The Wiwi Jury — our in-house panel of music unprofessionals — continues to rank and review the songs from the soundtrack of Eurovision Song Contest: The Story of Fire Saga. Next up, we listen to “Fool Moon”, which is Finland’s entry in the film. The track is performed by the real-life UK indie-pop group Anteros. Were we enchanted by their moonlight? Read on to find out!

The Wonder Four (Anteros) – “Fool Moon”

“Fool Moon” reviews

Esma: “Fool Moon” sounds like a typical indie song you’d hear in the commercial of a *certain* Swedish home furnishing store. It feels like the type of song by a band that’s consciously trying to deviate from the mainstream — but just a little too much which is actually making them mainstream themselves.  “Fool Moon” is just very bland and forgettable. On to the next!

Score: 6/10

Pablo: Color me surprised! If you looked at it through the camp lenses of the movie, this would just warrant a passing glance, but on the relisten, and knowing it came from Anteros’ original work, I now see it as modern, current, and well, one many national finals would be more than happy to give a shot to! Retro disco is making a return in pop music, so to have “Fool Moon” out in this movie is setting up to be a smart, and fruitful, move for this band.

Score: 8/10

Robyn: “Fool Moon” is one of the few songs not specifically written for the film — and it shows. Anteros have great flow and have crafted the super cool “Fool Moon”. It’s tempting to say the song is a bit too hip to make it Eurovision, but “Fool Moon” certainly wouldn’t be out of place at a Nordic national final. I hope the group’s short appearance as The Wonder Four helps them expand their fanbase!

Score: 7/10

Suzanne: The “Fool Moon” chorus is okay and the disco vibe is fun. However, I was ready to move onto the next track from the first note. I did not much care for the costumes in the movie. I lay the blame on you.

Score: 2/10

William: This sounds like a solid indie entry you’d hear in a Finnish or Norwegian national final. It’s quality, it’s hip, and it’s mainstream. But precisely because of all of that — it lacks the quirkiness and originality present in so many of the other songs in this movie and on this soundtrack. I still live by my words in the movie — “Call the police — our girl is killing it!” I just wish this was a bit messier with a more original point of view.

Score: 6.5/10

In the Wiwi Jury we have 11 jurors but only have room for five reviews. The remaining scores are below:

Antranig: 6/10

Deban: 6/10

Julia: 5/10

Renske: 7/10

Sebastian: 8/10

Tom: 6.5/10

We have removed the highest and lowest scores prior to calculating the average. This is to remove outliers and potential bias. We have removed a low of 2 and a high of 8.

Wiwi Jury verdict: 6.18/10

What do you think of this song? Share your own score and review below!

Read more Eurovision movie Wiwi Jury reviews here

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4 years ago

Wales won’t be JESC this year
But Belarus and Serbia will

4 years ago

This is probably the best song after “In The Mirror” and “Husavik”. You can tell you are overrating the other joke entries when you give this one a 6. Seriously?

Indie should win Eurovision one day but people just keep underrating it no matter what.

4 years ago

Love the style of this .. indie and artsy ..
would be a good candidate for the actual contest for UK ..

4 years ago

It is a bit too one-paced and predictable for me. It’s definitely respectable and will certainly have an audience but it is not my thing and I can’t see why it’s in the movie other than because Will Ferrell likes them.
