Well that didn’t take long. On May 21, just days after the grand final of the Eurovision Song Contest 2019, the microstate of San Marino confirmed its participation in Eurovision 2020.
Mr. Carlos Romeo, the director general of SMRTV, announced that his team is wasting no time as it gets back on the road for next year’s song contest: “We have already started working for Amsterdam!” (And, we’d assume, Maastricht, Utrecht, Rotterdam or wherever else we all land…).
Eersin Parlak, a long-time member of the Sanmarinese delegation, elaborated on the announcement on his Instagram account.
“San Marino RTV is proud to announce the confirmation of participation at the 65th Eurovision Song Contest 2020 in The Netherlands.”
“After getting the best result of the country in Tel Aviv, the preparations for next year is already started in television. Forza San Marino!”
Serhat managed to place 20th in the grand final this year. He is only the second contestant from the country to make the final, following Valentina Monetta who placed 24th in the grand final in 2014.
The Turkish-born star achieved some impressive milestones along the way.
He qualified in eighth position from the first semi-final. But of greater note is that he managed to finish fourth in the televote behind only Iceland, Australia and Estonia. Jurors ranked him 15th.
His 20th place finish in the final put him ahead of several fan favourites, including Greece and Spain. Spectacularly, he came 10th with the televote.
We caught up with Serhat just hours before the show and he was feeling loose and confident. You can see that video below.
How are you feeling about Serhat and San Marino? Can the country find another singer with his charisma, uniqueness, nerve, talent and budget? Who do you want to see on stage for the San Marinese next year? Shout it out in the comments box below.
Did you know that 750.000 San Marino’s would fit in the area of Russia
Say no no no
So happy to see San Marino for once very motivated for the next edition. Usually after each Eurovision they threaten to leave.
You can find the results breakdown on several sites….
Some Eurofans really do make me scratch my head – you love the song, fanwank it into oblivion and want nothing more for it than to qualify but as soon as it does you all turn on SM and begin hating on it? As someone who did not like the song period you’re all unbelievable lmfao
Almost the whole fandom wanted them to qualify and now they are angry that they did…. I agree with you!
Atleast I was one of those people that supported them from the beginning and I WAS SO HAPPY IT QUALIFIED!
I wonder if some dumb tycoon will pay to get Madonna to represent San Marino next year.
Please no!
WHAT a JOKE. Televotes need to be banned from Eurovision to stop this thing from happening! 100% JURY only please! The real winner of Eurovision is JOHN LUNDVIK. HE IS THE WINNER. Only Sweden haters disagree!
The winner of Eurochurches
If it was only the Jury vote. Sweden still wouldn’t have won, we would be heading to North Macedonia!
hahaha and then they wouldnt host ESC … they dont have SOLDI
Pity trolling, next
If Valentina returns, I want a serious Jazz song from her. No more generic pop songs from Ralph Siegel plz!
YEEEEEAAAAAH, but this time please bring Sertab Erener back!!!!
Valentina and Serhat need to duet!
Looking forward for Valentina Monetta solo 🙂
horrible news, they will give us another cheesy dated song then!
Why is it so hard for them to pick an Italian singer?
cheesy is good
How about Chiara Siracusa from Malta?
EBU confirmed that the Belarusian jury votes that were announced were wrong so Cyprus is now 13th! Professional juries my ass.
They wouldn’t have said anything only that someone figured it out on Twitter. An absolute disgrace that this happens at this level. Also now means that the televoting winner finished 6th.
In this case it wasn’t the Juries’ fault but rather the people behind the tabulation
so “professional” even kids in kindergarden would be more professional …..OMG Portugal last in jury ….i am done …or Serbia gave 12 points to Montenegro ( jury) and Montenegro jury gave Serbia only 7 lol hahaha
Definitely not qualifying for another few years sadly…
I will never understand how this entry can be in top 10 of the televote instead of good acts like Miki, Bilal or the couple of Slovenia…….it’s so unfair even if Serhat is a so nice person but this result is not realistic….. More the years go by and more the Esc is more and more disappointing, and the results more and more weird and questionable. EBU thinks to improve from years to years but Lol it’s really not that, a big brainstorming is essential moreover because some countries will really get tired of this contest which belongs to only… Read more »
San Marino got 10th because it was the 10th most beloved song by Europeans. Grow up
The 10th most beloved!!!!!! Loooool Omg you made my day thank you for your credulity!!!
Ankara calling, baby… 😉
Serhat and his song are very nice, which justified some votes. But I think there was also a form of strategy: giving San Marino a lot of points rather than a favorite to reduce his chances of victory. As for Bilal (I speak because I’m French) when I think back to the totally unjustified wave of hatred he had to face! for nothing, considering the place he finished in which he disturbed people, seriously? All he wanted was to sing in Eurovision, and he realized that dream. After all French points was announced, he gave an interview to the French… Read more »
What sweet unassuming man. Come back soon Bilal. Love his dancers I wish them all well.
Serhat, you’re Fun, you are the favourite of all bored housewives
Don’t forget the daddy chasers!
Does he have money?
Serhat has achieved many successes upon entering this contest: being well loved by fans since 2016, hitting the Billboard dance chart, helping San Marino qualify to the final and have their highest score yet, and garnering more Turkish fans and giving them voice despite their withdrawal in the contest. A true Eurovision icon indeed.
Chill out people. He achieved his result fair and square. Not every entry has to be a musical masterpiece. We also need some lighthearted fun. Plus, I didn’t know was worse but it made to Us dance charts, so who knows where this one will end up. You may soon eat your words, so I suggest you get down on your high horses.
3. They send the same persons over and over and over again
Not all countries have lengthy national finals and juries by their side, like yours 😉
What I really like about San Marino is their backing vocalists (2014, 2016 and 2018), they just look so profesional and have a great live voice. Miles better than other big countries. Anyway, while I didn’t like Serhat’s song, I am happy with the outcome. Sometimes it is good to have a bit of humor in the contest. Remember that Netta was also a humor act although with much better quality. I hope that they qualify in 2020 too!! It’s nice to see such a small and relatively unknown country (for TV viewers) in the final!!
How is it that San Marino consistently have good backing vocalists and the UK never do? Can’t be a question of resources now, can it?
Great news I notice quite a few countries have provisionally said they will take part next year.
Please San Marino , no 360 again.
Please send IROL for San Marino! He’s actually a Sammarinese.
I’m still waiting for Serhat and Valentina to perform togather.
What a fantasy that would be.
Spirit of the NaNaNa!
I would be fun and probably do well with televoting. But I personally would like to see somebody new from SM. There must be some young talents in the country?
First of all, I have supported San Marino through and through, its a microstate after all and they have made some effort to get into the finals (2013 and 2014), but omg, I am honestly still bitter about San Marino making it through the finals this year, it was a joke act and nothing more and I absolutely hated it, He confessed to have writen the song in 5 minutes and he doesnt know how to sing! he really looked like the typical drunk uncle in a wedding. I may not have been pleased with some of the decitions the… Read more »
i agree. Horrible televotes by the turks in Europe just because he lead Jeopardy in Turkey
Take one gander at the voting results besides Azerbaijan and tell me where the Turkish diaspora votes are. Why nothing from Germany or Belgium then?
You didn’t even bother to look at the results, if you did you’d know that countries who voted for him have no turkish diaspora (minus azarbaijan). All countries who voted for him are from the east, including mine (Serbia), i guess people here love disco songs.
Writing a song doesn’t have a set time. He had lyrics written in his head so there’s that, but you also have to take into account the amount of time needed to actually produce a song, write the music that accompanies the lyrics at the very least.,
San Marino, listen, don’t give up on the robots.
In 2018 those little guys had a hard time being dumped by Jessika and heartbroken by Valentina getting last place the year before.
But in 2019 they got over it, then they were invited by the Azerbaijani broadcaster and boom, 7th place!
With the robot diaspora in Europe I can see Valentina’s backyard 2020 happening, don’t miss this chance.
san marino wasted its biggest chance when arisa offered herself to represent them but they sent…whatever they sent in 2015 since that was the year
Did she really offer to represent them? :O why would they decline?
Jalisse too
San Marino wanted her to pay 500 000 Euros to compete though
Probably choosing Serhat again.
Please San Marino. For 2020 please send a Sammarinese or Italian artist for next year. Serhat and his team have absolutely NOTHING in common with San Marino. Even including Turkish words in his song and waving the Turkish flag is not a very polite gesture for San Marino.
We know from the wildcard of 1in360 that there are still some Sammarinese artists from which they can choose from.
Same goes for Cyprus. I would like to see a Cypriot act and no Swedish composers for Cyprus next year.
Why can’t a singer represent another country? This is about the best song, not the best nationality. Estonia was also represented by a Swede, but I didn’t see anyone complaining about it.
Probably cuz they usually have Estonians represent them.
They can. But I am afraid that San Marino will become the “wildcard” entry at Eurovision. Which means the person with the most money can buy its place in the contest. So maybe we will have daughters of rich Russian oligarchs with horrible vocals representing San Marino. Or this human Ken doll thing from Brazil. Eurovision is probably the only major international event where microstates like SM can show themselves. So why not showing some of the local culture? If not at ESC, where else?! Better to send Valentina again than a cringy rich person. But please not in a… Read more »
I would also like to see somebody new from SM next year….there must be some good singers in the country.
Celine Dion and Alexander Rybak say ‘hi’!
As far as I know Serhat has no ties with San Marino, he doesn’t even live there. Again, I’m not sure if this information is accurate. I’ve also heard that San Marino sells the participation for 500 000 euros and literally anyone can do it. So it all makes sense now. It was a ridiculous entry. It was so bad that sometimes I play it just to remind myself how bad it was. It also explains the Facebook song that they sent with Valentina.
I would assume San Marino looks outward for talent since it’s only a micro nation. Heck we could see anyone who would likely participate come from San marino
Of course there is no issue with importing international talents. But it makes me sad that anyone can pay for the name of San Marino and use it to promote his failed music career. Entries like Serhat’s are very damaging for the country image. He was clearly not there to represent San Marino, he was there to appear on tv.
I would also prefer to see someone who has actually some stronger ties with San Marino as their representative but I don’t agree that Serhat’s entry was damaging for the country image. Of course, there are people who are angry about the fact that a joke entry did so well, but on the other hand San Marino have many fans, people are actually supporting them and Serhat is one of the reasons. Maybe he is not the best singer, but he is very nice and charismatic and adds this crazy flavor that so many people love about Eurovision.
How was san marino a joke entry? It’s a fun disco song; what exactly is the joke because i didn’t get it?
They may send Serhat again or maybe Serhat with Valentina, it would be a perfect combo. Or maybe Serhat plus someone else who actually can sing?
MARUV ft. Serhat!
Question: if someday san marino wins, would they give their rights to Italy or the runner up?
I think the EBU would step in and either announce that whichever country wants to host can submit their proposals or they could look at the final ranking and ask the runner-up, the third place and so on.
Usually the rights are given to the winning country and then the broadcaster announces whether they will or not, in the case of San Marino, they will decide whether they wanna host it or not, of no, then the rights are given to the country that case in second place ?
I bet they send Serhat again, lol.
He already said this year will be his final appearance at ESC
I think it would be awesome if Sam Marino decides to invite foreign artist every year and becomes a platform for many musicians from around the world.
Congrats San Marino and I am so happy to hear they will continue participating. I wish nobody withdraws this year!
They perfected the art of ”guilty pleasures”, but now I’d prefer them to send something which at least tries have more substance. I mean, if Italy can regularly do it, I see no reason SM can’t either.
On the other hand, we need fun nonsense entries too, so,.. Good luck in either case!
Can you tell us what is nonsense about “Say Na Na Na”? That reminds me of Duncan that said his esc favorite song is Benjamin Ingrosso – “Dance you off”, and his guilty pleasure is “Toy”. What? What about the other way around?
Serhat ft. Valentina or Valentina ft.Serhat then for next year?
Yasss! Throw in a short rap verse for Jenny B and I’m all in!
An “All-star San Marino supergroup” 😀
Send Valentina and Serhat together!
Like, come on, they would easily win the televote this way 😀
I wonder if San Marino will bring back Valentina for next year, but on a serious note now that Serhat has achieved the best result for San Marino with an upbeat disco type of song, which did better, than Valentina’s slow touching ballad, maybe that’s the right path for San Marino to take, and next year with the right singer, they could achieve a great placing with another up-tempo song.
Well, they sent Valentina with an upbeat disco song and it went nowhere.
Well if you compare their disco beat song to Serhat’s, I think there on two different levels, although Serhat’s voice isn’t necessarily the greatest, the beat made his song very memorable, so in the end he ended up placing better than, Greece, Israel, Spain, and the UK, I don’t think Valentina had that memorable factor to her song.
I liked Serhat an his song from the start. He’s such a gentleman. Haters gonna hate, but I think the whole ensemble did great and brought something fun and uplifting. San Marino can and should be very proud of their country and Serhat!!!
Before the grand final, if I would have said San Marino will be higher than Greece, I would have had a record of dislikes. Who’s laughing now ? Serhat.

21 confirmed countries so far including Ukraine! It will be the biggest ESC ever?
bulgaria not returning ,so no.
You never know…
We could see Kosovo debut and Luxembourg return
Wait, Luxembourg? Since when?
If Kosovo debuts then Serbia withdraws, and I don’t think they will be the only one.
What about debut of Faroe islands?
There’s also some hope Kazakhstan could be invited (or at least I keep hoping).
Andorra said that they might return in co-operation with TV3 from Catalonia to look for an entry
What would be an effort of TV3 to show Catalonia as if it was an independent country…
San Marino’s comeback this year was a truly life-affirming thing to behold. Don’t make us wait another five years!
San Marino listen to me! Pls make a duo of Valentina and Serhat! You would win the whole thing with it!
I would like to see that!!
At least this renewed their spirit! Don’t let us down, San Marino!
Valentina should come back and take her record back! #QueenOfSanMarino