In recent years, there have been numerous rumours of the potential comeback of Luxembourg to the Eurovision stage. So it is no surprise that there is currently a petition for Luxembourg to return for next year’s contest in the Netherlands, supported by the winner of 1973 Anne-Marie David. But how high are the chances for a comeback?

Luxembourg was one of the 7 founding countries of Eurovision and competed all but one year until 1993. Along the way, they won the contest five times, all with singers from other countries. In 1994 the grand duchy was relegated from the competition but never returned. Since then fans from both Luxembourg and abroad have been keen to see the country return to Eurovision.

The problem

This petition isn’t the first to occur in Luxembourg since their withdrawal in 1993. In 2016 the government debated about a potential comeback, but the broadcaster RTL ruled out making a comeback due to financial reasons.

At the time, the then director of programming for RTL Luxembourg, Steve Schmit, explained that RTL is a small station that only produces two hours of local television per day. While RTL is a commercial channel that also has public service requirements, he explained that “our strategy is focused on information and magazines.”

Schmit continued to question the current voting system, which makes it “very unlikely that Luxembourg shines much. Small countries are somewhat more troubled now.”

But considering that Malta, Iceland and San Marino — all of which have a smaller population than Luxembourg — made the grand final this year, this argument seems to fall flat. Additionally, RTL Luxembourg might be a small broadcaster, but there are ways to realise participation — such as commercial sponsorship — if interest is there.

Luxembourg is special

In terms of the broadcasting system, Luxembourg is unique in Europe. There is no public television broadcaster in Luxembourg and RTL is a private channel.  However, RTL signed an agreement to effectively function as a public broadcaster and airs content in Luxembourgish with a focus on information.

This contrasts Luxembourg to other non-participating smaller countries like Andorra, which recently ruled out a comeback. While the public broadcaster in Andorra relies heavily on public funds to realise participation, a private broadcaster like RTL has more possibilities.

Could the stars align?

RTL Luxembourg is part of the RTL Group, the biggest private network in Europe with more than 61 channels in different countries. The revenue in 2018 alone was more than 6.5 billion euros. This should be enough to pay the fee to participate in Eurovision, right?

Many shows produced by RTL in different countries are much more expensive than a comeback to Eurovision. Especially given that the contest will be held in the Netherlands and therefore will be cheaper to travel to. With a small investment of the RTL Group, they could enable Luxembourg’s return and introduce a worldwide audience to their country.

RTL could even use this strategy for its own benefit. The contest will receive huge media attention in the Netherlands because of hosting. RTL operates eight television channels in the Netherlands, including the most watched private channel RTL 4. They might see the potential in Eurovision. Cooperation between both channels concerning the selection of the Luxembourgish act might be a success for both. This would be similar to the cooperation between the German public broadcaster ARD and the private channel ProSieben from 2010 to 2012, which lead to exceptional ratings.

And things are changing at the RTL group. Since April first, the Chief Executive Officer is the Luxembourg-born Thomas Rabe. As well, in 2020 the 75th anniversary of the end of World War II will be celebrated. Is there a better way to celebrate peace than in a competition which has brought Europe together for almost 65 years?

And even if the RTL Group won’t support such cooperation amongst their channels, there is always the option of sponsorship by a company, a wealthy fan or a generous singer. Bosnia and Herzegovina, San Marino and Bulgaria have proven that such concepts can work.

But what if Luxembourg wins?

As Sweden has recently shown twice, a good Eurovision has been hosted on a budget. When a country as tiny as Malta has successfully hosted Junior Eurovision, and with the EBU on hand to help with sponsorship deals to cover costs, there’s no reason why Luxembourg wouldn’t be able to afford to host Eurovision if they won.

But while Luxembourg had venues large enough to host Eurovision in the 20th century, the grand duchy currently does not have an enclosed venue that meets modern Eurovision hosting capacity. The largest is d’Coque arena, with a capacity of 8,300, less than the 10,000 minimum preferred for Eurovision. This could point to a cohosting agreement, perhaps with another country in the Benelux region.

It’s worth remembering that in 1974, after Anne-Marie David won with “Tu te reconnaîtras”, Luxembourg chose not to host the competition a second year in a row. The hosting honours went to the UK, with ABBA storming to victory at the Brighton Dome.

But before worrying about winning, Luxembourg has to participate first. A lack of interest seems way more realistic than a lack of soldi.

What do you think? Will Luxembourg return in 2020 or not (again)? Tell us in the comments below!

Read more Luxembourg Eurovision news here

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5 years ago

Just an idea – what if Luxembourg teamed up with a couple of other tiny countries, such as Andorra, Monaco, Liechtenstein… and performed under some sort of unified banner. Together they might be able to swing the finances.

5 years ago

It could be great, and I would like Monaco return too. they are two countries in the heart of Europe, and where (contrary to the comment I read below), five or six different languages are practiced daily. They have a real cultural wealth to offer us, and they miss the competition, certainly.

5 years ago

Don’t worry, Portugal will not qualify anytime soon, no matter how small the chances are for the other countries.

5 years ago
Reply to  lol

Long live Portugal at the semi-finals… At least they send what they like and want.

Loin dici
5 years ago

Luxembourg is clearly not interested, so there’s nothing much to hope for. I don’t want a Luxembourgish return just because we want them to return.

On the other side, Kazakhstan would probably be discussed later on, perhaps? They’re not likely to be recruited for season 65 but there’s a possibility of them getting a contract soon enough.

5 years ago
Reply to  Loin dici

Maybe also Kosovo and Lichtenstein

5 years ago

Completely unrelated, but on wikipedia it says that BNT (Bulgaria) has amassed a massive debt of 50 million Bulgarian lev (25.5 million euros) and that it has been declared bankrupt. Guessing that means that Bulgaria won’t be back for for around 3-5 years.

Loin dici
5 years ago
Reply to  Cameron

Wait… wait.

5 years ago
Reply to  Loin dici

“The broadcaster expects to elect a new delegation and managing board on 5 July 2019, after which it could decide upon further participation in the contest. It was later revealed on 8 June 2019 that BNT had amassed debts of 50 million lev and had been declared bankrupt.”
This is what it says on wikipedia. I don’t see Bulgaria returning until around 2021-2023 because now they will have to create a whole new broadcaster, apply for full EBU membership. This could take them round 3-4 years long.

5 years ago
Reply to  Cameron

Thanks to Sasha Jean Baptiste, her stage are good but not cheap

5 years ago
Reply to  Tom

Bad, Expensive, Overrated = Sasha Jean Baptiste.

5 years ago
Reply to  lol


5 years ago

As a person who had got SLovak heritage I am dissapointed that Slovakia will not return actually 🙁 days before the grand final they had a TV program where they talking about ESC and about participation ….also ALexander Rybak was there ….And they just complaining that “nobody voted from Slovakia, because we are small country” …and compared kristina with Horehronie that she was fauvorite and failed ….( i just dont understand if San Marino, Malta, CZ, Cyprus or Iceland can be here why not others countries) ! PS .. I am happy that Ukraine is back Fingers crossed for Bulgaria,… Read more »

5 years ago
Reply to  tom

Bulgaria’s broadcaster has been declared bankrupt due to massive debts of 50 million Bulgarian lev (25.5 million euros), so they probably won’t be returning anytime soon

5 years ago
Reply to  tom

Yes Horehronie had such a great potential…after that failure everybody got disappointed. But Kristina continued to have successful singles here in Slovakia.

5 years ago
Reply to  tom

That programme wit Rybak you’ve mentioned (called Chart Show) was broadcasted after grand final and by private TV (Markiza, not public broadcaster rtvs).

Anyway, I would really like to see SVK back in the contest (Lina Mayer or Billy Barman wold be IMO ideal for this purpose), but there are very few people in the country interested in that.

5 years ago
Reply to  Dragoo

yes yes 😀 was a big interest before, ….(my grandparents are from Slovakia, so i know haha) ….
but, Slovakia always complained that this contes is political (its true) and whatewer they sent, they always styed in semi …. so i understand why are they left
But actually, every year they “broadcast” via radio

5 years ago
Reply to  tom24

that criticism might have been true when Slovakia was competing, but we’ve seen politics/diaspora in terms of countries’ results have a reduced impact on the contest. Moreover, Central Europe (of which Slovakia considers itself to be part of) used to be easily the worst performing region in the contest, but we’ve seen how countries like Austria, Czech Republic, Hungary and Poland have dramatically improved in the last few years.

5 years ago

I feel like this article gets written every summer! RTL has clearly shown they have no interest in returning to the contest. They get asked to return every year and they say no. EBU can’t force countries to return.
Which is a shame cause I feel the population has a interest in ESC. They have an OGAE and some ESC songs seem to chart

5 years ago

How about we stop kidding ourselves and just understand they are not interested? If your friends are hanging out and they want you to join them but you don’t want to, is that going to change your mind? Probably not. I would like a Luxembourgish return just as much as anyone else in the comments section but we have to be real, not interested = not interested.

5 years ago

Didn’t Austria said the same thing (e.g. they won’t do well in the contest because of voting blocs) after they were NQ in 2007 but returned in 2011 just because the contest was held in their neighboring country?

5 years ago

True, but they were only gone for three years, making a return more likely, while Luxembourg have been gone for nearly 30 years.

5 years ago
Reply to  Azaad

26 years *

5 years ago

“another country in the Benelux region”
Belgium:comment image

5 years ago

Gabriella from DE19 for Luxembourg 2020!

5 years ago
Reply to  Ani

Anne Marie David pls

5 years ago

The more the merrier!

5 years ago

They sent some good songs, but the fact that they never sent artists from Luxembourg makes me not want them to return. Eurovision is already full, we shouldn’t be forcing countries to return., especially if they aren’t sending something that is special to them. The increased number of songs in Eurovision nowadays has led to the wacky, circus-like songs doing well (Ukraine 2007, Finland 2006). Sometimes less is more.

5 years ago
Reply to  Jake

Actually they did. Eight acts are Luxembourg natives.

5 years ago
Reply to  Jake

In esc, less is just …less success. Do you want 7 countries, a curtain and one camera man?

5 years ago
Reply to  Jake

They did (and even send songs in Luxembourgish on 3 occasions), even tho all of them flopped

5 years ago
Reply to  Jake

8 acts is nothing compared to countries like Portugal , Italy etc. who continuously send something that is authentic to them every year. This is why I am against the likes of San Marino and Azerbaijan continuously competing with songs that could come from anywhere, hurting the chances of success for other countries.

5 years ago

There’s one country I miss more than any other. TURKEY. “For Real”, “Shake It Up Sekerim”, “Düm Tek Tek” – those were the days.

Oysters, clams and cockels
Oysters, clams and cockels
5 years ago
Reply to  Montell

Those days were awful

5 years ago
Reply to  Montell

Turkey could send absolute garbage like in 2005 and 2007 and still get a lot of points. We don’t need that kind of bloc voting back.

5 years ago
Reply to  Lisianthus

Turkey dont like jury and televote system …..beacuse jury sometimes put them down, and Turkey didnt liked it …Turkey only want televote system, because of diaspora – how patetic, and they were only 1 time out of final and complaining that was corupt and etc
no, bye

5 years ago
Reply to  tom

Exactly!!! No, I definitely don’t miss Turkey, they can stay out of the competition forever…

5 years ago
Reply to  Montell

Dum tek tek is the most overrated song of the 2000s!! it was only disapora and bloc voting that got it a fourth placing: it would’ve barely reached the top 10 with the voting pre 2016 and the juries would have annihalated it if it was today

5 years ago
Reply to  Burger

But she danced like nobody´s watching

5 years ago

Why do we get this question every year? Luxembourg are not returning to Eurovision any time soon. It’s like the same article every summer after the last contest. Why don’t we ask something more interesting like “How do we get the Central Asian countries to participate?” Or “What if Israel sat a contest out, would we get North African countries to participate?”

Roy Moreno
Roy Moreno
5 years ago
Reply to  OrangeVorty

Israel had missed several contest and they hadn’t participated, so I doubt it

Frisian esc
Frisian esc
5 years ago
Reply to  OrangeVorty

I rather have israel compete, who has been loyal to the eurovision song contest for 40 years, than any other middle eastern country that refuses to participate because of petty reasons like *gasp* having to broadcast the israeli entry on national television.

5 years ago
Reply to  Frisian esc

Wars are not petty reasons.

5 years ago
Reply to  OrangeVorty

Why would anybody want Central Asian countries at *EURO*vision? Eurovision has already extended way passed the boundaries of Europe, which it should never have done IMO. No need to try to get Kyrgyzstan and Nepal in Eurovision now…

5 years ago
Reply to  Bella

Israel has been participating since the 70s and people have always gone on its not in Europe: and not to mention Morocco in 1980

5 years ago
Reply to  Burger

Exactly, and Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia and Australia are not in Europe either. So what’s your point? We already have non-European countries in the contest, so let’s invite Mexico, Japan, Brazil, Vietnam and Papua New Guinea?

Nope, without me. They can create a Worldvision contest if they want, but Eurovision should stay EUROvision as much as we can.

5 years ago
Reply to  OrangeVorty

Luxembourg: Hold my beer

Heather lacy
5 years ago

They should come back into the Eurovision 2020 Luxembourg

Claus Michael Fasting
Claus Michael Fasting
5 years ago

I forgot to mention: they should return

Claus Michael Fasting
Claus Michael Fasting
5 years ago

Very important reading (please read): After Monaco and Andorra tried to qualify to the finals between 2004 and 2009, San Marino tried to do this since the 2 semi finals introductions in 2008, having until now, 2 qualifications in the past. Out of these microstates, Luxembourg has had more success in the past compared to the other Microstates all together, with all of their winning songs being hits, especially ‘Poupee de cire, poupee de son’ from 1965, ‘Apres Toi’ from 1972 and ‘Si la vie est la cadeau’ from 1983. However, after being relegated from competing in 1994, they got… Read more »

5 years ago

They won’t return, every year the same are saying thanks but no thanks. Anne-Marie at least tried but they will say, we are too small and it costs too much (Lool). It’s sad because with Belgium, France, Italy, Switzerland, Germany and the Netherlands they are a founding member. I think the real reason is that they don’t care about this contest anymore. PS: A part of me still wish for them to return but I’m realistic xD.

5 years ago

Luxembourg should return …and they should return big, at least for the 65th or 70th editions of Eurovision.

5 years ago

A little weird that Luxembourg isn’t part of Eurovision since their Prime minister Xavier Bettel is gay.

Peter M
Peter M
5 years ago

I would rather see a country who genuinely wants to join, like Kazakhstan. I think if the EBU lets them in, they’ll stay in.

5 years ago
Reply to  Peter M

I have the hunch Kazakhstan will get invited at the first chance a Big 5 happens to win, like Australia, first directly to the final to complete 26 songs, and if they do relatively well, the EBU will send them to the semis.

5 years ago
Reply to  Peter M

It’s because Kazakhstan isn’t in the European broadcasting area and also isn’t a member of the Council of Europe. If they would join that (which they are eligible for) they could easily become a full EBU member.

5 years ago
Reply to  Peter M

Yeah they will STAY like song from Moldova in my head

Polegend Godgarina
Polegend Godgarina
5 years ago

in other words they have no excuse not to participate. same with slovakia

5 years ago

Slovakia is just not interested in ESC… That’s shame. We have good musicians and also great suitable venues where we would host the contest in case of win… Apart from that, I don’t see the return of Luxembourg in 2020. Although I would love to see them back…

Polegend Godgarina
Polegend Godgarina
5 years ago
Reply to  Martin

slovakia’s broadcaster =/= slovakian ppl. if their broadcaster doesn’t even try then it ain’t an excuse.

5 years ago

Broadcaster is not interested… people the same…

5 years ago
Reply to  Martin

yeah, but that’s because the broadcaster isn’t interested, like u can’t be interested in something you haven’t seen for almost 10 years haha.

5 years ago
Reply to  Erasmus

It is interesting because mostly older generation knows about the contest here…

5 years ago
Reply to  Erasmus

Italy didn’t see Eurovision for 13 years and they came back

5 years ago
Reply to  Martin

Haha Slovakia will not come back, its here more popular like in Czech Rep. But broadcaster support only german telenovelas ….so …but they had a break between 1999 and 2008 so maybe they will be back in 2023 … I only can see Ukraine coming back maybe Luxembourg, Monaco, Bulgaria (fingers crosssed for Lichtenstain and Kosovo

5 years ago

Slovakia might debut at JESC this year, so that could be a start for a future ESC return. I guess it’s a tryout event.

5 years ago

I wouldn’t say so. Slovakia is not as wealthy as Luxembourg, being the second richest nation in Europe or something. It still struggles with economic issues as many other not so wealthy countries in Europe, so it might not be that they’re mainly not interested. Luxembourg has no excuses tho, for sure, they just don’t care

fun fact before Iceland and Czechia,
Slovakia is the most equal country in Europe (equally distributed wealth)

5 years ago

They’re not coming back simply because they’re not interested. Every roadblock they mention are nothing but excuses. Money? Luxembourg is one of the wealthiest countries IN THE WORLD, they can find the money if they want to. Can’t win? Small countries not part of any voting block have won recently (Netherlands, Portugal and Austria), and even small/”weak” countries like the Czech Republic or San Marino were able to qualify. No venue to host? The winner is only *invited* to host, they don’t have to even if they win. I’d love to see them participating, but they are just coming up… Read more »

5 years ago
Reply to  Bella

Is Israel part of any voting block???

5 years ago
Reply to  Steven

Where have I written anything like that? And how is this related to this article?

5 years ago

It will be cheaper to travel to the Netherlands? ? ha ha ha
Aside from the train ticket, have you checked Amsterdam prices lately? I think not

5 years ago
Reply to  funkerman25

if San Marino can afford to send joke entries every year, so could Luxembourg, which is a bigger state and a richer one as well

5 years ago

“Luxembourg was one of the 14 founding countries of Eurovision”: That is incorrect, there were only 7 founding countries (but singing 2 songs each, so 14 entries). Belgium, France, Germany, Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands and Switzerland.

5 years ago
Reply to  Bella

Yes, accuracy… please

5 years ago

I know that Luxembourg is right now played 2nd in their group, but they’ve only managed to take points from Lithuania who is really horrible in football and Luxembourg is also horrible, and since they finished second in their Nations League group behind Belarus, leaves them with pretty much no chance to qualify to the Euros since they’re pretty horrible when it come to football. And you might say that it is still a chance for them to qualify, well yeah there is a chance, but it is pretty small, because they have Ukraine who is better than ever right… Read more »

5 years ago

Apart from Belgium, The Netherlands is the country most likely to see a Luxembourgish return

5 years ago

I’d love to see Luxembourg back in the contest – the more countries, the merrier! But if they returned, I would be disappointed if they relied on foreign singers and songwriters, like they used to in the past.

5 years ago

even the United Kingdom does that these days…

5 years ago

Why do you care what happens if a small country wins? Jon Ola Sand can decide if the the country can host, or we’ll go to Siberia or something. Is not your business, stop worrying!

5 years ago
Reply to  Several

EBU will not allow a small country to win as it can´t host and bigger counrties may struggle to say yes to hosting without even winning.

Roelof Meesters
Roelof Meesters
5 years ago

I want to put something forward here: im Dutch and whilst LUX is part of the Benelux- I know more about smaller countries like San Marino or countries really far away like Azerbaijan: thanks to Eurovision. ESC would put LUX back in the spotlight and I have no idea why they won’t just join again if they have the money to do so. Furthermore, the excuse that small countries won’t do well is invalid- I mean San Marino got 10th place in televoting this year, and they themselves have won it 5 (!) times- the same amount as the UK… Read more »

5 years ago

They were even more Azerbaijan than Azerbaijan, they bought the songs and the singers that won for them from abroad, didn’t they?
Also, why run after someone who clearly has no interest?

5 years ago
Reply to  Justice

I know France Gall (probably their most iconic winner) is French but who else? Just curious

5 years ago
Reply to  Azaad

I think all of Luxembourg’s winners with the exception of Vicky Leandros are from France. Vicky was born in Greece and raised in Germany. But both of Vicky’s entries (“L’amour est bleu” and “Après toi”) were sung in French.

5 years ago
Reply to  Crystal

Some have come form the UK, Spain, Belgium, the Netherlands, two were from Greece. Eight acts are actual Luxembourgers.

It's me
It's me
5 years ago
Reply to  Azaad

Anne Marie David, Jean Claude Pascal ( French) and Vicky Leandros ( Greek) I know there is one singer left but I don’t know what is the name.

5 years ago
Reply to  It's me

Corinne Hermes, also french.
A notable Luxembourgish performance was in 1971. check it out 🙂

5 years ago

I hope they’ll come back, but I doubt that. They just seem so uninterested in joining

5 years ago

Poland and Romania are pretty big and they failed to qualify as well ,so…

5 years ago
Reply to  Jo.

I won’t baaaake , e yeaaaaah

5 years ago
Reply to  Kris

Stick to beer, don’t go more far.

5 years ago
Reply to  Kris


5 years ago
Reply to  Jo.

not big enough

5 years ago

People forgetting that Luxembourg didn’t return when their Neighbour hosted in 2011 !! Or when the country which has the biggest diaspora in Luxembourg hosted in 2018 !!
The Netherlands isn’t even their Neighbour , lol

Probably Belgium or France winning which is culturally super close to them might be a push but I don’t see this materialising this year

5 years ago

The interest is there, at least among the population. I mean there is an OGAE Luxembourg after all. And the ESC songs seem to always chart in Luxembourg. But RTL doesn¨t seem keen on returning. There have ben discussion for years now, without any genuine interest from their site to return.
So while it would be great I don¨t see it happening. I keep on hoping of course but it looks dark..

5 years ago

If they won’t return when it’s hosted in another Benelux-country, I don’t see them returning anytime soon.
They HAVE to return, now travalling to the Eurovision isn’t expensive for them!

5 years ago

Sinceraly hope so.. my gut feeling says they will return in the Netherlands.. #BeneluxLove as we all know there is enough money there.. Like Jessica Garlick from the UK sang in 2002,…. COME BAAAAAAAAACK #TheReturnOfLuxembourg

5 years ago

Unless The Netherlands persuades them to come back, I really doubt they will do so.

5 years ago

Really want to see them return. I was only 1 when they left for good in 93. So I don’t even remember them participating. I don’t get the excuse that small countries can’t do well. Luxembourg is a wealthy country and a key player in both the EU and the BeNeLux region. Their neighbor is hosting next year, it’s the perfect chance for them to return. Even if they don’t win every year, or struggle to qualify, it’s all about taking part, being part of the family and let’s face it, outside of politics and finance, Luxembourg doesn’t really receive… Read more »

5 years ago

If they did win, Luxembourg could build a bigger arena (like Baku 2012). They’re one of the richest countries in Europe after all!

I hope they return if microstates like San Marino can qualify.

5 years ago
Reply to  Serhatari

And what use would the arena have after Eurovision?
Absolute waste of money.

Roelof Meesters
Roelof Meesters
5 years ago
Reply to  Dani

That’s so not true- the Baku Crystal Hall is still being used and a lot of big artists have performed there.

5 years ago

yeah, but Azerbaijan is actually a big country with not a lot of big arenas in the area, while Luxembourg is a small country with lots of big arenas around it

5 years ago

Just wishful thinking…Luxembourg not having money to pay for eurovision? No, seriously??
They don’t want to return, simple as that.

5 years ago
Reply to  Valentino

While for B&H ,Bulgaria, Andorra it’s probably a matter of Money so they might actually return some day

For Slovakia , Turkey , Luxembourg it’s always been a matter of will (not being in line with programming needs ) , so these are more difficult to get Back to the competition.

5 years ago

The only country that may return sometime in the 2020s will be Bosnia if they pay off their debt along with an on-and-off Ukraine participation (due to politics). Bulgaria looks to be done for a while, and countries like Turkey, Slovakia, and Luxembourg don’t want to join the contest while their home audiences aren’t showing interest.

5 years ago
Reply to  Daniel

It seems Bulgaria may return next year too, their network has completely changed the people t the top, and last I read, they are working on building a new delegation.

I was surprised they left really, they where starting to do really well at ESC, it felt like they had a hunger to win and host in Sofia, I thought it was only a matter of time really.

5 years ago
Reply to  Darren

Bulgaria’s broadcaster is on the verge of economic collapse, they’re even worse than Bosnia when it comes to debt. Even if they want to return I’m not sure the EBU would allow it.

5 years ago
Reply to  Daniel

I actually think Turkish audience is interested. While for Slovakia and Luxembourg it’s hard to be interested in something that hasn’t been around for so many years.

5 years ago
Reply to  Erasmus

I remember that Czech Republic broadcaster said in 2013, that they won‘t come back in 2014 due to low viewing figures and lack of public interest. They returned one year later. Sometimes, a country just has to be risky enough just to try it again, and even if it doesn‘t work the first time, they should try it again. We all know, that Czech Republic is currently on the rise. Unfortunately, that wasn‘t enough to attract their neighbor Slovakia to return in 2020, but I still have hope, that the recent success of the smaller countries do attract Luxembourg (maybe… Read more »

5 years ago
Reply to  KuhKatz

there is a big support for Eurovision in Turkey!
Serhat is one of them, and a lot of fans gathered during a press conference hoping that Turkey will return. But the problem is the government of Turkey doesn’t want to promote the values that Eurovision shares..

5 years ago
Reply to  Erasmus

That’s the reason why I hope that the Czech Republic and France become real power houses and have good rankings. I think Luxembourg will come back if Eurovision is in a Benelux Country or in Paris. So if a French song could win, they might be interested in trying again. And if Czechia gains more success their brothers and sisters from Slovakia increase interest in the contest.

5 years ago

Just wondering , what’s the size of the biggest indoor arenas in Malta , Iceland , Monaco , Montenegro , Slovenia , Moldova ?

Also Germany needs to do that thing they did in 2010-2012 again !! The songs they sent in those three years are some of my favorite Eurovision entries ever !!

5 years ago
Reply to  Kris

Slovenia has an indoor arena with 12480 seats(which is more than enough) and for others I don’t know..

5 years ago
Reply to  Erasmus

So Slovenia has a decent sized Arena , Iceland has one with 11000 capacity , Malta has one with 10000 capacity .

Luxembourg has a 8300 capacity arena hotel .

Montenegro ,Moldova , Albania , Cyprus , Monaco , Andorra , San Marino don’t have a decent sized indoor arena.

Lichtenstein don’t have an arena , Kosovo has one with 8300 capacity.

5 years ago
Reply to  Kris

So Montenegro might take Serbian help , Moldova from Romania , Cyprus from Greece , Andorra from Spain , Monaco from France , San Marino from Italy , and Albania from N Macedonia/Italy ?

Roelof Meesters
Roelof Meesters
5 years ago
Reply to  Kris

I think only San Marino will host in another country if they win, Moldova, Montenegro, Cyprus and Albania probably won’t host it in another country should they win.

5 years ago
Reply to  Kris

every country could Raise up a big tent during eurovision if they wins. We have seen many of those venues in the olympics. When the shows are over they just put it down.

Loin dici
5 years ago
Reply to  Kris

Moldova has 1 compromisable option and 1 future option:
1. Krytaya Arena (basically ‘Covered Arena’) in the Sheriff complex in Tiraspol. Although its ceiling is round and the seating is ‘only’ for 3750 people, it is able to be extended with ginormous grandstands and a seat configuration like OSL10 regarding the ones in their floor. Acoustics need to be improved, though: it’s an indoor football stadion, after all.
2. Moldova is planning to build Chisinau Arena with the size roughly of Saku Suurhall, but I can’t see it being completed yet for the next 5 years or so.

5 years ago

Apart from Bosnia & Herzegovina (who said they would like to come back if they have enough $$$), I think the problem why other countries like Slovakia and Bulgaria don’t want to come back is due to poor results. For microstates especially, the 3 years of non-qualification of a Eurovision superpower like Monaco from 2004-2006 further discourages small countries (like Luxembourg) from being the laughing stock of Europe. Most would rather just not take the risk. And honestly, I’m not upset about it because it is a valid reason. As a result, the only possible country we will see returning… Read more »

5 years ago

All I’m thinking is these wiwibloggs contributors based in Germany are all so cute !!

5 years ago
Reply to  Horns


5 years ago
Reply to  Horns

Given you that, I miss Patrick Melbler from Austria. He was the hottest wiwiblogger ever and I want him to return ^^

5 years ago

No it’s not happening..