wonder if Bilal would wear some interesting make-up look in the GF for the performance I mean, not the green room. Some nice gold. Now I am so curious about his performance, make-up, outfit, hair. Is he going to have a crown? Dancers. I am going folle.

Polegend Godgarina
Polegend Godgarina
5 years ago

he’s gonna need a different wig every night since kate miller-heidke will snatch and burn them all