Hatari was — from the very beginning of their Eurovision journey — outspoken about their support for the people of Palestine. They repeatedly expressed their hope that someday there would be peace and unity between Israelis and Palestinians, and that the Israeli government would end their settlement there.

The band have also made it clear that ever since they won Söngvakeppni in February they have been kept on very short leash, and pretty much ordered by the EBU to keep quiet and not rock the boat. And they obeyed…more or less…until Iceland received its televote points during the Grand Final of Eurovision last Saturday. At that moment, with cameras pointed at them, they waved Palestinian banners and were both booed and praised by the audience and viewers, depending on their views.

Hatari has been a tight-knit group and unanimous in their stance and political views. Their performance went beyond the stage, and group members stayed in character pretty much all the time. But according to Kolbeinn Tumi Daðason, reporter for the Icelandic web-media visir.is, who had been in Tel Aviv during Eurovision week, female dancer Sólbjört Sigurðardóttir, who is also Einar’s fiancé, was very upset and angry about the whole thing.

The group’s female members have subsequently spoken to reporters and said that they did know about the banner incident, but they were not aware of how far they would get.

Needless to say, security guards and staff members of the Tel Aviv Expo were less than pleased about Hatari’s silent outburst, and immediately rushed to the green room to confiscate the banners.

This is shown in an IG-video, posted by drummer Einar Stefánsson. In the back, either Sólbjört or Ástrós are heard saying: “I am very scared right now, I want to go back to the hotel at once.” Even if you are aware of something, it can cause you distress.

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The EBU will take action

And if the staff members of the EXPO were displeased, just imagine the anger coming out of EBU HQ. In an interview with ruv.is, Felix Bergsson confirmed that he had been called to a meeting with the EBU, and that Hatari’s actions will indeed have consequences. But he says that he does not know how exactly what those will be. “I honestly just don’t know at this point,” he said. “We’ll just have to wait and see. We pretty much all knew beforehand that Hatari had strong opinions and wanted to state those opinions one way or the other. I sincerely hope that this will all blow over soon”.

For security reasons and for the safety of the group, Felix advised them to hand over the banners and tried to get the group back to the dressing rooms as soon as possible. That, however, took longer than expected because a lot of the routes to and from the Green Room were closed. At the end, he says he had to take the group through the audience, which he says was less trouble than he’d expected. “There was some shouting, but luckily no one came directly at them,” Felix said. He admits that he was somewhat relieved that this was all over and that he didn’t have to constantly be on his toes, waiting to see what Hatari would do.

In an interview with visir.is, the only thing lead member Matthías Tryggvi Haraldsson had to say about the incident was: “This all went according to plan, and all I’m saying is CHEERS and much love from Iceland.”

Hatari did indeed leave their mark on Eurovision 2019, and will definitely be remembered for all eternity for their participation, both in a good way and in a bad way. Whatever the consequences for them and RÚV is yet to be seen. Will it be a slap on the wrist in the best case scenario or will Iceland face a one year disqualification in the worst case scenario? This will all be revealed in days to come.

What do you think about Hatari’s banner incident? Should the EBU disqualify Iceland from next year’s Eurovision or just simply give a good old fashioned scolding and move on? Please share your thoughts in the comment section below.

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Loubella McDoughnut
Loubella McDoughnut
5 years ago

No “bad way” as far as I’m concerned.

Anton Aronsson
5 years ago

I love how the banner was made in China, imported from P@lestine, Sent to Iceland and then flown in Israel. i

5 years ago

EBU: Iceland is disqualified for Eurovision 2020…

Are they only rumors?
Are they only lies?
Is it true? Is it over? Did I throw it away?
Did you tell me you would never leave me this way?

5 years ago

Punishing Iceland for what the artists did would be unfair.
Punishing Hatari… Well, they are a BDSM band. And Hate Would Have Prevailed.

5 years ago

EBU is stupid, by hosting it in Israel they already made it political from the start, and expressed support for Israel. To turn around and act like others have no right to show their support as well or express desire for peace is just ridiculous. If anyone should be banned and fined it’s EBU, they really ruined Eurovision and turned the contest into some idiotic sham of late, where even the winner is somewhat pre-decided. smh. If Iceland will be disqualified from competing that’s no big loss there, tbh.

5 years ago
Reply to  Aer

what a dumb comment..

5 years ago
Reply to  Aer

No Aer, it’s not political for Israel to host the show. They won the show in 2018 and as part of tradition, they get to host the show the following year. How in the hell is that political?

5 years ago

All in all – and whatever the outcome is – well done, Hatari! Your belief in human rights is only to be admired!

5 years ago

I mean something similar happened in 2016. Iveta raised the disputed region’s flag and in the end the broadcaster got fined. I believe Icelandic broadcaster will also be fined.

5 years ago
Reply to  Jonas

Does anyone remember how Loreen met human rights activists in Baku during her stay, and talked about the human rights violations in Azerbaijan; and how the Azeri authorities hated it. I can’t remember anyone complaining about it back then, and calling for a ban/punishment of Sweden. Why the double-standard?

5 years ago
Reply to  burrbrr

The difference is that Loreen didn’t say or do anything political during the live shows of ESC, but did it behind the scenes instead. The authorities may have hated it, but since she did it outside of the contest itself, during her own free time, they couldn’t actually punish her or the delegation for it. Had she waved a flag or banner on live TV like Iveta and Hatari then yes, she would have faced consequences for that as the others. It’s not a case of double standard since there’s a significant difference from what the others did.

ben yo
ben yo
5 years ago

The moderator seems to be asleep, so I post again, this time concealing the P-word:

can anyone please explain to me what problem Israel as a state and/or Israelians as citizens do have against the P@lestinian flag and if there are any laws that prohibit any exposition or posession of the flag. Thanks

5 years ago
Reply to  ben yo

In Israel waiving the Pal flag is not prohibited at all.
It’s just the Eurovision rule.
Armenia should have been banned too a few years ago.
Also waving a Catalan, eta Basque or Kurdish flag and so on is not allowed in Eurovision.

5 years ago

They should be disqualified or at least face a fine. All Hatari were doing was expressing their own political opinions. The flag display has NO influence on human rights or on public awareness because everyone already knows about Israel and P@lestine and those who don’t are probably not gonna be any the wiser because they saw a ‘P@lestine’ scarf. Hatari are dicks, they could have stayed at home and done this from Iceland rather than being this disrespectful but obviously they have some white saviour complex and think they have somehow helped the Pali cause…smh Also, Iveta’s 2016 stunt was… Read more »

5 years ago
Reply to  Sal

Disrespectful to whom? What did you think was so disrespectful with showing a PL-banner?

5 years ago
Reply to  Sal

You would have obviously liked that they’d stayed at home and do it from home: because then it would have no effect. When it comes to white-saviour complex… That’s interesting, because the Israeli regime’s narrative is partly based on an idea of saving the “judeo-christian world” from the barbarous brown muslims… As I have pointed out a couple of times here, punishing RUV would make an excellent example of double standards. Loreen met human rights activists in Baku during her stay, and talked about the human rights violations in Azerbaijan; and the Azeri authorities hated it. I can’t remember anyone… Read more »

5 years ago

They won’t disqualify Iceland. First of all they should disqualify Armenia for its political situation. ?veta took fake flag of occupied territory of Azerbaijan. Then sing about genocide etc. Go Iceland

5 years ago

They won’t disqualify Iceland, EBU aren’t that dumb. Imagine the Twitter backlash.
Their best interests are served by doing something symbolic but ultimately meaningless, like a fine, a warning, or whatever.

5 years ago

Erm no. If you disqualify Iceland for this, you need to disqualify a whole lot of more countries for past actions. But yeah, consistency was never a thing in the EBU. A letter of thank you is the right punishment for Iceland.

5 years ago
Reply to  Justice

The “political act” was the decision to ban P@lestinian flags in the first place. P@lestine has the same UN status as the Vatican, and the EBU outright keeps inviting *them* to *compete*. Keiino waved a Sami flag which has no UN status whatsoever and there wasn’t a peep out of anyone. But someone dares wave the flag of a country of five million people….

If you ban a *specific* country’s flag, *you’re* the one making the political statement.

5 years ago
Reply to  Nafnlaus

P@lestine is not a country (and for the sake of the middle east let’s hope it never will be)

5 years ago
Reply to  Nafnlaus

This is obviously not the problem, but the intention behind the act. If you want to express your opinion on such a delicate matter, there are a lot of other places to do so. Saying the flag is not illegal is like saying it is legal to be an atheist, so lets insult Jesus Muhammed and Moses on stage – because it is not illegal.
It is rude, and at least hypocrite.

5 years ago
Reply to  Barak

Why is it rude? Why do people get provoked over the existence of PL people?

5 years ago
Reply to  burrbrr

No, not the existence of the people, but their will to destroy their neighbours because they cannot stand anyone near them who thinks differently. Think logically – Israel is 1000X stronger, do you think that if Israel wanted to cast them out or destroy them it couldn’t ? The fact is that all major conflicts ocuur because P@L people will not give up their dream to destroy IL. For them it is not a matter of compromise but a case of Either-Or. And THAT is the provokation. All previous talks between the sides ended with IL offering almost everyhing, and… Read more »

5 years ago
Reply to  Barak

Yeah, but Israel has already destroyed p@lestine? Neither p@lestine not its people seem to be doing so well. “if Israel wanted to cast them out or destroy them”, do you mean like a genocide? And that’s a myth and propaganda that Israeli regime offered everything and p@l refused it all because they have wanted to annihilate Israel. For a beginning, Israeli regime can stop building illegal settlements.

5 years ago

CAREFUL WITH WHAT YOU’RE WISHING FOR – So you think “certain” flags are too “political” for being seen in the Eurovision? How about the pride flags then? Millions of Europeans, if not hundreds of millions of Europeans (judging from people’s voting patterns in government elections) think that pride flags are extremely political, symbolising a “gender ideology” (whatever that means…). Less than a year ago, the neo-nazi party here in Sweden (supposedly one of the most progressive countries in the world) forced the local election authorities to take down pride flags in a local library which was used as a polling… Read more »

A random russian guy
A random russian guy
5 years ago
Reply to  burrbrr

And what about Serhat taking with him Turkish flag? Is it political too? That’s just a flag.

5 years ago

Flags are by nature political. It is their goal to be political. A contest between countries involving televoting is political. How could it not be? People have political opinions about other countries, which does influence their votes (and lately, juries as well). The “no politics” rule is already nonsensical, as if they wanted to enforce it, it should ban songs that preach, say, tolerance as well. But that would be unacceptable for many participants, so they only choose to enforce it whenever specific countries are mentioned or referred to. Now, if they want to enforce such a rule during performances,… Read more »

5 years ago
Reply to  aroncido


5 years ago
Reply to  aroncido

Also, does anyone remember how Loreen met human rights activists in Baku during her stay, and talked about the human rights violations in Azerbaijan; and how the Azeri authorities hated it. I can’t remember anyone complaining about it back then, and calling for a ban/punishment of Sweden. Why the double-standard?

5 years ago
Reply to  burrbrr

Because Loreen played EDM and Hatari didn’t.

5 years ago

Meanwhile, I’m just sitting here thinking if Ukraine is gonna send Maruv to Eurovision next year.

5 years ago

I wish the people hating on Hatari would realize that their act is made more successful because of your reaction. The response of many people on here is only confirming that their message was right all along, we are forgetting to love and hate is prevailing.
There is already too much hate in the world, let’s show more love guys!

5 years ago
Reply to  Kosey

TBH, it doesn’t bother me because realistically they’ll eventually be forgotten, but until then, i disagree with what they did and i’m gonna express it

5 years ago

No, this act will NOT get more attention by me, cause this is their only plan. Everything is said. Silly behaviour.

5 years ago
Reply to  ESCFan2009

Iceland says thank you. Nobody wants your attention.

5 years ago

It’s an art project, calling them a “mediocre band” is hardly any relevant. They have an agenda, and they are good at furthering it: you talk about them, and their message 😉 All according to plan!

5 years ago

It’s an art project, calling them a “mediocre band” is hardly any relevant. They have an agenda, and they are good at furthering it: you talk about them, and their message 😉 All according to plan!

5 years ago

YES banned for standing up for HUMAN RIGHTS! BRAVI ICeland guys, along with Conan, the only ones with BALLS

5 years ago

Let’s hope that Iceland gets banned and brings more publicity to the P@lestinian issue. All according to plan!

5 years ago

All written by the Icelandic blog writers…

5 years ago
Reply to  Angelina

How strange. I thought cypriot or spanish bloggers would write about this, with their perfect command in icelandic language…

Fun or ban?
Fun or ban?
5 years ago

If they love P&lestine so much, they should go touring to P&lestine, and share the impressions

5 years ago
Reply to  Fun or ban?

They actually went there and have just released a song featuring P&lestinian artist, Bashar Murad.

Fun or ban?
Fun or ban?
5 years ago
Reply to  Safiya

I am impressed.

5 years ago
Reply to  Safiya

They recorded it in an Israeli controlled area in West Bank (Area C), maybe because in PLA territories (Area A) their look and sexuality would be a case to stoned them.

5 years ago
Reply to  userdean

Honestly, all this talk about how the PL people are homophobic is purely r@cist. I don’t think people in PL are more hom0phobic than say people in Russi@, Lithuani@, Armeni@ or illeg@l-settl€ment-ultra orth0d0x-j€wish communities in the 0ccupi€d t€rrit0ries. Glad they haven’t met any ultra-orth0d0x j€wish s€ttl€rs while filming it; I’ve read reports that they can kill people as they wish with impunity.

5 years ago
Reply to  burrbrr

so go there yourself and try … and if you come back tell us your impressions… Gays arec executed there!! you are so ignorants!

5 years ago
Reply to  Ben

I’ve checked and found no resources for gays being executed in the p@alestinian territories, what are your resources other than LIKUD propaganda aiming at dehumanizing people of PL in order to distract from the Israeli regimes atrocities. Apparently Israel is not a haven for all gay men either: (citing from wikipedia) While hundreds of gay P@lestinians are reported to have fled to Israel because of the hostility they face in P@lestine,[1] they have also been subject to house arrest or deportation by Israeli authorities, on account of the inapplicability of the law of asylum to areas or nations in which… Read more »

5 years ago

Im sorry but how is this shocking. RUV knew this would happen when they accepted them in final, Hatari were clear about their intentions. The head of delegation knew something would happen. KAN knew something would happen. It was clear they prepared to show the flag during voting. Camera man could have chosen to not show it, he did.
They should deal with the consequences, they choose to play with fire.

5 years ago

The ebu will do nothing cause they never do. Armenia done something similar in 2016 and they weren’t banned. Ukraine this year although not to do with a flag/banner weren’t banned after making the Eurovision political so know Iceland should and will not be banned

5 years ago
Reply to  Escfan

Armenia were given a warning in 2016, just as Iceland/Hatari were warned through the week when they were making comments in interviews about political matters. So Hatari went further than Armenia, so they will receive some punishment. As for Ukraine, the EBU cannot do anything about how a country selects their artist, they can only get involve once a song has been formally submitted to the song contest, which in Maruv’s case, it hadn’t been.

5 years ago
Reply to  Reynard

Does anyone remember how Loreen met human rights activists in Baku during her stay, and talked about the human rights violations in Azerbaijan; and how the Azeri authorities hated it. I can’t remember anyone complaining about it back then, and calling for a ban/punishment of Sweden. Why the double-standard?

5 years ago

Well I mean they did better than Israel’s entry that’s for sure

5 years ago

Bitter much?

5 years ago

Bitter much?

5 years ago

I send my love to Israel <3
And I am not even a Christian, Jew, or LBTG Tel Aviv lover,
I just like people with an open mind and a heart , and I see that in the Israeli people. <3

5 years ago
Reply to  Angelina

Not in the occupied territories you don’t

5 years ago
Reply to  ennisol

I love all of Israel, and that’s including everything and everyone 😀

5 years ago
Reply to  ennisol

My <3 to all Israeli people

5 years ago

Those guys need to come out of the Darkness and get some Light – literarly and figurarly.

5 years ago

Armenia also did same think with flag of Nagorno Karabach back in 2016 …and they werent disqualified at all ….

5 years ago
Reply to  Tom

Does anyone remember how Loreen met human rights activists in Baku during her stay, and talked about the human rights violations in Azerbaijan; and how the Azeri authorities hated it. I can’t remember anyone complaining about it back then, and calling for a ban/punishment of Sweden. Why the double-standard?

5 years ago

Its sad… Hatari not really intersrting except their provoke. Maybe thats why the did it…? probably yes..

5 years ago
Reply to  May

Ofcourse that was the reason. Otherwise they would have boycotted or did something in the semi-final or final performance. They just wanted to get the attention and the fame on the backs of other people. They say they are against capitalism but are capitalists themselves. Now they will have more concerts, more money, all by using other people. If they are against Israel they should have boycotted, but then nobody would know them. Btw the Pal. BDS group also was Against hatar’s Egoist action. So sad, this dark group. They need to get out of the Darkness and get some… Read more »

5 years ago
Reply to  Angelina

litrarrrrly and figruarrrly you should drop the bitterness.

5 years ago
Reply to  Angelina

Illegal settlements exist off the backs of other people.

5 years ago
Reply to  May

It’s an art project, calling them a “mediocre band” is hardly any relevant. They have an agenda, and they are good at furthering it: you talk about them, and their message 😉 All according to the plan!

5 years ago

Trolls in wiwi has no shame anymore… Bashing Israel for being upset and want to deal with it *in the official ESC way*, while they give us the best ESC ever with an arab host and nothing but acceptence and unite by music. If Iceland would wave Ukraine’ flag in RUSSIA (thats a real bravery if you ask me…) – Russia would jail them and made them pay much more. Stop the double standarts when it comes to Israel.

5 years ago
Reply to  Juven

^^^^^ Propaganda

Polegend Godgarina
5 years ago

give them a symbolic fine and move on

5 years ago

Shalom Jackie

5 years ago
Reply to  James
5 years ago

Does anyone remember how Loreen met human rights activists in Baku during her stay, and talked about the human rights violations in Azerbaijan; and how the Azeri authorities hated it. I can’t remember anyone complaining about it back then, and calling for a ban/punishment of Sweden. Why the double-standard?

5 years ago

Israel needs to be sanctioned for its slogan and logo, for postcards in the occupied territories and their map of Israel during the voting. No mention of this? Hatari waved a flag not a sw@stik@.

5 years ago
Reply to  ennisol

Thank you, but we don’t need your advice.

5 years ago
Reply to  Guysk

Are you EBU?

5 years ago
Reply to  Guysk

You just got it

5 years ago
Reply to  ennisol

you must be such an idiot!! how pathetic!

5 years ago

To all Israeli readers:
Remember: on these pages you find mostly hateful comments. All people that love and not hate are now listening to the songs of the Netherlands, Mahmood and other countries and having a good time instead of spending their time spreading hateful comments.
Remember: 39 countries didn’t protest. Thanks for the hospitality and the show! <3

5 years ago
Reply to  Angelina

Oh God, get over with it already! No-one’s questioning Israel’s existence and it’s right to do so. Why does the recognition of existence of the P-country (which apparently cannot even be named on these pages) and it’s people trigger y’all? You sound like man rights activists – thinking a demand for equality is hatred against men. Grow up!

5 years ago
Reply to  Angelina

thank you Angelina! we, israelis, find these people pathetics and hypocrites using in their daily life our inventions and knowledge…occupation? No! it’s defence from these cruel people( leaders)

5 years ago
Reply to  Ben

You know who else was thinking that he was defending his country against cruel people? Some German leader from the 30’s. So, careful there!

5 years ago

Normally the production gallery would know what is in camera view before they decide on a cut. In this case, one of the banners was already unfurled and held up before the band were put on screen. I can’t understand why KAN still went ahead with the cut. We all knew what was in prospect.

5 years ago

I think that EBU should fine themselves for this bad show- errors in cameras, rehearsals online when they shouldn’t be online, errors in votations, tickets very expensive and with errors and difficulties to buy them online. Come on… please organize yourselves and after that you may try to impose rules…

5 years ago
Reply to  Joao

sorry you didn’t enjoy….most people think it was one of the best shows ever…
Next time just tell your country to find a better song so it will be perfect!

5 years ago
Reply to  Ben

you have to learn how to deal with different point of views
there was a lot a of technical issues this year!!! Deal with that

5 years ago

Just move on. It’s not a terrorist attack or anything like that. They showed flags as all people in there did.

5 years ago

Hey, everyone criticizing Hatari for supporting both the LGBT+ community and P@lestine at the same time REALLY need to think more about LGBT+ P@lestinians! P@lestine might have a queerphobia problem, …but keep in mind that queer P@lestinians are often given a hard time either for being P@lestinian, or for being LGBT+. The LGBT+ community within Israel may look down upon them for being from P@lestine, while P@lestine may look down upon them for being queer. P@lestinians hardly ever come across people or media that support them for both being P@lestinian AND queer at the same time, …so what Hatari does… Read more »

5 years ago

they come to hide in Israel…

5 years ago
Reply to  Ben

And get persecuted in Israel once again. A simple search on wikipedia: “they [p@lestinian queer people] have also been subject to house arrest or deportation by Israeli authorities, on account of the inapplicability of the law of asylum to areas or nations in which Israel is in conflict.” “The same report noted that Israeli intelligence offered another gay P@lestinian man free entry into Israel on an ongoing basis to visit his Israeli boyfriend if he provided “the names of the organisers, the religious people in the villages and names of children throwing stones at Israeli military jeeps”. The report notes… Read more »

5 years ago

While ESC participants were demonstrating inside against Zionists, Zionists were demonstrating outside against ESC ….


5 years ago

The EBU are a bunch of hypocrites. How about sanctioning Israel too? They featured an interval act displaying P@lestiinian flags. If they sanction Iceland (which they shouldn’t), then they should absolutely also sanction Israel.

5 years ago

If Israel is so committed to the peace process and the two-state solution, why are they so triggered by the P@lestiinian flag? They do recognize P@lestiine exists, right? Right?

5 years ago
Reply to  Piikatschoo

Israel doesn’t care about waiving the flag, there are even anti-Israel members in the Israeli parliament.
It’s just not allowed by the Eurovision organization.

5 years ago
Reply to  Angelina

Then what’s the fuss about?

5 years ago
Reply to  Angelina

Does anyone remember how Loreen met human rights activists in Baku during her stay, and talked about the human rights violations in Azerbaijan; and how the Azeri authorities hated it. I can’t remember anyone complaining about it back then, and calling for a ban/punishment of Sweden. Why the double-standard?

5 years ago
Reply to  Piikatschoo

Israel isn’t triggered by that. The entire issue is with hatari making that statement in the Eurovision.

5 years ago
Reply to  Nicki

So did Madonna where’s her fine. Petty Israel

5 years ago
Reply to  James

James, the fact madonna did it was disrespectful as well and doesn’t make what hatari did any better. also, madonna was a guest performer so it’s not the same

5 years ago
Reply to  Nicki

IL did the same

5 years ago
Reply to  ennisol

Ennisol, israel did nothing against EBU rules. Israel worked very closely with ebu to make sure everything was approved by them. Representing your country is something every host country does. Claiming there were political massages in anything israel did in eurovision this year is your own personal interpretation.

5 years ago
Reply to  nitzan

Including the map of IL during voting?

5 years ago
Reply to  nitzan

Israel politicized the whole from the first minute: Israeli politicians “welcoming” people to their “capital city, Jerusalem”. God, people’s memory is short…

5 years ago
Reply to  Nicki

They didn’t make any statements

Jackie Chan on Ramadan
Jackie Chan on Ramadan
5 years ago

You must see the new video from H at arrrrri. It’s so new.

5 years ago

yessss, I love it.

5 years ago

That’s what the group wanted. Attention, on the backsof other people.
Also the Pal. bds group didn’t like Iceland’s action., they said. Hatari gets attention and money now, over the backs of other people. They are just spoiled capitalist kids, not really thinking about other people.

5 years ago
Reply to  Angelina

You talk a lot about that Hatari making a profit over the backs of other people… Who are these other people you’re referring to/so concerned about? Those P@alestinians who suffer under the illegal occupation of the Israeli state?

5 years ago

No thanks

Shanfa Chai
Shanfa Chai
5 years ago

Unrelated, but this probably the worst Eurovision reaction video ever : https://youtu.be/nsfZDQVE2Wk

5 years ago

Summer will come soon, I will take my sunblock cream, will go to the beach with a bottle of soda drink, in my earphones will be playing on replay Soldi, Telemóveis, Arcade etc. while you all will seating here and still be fighting for what already have been done !! RIP esc ’19

p s. wiwi stay cool !

5 years ago

Can you imagine if each country expressed their political opinion in Eurovision? People would get tired of the drama and stop watching. It should be about the music. Also, Netherlands won but everyone is talking about hatari. Even the bds rejected their gesture because, truth is…its all about hatari…they just took advantage of the sad situation in the area to make themselves a name…lame…

5 years ago
Reply to  Michaels

While the BDS may have rejected their gesture, there are other P@lestinians who were thankful for their support during the finals.

If you look on their facebook page, there’s a lot of P@lestinians leaving them positive comments

5 years ago

Well, in my country nobody is talking about those icelandic guys,
only about Netherlands win, Mahmood and Madonna.

5 years ago
Reply to  Angelina

Wish you also stopped talking about them… Gowd, the bitterness…

5 years ago

Ukrainian national final gest political
ESC fans: Eurovision is not political!!!!! Shame on you Ukraine, should be banned for life for bringing politics to the contest!!!!
Hatari bringing a political statement ON THE GRAND FINAL.
ESC fans: good for them!! They should get an award for that!!

You people are a joke

5 years ago
Reply to  Ana

You took the words right out of my mouth.

5 years ago
Reply to  BadWoolfGirl

Then she should put them back in your mouth…. They were drivel 🙂

5 years ago
Reply to  Ana

Israel milked the event for political reasons too, which was a shame because other than the politics and poor madonna with no voice and her arthritis, it was a pretty good show IMO.

5 years ago
Reply to  Ana

What’s up with all the ranting on politics in Eurovision? I love the politics of Eurovision, I am obviously not here only for the trashy Balkan ballads or bubble gum Scandipop… Why do you think people love the VOTING most? For a reason obviously.

5 years ago

This sounds like nonsense and absolutely irrelevant ,sorry. That band stated with the provocations long before they came to Israel, an continued doing the from the moment they landed. To suggest these girls were surprised that the guys were cowards and waited with the flags till the last moment of the voting so they dont get disqualified right then and there- is a joke. The Icelandic lady journalist was just as rude and unprofessional , starting a rumor hatari got less time in a press conference than others did – which was a complete lie, another Icelandic journalist was shouting… Read more »

5 years ago
Reply to  Girl

Yes, punish punish punish! Disrespect, they should be severely punished for that. Ungratefulness…. Disrespect. Punish, punish, punish! MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA.

5 years ago

Good on them for doing so. Eurovision will always be political if any flags are waved as the political nature of a flag is determined by those who see it as such. To some the Russian flag may have political connotations, to others the Union Jack might have the same response. I really don’t like the pretense of the EBU to not be political but it is unavoidable in this day and age.

5 years ago
Reply to  Ohhannac

The downvoters must really be into flags determining national identity…

All about perception…

5 years ago
Reply to  Ohhannac

Nobody cares about the flag. Watch the Israeli entry from 2000 and tell me which flags they are waving?

5 years ago
Reply to  Ana

Arab countries free from criticism? Are you an ostrich? 🙂

5 years ago
Reply to  Ana

Israeli entry from 2000 <3 One of the highlights of the Eurovision history <3

5 years ago
Reply to  Ohhannac

OMG, finally someone who gets me. Much love.

5 years ago

Do you really remember guys what Iveta did a few years ago? She waved Karabagh flag in the green room which is forbidden by EBU and this is the same action what Hatari did.. And Armenia weren’t punished for doing that. If EBU ever punish Iceland for this, they’ll be such hypocrites

5 years ago
Reply to  Desire

If I was in charge of a nation’s broadcaster and Iceland got disqualified for this, I would sit out in solidarity. Armenia got a warning in 2016, why should Iceland be treated differently? 2016 wasn’t even the first time Armenia and Azerbaijan brought their conflict to the Eurovision, whilst Iceland has never has any problems with anyone. And if I must be honest, waving a flag is the least controversial thing they could have done, I actually expected worse.

5 years ago
Reply to  Desire

Was Iveta waving Karabagh flag in Azerbaijan? No!

5 years ago
Reply to  xohxoh

So? You think this is about Israel being triggered then? Not a rule about flags?

5 years ago
Reply to  xohxoh

Also, a more accurate comparison would be P@lestine hosting the event, and then someone would wave the Israeli flag. In the case of Karabagh Armenia is the illegal occupying power, and Azerbaijan is the target of the aggression. Israel is the occupying power, and the one being triggered by the sight of the occupied people’s flag…