He was set to represent North Macedonia at Eurovision 2020 with the song “You”. Sadly, that didn’t happen due to the contest’s cancellation following Covid-19 precautions. However, broadcaster MKRTV has now confirmed Vasil will still get his chance to perform on the Eurovision stage, and will be the country’s representative for the 2021 contest.

Vasil to represent North Macedonia at Eurovision 2021

In a post on Instagram, Vasil spoke of his excitement to have another opportunity to sing for his country at Eurovision:

“Rarely in life do we get not just one, but THREE, chances to make our dream come true. In ‘19 I stood proudly behind Tamara; in ‘20 I dedicated everything to YOU — but Covid said no! In ‘21 I am using my personal journey and story to place my heart in your hands through my voice.

Never stop believing, dreaming, and fighting for what you stand for in life. Dreams do come true! I am grateful for your continued support and can hardly wait to share what we are planning as a Macedonian team. Y’all better be ready for this!”


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A post shared by Vasil Garvanliev (@vasilg)

Vasil’s song for Eurovision 2021 will be selected internally. North Macedonian broadcaster MKRTV has put out a call for music producers from across the country and beyond to submit an entry by 27 January.

Following Vasil’s selection, this takes the number of confirmed artists for Eurovision 2021 to 25. Of these artists, 23 have been chosen again after their initial selection in 2020.

Vasil’s Eurovision journey

Vasil first graced the Eurovision stage in 2019 as a backing singer for Tamara Todevska, who went on to win the jury vote and finish seventh overall with the song “Proud”.

In 2020, North Macedonian broadcaster MKRTV internally selected Vasil to represent the country as the main artist. His entry “You” was also internally selected. Unfortunately, due to the coronavirus pandemic, last year’s contest was cancelled and Vasil was unable to perform.

MKRTV has now selected him again for Eurovision 2021, where Vasil will finally get his chance to sing at the contest as the lead artist.

Are you excited to see Vasil back for North Macedonia at Eurovision 2021? What sort of song would you like to see him bring to the contest? Let us know in the comments below!

Read more North Macedonia Eurovision news here

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4 years ago

Glad to see this. Want as many 2020 artists back as possible.

4 years ago

Great news!

4 years ago

I’m so happy for him!

Purple Mask
Purple Mask
4 years ago

Good news.

4 years ago

I don’t know why it took so long for him to be confirmed. It was one of the most obvious “re-invitations”, since North Macedonia internally selects their artists, he was already part of the delegation since 2019 and seems to be a guy that could do different styles of music. I just hope Vasil gets a more interesting song this time.

4 years ago
Reply to  Sabrina

Yeah waiting for Little Big, Alicja, James, Athena …

4 years ago
Reply to  Tom

Me too. I bet Little Big will be back after the success they had last year. No idea about the other 3 though.

4 years ago
Reply to  Sabrina

This one is hard to call – while it’s staying with Kanal-1 this year (they usually alternate broadcasters), Little Big was a totally last-minute stop-gap after huge internal drama at Kanal-1 majorly messed up their internal selection process (which is why LB literally had to put their song together in 5 days). I genuinely can’t predict whether Kanal-1 is going to stay with them. In other news, according to a story in Russian outlets this morning, Little Big will soon be releasing a song featuring the Buryanskie Babushky. So there’s that…

4 years ago
Reply to  Trina

I keep forgetting about the fact Russia alternate broacasters. And I didn’t know that Little Big had to send their song in a rush. I hope things run smoothly this time.

4 years ago
Reply to  Sabrina

Thanks for your reply:) Yeah, unfortunately I do find that most English-language Eurovision coverage (across the board) is pretty out of touch with Eastern Europe. Case in point, the majority opinion among English-language speakers last year seemed to be, “Russia, SO cynical releasing their song at the very last minute”, when even the most preliminary dive into Russian-language media would have revealed the hilarious cluster-F that almost prevented them from entering at all. Ah, well.

4 years ago
Reply to  Trina

Well, I hope most of those who went with the “Russia is only trying to hype their entry” mantra were also completely unaware about the situation (they probably were, because they love a drama and the broken selection process would be much more appealing to them!). But you’re right, some countries receive much more attention. I guess it helps when they have a local correspondent and it would be nice if every Eurovision fan site had at least people searching for news in the Eastern Europe countries. In any case, I encourage you and other readers to share these news… Read more »

4 years ago
Reply to  Sabrina

I’m sure all 3 will be (I hope so), and I’m not surprised if they all had their participation agreed in principle some time ago, but I do fear that the fact Athena hasn’t been to Armenia, whose quarantine laws continue until June, since the contest was cancelled, in spite of the fact she really loves the country and is desperate for the role, and the economic effects of both a bad covid record and the debilitating war, has caused delays and I worry that it May undermine the quality of her choice. Poland and my native U.K. usually take… Read more »

4 years ago
Reply to  Leo

Well, if 2020 was a troubled year for everbody, I imagine for Armenia was even worst. I keep hoping they confirm Athena, but it makes sense that the whole process was delayed for them. And you’re right, Poland and the UK aren’t countries that like to tease much about their entries before releasing them. We’ll probably live with this mystery until they say “hey, we were almost forgetting to tell it, but this is our artist for Eurovision”.

Loin dici
4 years ago
Reply to  Tom

I’m waiting for Alicja. I don’t think they’ll waste her just because the contest is cancelled.

Loin dici
4 years ago
Reply to  Sabrina

I think the teams’ doing the marketing similarly to their 2020 plans, which is why late January announcement is not that far-out, IMO.

4 years ago
Reply to  Loin dici

Sure, but this was an exceptional year. I thought North Macedonia would be one of those countries that would announce before or right after the Shine a Light special. Maybe it was just a bureaucratic issue and the delegation knew he would be invited but a contract couldn’t be signed until 2021’s budget was out.

4 years ago

In other words: He has chosen a song that Milanov and random Swedish writer sent to MF but it was deemed to mediocre so North Macedonia happily accepted it. Like every year.
Wonder if Germany will choose Milanov and another Mello reject too?

Last edited 4 years ago by Denis
4 years ago
Reply to  Denis

Violent Thing was not a Mello reject? In fact it might have won.

4 years ago

Hoping we will get song with some “risk” in it or something more ethnic maybe.
“You” was a contender for the last place last year in my opinion so it can only get better.

4 years ago

So, for those keeping track: Definitely coming back, internal selection for song: Australia, Austria, Azerbaijan, Belgium, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Georgia, Greece, Iceland, Ireland, Latvia, Malta, Moldova (probably), Netherlands, North Macedonia, Romania, San Marino (probably), Switzerland, Ukraine Definitely coming back, national final for song: Israel, Serbia, Slovenia, Spain In the running to come back, internal selection for song: Russia In the running to come back, national final for song: Estonia, Finland, Lithuania, Sweden Not in the running to come back, internal selection for song and artist: Cyprus, Germany Not in the running to come back, national final for song and artist:… Read more »

4 years ago
Reply to  Joe

For Moldova it’s not yet confirmed.

4 years ago
Reply to  1998

I’m sure she has. It’s just that it’s been done in a way that’s behind the back of the EBU and TVM, hence they haven’t ratified it.

4 years ago
Reply to  1998

Carla’s dreams instead of Natalia pls

4 years ago
Reply to  Nicky

#Tudor Bumbac for 2022.
#Chisinau 2023. 😉

4 years ago

7 days deadline,hmm lets see what melfest reject by Milanov they chose

4 years ago
Reply to  jack

”Melfest reject” is often being used as a derogatory term for a less successful song in a mainstream genre and to be fair, I can kinda see why. There are many songs each year sent to Melfest which for one reason or another don’t enter their top 28. Many of these are indeed somewhat less competitive or the ones taking less risks, even for the mainstream standards. However, there are exceptions. For example, the Danish 2018 song Higher Ground *literally is* a Melfest reject, yet it was not only good enough to win DMGP, but also to qualify for the… Read more »

4 years ago
Reply to  Colin

Don’t forget Mello rejected “In a moment like this” which got Denmark a top 5 placing in Oslo, while Sweden had their first ever non qualifier.

4 years ago
Reply to  Roo

It has to be said that a performer can elevate a demo track and what was unsuited to a Swedish singer works really well with another singer. Hanna Ferm or Dotter would not have sung Proud well, for example.

4 years ago
Reply to  Colin

Higher Ground was a Melfest reject?! Oof, talk about a lack of taste

4 years ago
Reply to  jack

In a Moment Like This was also a Melfest reject in 2010 and oh look what happened… if a certain song is rejected by Melfest panel,it doesn’t mean it’s bad by all means!

Last edited 4 years ago by DonutLover
Frisian esc
Frisian esc
4 years ago
Reply to  DonutLover

I mean it must be kinda hard to make a neutral judgement and pick 28 out of 2000. Even with a team.

4 years ago
Reply to  Frisian esc

Agree… out of all of those songs every year many great ones are left behind and some troll acts get selected for diversity sake..
Even Melfest has some questionable/mediocre acts…
People need to understand Sweden is great but not the only superior country for producing musical talent!

Last edited 4 years ago by DonutLover
Loin dici
4 years ago
Reply to  Frisian esc

Exactly, since those submissions include special invitations which already erase off the fairness, and most of the times there will be artist and songwriters which are back for the game each year.

4 years ago
Reply to  DonutLover

A Melfest reject made the final, got Denmark their first top-five finish since 2001, and earned five sets of top marks. That year’s Melfest winner, though…

4 years ago
Reply to  DonutLover

Should of kept reading the comments :). I’m sure the volume of songs sent to Mello would be so great, and the organisers so narrow minded. A Mello rejected should not be a bad thing.

4 years ago
Reply to  jack

Milanov I think didnt send any song for Melodifestivalen festivals ever. Melfest reject songs we had in many countries but that songs have only swedish composers and lyricsts and maybe lyriscst from that country (if national final have rules to song sing in native country leanguage).

4 years ago

Congrats to him but putting the deadline in just 7 days? That feels very rushed. Could result in many of the songs being just complete demos or ideas

Loin dici
4 years ago
Reply to  Alex

I mean it’s okay since that’s also what Eden is experiencing. They could work on the demo in early February and present the full song in early March.

4 years ago
Reply to  Loin dici

Haven’t we seen the mess in Israel though? If anything Eden’s case is a warning of what to avoid, especially since she’s an objectively stronger performer than Vasil.

4 years ago

The only year when North Macedonia’s song wasn’t at least partly created by locals was 2017. The call for applications this year is similar to 2019 and 2020, so I have faith that the song will be made by people from North Macedonia. MRT should keep promoting its country’s musical minds! I’d also like to add that I haven’t come across a person with such a strong standpoint on local songwriters/composers/producers as you. Which is a shame, as Eurovision needs its fans to demand broadcaster to act this way – for the sake of diversity, fairness and non-monopolization of the… Read more »

Last edited 4 years ago by EurovisionBenny_AUT
4 years ago

Yay, very happy for Vasil! I had the chance to meet him many years ago and he is a very nice guy. Looking forward to hear his song!

Frisian esc
Frisian esc
4 years ago

7 days from artist announcement to song submission deadline? That’s whishful thinking. Unless you already know Boris Milanov will send in a song.

4 years ago
Reply to  Frisian esc

yep they were seen together so maybe?

4 years ago

As much as i didn’t love his song, his voice is amazing and i am glad that he is representing NM in 2021!!! If you guys don’t believe me listen to Patuvam 🙂

4 years ago

I know I am in the minority (again), but I really loved his previous song. It was my fave ex-yu entry of 2020 (by far)

Miss Uncongeniality
Miss Uncongeniality
4 years ago
Reply to  NickC

Me too… indeed, it is one of few songs from ESC2020 that i still listen

4 years ago

I’m very happy to see Vasil back. Last year’s ‘you’ was underrated in my opinion. Hope he has the chance of finding another good song and give him self a real chance of getting to the final.

4 years ago

There goes the hope of XXL reuniting and serving another off-key masterpiece for 2021. 😉 😉

For real, I am really happy to see Vasil back. He seems really nice. 🙂

Now, we are waiting for the decisions regarding Little Big, Alicja, James and Athena. As all of them had good songs last year, my expectations for their future ones would be big as well.

Last edited 4 years ago by Colin
4 years ago

hm.. Not a fan of him, like he seems a great person, but I’m not keen on him as an artist.. But still if he gets a good song.. Keeping my expectations low

4 years ago

•Vasil could be very interesting and I hope his effort is multilingual and boundary pushing. You is hard to dislike but it was too generic and was definitely eliminated. •It is a bit sad that Athena (my winner of 2020) and James (my country’s entry of 2020) are 2 of the 3 awaiting their fate, though both of them, Athena in particular, have strong ties with their HOD and could have been confirmed in principle ages ago. •Our lack of mention could be down to untrustworthiness, or just waiting to unveil the song with James, whilst I recently read somewhere… Read more »

4 years ago
Reply to  Leo

Her new ballad is good and I don’t mind them to send it.

4 years ago
Reply to  Alo

I think she would do it very well on stage, it does not harm her image in the eyes of fans of her contemporaries, and it is a song she was very desperate to release and share with fans (despite the delay owing to the war), and if that is the song she wants to send the most, I would respect that. I am sure she can sell it excellently, particularly if choosing it cuts back the costs for the nation’s beleaguered broadcaster and finances, and allows a better staging. However, i obviously would like her to go for broke,… Read more »

Last edited 4 years ago by Leo
4 years ago

“Chemistry with my bartender – Vol. 2”

Ria van de Velde
Ria van de Velde
4 years ago

Great news !! I hope for a beautiful song !! Good Luck Vasil !!

4 years ago

What a good and wise decision. Now I am waiting for Armenia and Poland to follow this one.

4 years ago
Reply to  Jean-Paul

And U.K.
Armenia and U.K. are my personal priorities (though we can do better than James, he is a step in the right direction, and I have long wanted his writing team to write our entry), and Poland does also deserve her chance.

4 years ago
Reply to  Leo

You are so right about UK. But I am guessing that the BBC will send another artist while in AR and PL there’s a big chance that both Athena and Alicja will be back. But if’s James again? He’s more than welcome.

4 years ago
Reply to  Jean-Paul

I bet the BBC would disclose more clearly if they are after a new act, and HOD Lee Smithurst had a lot of faith in James and gave him a spectacular staging concept. I have long wanted Iain James (MLB’s co-writer) to write our entry. He co wrote Running Scared. Meanwhile , I am sure that there is an agreement in principle for Athena, but I do feel that the fact she hasn’t been to Armenia since the contest was cancelled, and quarantine is required until June, is undermining, as well as rumours of the Armenians being less sure about… Read more »

Last edited 4 years ago by Leo
4 years ago
Reply to  Leo

I’d be surprised if the someone other than James represented UK which is fair enough. The BBC seems lazy and not interested so I expect it will be all last minute. The public will tune in hoping for biatchy comments from Norton and in the (likely) event of a poor finish the usual “nobody likes us” spiel will be trotted out. Just my opinion.

Last edited 4 years ago by Jofty
4 years ago
Reply to  Jofty

I do fear when we do internal selections, particularly if no word by January, that the BBC is lazy, though I don’t know what is going on behind the scenes when this occurs, and I think the label support could help our entry, particularly with the stage concept that the HOD Lee Smithurst promised James would do. The internal selection was like a team who were relegated and in severe financial difficulty. We need a bit of transition, and the BMG contract could be a platform for it. Ps: is it me or has Norton’s musical ear got better in… Read more »

Last edited 4 years ago by Leo
4 years ago
Reply to  Leo

Possibly! (Norton). I just think the personal attacks on contestants such as Germany 2016 are uncalled for.

Last edited 4 years ago by Jofty
4 years ago
Reply to  Jofty

I found his jokes about JLK’s costume quite funny (it was the first contest after I found out about the Dex Prize), though he did veer towards the personal on her at another point in the same passage. I want a balance in humour and having a good ear for music and I feel that it is increasing (compare his disdain for several in 2009 like Germany, to the fact that he was kind to more songs in 2020 than usual, including Armenia, Austria, Ireland, Iceland, France, Estonia and U.K.)

Last edited 4 years ago by Leo
4 years ago
Reply to  Leo

That’s true but most of the BBC audience only tune in to hear comments such as “you will detest Anouk”. Cheap and nasty the heir to Wogan. If he feels “conflicted” he should back down.

4 years ago
Reply to  Jofty

I think he was saying that only to those for whom Birds wasn’t their type (though it was James’ as shown in the great home concerts), if they dislike the Lana Del Rey type (I find it a problematic statement for a different reason, ie that Anouk came 15 years before Lana, and in fact 10 before Adele). It is a well known fact many entries will not be to everyone’s taste. Sometimes he was below the belt, and he sees ESC too much as a single final, but I think he genuinely loves the show more than Terry ever… Read more »

4 years ago
Reply to  Leo

Yes, of course. Also Cascada and their unique sound were around long before Euphoria. In any case why would you want to “copy” a crapp out of date song?! I think Evacuate The Dancefloor might have won, shame. Do you remember when Terry said Natalia from Moldova was “copying” Britney Spears? Please!

4 years ago
Reply to  Jean-Paul

At first I thought that TVP won’t select Alicja anymore, since they didn’t announce her during Junior Eurovision (which would have been a great opportunity to do so). However, over the last few weeks, Alicja posted some pics on her insta story with Piotr Walicki where they were in the studio. Also, she added the Eurovision heart with The Netherlands’ flag in it. So, she has either already been chosen or she is kind of in an internal selection process where the broadcaster will choose the best song, regardless of Alicja’s position as last year’s entrant, just like Russia most… Read more »

Last edited 4 years ago by KRM
4 years ago
Reply to  KRM

Poland’s internal selections are usually a lot later than those of most other nations.

4 years ago
Reply to  Leo

yep they usually release them super late.

4 years ago

Only 7 days though for the song submission? :/

4 years ago

The song is already chosen, but this is for the public to believe that everyone was given the chance to submit a song. That’s what our broadcaster does in short.

4 years ago
Reply to  CEs

Oh yeeeah, I forgot about that trick