Bringing retro vibes to London Eurovision Party is Finland’s Windows95Man! The party frontman will bring his 90s banger “No Rules!” to the heart of London at Here At Outernet on April 7th.

The borderline wild song is one we’re sure fans will love to see, bringing a touch of glorious crazy energy to proceedings! We can;t wait to see him (in his own words) “SLAYYYY!” the stage!

Who is Windows95Man?

Windows95Man is a character created by Teemu Keistri, based on his love for the late 90s. He is a renowned DJ known for having alter egos, including an “Ukkeli” (aka Old Man). Keistri is a very visual artist, having studied photography, and later owning his own gallery in Helsinki.

He performs his Eurovision tune “No Rules!” alongside Henri Piispanen. It is a wild ball of energy, about living life by only one rule: no rules! Well, except the Eurovision rule about not using brands, evidently!

The duo stormed Finland’s national selection Uuden Musiikin Kilpailu (or just UMK…), winning the televote by a gigantic margin. He appeared on stage coming out of a giant egg made of denim. Nothing says 90s more than copius denim, further camped up by Henri’s denim fringe outfit. Windows95Man then proceeded to put on denim hotpants with firework-tubes attached at either side, creating quite the insane visual effect. The audience loved it intensely giving it 285 televote points, lifting it away from it’s jury blues into the winner of the show.

London Eurovision Party 2024

The London Eurovision Party is the biggest annual Eurovision event in the United Kingdom.

The party will see a majority of artists from the year of 2024, but joining them will be some Eurovision alumnis too. This year the party celebrates its 15th edition at Here at Outernet in the UK capital.

Here at Outernet is a large concert venue right in the beating heart of London. It is known for its artistic styling and modern spaces. The London Eurovision Party will provide an excellent chance for a British audience to see their favourite acts before the contest itself.

We can’t wait to see the absolute scenes when Windows95Man appears on stage at London Eurovision Party. What tricks are you hoping he brings to the party? What are you hoping they wear on stage? Let us know what you think in the comments below.

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11 months ago

Probaly better they are downgraded to MSDOS 3.3, on which the copyrights have expired, so they can actually wear the tshirs without being blurred by EBU. This is the nicest thing I can say on this song. Gosh, how I miss 2001 when Finland was at least bringing some decent rock.

11 months ago
Reply to  Vincenzo

If you don’t like them, why even bother commenting in such a negative way.

11 months ago
Reply to  Sigh

If the trend of Eurovision or Eurofans is to award or like these kind of songs, ok. It not in my power to change the degree of quality in music each one can tolerate.

11 months ago
Reply to  Vincenzo

I mean, 2021, not 2001.

11 months ago

One of the acts that I am most looking forward to seeing in Malmo. It is so entertaining and to pull off such a comedic performance takes a lot of care and skill. Can’t wait.

10 months ago
Reply to  Kosey

ESC is a song contest not a Benny Hill show, by the way what is funny in that performance? Old man show his *unk? Very stupid and poor joke.