The 15 acts competing in Semi-Final 1 of Eurovision 2023 have now had their second rehearsals. But who made the most of their time on stage? You can watch the recap video below. Then vote in our poll.
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Eurovision 2023 rehearsal roundup: Which Semi-Final 1 act was your favourite?
Why WiWibloggs does not publish new posts for the rehearsals? Anyway, I just watched the new rehearsals day 5. BEST >> Australia & Georgia WORST >> Greece A few words for each one Cyprus OK, decent, but he really looks like he is not singing. This thing with backing vocals must stop. Qualifying though. Iceland For me, it’s final. That’s a NQ. I liked her energy previously but what I saw did not match. Greece Gosh, this turned out so bad. So sorry for the kiddo. Bad vocals, bad staging, end result is really bad. NQ Poland Frankly, this will… Read more »
Well.. Sweden 2018 looked like Benjamin was just opening his mouth for 60% of the song and still almost won the jury vote.
I agree on Poland. I always thought it would qualify tbh but now I am quite certain. I disagree on Albania though, I think they are in with a decent chance to Q.
Just realized this Loreen thumbnail makes it look like she’s getting out of a dumpster in a dark alley underneath a neon light lol.
When i look at the Poll results above until now.. i see that Netherlands scores very well… and Norway unexpectedly low..
Serbia is about to face the same fate as Netherlands in 2000: because of 14 year old boy killed 8 kids and a guard in elementary school on Wednesday in Belgrade and because of one more killer in Obrenovac killing 6 more people, RTS probably won’t broadcast the 2023 contest in respect of victims and it will probably use only a jury. Luka said that this was the reason why his rehearsal on Wednesday was not good, as he was upset of the news, but he will do the best in respect of the victims. Now his song got a… Read more »
Terrible tragedies, but what deeper meaning? It sux.
Come on, I am not the biggest fan of that song but show some respect!
Come on now, Tommy, it was a legit question. Peope have been dying in the heart of Europe for over a year now, still the show must go on and this sounds like a cheap shot.
Shoot me for just being honest.
I was referring to second part of your second part of the comment. It Sux….
Ah fair enough.
It is imho the worst song on this year’s ESC. Terrible noise, terrible vocals, insipid lyrics… All around horrible. The very definition odf an ear-bleed.
Come on EBU, give us nothing …………..
(I’ve never been trolled in my life as much as I was by yesterdays “roundup premiere”. )
It’s not Noa Kirel – it’s Noa Killer 😉
What is wrong with propper manners, Israeli delegation were rude and awful to the Serbian team in 2022 and same this year, if I remember correctly they even harassing some people in the welcoming event last year!
One member of the Serbian delegation had complained that Israeli dancers were a bit rough around other countries stage props, not caring if something cratches or breaks. Luke’s stage prop needed some small patching up, since it had a crack on the left “leaf” after one of dancers had leaned on it.
My qualifiers: Czechia, Finland, Latvia, Moldova, Norway, Portugal, Serbia, Sweden, Swizerland and The Netherlands
Why is Loreen on every thumbnail photo, WiwiBloggs?
I think William and the gang are doing it on purpose…to make everyone sick of it.
Good job, you guys! ?
Spain is winning. As simple as that.
Nope.. not gonna happen.
We’re all «moving» to Spain. She’s a winner, guys! Full package 100%
Are they bringing Simon Cowell to give “constructive opinion” after every performance?
Cause if they are doing an X factor-style qualifiers announcement, then I suppose there will be “vocal battles” between the borderline qualifiers for the last 2-3 spots?… lmao 😀
Hope that awful, AWFUL man stays away.
does the camera work just seem not great to anyone else
And audio, yes.
Seams like Sweden is the only country for Wiwibloggs competing in SF 1. Any topic on SF 1 and only pics of the singer who is resinging her 2012 song.
Gonna cry?
One cries over sad things, not over pathetic ones.
Well I kind of understand it, seeing that she is top in most polls. And its not just Wiwi But also think it’s counterproductive and turns many people to cote for literally anyone else….
I rather think it is just desperate.
the low iq of the people who say Finland don’t have a chance of winnning, lol stay mad
It seems La Zarra won’t spend the 3min at the top of the column. The structure, which is unfoldable as seen in the rehearsal video, will likely evolve during the performance depending the song climax.
Alrighty, just watched the BIG5+ first rehearsal clips. FRANCE the song has grown in me, she is cute, great voice, the song is good at time, just OK at other times. Staging looks solid, dress stunt is familiar (nothing wrong with that). Top-10 material probably. SPAIN can’t connect to the song, can’t relate to it, nor to what I see. I find it very very loud and messy, a lot going on. I am sorry. Can’t see it in the Top-10. ITALY OK, cute, that’s it. Nothing much. If this song was from another country, it would be Top-30 or… Read more »
Controversial maybe?
I don’t like France’s staging… The “big dress” illusion and then I assume there’s gonna be the “disco column reveal” at some point in the song… It feels tacky and unnecessary. Literally all that had to do was copy & paste the performance from her video and it would’ve been perfect. Just let her be charismatic & do the shoulder choreography and she’ll do fantastic. With some songs it’s just true that less is more and this is one such song.
True. It’s kind of cringy. She looks fantastic though.
She is! And she probably will be able to sell it well, it’s just a baffling choice to me and not something I’d expect.
Copying and pasting the performance from the video would have had the eurofans up in arms tho, they would have complained about a lack of ambition and so on. Delegations also probably feel the need to go overboard with the stage shows because of the culture this show and its fandom have sadly established, which is over-the-top and in-your-face instead of “less is more” as you put it. I’m not saying that’s also the case with France here BTW, I think their stage show looks great in those pics.
Really excited about Germany! I mean I already was to begin with, but the TikTok preview was really great. Spain looks fantastic as always, and dare I say it? I’m actually intrigued by our staging at last!
Also, France is really gonna set off my vertigo… PLEASE tell me La Zarra is safe on that!
Only 5 artists rehearsing today, but that is OK! Looking fwd to tomorrow. In the meantime. DENMARK did not sound good, staging works though. 50-50% (I feel it’s going to be DK or GR for the 10th spot to the final from semi2) ARMENIA love the song (although the be goo, loo goo, do goo sounds weird). She looks stunning but that’s pretty much it. I felt a lack of emotion or connection. Staging also is irrelevant to the song. Innovative (and don’t know how that unfolds in the whole 3 minutes) but a bit off. Someone hearing for the… Read more »
Surprised that they did a recap of just the first five artists. I thought it would be compiled with the rest of the artists tomorrow.
Is it a hot take to say that I think Estonia might place bottom 3 in this semi? Cus I can see that happening. I can see this entry being completely forgotten by the public and left behind. Why vote for Alika when Brunette delivered a much stronger and emotional performance just two song prior?
Agree, if it is Estonia or Armenia, it’s Armenia taking the lead. Alika is good, the song is OK, but something is a bit off, and it is not a memorable performance, I am afraid.
We’ve only seen like 4 or 5 entries in today’s pathetic “roundup”, how do we know what the remaining undisclosed 10 are going to be like? Too early to jump to conclusions.
How am I jumping to conclusions?? I literally used the word “Might” and the phrase “I can see that happening”. You’re acting as if I said: “Estonia will most certainly without a shadow of a doubt place 14th in the semifinal and nothing will change my mind”
I already had similar thoughts to this prior to the rehearsals, they just strengthened them.
Alika is not a good performer imo, she’s sings well but she sings without any emotion and her movement seems forced and out of place.
The dancing as well what’s up with that? Like there is no need for all that.
True, Sol Stevia. We have hints before the rehearsals (based on our gut feeling, pre-ESC performances, national final performances, etc) and when the rehearsals take place we have the right to adjust our predictions. I cannot see Alika qualifying without that meaning she or the song are not good.
As it turns out, many songs lack something when live on stage (vs studio versions) or may even be good but compared to other songs that’s not enough. That’s life!
Wow. Just judging by the few photos and short Tiktok clip… I really feel Spain could take it this year. I think it’s possible.
And I wouldn’t be mad at all!
I’d be thrilled if Spain takes it, I admire them for their artistic effort – although I can’t really see that happening. I hope I’m wrong, all the best to them!
I can’t see this be ignored by the televote and juries should eat this up. If it is first or second after the jury score and comes top 5 in the televote… It could happen. And I’d love that, she is phenomenal.
I d love Spain to win the contest with SloMo. That would be well deserved. This year, I am not that sure. I can see certain people like that because of similar cultural backgrounds but for many (including me) the flamengo thing is not clear or easily understandable or digestible. Most of my friends (not hardcore fans) who listened to it said “That’s very loud and weird!” And all that is happening looks too much and messy”. Their words. That does not mean it’s not a good song. It’s a matter of how much this song will resonate with large… Read more »
Romania disgusting 🙂 <3
Can't wait for tomorrow's clips!
Let’s give some credit to the artist. OK, the whole thing is not good but disgusting it is not. He is a young artist though, who won their national final. So, kudos for that!
You’re right “disgusting” is not the right word sorry for offending
Are these rumours about Blanka’s staging true? Anyone knows anything?
What rumours
About a shirtless man approaching her from behind while she is doing the dancebreak, then her turning around and telling him “Oh no, I’m going solo” and basically walking around him and rubbing her body against his several times, until her 4 female dancers get involved and dance the guy out of the stage and Blanka doing some sort of hand gesture at him, then apparently jumping on top of a small platform which will lift her up, while the LED screens are gonna show the big number “1” showing that she is now “solo” but also a “winner” in… Read more »
My three favorites are Sweden, Finland, and Israel. I love three countries staging!
Obviously, the majority of us are disappointed with Loreen’s staging. I’m sure Loreen is disappointed too. SVT need to realise that some staging concepts don’t translate well from Melfest to Eurovision. They could’ve had Sweden’s top creative directors designing new staging concepts, but they didn’t, they were lazy and it might result in Loreen not winning.
If Loreen still takes the win, I’ll still be happy but only because I saw the Melfest performance.
The rehearsal was not good for Loreen and her team. The result on screen was not OK (at least comparing it to the Mello performance). BUT….
The song is amazing, a strong song can go far even with imperfect staging or performance I can still see this winning but I feel that the Swedes will finally do what is needed to elevate the song (as always, in the end).
Again, a post about Loreen not mentioning the MEDIOCRE song.
If people love a song they will vote for it! It really is as simple as that.
So just watched the rehearsal clips of the first 5 acts of SF2 and umm Reiley does not sound good, Brunette is bloody fantastic, everything about Romania’s entry this year is awful, Alika still sings words she seemingly doesn’t get the meaning of while dancing like a God knows what and Gustaph is slaying like crazy and deserves a grand final slot.
There is no way these are the final camera angles. I suppose they are showing only some footage from some random cameras not to be used in the final version. BBC can’t be this bad, or can it?
Oof, Reiley does not sound good in that rehearsal clip. Also, this opening the semi was not a great idea, I think.
Brunette looks magical.
Theodor Andrei it seems has decided to go from everything in the NF to nothing at Eurovision. This is dead in the water.
Alika sounds good, the staging is pretty.
Gustav throws a party! He’s definitely going though.
PS. I know commenting under this article makes no sense, but Wiwi haven’t posted anything new yet 😀
Yeah, I think Romania is the only certain NQ of SF2 at this point
I definitely don’t get the hype over France staging. I think it can be nice of course but based on what we can see for the moment I would say it’s a bit too much and a bit kitschy. I mean this thing with the dress we already saw that several times before.
So what I understand from this year. People love to complain about some countries because they always do elaborated staging but applause other countries for their staging that have already been done before.
The French staging is a bit too much and a bit kitschy, but the Cha Cha Cha one is the greatest thing ever seen in ESC, right? LOL
Well, Käärijä’s staging is too much but it matches the song. And at least it’s completely new.
Anyway, each their taste. You have the right to like whatever you want I’m not here to judge. I was just pointing out the general hypocrisy.
Yes, yes, I’m already more than aware that Kaarija’s stans are just too thirsty to see him flaunting his pecs, there’s simply no reasoning to be had with them anymore, so continue as you were.
What does “kitschy” mean? When I hear that word, I think of Scooch. Not La Zarra.
Not La Zarra herself, I think she’s classy. What I find kitschy is the disco tower thing and the long dress.
I’d say it’s more of an elite Studio 54 ambience she’s hinting at. Donna Summer showed us that disco can be classy.
The reaction has been similar to Australia 2019. We’ll see.
Also a bit Estonia 2018
I hope the same placing too ie If the song isn’t good enough?
Me either. I’m more worried that she’ll fall off that plinth than anything else lol, I’d get vertigo!
Probably and hope it makes Australia 2019? If song isn’t good enough, even magnificent performance doesn’t make it winning.
The change of the qualifiers’ announcement is such an appalling idea smh
what change?
France and La Zarra will be absolutely fabulous. I I think it is possible that France will win the competition this year. It will be a half-surprise so Loreen is ultra favorite and Finland has been imposing itself for weeks …
I think the winner will be either someone from the Big 5 (France or Spain) or Finland
I think so too. The thing with Sweden is that it’s a very gimmicky entry, and the staging got a major downgrade for Liverpool. It really does look cheap. So its appeal is gone.
I still think Sweden will win but I’d be very happy to be proven wrong on that!
La Zarra just being absolutely fabulous! Well done, France. Everything looks fantastic!
OK UK looks great, but is the vocal on point?
France looks perfect. Happy to see that! : )
The French staging just looks world-class in those released pics and we already knew Spain was going to be perfect anyway, both my favorites delivering big time today.
Some people are saying Noa was storming out of the stage in anger or something? That she cried?
Literally cannot find a single Israeli news site that reported something like that happening. EuroMix (The Israeli ESC news site) hasn’t either.
All I saw was a clip of Noa & Alessandra hugging and complimenting each other and a clip of Noa after her second rehearsal dancing and smiling backstage with people cheering and singing. She seems to be doing find guys…
A unicorn would not cry over one bad rehearsal. Don’t you ever learn? Noa won’t look back, she won’t look down, she’s going up.
Honestly Jonas sometimes I can’t tell if you’re mocking me or simply being friendly.
I was being friendly. In my head, it seemed funny. I forget people have a different voice in their own head.
I’m just naturally distrusting of humans is all.
It’s not always easy to read humans in person, let alone doing it through text. Online and on social media, it’s also much easier to project your interpretation of what someone is saying rather than consider, understand (and learn) the other person’s meanings and communication style.
In so many ways, the world can teach us to not trust others, but that’s also why we need to always try. As Maya Angelou (one of my favourite poets) said, ‘have enough courage to trust love one more time and always one more time’.
Hopefully that’s not forever <3
P.S. I was also serious when I said that your interpretation of the lyrics makes me like it more!
I figured you were serious on that which I seriously appreciate! <3
The smaller LED sandwich is fine, it’s that thick bezel on the top screen that really breaks the immersion compared to Melfest. Plus it needs real smoke, not just on the screen in the background.
I feel that if this staging doesn’t improve and paired with the song, which is good but not THE best this year, she won’t be a deserved winner if she pulls it through.
There will be more smoke. Loreen said so after the rehearsal. It needs to be smoke, with emphasis on needs
Is there even a question about it. Käärijä is delivering some epic content here. Finally YLE has realised what to do in ESC. See you in Tampere next year…. or Santa and my hometown Rovaniemi 😉
Hyvää Suomi!
Not so fast! It’s still the juries, which might not like that aggressive performing?
Again, finishing 2nd, after Loreen, it’s a big achievement and Finland is back in the ESC game for good!
Anyone else started learning Finnish on Duolingo because of Käärijä?
Why is this being down voted? lol
Why every single thumbnail has to be Loreen!!?!?!?!
our champion, duh
Wiwibloggs being biased, what else is new
better than that green street dog
I’m not swedish but I’m just curious as to why wiwibloggs commentators always have so much bitterness towards the fan favorites?
Because she’s one of the contender for the win. It’s called clickbait if you don’t know. Just look at every post related to Loreen, the comments always more than 300
Ukraine looks amazing <3 <3 <3 dark horse i feel, very strong staging
Why did Iru steal Blanca Paloma’s arm thing?
Is it true that they are going to change the way they announce the qualifiers this year?
Yes… and it’s awful. Every country will stand on stage and get announced one by one. 5 non-qualifiers remain on stage. I love UK, but this is getting way too Xfactor.
That is screwed up beyond relief. What was wrong with the old system?
Its not the fault of the Uk. They are only the hosts. The ebu make all the rules on the show.
What? Where is this information from?
Marco Mengoni = pure art !
Omg La Zarra amazing!!!!!!
Why was Noa crying?
Why was Noa crying?