Ever since Australia joined the Eurovision family, fans have wondered if any other countries outside the EBU might also get a guest invitation. Now outgoing Eurovision Executive Supervisor Jon Ola Sand says that the EBU ‘may’ extend an invitation to the United States. But only if the American version of Eurovision gets established.

Dutch newspaper Dagblad van het Noorden reports that Sand made the comments at Eurosonic Noorderslag, an annual European music conference held in the Dutch city of Groningen.

Sand made the comment at a special event where he was interviewed about his time as Executive Supervisor of the Eurovision Song Contest.

When asked if the United States would be able to participate in the Eurovision Song Contest, Sand said it was possible. But first, the American Song Contest (also known as Eurovision America) would need to go ahead and be established first.

But this isn’t something we’ll be seeing any time soon. As Jon Ola told the panel, an American appearance would be a long way off – “not in my time.”

Australia has been able to get a guest invitation to Eurovision as broadcaster SBS is an associate member of the EBU. The United States has three broadcasters who are associate members of the EBU: the major networks ABC, CBS and NBC.

The news has sparked mixed reactions from fans. Some welcome a potential new addition to the Eurovision Song Contest, while others feel that Eurovision should focus on Europe. Some argue that the EBU should work at getting non-participating European countries like Slovakia and Turkey back in the contest and for the debut of countries such as Liechtenstein.

Eurovision stars perform at Eurosonic Noorderslag

Jon Ola Sand isn’t the only Eurovision-related person to feature at Eurosonic Noorderslag. A number of recent Eurovision stars performed at the event.

Duncan Laurence performed his recent single “Love Don’t Hate It” as well as his Eurovision winning song “Arcade”.

Fellow Eurovision winner WURST is on the schedule, as well as Slovenia 2019 stars Zalagaspar and Belgium 2017 star Blanche. Latvian national finalist ANNNA is also on the list, as is X Factor Malta judge Alexandra Alden.

What do you think? Should an America broadcaster get a guest slot at Eurovision? Tell us your thoughts below!

Read more news about the American Song Contest

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4 years ago

As a person from the U.S. who is very interested in this topic, I think the best way for the U.S. to join would be for us to hold a United States Eurovision where contestants from the 50 states would compete against other people from their states, then the state winners would compete in 5 10 contestant semifinals, then the top five would compete for the finals, then the winner would be sent to Eurovision. Our broadcasting services would not be allowed to change the way it is broadcasted (it would be seen like it is in Europe), and that… Read more »

Last edited 4 years ago by Skatman
5 years ago

I’m from New York City, and that poll, showing 90-10 for Liechtenstein tells you all you need to know, as to how we think a U.S. version of the ESC will fare. Not to mention that, with the reboot of ‘American Idol’ on life support (this year could be its last, depending on how much lower viewership/ratings go), and ‘The Voice (USA)’ starting to approach flatline status, I think singing talent-show fatigue has finally approached its climax here. As with the singing talent shows that came and went within a single year (‘The One’, in 2006, being the most notorious,… Read more »

5 years ago

While we are talking about change, how about it’s time to get rid of the Big 5 guarantee to the final. It would be very easy to do this and just split the costs a little differently. Then maybe the UK will begin to care about sending something decent.

5 years ago

The EBU just wants the money, so don’t expect countries like Andorra, Lietchtenstein, Monaco or Slovakia debuting or coming back. They don’t care about countries not being able to pay the fee. USA, Canada, New Zealand, China or Australia are mort important to them cause they have more potential audience and money. That’s how the world works. Turkey may fit in this group, but they are the ones who don’t want to come back.

I still want to see Andorra, Slovakia, Lietchtenstein or Monaco back though.

5 years ago

Let’s see what happens with ASC first. I’m quite skeptical about it being a success! And have they announced any network that will promote the contest in the 50 states yet?

5 years ago
Reply to  Valentino

They won’t do an ASC in 50 sates. It’s far too complicated. No European country with multiple states does anything like that either. They would have something much more simple like a modified American Idol.

5 years ago

Jon said “may”. What else could he say? He can’t say “never” because it won’t be his decision. This is just a beat-up to get WiwiBloggs more hits.

5 years ago

I am very torn on this question, but I honestly can’t stand the fans who think that every new element would “destroy the contest” like it’s the end of the world. The LEDs, the participation of Australia, the new split voting with 2×12 points, the new way to announce it… I really believe that the changes of the last decade were good ones and that the contest is really cool the way he is… The discussed participation of the US is probably the most controversial topic of the ones mentioned above, but there is no need to be a drama… Read more »

5 years ago

As an American Eurovision fan…. NO, just NO. If this is something Jon Ola Sand thinks is a good idea then I am glad that he is stepping down.

5 years ago
Reply to  Jai

Aye. Look at Eurovision Asia. It’s becoming the TV equivalent of vaporware. Remember how Duke Nukem Forever turned out, after a 14-year wait. >:-X

5 years ago

I’d say no, largely because already there are too many countries to manage. Twenty or so songs in one show are too many to avoid a public or jury vote which isn’t influenced by draw drag or people only turning on to see songs around their own entry. Juries just aren’t going to bother to rank so many songs in order attentively (as we see every year). There is no time for presenters to say anything meaningful about the acts or songs. And we’ll have three shows like that in a row, the last of which will have 25 or… Read more »

5 years ago

So they are against Kazakhstan participating but aren’t against the U.S? Wtf is this logic

5 years ago
Reply to  Lucas

Kazakhstan should be welcome too! Let’s be inclusive to all the countries that want to join.

5 years ago
Reply to  Lucas

Sounds kinda racist if you ask me….

5 years ago
Reply to  Lucas

Azerbaijan is a bad country? How?

5 years ago

Yes this is a great idea and most of Europe – except the hard core fans – will support it. The hard core fans are against change. They did not want Eastern Europe in the contest because it went against the “original purpose” of uniting Western Europe. They do not like Australia in the contest or even Azerbaijan which is not traditional Europe. But the vast majority of Europe thinks of Eurovision as pure fun and not something to be taken seriously and they will welcome the USA and any other country with open arms. The more countries the more… Read more »

5 years ago
Reply to  gilpgilp

News flash for the traditionalists – Eurovision hasn’t been about Europe for decades. When Switzerland can import a Canadian Celine Dion and win the contest, it signals that most of Europe does not really care for the traditions anymore.

5 years ago
Reply to  gilpgilp

Who didn’t want the Eastern countries? That went back to 1994, before the internet…so how do you know this? If anything, it was the fans who defended the Eastern countries from the wider public’s unfounded claims of neighbourly voting. Almost everything you’ve posted is the opposite of fact.

5 years ago
Reply to  Jonas

The current argument is that Eurovision was created for Europe, so let’s keep it that way. But it wasn’t created for all of Europe. It was created for Western Europe. Adding the eastern block went against the original purpose.

5 years ago
Reply to  gilpgilp

The intention at the beginning was not for the Eastern Block. They were not even a thought at the time.

Marty Mc CU
Marty Mc CU
5 years ago

Working in media, one thing for sure I can say in our day and age the USA will never participate in the ESC. The Americans will not only never participate , their own show or adaptation of the ESC will never take shape. I think Mr Sand knows this wont happen, he just hopes they have their own show and adopt the process, but it’s going to be very tough to get this rolling and a shift in broadcasting procedures. the USA is indeed very very different than Europe. At the moment it’s just a concept and i expect it… Read more »

5 years ago
Reply to  Marty Mc CU

Don’t be so sure Marty. It literally would take a few phone calls to transform one of the existing American shows like Idol into the nominating show.

Melanie Trump
Melanie Trump
5 years ago

No definitely not

5 years ago

The way to stop all this wild speculation is simple. Return to the original rules, which served us well for 60 years. The contest is for members of the EBU. Proper fee-paying full members. The line has to be drawn somewhere and this is the place to do it.

5 years ago

Nah. We need Asiavision, Amerivision, Oceanivision and Africavision! Each one sends its winner to Worldvision at the end of the year! It would be fun! XD

5 years ago
Reply to  Timi

Americavision would be pretty cool but it would also suck because: 1-Pretty much nobody would watch it 2-The quality of the songs would be pretty bad just because almost every country would send the same genre: Brazil and USA would probably send Country music every year and 90% of Latin-America would probably only send Reggaeton. We would basically have to rely on Canada, Jamaica, Greeland (if they were allowed) and maybe Mexico to send something different. 3-Most countries probably wouldn’t afford hosting it if they won, North America, South America (except Venezuela) and maybe Jamaica would probably be the only… Read more »

5 years ago
Reply to  Lucas

Hi Lucas let’s not stereotype or anything.

4 years ago
Reply to  Lucas

Thanks for the stereotype that we only produce Reggaeton in these countries… What a huge knowledge of our music industry.

5 years ago

That’s an interesting way of looking at it. However, in the Olympic Games every athlete competes for their own country, holding the flag, hearing their national anthem at the medals ceremony. In Eurovision, anyone can represent any country. Adding USA or other countries away from Europe it kinda makes the Eurovision contest rather odd. Slowly, with the commercialisation you are mentioning it won’t be the same anymore. And I wonder if contestants will be holding any flags anymore.

Joe Lestingi
Joe Lestingi
5 years ago

NO NO NO! ABSOLUTELY NOT! USA SHOULD NEVER PARTICIPATE IN ESC. American singers already get worldwide success, and 99.9% of American public don’t know anything about ESC or even give a rat’s ass about it. They can’t even locate any of the countries on a map, tbh. I’m Italo-American living in Chicago, and I say no. Keep Eurovision European. And screw the American song contest too. That’s not gonna work. Who is Illinois supposed to send as an entrant? Chance the rapper? No.

5 years ago
Reply to  Joe Lestingi

I don’t think we should be in Eurovision (i’d rather we not participate but be able to vote still along with the rest of the world), but I think everyone is underestimating the ability of a USA song contest to take shape (though, I think it’d be more like melfest than ESC, where there are a lot more semi finals). A lot of the people chosen for ESC are people not even their own country has heard of (Duncan Laurence anyone?). You don’t have to be well known to make good music. Illinois has enough musicians to have a respectful… Read more »

5 years ago

It would never be a state by state nominating process. It would be something like American Idol. A lot of European countries have multiple states but none of them do a state by state nominating process. It’s just too complicated. Although I wouldn’t mind seeing the UK do it with Scotland vs Northern Ireland vs Britain.

5 years ago
Reply to  gilpgilp

Scotland is part of Britain. That’s the name of the island.

Joe Lestingi
Joe Lestingi
5 years ago

Well, it’s nice to know I have a eurovision fan as a neighboor up north. I was actually on vacation in Wisconsin last September by Lake Delton/the Dells. Very beautiful place. I guess Illinois does have talented artists, but I still don’t see American Song Contest as a real thing. As for voting, I say leave it as is. Only the participating 43 countries should vote jury wise. As for televote, I’m open to the same system as Junior Eurovision where the rest of the world gets to submit max of 5 online votes. But it would have to be… Read more »

5 years ago

It’s a ‘no’ from me. I thought it’s odd when american artists took part in Eurovision, which was also for them to promote their latest single/album. Then Australia….I’d rather see Euro-Vision the way it is and has been. Europeans getting together to celebrate music.

5 years ago
Reply to  Minerva

Israel is part of it since the 70s with 3 hostings and the world didn’t collapse.

5 years ago
Reply to  Ana

Yes, you are right, I forgot. We got used to Israel since they have been participating for a very long time.

5 years ago
Reply to  Minerva

Just to clarify…I wasn’t sarcastic. Since Israel started participating before some of us were even born, we got used to the country being part of the competition.

5 years ago
Reply to  Ana

Israel is also in European sports they are included with Europe in many things

5 years ago
Reply to  Andreu

Israel has more Eurovision history and tradition than Russia.

5 years ago
Reply to  Minerva

Eurovision was meant to unite Western Europe post WWII. It was never meant to include Eastern Europe. If you want it to go back to the original purpose, kick out Eastern Europe and Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Cyprus etc.

Frisian esc
Frisian esc
5 years ago

Jon ola sand was in Groningen? Damn, i could have passed him by.

5 years ago

2 things that will make ESC die.
1. Have online voting like in JESC where Poland wins everytime
2. have USA in ESC.

5 years ago
Reply to  Rasmus

3. Sweden being in top 3 after the jury vote whatever they send, year after year.

5 years ago
Reply to  Jake

I feel your a person that sucks all the positve energy out of everyone you meat. Thats my response to that. You always write negative comments on Sweden. On every article everytime. There is something wrong if you are like this.

5 years ago
Reply to  Rasmus

Takes one to know one

5 years ago
Reply to  Joe

i dont hate a special country the last 5 years. So i cant relate to that. I love Melfest. We have songs every year who are great, average and not great. I dont understand how people can hate Melfest, Sweden and Christer when we love ESC. I dont understand how you can hate that. Can you honestly?

5 years ago
Reply to  Rasmus

I don’t hate on any country either

5 years ago
Reply to  Joe

thats nice:) i just get sad sometimes whne the hate for Sweden is really high. Ite not fun to even read here anymore i feel honestly

5 years ago
Reply to  Rasmus

That’s how I feel for the USA! I won’t bash Sweden if you won’t bash the USA. We’re all just fans at the end of the day.

5 years ago
Reply to  Rasmus

Lol you’re talking like the increasing disagreement between the jury and televote isn’t already starting to ruin esc. Oh yeah and the new presentation of the televote points.

5 years ago

South Africa will be next? It looks like a post-colonial thing. Australia and the US, which are both former British colonies, are probably invited in order to improve the results of the UK and Western European countries (common complaints that these countries do not have neighbors to support them unlike Eastern Europe).

5 years ago
Reply to  Aura

Lol not even America would vote for the UK with how bad a lot of their entries have been lately.

We have no sense of loyalty towards the UK at all.

5 years ago

I would rather prefer to see Kazakhstan, Japan and Korea than USA.

5 years ago
Reply to  Iain

Why cant they be in Asiavision and America Vision? I dont want them in Europes

5 years ago
Reply to  Rasmus

That’s what I’m thinking. It would be nice to have similar competitions and to be able to watch both.

5 years ago
Reply to  Iain

Korean R&B would be so great. Would’ve loved to see Eurovision Asia happening.

Mr X
Mr X
5 years ago
Reply to  KESC

I would like to see some countries from latin america. But it´s only possible if Spanish would be an official language of ESC besides English and French-

Ioa Ioa
Ioa Ioa
5 years ago

I really wished for every nation in the world to broadcast ESC.
But the participating countries MUST be European so the contest’s identity won’t get ruined. Some exceptions are accepted like Israel, Morocco, Kazakhstan, Tunisia and even Australia. But please, no USA, no Canada, no China, no Papua New Guinea, no whatever!
If super-powers keep coming like Australia, the USA, etc, small countries will be not able to compete since they will have a lower budget and less technical knowledge to do so. We already lost Luxembourg and Monaco because of that. Don’t make an already big problem even bigger,

5 years ago

Alright, I get it, you don’t want us competing. Neither do we. I feel like very few of the Americans that have commented here actually want us to compete. Could you maybe take the USA bashing down a peg? Yeah, our country isn’t particularly lovely at the moment (was it ever?) but after a while it feels like you’re hostile to the very idea of American fans let alone participation. I adore Eurovision. It has saved me from depression and given me something to explore and celebrate, and its overall message of unity and coming together through music gives me… Read more »

5 years ago
Reply to  Joe

many americans dont even know where US is on a map. How the hell shoukd they learn 50 European names? NO they cant

5 years ago
Reply to  Rasmus

I’d dignify that with a proper response, but I don’t deal with people who suck out all the positive energy

first row at ESC and JESC
first row at ESC and JESC
5 years ago

Could it be that Jon Ola Sand wants to tell us that we will see the USA as a “guest act” in this years Eurovision …..so the USA could promote their own contest (raise the US public interest in that show) in 2021. What do you think ?

Marty Mc CU
Marty Mc CU
5 years ago

They already had a guest act… Madonna

Erste Reihe beim ESC / JESC
Erste Reihe beim ESC / JESC
5 years ago
Reply to  Marty Mc CU

We had Madonna in ESC ……and that is something we will not forget for the next 20 years (but not in a good way)

5 years ago

Madonna is the only one of the 2019 interval acts to sing live, both semi-finals and final. Bad as she was, at least it was real.

5 years ago
Reply to  Marty Mc CU

Marty, we also had Justin Timberlake in 2016, just thought I remind you

Erste Reihe beim ESC / JESC
Erste Reihe beim ESC / JESC
5 years ago

The United States has three broadcasters who are associate members of the EBU: the major networks ABC, CBS and NBC.

5 years ago

It would be silly for the US to contend. Besides, they would only want to play by their rules…. which would mean adding commercial spots every 10 minutes and shifting the start time to accommodate their viewers. Let them do their American Contest experiment and leave Eurovision for the countries that grew up with it.

5 years ago
Reply to  Matt

Yeah…USA is large enough to have their own contest. Even with Latin America too. That would be a huge party!!

TheDr Mistery
TheDr Mistery
5 years ago

The moment they join is the moment I’m gonna stop watching and I watch I’m a fan since I can remember (which would be mid-1990s).

5 years ago

My idea every year another guest. and return after 3
Example in 2023,2027 …Australia
2024 ,2028…USA
2025,2029 Canada
2026,2030 Brasil

5 years ago
Reply to  PP77

Do you know that Eurovision is banned in South America by USA? They bought rights for both Americas.

5 years ago

No, Australia is too much (they always took place in final from one eurovision members country)

5 years ago

I dont think I would like the idea of having the US in Eurovision. But I think I would like to see a Transatlantic Song Contest that would work like that: The top 10 of Eurovision and the Top 10 of Americavision (for example the top 10 of 2020) would be the confirmed contestants of thetransantlatic grand final and then maybe 2 semi finals from the countries that were in the grand final of each contest to find out who the other 10 countries would be (5 from each semi). So we would have 30 countries competing in the grand… Read more »

5 years ago

No no no…. give them their own contest and leave us with ours

5 years ago


That is all.

5 years ago

And how close are we to getting American version of Eurovision? Will it happen sooner or later that Eurovision Asia? I’m just saying that by this Jon Ola Sand perhaps meant to say that they won’t invite USA, but being very polite about it.

5 years ago
Reply to  West

Sooner than Eurovision Asia, no doubt. Asia has far too much political conflict and cultural differences among the countries in it. A USA contest on the other hand probably wouldn’t be that hard to set up as long as they can figure out a really good way to format it. It wouldn’t have a close resemblance to ESC aside from a few key things like the voting system, but that’s probably how it should be. Americans have a lot of state loyalty. Just look at how we feel about our sports teams. I bet that can translate to a music… Read more »

Mr Vanilla Bean
5 years ago

She’s no longer Sinéad, though. She is now the totally bonkers Shuhada’ Sadaqat.

Mr Vanilla Bean
5 years ago

Yeah, and I really liked her in that context. Too bad she took such a dark turn.

5 years ago

No, she remains a decent person. I admire her.

first row at ESC and JESC
first row at ESC and JESC
5 years ago

When I read the comments here, this topic really matters and is polarized. I am against the participation of the USA in our song contest but I would be very happy if all fans worldwide were given the chance to vote online for their favorite songs (like in the Junior Eurovision).
I have another wish for the EBU – please let Kazakhstan finally participate in the adult Eurovision !!!!!!!

first row at ESC and JESC
first row at ESC and JESC
5 years ago

When I read the comments here, this topic really matters and is polarized. I am against the participation of the USA in our song contest but I would be very happy if all fans worldwide were given the chance to vote online for their favorite songs (like in the Junior Eurovision).
I have another wish for the EBU – please let Kazakhstan finally participate in the adult Eurovision !!!!!!!

5 years ago

NO ONLINE VOTING. Poland would win ESC for 15 years in a row then like in JESC

5 years ago
Reply to  Rasmus

They only won twice so far. It’s not that weird, calm down. Ireland’s won a bunch of times in a row in adult esc, hasn’t it? Were you this cranky?

5 years ago

Eurovision is dead anyway since Australia came in and English songs are more than 90%.

5 years ago

no to USA, with their overfabricated trash music

5 years ago
Reply to  Nicky91

And yes to Eurovision with its modest, humble and stylish high art!

Roy Moreno
Roy Moreno
5 years ago

Just… No, don’t
Kazakhstan wants to join, start with them for God’s sake

5 years ago

I may be an American Eurovision fan, but I think it would be a mistake to let the US participate. I don’t even like the idea of an American Song Contest if it’s only going to be contained within the states and not actually involve all the countries of the American continents. I’m more than happy to be an outside observer.

5 years ago

Anybody who wants to join, should be allowed to join. Maybe there can be regional or continental qualifiers. I would not mind making eurovision a worldwide event that goes from October to May with so many shows. THINK BIG BE INCLUSIVE.

5 years ago
Reply to  NickC

That would be the end of Eurovision.

Mr X
Mr X
5 years ago
Reply to  Katariina


Already now ESC patrially sounds quite american….. It´s enough !

ESC Jonathan
ESC Jonathan
5 years ago

Why, why!!! I mean Australia has a passion for Eurovision since the 80’s (correct me if I’m wrong) and have their public viewings. It’s okay and nice that they are a part of it now. But America? The majority gives a *** on Eurovision so why should they join? Better invite Kosovo, Kasachstan and/or Lichtenstein

5 years ago

I think the negativity on this forum is not reflected in Europe as a whole. This forum consists of the most hard core fans. 99% of Europe don’t even think about the contest until the day of the contest. They wouldn’t care one way or another and probably would be amused with the USA entering. Why not the USA? Why be exclusive? The more the merrier. Americans don’t know about ESC. But the ones that hear about it love the contest. Especially first generation European Americans that still have some family connection to Europe. It would be good for the… Read more »

5 years ago
Reply to  gilpgilp

Because this is a European song contest that was founded to unite the nations of Europe after war. It was not made for Australia, the US, or anyone else outside of Europe. What bothers me most is that the EBU wants to make it so easy for these rich non-European nations like Australia and the US to join, but has continuously given no inch of support to less wealthy places like Kosovo and Kazakhstan, which actually have territory in Europe. It is so classist and just a ploy for more money.

5 years ago

Australia should quit too.. It’s a European contest

5 years ago
Reply to  Esc43

Agreed 100%

5 years ago
Reply to  Esc43

But they kinda belong to Europe, because The Queen Elisabet 2 is their Queen too.

5 years ago
Reply to  Esc43

Totally agree! We don’t need Australia in EUROvision. It should be a contest to celebrate european diversity and european music. Not australian

5 years ago
Reply to  Jakub

Also no need for hose fake eastern European states cause they’re basically neo-commies. And no Britain obvs (I mean, come on, with Brexit and stuff). Basically, as I said, noone should be left in ESC. Except Sweden, Sweden rules.

Joseph Mendy
Joseph Mendy
5 years ago
Reply to  Esc43

Never gonna happen. Australia was given a 5 year participation grant just last year

5 years ago
Reply to  Esc43

Yeah, right! Although I wouldn’t stop there, I believe everyone should quit, except Sweden and Nordic countries. They’re the main driver of ESC hype, so they gotta stay. Everyone else out!

5 years ago
Reply to  Teddie

I like Australia to the contest. They are culturally more European than The United States . And they bring much needed quality and don’t forget their staging with the exception of 2018 usually rocks. I can’t imagine ESC would be the same without their short but lasting impact. 2015,2016,2019 were breath taking performances

5 years ago

Personally, I’d rather we don’t compete and that the US and other non-participating countrys be allowed to vote, having all our votes pool into a “rest of the world” vote. Kind of like what JESC and OGAE do.

As an American, I couldn’t possibly care less about competing. However, I DESPERATELY wish that I were able to vote every year. It kills me that I can’t support the songs I like as a legitimate fan. I’m sure fans in Canada, Africa, Asia, South America, etc, feel the same way.

5 years ago

Exactly! It was killing me that I couldn’t vote while I was in Israel.

5 years ago
Reply to  Joe

Why couldn’t you vote in Israel?

5 years ago
Reply to  Jonas

No SIM card

5 years ago

Asian Eurovision fan here! I second this!

5 years ago

I would love to have a vote! It could be an interesting way to make the event more popular worldwide without hurting its purpose. It was exciting to participate when I was allowed (JESC, Supernova and the Czech selection, as far as I remember).

5 years ago

I would love to have a vote! It could be a way of making the contest more popular worldwide whitout hurting its purpose. I was always glad to participate when allowed (JESC, Supernova and the Czech selection, as far as I remember).

PS: the first attempt of this comment was held by the filter. Maybe a similar one will pop up soon.

5 years ago
Reply to  Sabrina

Done all three as well.

5 years ago

Nobody wants this – even Americans.

5 years ago

EBU are u kidding me ?! No no no, i mean Australia at ESC is enough …ESC is european competition, its not worldvision ….but yes all is about money and viewers ..i am dissapointed (Turkey, Lux, Licht, Slovakia, Andorra, Bosnia dederv more

5 years ago


Loin dici
Loin dici
5 years ago

I think getting the Eurovision America first is a good idea. I mean, I wanted them to actually understand the contest first.

5 years ago

As an American I don’t want America to participate either (and I’m really dreading this whole American Song Contest thing). However what really bothers me is seeing so much anti-American vitriol from Eurofans. It’s as if Eurofans don’t want Americans to enjoy the contest. Sure if America started participating in 2000s, I would admit that Americans would most likely see the contest in a negative light and as a joke given the presence of joke/unserious acts like Verka Serduchka and such. However, the contest has greatly improved in quality since then and America is surely capable of sending a good… Read more »

5 years ago
Reply to  ESCFanGA

It was fun when we won the Women’s World Cup though. Nice to feel proud of my country once in a while.

5 years ago
Reply to  ESCFanGA

Yeah, sometimes it doesn’t feel very welcoming to be an American fan. It can be actually very isolating. Especially since I live in a suburb in the middle of the country where no one knows what Eurovision is. I always go on tumblr after Eurovision and again I always see the same things. People telling Americans to stay out. Personally I don’t think America should compete because we aren’t even close to Europe. It isn’t like an Australia thing where it’s popular over there. Say in like 50 years and everything is no longer geoblocked and like over 2 million… Read more »