He’s been dropping teasers for weeks, but the moment has finally arrived. Jendrik has released “I Don’t Feel Hate”, his Eurovision 2021 song for Germany. The song is available to play on all major streaming platforms. The official music video will premiere at 18:00 CET.
Jendrik “I Don’t Feel Hate” (Germany Eurovision 2021)
The quirky song is co-written by Jendrik himself along with Christoph Oswald. Oswald is also responsible for producing the track. The song will get its live debut on Barbara Schöneberger’s NDR talkshow, starting at 22.00 CET.
Since being announced as Germany’s representative for Eurovision 2021 (and also before this), Jendrik Sigwart from Hamburg has released a number of videos on TikTok and his other social media platforms about his journey to creating his song and being selected. Jendrik was internally selected by NDR and ARD, managing to win the golden ticket over a plethora of other artists.
Plenty of fans will be proud of themselves for having spotted the title in clues littered throughout Jendrik’s Instagram profile. He’d previously hinted that one of the posts he uploaded starting in June 2020 would tease the name of the song. The hashtag #IDontFeelHate appeared on his account twice, and on one of his dancers’ accounts once.
As you’ll recall, the German selection process was very meticulous. Once again NDR placed the selection of the entry in the hands of experts. Two independent juries determined who would sing in Rotterdam: a “Eurovision Jury” composed of 100 people from all over the country (who are thought to have predictive power based on their musical tastes) and an international jury of experts that includes 20 music professionals. In a multi-stage process, these two juries evaluated both the artists and the songs.
In an interview with German web site ESC-Kompakt, Head of Entertainment Thomas Schreiber and Head of Delegation Alexandra Wolfslast revealed the strong support the song had among the juries. Herr Schreiber said “I Don’t Feel Hate” won the whole process with the highest average points ever seen in their system: 11.82 out of 12 possible points.
What do you think of Germany’s Eurovision 2021 effort? Let us know below.
Let’s be honest… this is horse sh*t
Musically it does nothing to me and imo for the ESC. It seems to be insipired by the Guildo/Stefan Raab legacy… However his energy and the message charmed me and maybe it will do so for the wider ESC audience.
Seeing people down vote any positive comments and upvoting all the negative ones is exactly why this song is needed and is such a positive tool to be giving to young people: “I Don’t Feel Hate I Just Feel Sorry” is a mantra that can really better the mental health of people online, brava I say!
Makes me think of ‘Faith’ by George Michael
Nice try… hahaha…
It feels kind of like a waste that they’re going from Violent Thing to this. Violent Thing was slick and polished, and just generally high quality. This, I don’t know… I’m really trying to vibe with the positive message (“Don’t listen to hate, do you thing”) but the dominant feeling is that it feels like a joke entry.
I wonder if it will get a UK kind of result. Hopefully this kind of entry makes people realise that the UK actually send something decent sometimes and that this is one of those years.
The best thing about this was the washing machines.
This and the “i’ve no more F&*#s to give” song by Thomas Benjamin Wild Esq have extremely similar energy
Oh god, whether you like this type of song or not, you gotta admit this is addictive and catchy as hell. REMEMBER: it’s all about those 3 minutes on stage to grab the attention of the viewers and overshadow other entries. This act will do it without a single doubt. The song has a very good message and it passes it to the average viewer so effectively and in a smart and simple way. It’s tongue-in-cheek and so fun! It’s like FU to haters but in a nice way. I think Germany will do extremely well in televoting this year.… Read more »
That didn’t age well.
First time i heard the song i was a bit meh about it. Second time while watching the video i am now sold. It is a great song with a great message!! The song itself is definitely a mix of Aarzemnieki’s “Cake To Bake” with Sebalter’s “Hunter of Stars” and Alf Poiers “Weil der Mensh zählt”, performed by one half of Jedward, bringing that fun crazyness to it. I was never a fan of any of those songs but the main difference is that the lyrics are great, cleverly written and carry a great message that we all need at… Read more »
Electro Velvet was 1000x better than this.
Not gonna lie, those interludes are kinda sick
Thinking that “Ghost” finished dead last in the final 2016 and this could not is just an outrage.
horrid, as expected
I prefer the slow version of the song at the end of the music video. Still an okay song, and could be fun to watch. I wish Germany the best of luck!!! 🙂
I had thought eurovision had moved past gimmicky entries. Obviously neither Germany nor Norway think so.
Not into this song. Good luck Germany.
Ooo, some actual development in the music, yaaaas! Well done Jendrik, I actually like the song on first listen. It’s musically quite interesting with a mash of different styles, but then somehow you remember that simple melody after it’s all over. The video is funny, yet also true to life too. There was a time that wearing make-up got me barred as well. Then there’s the actual purple mask, once just a talking point but now there are literally masks everywhere so it’s rather funny. Anyhow, it’s life, Jim…
…but not as Eurofans know it!
I’m too cynical for this “I’m so jolly you can’t make me angry” vibe. If they were aiming at a quirky pop song, they ended up with something between a sketch in a kid’s show and a healthy yogurt jingle. The chorus is catchy (I bet some co-workers of Eurovision fans will suffer with it in the next few months) and Jendrik has a friendly face, I’ll give them that. What I can’t get is how a group of 100 people gave such high marks for it. Maybe they know about a killer staging concept? Were the other contenders too… Read more »
Finally something uptempo and catchy from Germany with potential for a great stage show. I’m proud and I also love him as a character. 8/10
Ben Dolic’s song was perfect last year. This is… It would be ok for any small country, it is different, why not? But Germany has a huge music industry. Is this really the best they can send in 2021? They kill their potencial almost every year.
Ironic, any small country would not consider this song okay lol
The videoclip is really fun. This won’t translate to the stage at all, but I feel like this is really Jendrik’s project, he put a lot of love and effort in it, and it seems he had a hell of a good time making everything come together. I don’t think Jendrik will mind at all if (when) he comes last, I just hope Germany won’t mind either xD Good for him.
I enjoyed it, its fun and different and has a quirky message going on, and I enjoyed the switches in tempo too. This has bags of charm and huge potential for a colourful and memorable performance that will either delight or irritate but certainly not bore the audience. It’s different and that’s good.
It won’t be forgettable that’s for sure. I will admit this isn’t the song I will listen to a whole lot though
cep cep, cep cep cep kuuku
Sesame street just called, they want their song back!
Good luck though
Again, Sesame Street songs are pretty solid.
Especially this one – recognize anybody?
(Thats Lena doing a parody of “Satellite” with Ernie and Bert btw)
“I feel sorry”, Germany… It’s not my cup of tea. I wish him good luck 🙂
Catchy but not in a nice way. The staging could make me like it though, depends if they go too over the top or not
I think Lesley Roy last year had a bigger budget for the video. And certainly an actually catchy song. So sad for Germany. Violent Thing was in my top 3 last year,
oh dear. It has trashy novelty song written all over it doesn’t it. What a pity. I already found it annoying by the time I finished listening to it once.
Hmm… who was in this jury – Aarzemnieki, Sylvia Night, Stefan Raab and Dustin the Turkey? 😉 If That’s How You Write a Song is a theme for a children’s educational show, this is a “raunchy” song from later on. I’m sure that 10-year-olds will laugh at “mittelfinger”, while getting an anti-bullying message. It’s kinda cute, but is it really competitive? I’m still unsure, as it will heavily depend on presentation. If this finishes in bottom 5, it will be because people found it annoying, not because it’s bland. From a Big Five country, it’s a risk and I can… Read more »
This song is not that bad, it’s just different, something you usually don’t expect at the ESC.
I can imagine this song being performed in a cabaret.
Junior Eurovision
This is Germany’s Electro Velvet… awful and this is taking a valuable place in the grand final let that sink in! ?
I personally find this song cute, but the production is messy with the ukulele-part switching to the … mess that is supposed to be the post-chorus I think. Without that, it could have been a nice indie-like song. The staging can save it but let’s be honest, that’s not the strong suit of the German delegation. TBH I think this will be better live vocally than Ben could have been, even if the production of Violent thing was A+, but we’ve already seen good production songs flop due to bad vocals/stage presence (Matter of Time, Oneiro mou, I’d put Walking… Read more »
The toxic eurovision community should embrace the title: They def. need it!!!!!
Took the words out of my mouth.
I just feel super bad about this, Jendrik is such a lovable guy but the song is just… ugh. This somehow won the two “professional” juries in Germany’s selection by a large margin and I honestly think they saw that three of the big frontrunners last year (Iceland, Lithuania, and Russia) were all doing the “quirky” thing and went with a song that tried doing the same thing, failing miserably. There is a fine line between quirky/fun and just plain annoying/bad.
I don’t feel hate, I just feel sorry that such an average song was chosen. I got bored after 1 minute…It gives me the vibes of a bottom place in the Eurovision final as previous recent German entries did. I’m sorry Jendrik, you seem like a wonderful guy, but please bear in mind you are going to compete in a contest representing your country and surely you can come up with something more competitive than this? You are still in time to write something better, please talk to NDR.
Yes, it’s true Germany did send some decent songs in the past decade. I actually loved “Black smoke “, “Ghost ” and “Perfect life”. But in my humble opinion any German eurovision song of the last decade was more competitive than “I don’t feel hate”. If Jendrik is just doing Eurovision for fun, then he is on the right track- he has already got the song! 🙂
Dude, just sing in German if you can’t pronounce half of what you’re saying. Half the song sounds like it’s in a foreign language. Why do people do this?
im sorry i-
we can safely say that jendrik sigwart has united europe in hating his song
From what I read, people don’t hate his song, the general feeling is that it’s just an ok song.
From what I read, no. Most people dislike the song. The positive comments scattered around are the one saying “oh it’s a fun song, it’s an ok song.” This bubbly music is good for Junior Eurovision but super annoying for Eurovision. And the song doesn’t have quality at all – either musical or lyrical.
I mean it’s not the best song they could have given us,but it’s still quite catchy and not forgettable (depends on the final staging too).
If it’s that high a jury average, they must’ve seen SOMETHING in it. I’ll still stand by it. It’s not my favorite so far, but I don’t dislike it at all.
And once again, f*ck me for not joining the angry mob
Oh, who am I kidding? The song’s actually not so good. I’ve tried to deny it because I like Jendrik and I know how hard the German delegation is trying, and I will say that after one listen it’s been stuck in my head on a loop…but it’s not great. The staging might totally take it to another level, but I can’t say it’s a masterpiece.
I neither like it nor dislike it. Which still means I like it more than “El diablo” tbh
Here we see Joe having an existential crisis.
Did not expect this song of all goddamn things to send me up the twist
Ufff… I’ll give it a 5/10 because is something different to what’s trending and is usually sent to Eurovision but I don’t really think it is competitive. It also gets annoying after like 30 secs. Step back for Germany. They can do it right but sometimes they miss by a mile. Either too good or too bad it seems. Michael Schulte and Ben Dolic were great but Sisters and this… mmm it’s a no for me. I agree tho it could pull a Moldova 2018 with the right staging, though you know BIG 5 countries always fail in doing that… Read more »
German HOD: what about we make ‘Cake to bake’ but worse?
Ben Dolic was amazing and he should’ve been selected to represent Germany this year too! Having said that, I really do like Jendrik’s song too. In fact, I’d say it’s my favourite of the so-far selected.
Bad song. It’s my new worst song.
They didn’t internally select Ben Dolic for THIS?! It’s not my least favorite song going to Eurovision this year so far, but Borislav Milanov without a doubt could’ve written something MUCH better than this for Ben Dolic to perform to actually give Germany a good result.
I find it cute! Sometimes it is a bit difficult to understand what he says but… It reminds me of a musical theatre song? I don’t know, I am not a person who adores or hates released entries, I am excited to see what show everyone will present in Rotterdam, and I think this one will be fun 🙂
I don’t feel hate
I just feel sorry
I’m sorry
Zero points
The song gives me life in these days. Uplifting, easy, energetic, positive and a great message. Good luck, Jendrik.