Melodi Grand Prix 2021 finalists

Tonight 12 acts will compete in the grand final of Norway’s Melodi Grand Prix 2021. But which act should win the ticket and represent Norway at Eurovision 2021 in Rotterdam? The Wiwi Jury — our in-house panel of music unprofessionals — has listened to the competing songs and ranked their favourites. Read on to see what the jury thinks!


1. KEiiNO – “Monument”

Packed with jet fuel and a burning passion to slay, KEiiNO have reemerged with a solid concept, powerhouse vocals and an irresistible hook. By far their most memorable hit, and the strongest MGP entry in recent years, “Monument” has become a cultural phenomenon. KEiiNO understand Eurovision. Their tenacity and toil have earned much love from fans from all over Europe and Down Under. Now is the right time for this terrific trio to grab some jury points and place Norway back in the Eurovision top five.

2. Emmy – “Witch Woods”
3. Kaja Rode – “Feel Again”
4. Raylee – “Hero”
5. Jorn – “Faith Bloody Faith”


1. Raylee – “Hero”

Is this a fan pleaser? Yes, of course, and it accomplishes. Raylee’s “Hero” is a much more polished product than her previous attempts. Perfectly on trend with the current 80s revival led by Dua Lipa, this song doesn’t quite stand out as a studio track, but excels with the performance. Raylee puts on a show that elevates her entry to an iconic level. The Flashdance gig, indeed, may be almost 40 years old, but come on, who wouldn’t love to do that on a stage?

2. Emmy – “Witch Woods”
3. Blåsemafian feat. Hazel – “Let Loose”
4. KEiiNO – “Monument”
5. TIX – “Fallen Angel”


1. Kaja Rode – “Feel Again”

Something about “Feel Again” is just so special, I’ve fallen in love with it within just a few listens. It starts off like a standard pop ballad, but goes on to develop into something entirely unique. The last minute of the song abuses the key-change concept in a bizarre and fantastic way, and Kaja Rode’s vocal delivery is phenomenal. Learning that IMERIKA wrote this song also made me re-evaluate what I think of her. I’m hoping Kaja can pull a Kristin Husøy and bring a positively surprising result.

2. KEiiNO – “Monument”
3. IMERIKA – “I Can’t Escape”
4. Emmy – “Witch Woods”
5. Blåsemafian feat. Hazel – “Let Loose”


1. KEiiNO – “Monument”

In 2019, it took me until the grand final to warm to “Spirit in the Sky”. “Monument”, on the other hand, has gripped me (and many others) from the start. One might call it calculated, but nobody can deny that it’s perfectly calibrated. There is something incredibly powerful about KEiiNO and their music. They all come from different backgrounds, but they mix so well. And we all love a classic Eurovision power ballad from time to time!

2. Stavangerkameratene – “Who I Am”
3. TIX – “Fallen Angel”
4. Jorn – “Faith Bloody Faith”
5. IMERIKA – “I Can’t Escape”


1. Raylee – “Hero”

Being my favourite act last year, the expectations were high for Raylee and she did not let me down. After the first listen, “Hero” did not stand out as much, but the staging and cool performance really elevated this entry. The song is very catchy and you can instantly remember the chorus and melody. The 80s sound is very in right now and “Hero” could easily be a radio hit. However, what gives this entry the edge is the creative staging with the iconic waterfall at the end. This could really do well at Eurovision, so I wish the best result for Raylee.

2. KEiiNO – “Monument”
3. Emmy – “Witch Woods”
4. TIX – “Fallen Angel”
5. IMERIKA – “I Can’t Escape”


1. Emmy – “Witch Woods”

Look, I love KEiiNO. It’s everything I love about Scandinavian pop music. But honestly, I’ll be aboard the Emmy train this year. There’s nothing about this song I don’t like. Emmy is such a queen. The staging is so cool and interesting, it’s a subversive experimental piece of electro-swing with a fierce attitude, and is a hell of a feminist “eat the rich” anthem. The world needs girls like this!

2. Raylee – “Hero”
3. KEiiNO – “Monument”
4. Blåsemafian feat. Hazel – “Let Loose”
5. IMERIKA – “I Can’t Escape”


1. TIX – “Fallen Angel”

This sounds like 2021. “Fallen Angel” (also known as “Ut av mørket”) takes a hint of 1960s pop and gives it a decidedly modern production, combined with TIX’s stellar vocals. The end result is a delightfully romantic song that examines the highs and lows of relationships, culminating in a glorious chorus. While the staging may be a little confusing for some viewers who aren’t familiar with TIX, the angels and demons theme works with the new “Fallen Angel” version of the song. But regardless of the staging, close your eyes and it’s pure pop magic!

2. Emmy – “Witch Woods”
3. IMERIKA – “I Can’t Escape”
4. KEiiNO – “Monument”
5. Blåsemafian feat. Hazel – “Let Loose”


1. Raylee – “Hero”

Of all the 1980s-inspired tracks we’ve heard this national final season (and there’s been a lot), Raylee does it best. With a dance-worthy beat and one hell of an earworm melody, “Hero” brings an infectious energy to the Melodi Grand Prix stage. On first listen, its lyrics seem repetitive — but they’re more than just the words to a catchy pop tune. “Hero” is an empowering anthem, flipping stereotypical gender roles. Bonnie Tyler was holding out for a hero, but Raylee doesn’t need one. She’s her own hero! There’s a slight issue with the staging, as it seems the whole performance was crafted around that epic “Flashdance”-inspired shower moment — the rest of the choreography looks like an afterthought in comparison. But there’s plenty of time to perfect this for Rotterdam.

2. TIX – “Fallen Angel”
3. KEiiNO – “Monument”
4. KiiM – “My Lonely Voice”
5. Jorn – “Faith Bloody Faith”


1. Emmy – “Witch Woods”

In Eurovision, you need a strong concept to stand out, and Emmy’s city-boy slaying, creepy country witchy woman is the most formidable in this MGP, easily. The first listen to “Witch Woods” left me extremely weirded out, but was I hooked and rooting for her once I saw this live, quickly shooting to a big favourite status afterwards. I can picture her being the Moment in Rotterdam, I can see this all over social media and highlight reels all across Eurovision week and beyond. Emmy, please lay on this concept stronger, please give us a huge, dramatic Norwegian Horror Story, and bewitch your way to the main contest!

2. IMERIKA – “I Can’t Escape”
3. Rein Alexander – “Eyes Wide Open”
4. Atle Pettersen – “World on Fire”
5. Raylee – “Hero”


1. KEiiNO – “Monument”

I am always initially concerned when artists who were previously successful at Eurovision return. But KEiiNO is back and better than ever!  The group’s experience together is paying dividends and they have produced a polished, passionate and powerful Scandi-pop banger. It has a wonderful nostalgic quality and dare I say, it feels like a more mature pop song than Spirit in the Sky. With “Monument”, I believe KEiiNO have hit the sweet spot to try to nab those pesky jury votes as well as the public vote. Forget simply winning MGP again. This has top five written all over it in Rotterdam. Thunder and Gloria for the win!

2. Raylee – “Hero”
3. KiiM – “My Lonely Voice”
4. TIX – “Fallen Angel”
5. Stavangerkameratene – “Who I Am”

What do you think? What are your favourites in MGP 2021? Which song do you think will represent Norway at Eurovision 2021? Sound off below!

Read more Norway Eurovision news here

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4 years ago

At times, it just gets difficult to find the differences between Robyn’s NF winners and my own. 😉

Frisian esc
Frisian esc
4 years ago
Reply to  Briekimchi


4 years ago

KEiiNO and Jorn are easily my favourites for this one, but Raylee also has a shot. Alexandra’s big note gets me hyped every time!

4 years ago

1 Imerika +3
2 Keiino -1
3 Emmy -1
4 Blasemafian +1
5 Kaja Rode +1
6 Kiim +1
7 Raylee +1
8 Tix -5
9 Jorn +1
10Atle Petersen -1
11 Stavenblablabla+1
12 Rein Alexander -1

4 years ago

My initial Top 4 was :
I can’t escape , Ut av morket , Monument , Witch woods

But now Let loose replaces Fallen angel in my personal top 4 and Fallen angel would be number 6 now.

4 years ago

Who I would want to advance:
– Keiino
– Imerika
– Kaja Rode
– Emmy

Who I think will actually advance:
– Keiino
– Tix
– Raylee
– Blåsemafian or Imerika or Jorn

4 years ago

Why do I feel that many of the performances are a bit too much and tacky? Raylee, Emmy, TIX.. looking at you. There is nothing classy and stylish in a good way. A theater that’s what it is..

4 years ago
Reply to  Milla

”Too much” and “tacky” are exactly why I have Rein Alexander and Raylee as my bottom 2

4 years ago
Reply to  Milla

It’s Eurovision girl, its one of the only stages where you can allow this to happen, why wouldn’t they

4 years ago

I experience so much pure joy listening to Monument. Regardless of what happens, it’s already won in my heart, lol

Last edited 4 years ago by Anhel
4 years ago

My top 12:

  1. Imerika
  2. Keiino
  3. Emmy
  4. Jorn
  5. Kiim
  6. Tix (The Norwegian version is better than the English one)
  7. Atle Pettersen
  8. Kaja Rode
  9. Stavangerkameratene (The Norwegian version is better)
  10. Blåsemafiaen
  11. Rein Alexander
  12. Raylee

All in all, a great MGP, the best in many years. With the exception of Rein Alexander and Raylee, I would be happy with any of these songs going to Eurovision

Last edited 4 years ago by Ivar
4 years ago

I like Pablo. At least one who doesn’t overrate Monument 😉

4 years ago

My top 12;

1. Atle Pettersen
2. Tix
3. Jorn
4. Kiim
5. Keiino
6. Rein Alexander
7. Raylee
8. Kaja Rode
9. Emmy
10. Blasemafian
11. Stavangerkameratene
12. Imerika

By the way, I was worried about the english version of Fallen Angel, but I actually really like it!

Last edited 4 years ago by Nobody
4 years ago
Reply to  Nobody

Do we know if he will sing it in full English? Half-half would be nice.

4 years ago
Reply to  Andi

He will sing it in English only

4 years ago
Reply to  Andi

Yess, fully in english, the new version is also on youtube and spotify

4 years ago

The 4 that I would like to advance (aka my personal top 4) would be:
1) Witch Woods
2) Hero
3) Monument
4) World On Fire

4 years ago

Norway has really knocked it out of the park this year, they have the most songs of any country in my top 50 from the national finals. They have also put on an excellently diverse and well-produced show so all I can say is a massive well-done to everyone involved. My final ranking has been very hard and Norway have lots of good options 1. KEiiNO – wow is the only word I can use to describe this – complementary and exemplary vocals, a wide musical expanse and deeply engaging subject matter, this one ticks all the boxes that there… Read more »

4 years ago

Yes Robyn. Coming with the win for Tix!