Do you hear that beautiful hum? Well let us tell you: Israel is calling!

The much-loved Eurovision promotional event returns in 2022. The four-day cultural extravaganza will include a visit to Jerusalem and Tel Aviv-Yaf. As ever, the highlight of Israel Calling will be a massive concert with Eurovision artists — this time inside Menora Arena on April 7th.

As ever our team will be on-the-ground to interview artists and share highlights of the event. We’re publishing the official press release in full below.

Israel Calling 2022 will feature more than 20th artists 

A huge promo concert featuring the Eurovision artists will take place in Menora Arena on April 7th, right before the actual Eurovision Song Contest that will be held in Italy in May. upcoming

More than 20 delegations of the Eurovision Song Contest 2022 artists will arrive in Israel on April 5th from all over Europe and stay in the country for four days.

The previous Israel Calling events, with dozens of participating countries from all over Europe, were a great success among the artists and delegations and became an important part of the promo and exposure prior to the actual contest. In addition, the events put Israel in a positive light in media and social media all over Europe and helped telling the story of Israel as the artists became ambassadors of the country.

Israel Calling was initiated by the Israeli producer Tali Eshkoli and is a collaboration with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Tourism, Ministry of Jerusalem and Heritage and the Municipality of Tel Aviv-Yafo which hosts the main event. The artists will spend four days in Israel and will enjoy a handful of events as visiting Jerusalem, hanging out in Tel Aviv-Yafo, gala event, press conference and more.

The highlight of the visit is the live concert that will bring the Eurovision back to Tel Aviv-Yafo: a huge musical event – Mini–Eurovision LIVE in front of the Israeli audience that will be broadcast live via social media to all parts of Europe. The concert will feature the entries that will participate in the Eurovision Song Contest 2022 and other surprises, and will take place on April 7th in Menora Arena, Tel Aviv.

Minister of Tourism, Yoel Razvozov: After two difficult years it’s finally time for sanity, to enjoy hosting international events and to revive the tourism to Israel. This event symbolizes the recovery of the Israeli tourism sector that needs certainty and continuity but also such events to present the beauty, culture and all the good that we have to offer the tourists.

Minister of Construction and Housing, Jerusalem and Heritage, Zeev Elkin: The municipality of Jerusalem and the Ministry of Jerusalem and Heritage with my lead are happy to host, once again, the Eurovision artists in their visit to Israel, and so opens the 55th anniversary of the unification of Jerusalem. The dozens of delegations will visit the main attractions of the old city, will enjoy the unique beauty of Jerusalem and the rich and magical cultural variety of the capital of Israel.

Vice President of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Head of Communications Department, Noam Katz: The Eurovision Song Contest, with its joy and diversity, presents a liberal world of values with its core being accepting the others, freedom of speech and the will to unite the people of the continent and everyone who shares the same values. Therefore, especially today when the cannons roar, the muses should not stay silent. The arrival of the artists in Israel, under the slogan “Israel Calling”, is a clear statement in favor of peace and against war.

Mayor of Tel Aviv-Yafo, Ron Huldai: The Eurovision Song Contest is not only a song contest but a cultural phenomenon that encourages values of diversity, tolerance, loving and respecting each other, of friendship and coexistence. This competition makes us forget our conflicts for one night, to unite and be proud as Israelis. That’s why we can’t avoid mentioning the horrors that take place in the heart of Europe, in Ukraine. Israel Calling, the special promo event that will bring the best of the Eurovision Song Contest to Tel Aviv-Yafo, a moment before the actual contest, will be a celebration diluted with pain and hope. It will have a say that we should do whatever we can to stop the horrors, to lend a hand and help, to open our hearts and save lives.

The initiator and producer of Israel Calling, Tali Eshkoli: I am excited to bring a big international event to Israel once again with artists, delegations and journalists from all over Europe to a promo celebration prior to the Eurovision Song Contest and to acquaintance with our unique Israeli experience. We hug all artists and delegations and are very happy for the opportunity to give them unforgettable experiences like always. I am happy to produce Israel Calling after the Eurovision Song Contest that was held in Israel not so long ago and to continue showing the world that Israel is a great place for international events and to invite the artists to perform in front of the loving Israeli audience and to promote the beautiful values and colors of Israel. It will be a happy Eurovision celebration with lots of love and unity. Welcome and welcome back to Israel!

The complete list of participants will be published gradually on the Israel Calling social media channels:



Are you going to be there? Which artists do you hope to see on the Tel Aviv stage? Let us know in the comments box below!

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3 years ago

I do not think this will happen, just this week Arab terrorists murdered 5 Jewish citizens and 1 Druze citizen in Israel.

3 years ago
Reply to  Ritoli

How is this event different from other concerts and events that have not been canceled? People are still going to concerts and living their lives. It’s way too soon to declare that we are in a new wave of terror. Besides, the concert itself takes place in a closed arena, which makes the security work much easier.

3 years ago

Apart from apparent lypsinc everywhere and that one cringeworthy host.

3 years ago

Are you sure ? Cause they have a concert in the Netherlands on the 9th

3 years ago

Yes the best pre party event ever 🙂

3 years ago

Sergey Lazarev is such a good singer and performer! This year, Michael from Israel is a KING! He knows how to command the stage! So excited for this!

Sir Stevia
Sir Stevia
3 years ago
Reply to  Azan

This year is so exciting and I love that we are getting pre-parties again. I hope the running order will be revealed next week or maybe even this week!

3 years ago
Reply to  Sir Stevia

IKR! This Eurovision appears to be the most open and diverse ever so I’m excited to see what they come up with! Sheldon and Michael are gonna be so amazing!

Sir Stevia
Sir Stevia
3 years ago
Reply to  Azan

I love their songs so much and hope they both rock it and make the final!

3 years ago
Reply to  Sir Stevia


Sir Stevia
Sir Stevia
3 years ago

Apart from the jury botches but that wasn’t Israel’s fault. If Israel doesn’t win in the next 20 years, we could just send Netta and Dana together in 2038 LOL.

The truth
The truth
3 years ago

No thank you. Just as Russia has been boycotted over its invasion of the Ukraine, so Israel should be too over its apartheid, racist laws and its inhumane treatment of Palestinians. Anything short of that is hypocrisy, double standards and hallow.

Last edited 3 years ago by The truth
3 years ago
Reply to  The truth

The entire Apartheid claim is false and people who have actually been to Israel know it.. yes Israel isnt perfect but its absolutely not an Apartheid and people who say it is are dumb/Blind/Driven by Hate

The truth
The truth
3 years ago
Reply to  omri

That is whitewashing. There is nothing false about it. Attested by all the following: Jews for Justice in Palestine; European Jews for a Just Peace; Jewish Voice for Peace; Not in Our Name; Na’amod; Yachad; The New Historians; Human Rights Watch; B’tselem; Peace Now; Yesh Gvul; Association for Civil Rights in Israel; Breaking the Silence; Eyal Weizman; Professor Gabriel Salomon; Gideon Levi; Ha’aretz; Amnesty International; International Red Cross; Michael Benyair, Yaakov Shalett; David Grossman; Michael Sfard. May I point out that the majority of those mentioned are Jews and Israeli Jews – people who have a conscience. Denying apartheid and… Read more »

3 years ago
Reply to  The truth

You dont know anything about the Israeli law sistem .. all you wrote here is lies and wrong facts. sorry but your truth is a lie.
Any way we here for Eurovision and not reading about one care about the lies you are writing in here.

The truth
The truth
3 years ago
Reply to  Liki

It is people who have something to hide that lie. You are not scoring any points by calling me a liar. I will quote to you one person who is in a good position to know all about Israel, it’s former Attorney General, Michael Benyair, who supports Amnesty International’s report, “You simply cannot be a liberal democracy if you operate apartheid over another people. It is a contradiction in terms because Israel’s entire society is complicit in this unjust reality.” Everything is about politics mate, even the ESC. By banning Russia (which by the way I agree with) the EBU… Read more »

3 years ago
Reply to  The truth

The apartheid claim was refused by the U.K government, U.S government, Australian Government.. Amnesty Israel.. some of those I mentioned above have the best intelligence agencies and Information gathering I’m pretty sure they know what they are talking about.. The vast majority of organization and people you mentioned were proven to shift and exaggerate reality or at worst “make false stories” in order to push extreme left agenda…

The truth
The truth
3 years ago
Reply to  omri

As if I believe what the governments of those countries say it do. They are complicit with Israel. Those same countries also failed to criticize South Africa for its apartheid policies. Yet everyone knew the truth about that country. I actually believe what Israeli Jews themselves say about the apartheid in their country and international bodies like Amnesty International and the International Red Cross. Governments are led by their own political agendas.

The truth
The truth
3 years ago
Reply to  The truth

Thanks for the down-votes. Seems that some people are really triggered by the truth and don’t mind embracing hypocrisy.

3 years ago
Reply to  The truth

Israel is not an apartheid state!! Your truth is a lie basacly!
Israel’s gavrament includes arabic party.
Israel’s suprim court includes arab jadges.
And all the country mix with arabs and jews working and studying together.
So how is it exactly apartheid??
Go and learn what is apartheid and than talk.

Last edited 3 years ago by Liki
3 years ago
Reply to  Liki

I would argue that the inclusion of Arab parties in the Knesset and the lack of explicit segregation means that Israel itself doesn’t have Apartheid. When people talk about apartheid, it’s in relation to the measures that the occupation imposes upon the West Bank, especially with the preferential treatment given to newer settlers over longstanding families.

3 years ago
Reply to  Azaad

Some of the land in the west bank is not a part of Israel by the defenision of the law.. its rules by Palestinian authority and how is apartheid by Israel?
Even though the Palestinians who lives there are not Israel citizenship Israel still provide them work and even study and they entering Israel on a daily its the opposite from apartheid regarding the west bank.
Of course i want the conflict to be solved.
But its very complicated and i really wish for a peace.

The truth
The truth
3 years ago
Reply to  Azaad

Having Arab members in the Knesset is just lip service. When laws are used differently according to who you are that is apartheid.

Last edited 3 years ago by The truth
The truth
The truth
3 years ago
Reply to  Azaad

Liki read Amnesty International’s report and deny with facts what they say.

The truth
The truth
3 years ago
Reply to  Azaad

No it is not just about that. It is also about laws being applied differently according to who or what you are.

3 years ago
Reply to  The truth

How come a country that has 2 diffrent Arab parties in its Parliament, one Arab judge in its Supreme Court, full voting rights as the jews, complete freedom of movement and etc.. can be even considered Apartheid are you stupid? do you Even know the definition of Apartheid? Palestinians are not Israeli citizens you cannot commit Apartheid on non residents if so the entire world is an Apartheid…

3 years ago
Reply to  omri

Exactly..ignore him..he is just a hater or something which refused to see the full picture.
We as Israelis , living in Israel, knows the truth..
So let him write nonsense nobody really care.

3 years ago
Reply to  Liki

As a brainwashed russian would say today. “I live in russia so i know what is right and belong to us” just because some poor as politician leader said so. they’re all hypocritz, and u are blind if u just follow blindly a corrupt politican.
Actually let me ask you, you support the russian invasion right?
as i thought, would be wierd to support ukraine if u didnt acknowlegde oppressed palestinians.
but Israel isn’t all to blame, it all about money and corrupt politicans on both sides. Still their choices is giving suffering to innocent lives.

3 years ago
Reply to  Norwegian

Please do not compare the situation in Israel to Russia and Ukraine. Israel is a liberal democracy with free speach and free press. So im aloud to say whatever i want.. and im telling you Israel is not an apartheid state becouse i live here and i know and see arabs jews living together . Apartheid is to separate pepole and its not what’s happening in Israel. Ofcourse I support Ukraine and as Israeli i proud Israel is the only state wich established a big hospital with the highest level of equipment on the Ukrainian Polish border and sent lots… Read more »

Last edited 3 years ago by Liki
The truth
The truth
3 years ago
Reply to  Liki

Yes exactly ignore facts – as if by ignoring them they are going to go away. Insulting people by calling them haters and liars won’t help anyone’s cause. It is very easy to cancel people whom we don’t like for stating the truth. If you want, as I already advised you is to read the report, see what it says and then criticize its findings with facts. It is very easy to say “it’s a lie.” But you have to substantiate your accusations with facts. I applaud you for wanting the conflict to end and that you want peace. But… Read more »

The truth
The truth
3 years ago
Reply to  omri

Michael Benyair, Attorney General of Israel, “You simply cannot be a liberal democracy if you operate apartheid over another people. It is a contradiction in terms because Israel’s entire society is complicit in this unjust reality.”
Straight from the horse’s mouth – the highest authority where law is concerned has called out your obtuseness and stupidity or maybe you aren’t stupid but just plain biased, brainwashed and maybe the real hater.

Last edited 3 years ago by The truth
3 years ago
Reply to  The truth

Thank you, finally someone has actually recognises this!!
Ignore the down votes, they just can’t accept the truth

Last edited 3 years ago by Donkey
The truth
The truth
3 years ago
Reply to  Donkey

Thank you.

The truth
The truth
3 years ago
Reply to  The truth

Didn’t realise there were so many hypocrites around.

3 years ago

I wont be mad for another eurovision in Israel.. like 2019 was AMAZING!

3 years ago

It’s me.

Sir Stevia
Sir Stevia
3 years ago
Reply to  Jimmy

I was wondering if after all these years you’d like to meet

3 years ago
Reply to  Sir Stevia

To go over…eVeRyThInG

3 years ago
Reply to  Sir Stevia

To go over everything

3 years ago

It’s finally back! Israel Calling was always my favorite preparty

3 years ago

I hope they get Sheldon to come it feels bad that he is so far away.

3 years ago

That’s a big venue.. Any idea how to get tickets?

Maya G
Maya G
3 years ago
Reply to  Ana

They said Tel Aviv residents would have an option to buy tickets for a low price.
Not sure if it means only Tel Aviv residents will be able to buy tickets or that people who don’t live there will be able to buy tickets too, just for a higher price.

3 years ago

I had no idea they were doing this again! I’m right pleased. I remember back when I started following Eurovision, Israel Calling was one of my favorite pre-parties because that’s when the participants really started to bond.

Torino Wonderful
Torino Wonderful
3 years ago
Reply to  Joe

Yes, it is really fun, relaxed, with activities and press conference out of the box. 2016 was the first year, right?

3 years ago

I believe so!