Norway chooses its Eurovision 2022 star on Saturday during the grand final of Melodi Grand Prix 2022. Ahead of that NRK has published the running order, as you can see over at Norwegian site ESC-Norge.
The show kicks off with Oda Gondrosen’s eye-catching performance of “Hammer of Thor”. Her stage show is filled with drama — plenty of lights and lightning — and will surely encourage viewers to stick around to see what unfolds next.
Subwoolfer and Elsie Bay — the two acts that have generated perhaps the most buzz — will perform in the final two slots. Have producers deliberately saved the favourites for last? Will the side-by-side comparison help voters make up their minds?
Melodi Grand Prix 2022: Running order for grand final
- Hammer Of Thor – Oda Gondrosen
- Someone – NorthKid
- Queen Bees – Anna-Lisa Kumoji
- Dangerous – Farida
- Made Of Glass – Sofie Fjellvang
- Black Flowers – Frode
- Wonder Of The World – Christian Ingebrigtsen
- Fly – Maria Mohn
- Give That Wolf A Banana – Subwoolfer
- Death Of Us – Elsie Bay
What do you think? Does this list signal anything to you? Who do you think benefits the most from this running order? Let us know in the comments box below.
Do you think Christian Ingebrigtsen Knows Ben Adams is under one of those Subwoolfer masks? Will they have a fun boyband reunion backstage?
Having my babies, Subwoolfer, winning the whole thing and then slaying TikTok across the Continent would bring so much joy to my got-tired-of-COVID-&-crave-damn-fun soul!
Give that Wolf a Banana has poor lyrics. Few words, repeating itself, and its not even particularly fun or convey a deeper meaning. It feels a bit like a social experiment of sorts. They make a gteat stage show and they do well on social media. But I don’t understand why they are allowed to keep artists and songwriters hidden, when that gives them a huge advantage. Also the whole “background story” is so silly and stupid it seems like a kids show act. I really hope Norway choose something else, cause there are actually several acts of good quality… Read more »
Not MGP shamelessly making people stay until the end to get to the good thing XD
It tries so hard to be What does the fox say 2.0 that it feels forced xd
Have you even heard the song? It’s most definitively not like what does the fox say, aside from the fact it refers to foxes.
Oda Gondrosen had great chances to win this Melodi Grand Prix, her song and performance are very different from the rest of the acts. But starting first seals her fate I guess…
It’s just 10 acts here, it doesn’t harm her chances (at least not as much as you could think)
In 2012, Tooji went on first and won in the end. Remember that there are only 10 entries, and multiple rounds of voting.
Pls anything but that annoying Banana song, Norway. I know it’s just my taste but I don’t find it that entertaining. The lyrics aren’t funny (random doesn’t equal funny), the melody isn’t really that great… and it tries way too hard to be a meme. Also… it feels just so dated, people are instantly reminded by “What does the fox say” and well yeah, that stuff was popular back in the 2010s.
It isnt like the what does the fox say really, lyrics arent random, you just have to read between the lines(the lyrics might be interpretated diffrently)
I’m sorry but I am unable to listen to the “Hammer of Thor” song in its entirety as I can’t resist turning it off when she starts screeching unbearably…
Agree. And he song really isn’t much to speak of musically.
The running order looks pretty sus, though it doesn’t matter that much as it’s only 10 entries.
However, I hope the winner’s not Subwoolfer, we’ve got enough troll acts this year 🙁
Well there are many many ballads but indeed it IS sus
“fun” as in obnoxious and cringe, right?
You got a good point, and I agree with you then. But just remember that Norway always makes duels before the Golden Final, so anything could happen
Interesting how the public’s two favorites just happen to be at the end.
I found that funny as well, they obviously want people to engage for the longest time
Can people vote from an abroad? I did during the second chance but not sure if my voted was counted tho …
You can.
Is there gonna be a jury vote this year or are they doing 100% televote again?
100% televote and therefore Subwoolfer has already won
100% televote again, sigh
I thought there was going to be a jury vote, but I guess they discarded it.
I hoped so too, but idk why they’re so reluctant of that idea :/
Y’all asking for juries just so Death Of Us would stand a chance lol
Not death of us but everyone that’s not the banana song tbh
I’m almost 90% certain subwoolfer will win. I don’t really see any other possibility although eurofans won’t like it since we already have 2 troll entries (correct me if I am wrong). I can’t say whether it will do better than Elsie Bay or not but with a good performance I reckon both can reach top 5. Personally I prefer Elsie Bay
Latvia and Moldova? Are they the troll entries?
Moldova is definitely not a troll entry.
You’re probably right, but who else Other than Latvia is a troll act? That’s what I can’t figure out?
Anyone from Norway, who do you think has the most chances to win?
Elsie Bay… but I STILL cheer for NorthKid, Maria Mohn and Oda Gondrosen! 😀
Subwoolfer is getting much more coverage here. Fan sites/groups are pretty split. I have yet to hear anyone outside the bubble talk about any song/artist besides Subwoolfer.
I have absolutely no idea this year. norwegians love fun acts, but also powerful ballads. The thing that might hurt subwoolfer is that we don’t get to “know” them like the other artists. Even though we know who subwoolfer is! Both of them usually sing love songs and boyband-type songs, so it’s very weird to see them do this song. Personal favorite is northkid, but I know they wont win.
Who they are?
We’ve had two seasons of The Masked Singer in Norway and it’s been hugely popular! The fact that Subwoolfer’s identities are kept hidden have created the same buzz and I can only see it helping them and MGP as a whole.
Elsie … hm … don’t think enough people warmed to her after that first interview, performance and vocals.
Subwoolfer will most likely win, they are great on social media and work really hard. They have a full show going on already. Northkid might surprise you, the lead singer is very popular, and from the north, and they vote like crazy. He has won a singing competition here before, and charmed the public. So look out for them. As far as Elsie Bay goes, I think a lot of us compare it to Imerika last year, and it’s just not as good. So my votes goes to the woolves.
subwoolfer for sure! i do think the final four will be alongside elsie bay, northkid and either oda or sofie aswell tho. but yeah, we are giving up on yet another amazing song like last year :/
Oda reminds me Rasmussen from Denmark! I guess she might be a dark horse …. she can stole thunder and lightning – it’s getting exciting
OH YEAH, I recalled Rasmussen at once when I saw her!!
Oda Gondrosen for the win ! Hope she beats the poll and represents Norway at Eurovision. But MGP has high level contestants this year !
I hope NorthKid wins! If not, then Subwoolfer, but i also like some others, so I’ll be happy anyway.
Same like literally same !!
I predict Subwoolfer, Elsie, Farida and Sofie in TOP 4
Not feeling any of them.. To be fair, not trying to be shady
For any Norwegians, how are these songs being perceived domestically in terms of radio play and attention? Is it the same as sentiment across Europe or is it a completely different story (e.g. 2018 and 2021)?
The reactions here in Norway haven’t been very good at all. Most people feel that the songs this year have generally been underwhelming, and the viewing figures for the semi finals have been comparatively low. In terms of streaming figures, none of the songs have been all that big so far.
But despite that, when 500 tickets for the final went on sale, they sold out in less than two minutes.
I should also maybe mention though that many casual MGP viewers in Norway only bother to watch the final, so we’ll find out on Saturday if this year’s edition is really the flop that we’re presently feeling it is. But if you want some examples of how the viewers of the semis have been feeling, check out these articles from VG (links below). They have a critic review and rate each song (on a scale of 1 to 6), but they also have an option for the readers to rate the songs, and all but two of the songs have… Read more »
The first article is held behind a subscription. Could you list out the ratings for the semifinal one songs please?
Eline Noelia got 2 from the viewers, 4 from the critic.
Mira Craig got 2 from the viewers, 3 from the critic.
TrollfesT got 3 from the viewers, 2 from the critic.
Frode Vassel got 3 from both the viewers and the critic.
Elsie Bay got 3 from the viewers, and 4 from the critic.
To be honest, I also felt kind of underwhelmed by this year’s MGP. It kind of fell short for me, but that said, some songs did grow on me.
I’ve heard both Subwoolfer’s “Give That Wolf A Banana” and NorthKid’s “Someone” while causally listening to the radio. Nothing compares to the radio play that “Monument”, “Fallen Angel” and “Let Loose” got last year, as well as “Wild” by Raylee in 2020.
id be angry but there are way too many ballads so yes
Little off topic to the running order, but some of the direct to the final performances are a little questionable this year apart from the obvious two favourites. I can’t of imagined Christian or Anna getting through any of the heats really, there was much better songs to be in final. I really enjoy MGP but found this year a little… meh!
Yeah, other than Elsie and subwoofer, I found most of the prequalified entrants Pretty disappointing.
I had a very weird theory on my mind. There’s only 10 percent chance that its true
Maybe these were the producers’ favourites?
I feel that’s been the case every year since they expanded the selection though. Actually, this year is probably the year I’ve found the pre-qualified acts the strongest. All of them are in my top ten.
Really? I much preferred last year’s preselected songs, and still listen to them now, can’t imagine I will be listening to these songs this time next year.
Christian is a well known musician here so NRK likely gave him a direct pass only because of his name
Here’s my little theory on why the other three were chosen into the final directly. Anna Lisa- The producers at NRK are aware of who she is and that she participated in a different NRK music show last year (Stjernekamp- Star Fight). Combined with that and her previous participation they probably wouldn’t feel right putting her in a semi. (She was also Luisa in Encanto lol) NorthKid- The song is a typical song I feel always make it to the final. Idk, it feels very… normal in a sense. In addition, the lead singer, Bilal also participated AND won Stjernekamp… Read more »
running order doesn’t matter that much with just 10 participants, but i’d love for norway to surprise us with an unexpected winner since i don’t feel strongly about either favorite
Will it be 3rd time in a row when pre-selected song wins MGP?
I hope not
It will propably be
If it happens, I’d really start questioning the neccesity of semi-finals then
Yeah if the winner is a prequalifier again, then what is the point of having the semi finals if none of the semi final singers are going to ever win MGP? Norway may as well go back to having a one night MGP show as they had in the past.
Yes, and maybe do a longer show, with 15 or so acts, and skip the “second round”
It’s just such a weak MGP compared to the last two years…. Oh well, we try again in 2023
You bitches always say that lol
“You bitches” – tussen takk for det. Been following MGP since 2012, Norwegian speaker, and my Norwegian Eurovision fan friends are on the same page as me. MGP came into its own again in 2013, brief moments in 2016 and 2018, and then was AMAZING in 2020 and 2021. I’m allowed to be wildly disappointed by this god awful selection.
I think there were a lot of amazing songs in there, but it’s a bad pity that some of them (e.g. We’re still here and With me tonight) didn’t qualify and that some of the best songs (Fly, La Melodia and Hasta La Vista) were placed in the same semi-final!!
You bitches always say that lol
Norwegian speaking here as well and you dont speak for me at least. Me and my friends who are into MGP find it to be a good year. Never before have we had 4 absolutely amazing ballads in the final, neither have we had such a bop in Subwoolfer before (except for KEiiNO back in 2019) and even the pop tune by NorthKid is quite capable and the rock song is catchy despite the lack or charisma by the singer. And 2 songs with strong Norwegian ethnic/folk feel to then, thats great (eventhough i do miss a sami/joik entry) Only… Read more »
Enig. Jeg synes det fortsatt er bra, men litt kjedelig i sammenlign med fjoråret. Jeg forventer ingen norsk seier i år.
Altså… alt kan skje i Eurovision 🙂
Tbh I don’t really understand this mentality, you people always say everything is weak, then why would you be a eurofan then lol?
I really hope it’s not another troll act. We already have too many.
Oda opening!! That’s an epic way to open the MGP final.
I admit, the repetitiveness of the song is the one drawback. Still, its my personal favourite from MGP.
Death Of Us is definitely the most professionally made out of the bunch imo. Downvote me all you want, but I don’t see any of these songs winning Eurovision this year.
And neither will Death Of Us so what does it matter?
Death of Us has the perfect production and sounds exactly like a Eurovision winner does. If it goes to Eurovision it would be a sure top 5 result, and maybe even win. It is by far more easy to connect with than the Italian entry, which needs the lyrics to be understood completely to be appreciated.
Of course it sounds like a winner… but I STILL like Gondrosen, Mohn and NorthKid’s songs 😉
Death of Us would never win a televote, not in the Eurovision song contest, not in this national selection (which is 100% televote, btw)
i’d say in terms of how it has been produced, death of us and give that wolf a banana are pretty similar. I’ve seen so many people in this comment section saying that it’s a troll entry but it is actually very professionally made. People associate these ‘jokish’ entries with bad production but subwoolfer have a very well produced song, and it’s merely the lyrics which put people off. Not to undermine the quality of Death of us but mgp is clearly a 2 horse race from here and norway will either pick a decent jury and televote scorer or… Read more »
I think this running order will do Subwoolfer good! I think this could go either way for Elsie tho
Send Elsie Norway i can’t stand another clown meme song we already have eat your salad
You must be fun at parties
You give that wolf two things: a banana and a WIN
I give that wolf a BIG NO
It doesn’t care, it eats your grandma and a banana
Oh-ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh Not sure I told you, but I really like your teeth That hairy coat of yours with nothing underneath Not sure you have a name, so I will call you Keith Oh-ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh See where you’re going, but I don’t know where you’ve been Is that saliva or blood drippin’ off your chin? If you don’t like the name Keith I’ma call you Jim Oh-ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh And before that wolf eats my grandma Give that wolf a banana Give that wolf And before that wolf eats my grandma Give that wolf a banana Give that wolf Give that wolf (Banana) Yum,… Read more »
Prediction: hammer of thor and give that wolf a banana will make the superfinal and death of us will surprisingly lose out. (superfinal was 2 songs not 3 if I remember correctly?)
My 3 favorites performing 8th, 9th and 10th. Any of these 3 should win MGP in my opinion.
Same here! No need to watch the first 30/45 mins haha!
Nice running order for Maria and Elsie
Not really, they put Elsie right next to a fan favorite with a very fun and energetic song that might just feel like the real final act and make people completely forget Death of us
well elsie suprisingly is not before them and she is also a fan fav
But both Elsie and subwoolfers song’s are fan favourites.
Elsie is a fan favorite in the international eurovision bubble, not necessarily in Norway, y’all forget that sometimes hehe.
Just a little too obvious who the two favourites are ?
Favourites last in the running order, ok I see you Norway.