Eurovision 2021 Acts 31 January

Slowly but surely, the number of confirmed entries for Eurovision 2021 is creeping upwards. France chose its act  — Barbara Pravi with “Voila” — on Saturday, taking the total up to three.

The other two are Albania’s Anxhela Peristeri with “Karma” and Israel’s Eden Alene with “Set Me Free”. But which act do you like best? Eden took gold in our first survey, but can she hold on in a more crowded field? You decide!

You can listen to Barbara’s effort below. Then vote in our poll. Choose wisely, you can only vote ONE time. Voting is open until Friday 5 February — the eve of the Pabandom iš naujo! final.

We will then relaunch the poll to include the victors in Lithuania and any other songs which might drop between now and then.

Eurovision 2021 entries as of 31 January

New entries

France’s Barbara Pravi with “Voila”

Barbara’s “Voila” saw off competition from 11 other songs in the newly-launched Eurovision France, c’est vous qui décidez! final. The acclaimed singer-songwriter previously had songs in Destination Eurovision and was behind both of France’s most recent Junior Eurovision entries, including the 2020 winner “J’imagine”. Pravi topped both the jury and public vote, making her the first act to do so since France returned to regular national finals in 2018.

Other entries

  • Albania: Anxhela Peristeri “Karma”
  • Israel: Eden Alene “Set Me Free”

Who is your favourite Eurovision 2021 act so far?

[crowdsignal poll=10731454]

Which entry is your favourite? Can any of them win the contest in May? Let us know in the comments.

Vote in more Eurovision 2021 polls.

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4 years ago

The one that creates goosebumps and captivates you from start to finish and beyond.

Last edited 4 years ago by Anita
4 years ago

Definitely Voila. I can’t resist songs in French.

4 years ago

The french song is just too cliché from France, just something artsy as usual and slap some Eiffel tower on the back screen. We’ve seen it and we’re bored af! Other too predictable etries other countries can send are: Azerbaijan: Some swedish made song once again Belgium: Indie pop done as usual Sweden: Radio friendly song, no risk at anything Any balkan country: Balkan ballad once again Finland: Rock since it’s the only thing they think they can win with Georgia: Bland rock etno song no one likes Portugal: Something that only portuguese will like Cyprus: Fuego 3.0 UK: Bland… Read more »

Esc addict
Esc addict
4 years ago
Reply to  Music

You can hate the selected french song and France’s choice as you want, for those who already loved it they won’t change their mind for your pleasure and they will love it even more, so no problem, keep doing and saying what you want, anyway it gives credits to Barbara so thanks for her.

Last edited 4 years ago by Esc addict
Princess peregrine
Princess peregrine
4 years ago
Reply to  Music

Yum. Beans on toast tastes great.

4 years ago
Reply to  Music

« Just something artsy as usual » France has not sent an artsy song or staging since .. well… i don’t even remember. And based on what we saw on Saturday they won’t rely on the Eiffel Tower lol. What’s your point?

Mahi Mahi
Mahi Mahi
4 years ago
Reply to  Music

LOL. perfectly said.

It made me laugh because I once dated a British guy and I told him that the moment I catch him eating canned beans is the moment I break up with him ;D
It’s so gross!

4 years ago
Reply to  Music

lol seeeeems like i’m not the only one frustrated not to ever being surprised by some delegations, specially by France television’s entries for 44 years lol ? well. Maybe a revolution will come in a couple of centuries and they will be sexy enough to motivate somebody like Jaïn, indila or frankly any of the many artist who really shake up contemporary music and come with something new.

Gil Dadia
Gil Dadia
4 years ago

Best singer? Eden elena for sure, best song? Currently Probably voila

4 years ago

France is playing on a different league for now.

4 years ago
Reply to  Sabrina

Why do you always put it into the right words?!

4 years ago
Reply to  Anita

I guess it’s a matter of perception, people who don’t like “Voilà” probably think I used the worst possible words! 😛

In any case, Lithuania will probably join France’s league next Saturday. Or generate an earthquake in the fandom.

4 years ago

Eden Alene!

4 years ago

Quite OT, but thankfully the Croatian delegation decided to finally do *some effective* promotion of the Dora 2021 artists beforehand. On the official You Tube page, there is an interview of each artist presenting some random trivia about their song (so, we do know tempo or topic for some of them). Also, there is a ”Concert at home” released yesterday in which the artists made covers of ESC / Dora classics. Thus, we can see their vocal abilities as well. Good move, HRT!

4 years ago
Reply to  Colin

No problem. There is a ten minute video online, so where to start from?

4 years ago
Reply to  Colin

Well, okay. I tried to put it all out here in a single post: Albina says that Tick Tock is something different than her usual style and that is modern. Since her usual style are ballads, I personally expect a banger. Bojan and Ashley have a love duet about tolerance. Bernarda says that Colors is a positive song about vibrancy and hope. Beta says her song is a dance uptempo with a banger performance. Brigita’s song is called ”Drunken nights” as she says that many will relate. Cambi say that their performance might be black and white, but also in… Read more »

4 years ago
Reply to  Colin

She was a little ill on the night of the finals, but IMHO she still delivered a good performance. Perhaps tad less strong than it could have been for her standards, but in general terms, it was still highly above average. The dress wasn’t really good, but that shouldn’t have distracted *that* much. Of course, all of these statements should be taken with a grain of salt (everyone wants for their entry to appear great while promoting it), but I sense that about five different acts could surpass our standards from the last two years. One can hope. We’ll hear… Read more »

4 years ago
Reply to  Colin

Your acknowledgment is appreciated.

Kiki is a good singer. A neat trivia is that he is a son of iconic local singer Aki Rahimovski, frontman of band Parni valjak. The band was extremely popular since it’s start in the 70s.

Pastora Soler
Pastora Soler
4 years ago

Set me freeee, harmonyyyy, don’t let me downnnn


4 years ago
  1. France
  2. Israel
  3. Albania
Ravencrow Neversmiles
Ravencrow Neversmiles
4 years ago

None of the three already selected songs have made me feel any strong emotion so I can’t really say which one I like the most. It’s nice people are already finding their favorite songs but my personal winner is still out there.

4 years ago

I know it’s very early and it’s very difficult but after many years, we can tell

4 years ago

France, but I’m not very impressed so far…

4 years ago

Israel 7/10
France 7/10
Albania 6/10

4 years ago

France 9/10
Israel 2/10
Albania 1/10

4 years ago

Classic ovverrating the slow “art” song season has begun. Sorry but France is gonna be bottom 10 in the final

4 years ago

Sorry but France is boring af

4 years ago

Early predictions from me:

23. France 6/10
31. Israel 5.5/10
34. Albania 5/10

Obviously lots can change, but this is my guess right now.

Mr X
Mr X
4 years ago

France 10/10
Albania 6/10
Israel 3/10

4 years ago

Albania = classy
France = deep
Israel = cheap

4 years ago

France by a clear mile. It’s a magical experience! The only song I see reaching my top 10. The first real competition will be either The Roop or Gebrasy after Lithuania picks on the 6th.

Albania is fine, but doesn’t stand out from the plethora of belting diva ballads they’ve sent over the years. Israel is basically ”Universo” of this year – technically slick product which leaves me stone cold.

4 years ago
Reply to  Colin

uuu yes that’s the right comparison – “Universo” is literally “Set me Free” !

Pastora Soler
Pastora Soler
4 years ago
Reply to  Colin

Set me free >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Uni uni universo…

4 years ago
Reply to  Colin

We agree in basically everything so far. The onfly difference is that Gebrasy wouldn’t challenge Barbara in my ranking if he wins PIN. Though he would sit very comfortably in the 2nd position for now. I liked the comparison between “Set Me Free” and “Universo”, they even have that same killer note that is there just to please the juries. Though “Set Me Free” does a little more for me, at least I want to move when I’m listening to it. “Universo” left me really cold. I trust Blas will come with something more interesting this time. Oh, and thank… Read more »

4 years ago
Reply to  Sabrina

Thanks for the comment. I always love hearing your opinions, Sabrina. Snippets of Croatian hopefuls will be released on Saturday, 6th of February. I can hope it will be during the morning, so we get to hear them before inevitably being drawn to the Lithuanian selection.

4 years ago
Reply to  Colin

Likewise, Colin. 🙂 Midnight on CET time would be great for me. In the worst case scenario, I’ll have them to listen to on Sunday. Saturday afternoon will be busy, for the first time in the season I’ll try to watch 3 shows simultaneously.

4 years ago
Reply to  Sabrina

Oh, yeah. Both MGP and Melfest are happening. I really wish at least some NFs would switch to Sundays or Fridays at least…
I guess I’ll *try* not to spoil the outcomes and save at least one of them for Sunday morning by watching the video then. Both Melfest and MGP are fantastically professional in terms of having the video on the official page in HQ and (usually) without a picture of the winner on it. Can’t wait!

Last edited 4 years ago by Colin
4 years ago
Reply to  Colin

Romania and Serbia were the ones who used Sunday for their finals, right? I don’t know how things work in other countries, but here the TV ratings are much higher on Sundays than on Saturdays. Though I can understand that having your selection in the same day and time Eurovision will happen makes sense.

I wouldn’t resist to wait for Sunday to watch one of the shows. What I do sometimes is to let one of them to check later (my timezone helps, of course). I used to do that when Lithuania had those endless heats.

Ria van de Velde
Ria van de Velde
4 years ago

For me is France the best. Second Albania. I don ‘t like Israel at all.

Mahi Mahi
Mahi Mahi
4 years ago

quit strangely, Set me free has been playing in my head for the last 4 days without me actually liking it .

The only song that managed to do this to me in the ESC sphere is Lena’s “Satellite” where you’re indifferent to the song but somehow you can’t stop hearing it in you brain.

4 years ago
Reply to  Mahi Mahi

Set Me Free would be very good if it wasn’t for that oh-oh-oh part, it’s literally the most generic thing I’ve ever heard. Other parts especially the beginning are really good.

Mahi Mahi
Mahi Mahi
4 years ago
Reply to  Erasmus

I had this crazy thought to add Mahmood double clap after the “I’m gonna make it own my own”

Oh oh ohhh I’m gonna make it own my own *clap clap*
Oh oh ohhh Khalas im hashiga’on *clap clap*

This way you turn lemons into lemonade.

Last edited 4 years ago by Mahi Mahi
Euro fans
Euro fans
4 years ago

I don’t get the hype from Voilà

Mahi Mahi
Mahi Mahi
4 years ago
Reply to  Euro fans

Every singer that evokes emotions will get some hype around them because is feels authentic. Also we only have 3 songs so ballad-fans will obviously be attracted to this, considering it sounds way more modern than the Albanian song.
I do believe however that this will loose more and more hype as more songs are selected, like “Attention” last year.

4 years ago

I love Anxhela’s voice and Karma is not the worst song either, but honetsly, the song just sounds so dated. There’s nothing particularly interesting about it, or nothing that makes me want to listen to it again, nothing that excites me, apart from the ethnic instrumental part, which sounds beautiful. If I was Anxhela, I would compose a totally new song that maybe sounds a bit more current and a song that gives her more opportunity to draw attention to herself. I feel sorry for her, cause she has so much potential, which is, unfortunately, wasted with Karma. As for… Read more »

4 years ago
Reply to  KRM

agree with everything u said about Karma.. It will most likely be stuck in the semi, even tho it’s a weaker one.. again I can’t see anyone voting for it except for fans that love these types of ballads.

Eurovision fan
Eurovision fan
4 years ago


4 years ago

France 12 points for me right now. 🙂

4 years ago

Isn’t it obvious? France by far. Israel is second, and Albania far behind in 3rd. France has an authentic package, great staging, great and seasoned performer and a very French, but still a very timeless song. I can see this doing a top 10 in May (it could flop tho, so they have to be careful – and also running order will make or break this).. Israel is quite good, but I can’t see this doing particularly well unless a great revamp and staging happen. Albania is just not it, it’s a very dated song, it sounds like something from… Read more »

4 years ago
Reply to  Erasmus

Me too.

4 years ago

Definitely France but really enjoying the pop tastic Set me free from Israel.. Albania as usual and it’s not meant as mean but I never gravitate towards the Albanian entry.. Now if Me tana was in the mix but sadly it’s not..

4 years ago

France definitely. this girl has so much passion and the song is incredible. you can feel the emotion in her voice and this is a top 10 finish for France