Photo: EBU / Nathan Reinds

The queen has officially returned. Ronela Hajati — Eurovision 2022 artist from Albania — has published her Una Voce per San Marino entry “Salvaje.”  Like the Spanish-language title suggests, it really is wild!

Speaking to Wiwibloggs following the reveal, Ronela said the song is all about passion — and how surprises can help keep up the spice.

“It’s a hymn to love, but not an easy love,” she says. “Sometimes you get bored with things that come easily. It has to be more interesting like a game.”

The lyrics bare that out. Roughly translated, she sings:

“Baby please stay with me, but if I write to you, please don’t be so easy. Come on ’cause I have my ways to make you more into me. We’re gonna have fun all night and I’m gonna do things you adore…I love you, I love you, like a savage.” 

Ronela narrowly missed out on a spot in the grand final in Turin, finishing in 12th place. She did, however, make the Top 10 with the public, so would have qualified if the 2023 rules (no juries in the semi-final) had applied.

That partly explains her desire to return: She has unfinished business and wants to showcase what she can really do when she has a proper budget.

Ronela is one of 106 acts who made the semi-finals of San Marino’s Una Voce per San Marino. The grand final will take place on Saturday night.

Do you think that Ronela can win in Eurovision’s smallest participating country? And how do you think she’d do in Semi-Final 2? Let us know down below!

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Pat Pastor
Pat Pastor
2 years ago

For the record, it’s not arrogant to want to come back to ESC. Many artists return (or try to do so) because they loved the experience.

aksel kankaanranta's boyfriend
aksel kankaanranta's boyfriend
2 years ago
Reply to  Pat Pastor

why bother explaining that to a bunch of hating twinks scattered around Europe who are gonna hate on her anyway lol… let them be toxic

2 years ago

It sounds like a demo, but with a revamp it could be very good

aksel kankaanranta's boyfriend
aksel kankaanranta's boyfriend
2 years ago

Lmao everyone saying she is awful and arrogant and what not.
I randomly met her at Madrid pride on 2022 on a restaurant and she was THE SWEETEST person I have ever met. Actually her and her manager. So everyone shut up with your comments.

2 years ago

Yes. She isn’t Emelie Bumbi (Swedish TikTok star) that is an abelist a-hole who death threats young people when she doesn’t get her money while has a gambling addiction and lies chronically. Ronela is much better person than E.B.

I had a nightmare about Emelie Bumbi singing at UVPSM. Bumbi is just awful.

Ronela has much talent and seems nice in person. She was just stressed in Turin

2 years ago
Reply to  TwitterCircus

(The abelist person was Bumbi)
And she sang a duet with pontus rasmusson another controversial tiktok star at UVPSM in my nightmare

2 years ago

The song is chaotic and definitely not good, a downgrade from her eurovision 2022 which at least had an identity.

I don’t get why she wants to represent San Marino with a song in Spanish? lol. I don’t think they will choose her based on that but at the same time she has very good connections with Wiwiguys (media sponsors of the event) and if she can pay for everything, the SMRTV will definitely shortlist her.

2 years ago

Ronela You are My No 1 Love from Germany

2 years ago

Why do you all hate on Ronela

2 years ago
Reply to  TwitterCircus

I don’t see hate, more like people not liking the song. Are we allowed to say it or there’s censorship?

2 years ago
Reply to  Pauly

I get it you can have an opinion.
But they say insulting things about ronela

2 years ago


Ciao Bella
Ciao Bella
2 years ago

Hot mess

2 years ago

Go get that NQ queen

2 years ago

Queen of what? Arrogance?

2 years ago

Yeah, a badly written song has no chance of winning in San Marino. 😉

2 years ago
Reply to  Colin

at least STRIPPER had a superstar.

2 years ago

Well, i really didn’t like her performance last year and never understood the hype around it.
I doubt this will work any better this year.
I would be delighted to be proven wrong.

2 years ago

Yas! I hope she wins! Saw her live in London at RVT and she stayed. She is fun a good performer and doesn’t take herself too seriously.

2 years ago

She is turning into Senhit. If anyone understands addiction to Eurovision it is Eurovision fans but this is simply too much.

2 years ago
Reply to  James

i agree. At least Senhit didn’t have a career in Italy so she used San Marino for this extra boost (and failed completely with Flo Rida even though she invested a lot of money).

Ronela has a career in Albania so

2 years ago

It’s fair enough, to say you hate the song, but personal attack. The chat here is so toxic,

2 years ago

Ich bin begeistert ??
An alle Hass Kommentare ihr seid nicht wert, wie eure eigenes Leben.
Ronela Du bist eine Wunderbare Künstlerin und ich liebes deine Musik zu hören ????
Grüße ??

2 years ago
Reply to  Bener


2 years ago

desperate much

2 years ago

Wow! There is so much hate about Ronela in the comments. There are moments like this that eurovision fandom makes me mad. It would be better if we appreciated contestants’ efforts and passion about eurovision instead of hating them.

2 years ago

It’s odd how fast some fans turn on their ”queens”. I appreciate Ronela’s passion towards ESC. I was never a big fan of Sekret, and I’m not a fan of Salvaje either, but compared to the songs I’ve heard in the first semi, this is an upgrade. Still not a song I’d personally put high on my list, but at least it offers *something*, which is not something I can say for the first batch of songs I’ve heard.

2 years ago

not her again…

2 years ago

Awful, empty Spanish; she sounds like a cheaper Jennifer López, which it says a lot per se. The song has no personality, and she has it, so I don’t understand.

2 years ago

Albania gives a very low budget, every Albanian artists has said the budget is low, from Rona nishliu who ended up in 5th place to literally everyone else. So if an artist says it was the budget, it was the budget. And not only that but I as a simple fan blame eurovision for infact not taking responsibility to fix that broken stage which blocked out 95% of EVERY COUNTRIES PERFORMANCE, and let’s also not forget when an artist is on stage they do not have control of the camera angles, Eurovision 2022 had camera issues for Every. Single. Country.… Read more »

Yeah yeah fire
Yeah yeah fire
2 years ago

Just no

2 years ago

Wiwibloggs really like her it seems when you called her “the queen” in this article. I don’t think she is queen material.

2 years ago
Reply to  Yankee

She’s just narcissistic and arrogant.

2 years ago
Reply to  Yankee

She is completely opposite

2 years ago
Reply to  Yankee

Did she kill a puppy? Why does everyone hate on her so much?

2 years ago
Reply to  Yankee

She is the aldi version of queen for eurofans. She showed what she is capable last year with that messy, chaotic and kitsch performance of a song with potential.

Fast Food Music Lover
Fast Food Music Lover
2 years ago

The song is well-produced and we know she can deliver this live.

2 years ago

Mark my words: she is going to twerk in the semi final tomorrow.

2 years ago

Wasn’t a big fan of Sekret and, to be honest, this doesn’t feel so much of a step-down. My guess is that those who liked Sekret, will find something to like about this.

Good on Ronela for giving it another attempt though. She’s a great addition to San Marino’s lineup and, from what we’ve heard so far, might have a song that (amongst their selection at least) is worth a consideration.

2 years ago

Such profound lyrics.

2 years ago

What is an Albanian girl to do when she loves Spanish music but to enter a Sammarinese song contest who national language is Italian. You gotta give her credit for wanting to get back on the horse so quickly.

2 years ago

Nothing special tbh.

2 years ago

This will be a hit in Latin America

Benito Camelo
Benito Camelo
2 years ago
Reply to  Moonstar

Not by any chance, KAROL G and Bad Bunny have stepped up the Spanish language music game in recent years, I love Ronela, but this sounds dated 🙁

2 years ago
Reply to  Moonstar

No way, we are too busy hearing Bizarrap Sessions (?). We don’t even love JLo that much, so why would we pay attention to Ronela, who has no idea how yo pronounce Spanish correctly? Christina Aguilera is the only one we can apologize for her awful accent.

Benito Camelo
Benito Camelo
2 years ago
Reply to  Timi

Bizarrap’s latest session is already old news in Mexico but yeah, Ronela’s got no chance for being remotely a hit in the region xd

2 years ago
Reply to  Benito Camelo

I know, that’s why I put “(?)” at the end. XD

2 years ago

Luckily the budget did not stretch to cover the top halves of the dancers

2 years ago

This song isn’t good at all, it’s quite tragic actually.

Ronela, if you want to come back at least make sure you have a quality entry that’s worthy of winning the entire competition. I feel like she rushed this entry so she could remain in the Eurovision circle and get booked for more Spanish Europarties and Spanish gay pride events this Summer.

2 years ago
Reply to  Thallo

Yeah, surprised Mans Zelmerlow isn’t making an appearance. What’s the betting he will appear at this year’s final, singing the usual lines from Lovers On The Sun?

2 years ago

I will say the comments ive seen about Ronela are horrible. Its like the fandom picks a new person to pick on every 6 months. Last year it was Michael Ben David and before that Chanel. Whos next? Sam Ryder? Cornelia? A new contestant?

2 years ago
Reply to  Baby

Yeah probably gustaph..
Anyway, I agree with you for 100%, when she performed sekret in the Eurovision village, a day after the nq, it was clear that she was a fan favourite. The audience loved her performance, me included.

2 years ago
Reply to  Baby

Add Teodor Andrei on that list

2 years ago

Ronela is simply horrible and this song is a mess. Why is wiwi promoting her so much? Its really bad song..

2 years ago
Reply to  Tom

she’s prob one of the most well known especially to esc fans competing in the selection? why wouldn’t they cover it?

Sol Stevia
Sol Stevia
2 years ago

It’s just a melodic mess with random words in Spanish. Ronela is embarrassing…

2 years ago


2 years ago

This sounds like every Eurovision song that has one word in spanish and tries to be a latino song so bad. This is even worse than fuego, and i didnt think that was possible. Can we just let Spain sing in Spanish and every other country stick to their own language for godness sake

2 years ago
Reply to  Baby

Worse than “Fuego”? Dafuq?

2 years ago
Reply to  Joey

I know euro fans think Fuego is the best performance of all time, but it really was just a woman on stage swinging her hair and yelling Fuego out of tune for three minutes straight. Just my opinion

2 years ago
Reply to  Baby

Yet was beaten by a woman doing impressions of a chicken

2 years ago
Reply to  Jofty

Yeah that top three was a joke. The entire top 5 of 2022 would destroy the “winner” of 2018

2 years ago
Reply to  Baby

Not even Spain should sing that kind of pop since it’s Latino, not Spanish (?). Like, Spain can send their vast catalogue of cultural sounds (as they are doing this year) and leave Latinos alone (?).

2 years ago

I am sorry but this woman is such a cringe. This “song” uses every possible gimmick and trick in the book to pass as a Latino song…So fake, inauthentic and cringe

2 years ago


2 years ago

San Marino’s contributions to ESC:

  • constantly trolling the audience with desperate “artists” like Serhat, Senhit and now Ronela too
  • a suspicious jury known to exchange points with the likes of Malta and Azerbaijan
  • an artificial televote
2 years ago

If she was going to sing in another language, the very least she could have done was to sing a song in Italian if she’s representing San Marino. The disrespect some people have for this country is unbelievable.

Clearly, this is where the dregs of Eurovision aspirants go.

2 years ago
Reply to  Karl

What is wrong with Ronela Hajati singing in Spanish in a Sanmarinese national selection? Evridiki represented Cyprus with a French song in 2007, while Alejandro Fuentes took part in the Norwegian national final in 2018 and 2023 with Spanish entries too!

2 years ago
Reply to  laampa

Evridiki and Alejandro were respectively Cypriot and Norwegian. Ronela is not Sanmarinese, and she just represented her country in the national language. Singing in the native language can help her not being perceived as an intruder. She clearly could not care any less…

2 years ago
Reply to  Karl

That is slightly disrespectful to the likes of say Jessica Muscat who is a talented artist who has tried and failed to represent her own country.

2 years ago

who is she going to blame when she fails this time

2 years ago
Reply to  Liam

Her parents.

2 years ago
Reply to  Liam


2 years ago

Sekret (and I mean the original version) was miles better than this. A shame they ruined the performance with that tacky staging and outfit.

2 years ago
Reply to  EProduc

You know what was tacky? The big broken arch that ruined every single countries performance and the camera angles in which also ruined EVERY countries performance. Ronela infact had really good staging, to bad we couldn’t see 95% of it due to the broken stage and arch which Eurovision and the Italian broadcaster was responsible for but were to lazy to fix. I and the majority of others really liked Ronelas performance and everything, it’s a fan favorite. And to everyone who is truley getting hurt by these horrible comments, just know this is what the incel commentators in wiwibloggs… Read more »

aksel kankaanranta's boyfriend
aksel kankaanranta's boyfriend
2 years ago
Reply to  EProduc

when I met her last year not only she told me her clothes didn’t arrive in time, but she also told me that the Italian tv would not listen to her, they ruined the performance with OBVIOUS technical issues and that the Albanian tv did not have a lot of budget to start a new one in two weeks, so maybe some of you guys shouldn’t talk about STUFF. YOU. DON’T. KNOW. ABOUT.

2 years ago

I think it’s weird for an artist to represent other countries, especially only one year after performing for their own nationality… Anyway, the song is average

2 years ago
Reply to  Emilio

And some fans were angry when Ebu told her to change some of her performance…. In this case they were right. If the crew and her were smart they should had kept the performance from NF and maybe upgrade it. But done is done

2 years ago

No chances

2 years ago

How is Ronela allowed to put her song up before Thursday? I didn’t know that was a thing.

Ana Karenina
Ana Karenina
2 years ago
Reply to  Jonas

She’s gonna get Aidan’d

2 years ago

Eiffel 65’s song was not good, but that might just because it is impossible to sound good on that stage.

2 years ago
Reply to  Jonas

I was a big fan back in the day. I bet the studio version is awesome. Also this Italian guy is good.

2 years ago
Reply to  Jonas

Or maybe because everyone remembers his legendary hit “I’m Blue” and has sth to compare his entry with 🙂

Ana Karenina
Ana Karenina
2 years ago

Imagine calling Ronela Hajati “the queen” 😐

Ana Karenina
Ana Karenina
2 years ago
Reply to  Ana Karenina

And no, this song isn’t it. It’s even worse than Sekret.

2 years ago
Reply to  Ana Karenina

Do queens need to behave a certain way? Dress a certain way? Another reason to abolish monarchies everywhere. Let them be free!