Earlier this month, Spain’s Miki revealed the final, re-mastered version of his Eurovision 2019 song “La venda”. The blindfold finally fell and we were finally able to feast our eyes on a colourful music video and our ears on the revamped song.

The energy from the national final version remains as do the trumpets. However, the new version proves to be a bit more pop and a little less brass band. In some ways the song has moved from “Miki singing to an audience” to “audience singing along with Miki”. This fiesta is for everyone.

Of course, not everyone is feeling the revamp. Some say that it’s far too polished and that it’s lost its party vibe. Given all the chatter, we just had to watch and react.

In my mind party songs like this are meant to be heard live. After all, it’s better to attend a fiesta than it is to watch it on YouTube, right? Many of the complaints about the revamp may stem from the fact people were simply accustomed to hearing the original. In any case, Miki is ultimately the strongest part of this package. And he’ll most definitely be on top form when he hits that stage come May.

What do our readers think of the ‘La venda’ revamp?

Joe is living for this. “People saying Cyprus has the bop of the year need to come back to this,” he wrote on the wiwibloggs post revealing the revamp. “The production has gotten much tighter and still has a lot of energy. The raw energy and joy of the initial performance was great, but you’ve gotta get tighter for the contest itself, and Spain have obviously put thought into making it look and sound as professional as possible.”

It’s all giving him hope for the stage show. “And while I was initially confused as to how Fokas Evangelios would work with something significantly less intense than, say, You Are the Only One, his work shines through here and I can see what he’s doing with it. Miki still strikes me as a lovable guy and genuinely excited to be going to Eurovision (more so than Maria ever seemed at the prospect), and if the pure unadulterated happiness translates to the big stage, Spain are revving up for their best entry in many years.”

Mr. Vanilla Bean isn’t really vibing with that take. “RTVE is at it again. What made ‘La venda’ good for me is that the original version felt so organic and true to the message. I gotta be honest, this revamp is a step down for me. The original version would still be in my top 10, but now that I have to rate this version, I am less enthusiastic. It did not [need] a revamp, it was good for what it was.”

“Got no problem with the revamp,” Briekimchi writes. “Still, this goes as far as the live performance will take it. Going to be a challenge of getting that energy from the smaller arena matched by the ESC arena.”

Katavasia says: |”They just buried him right behind Barei and Almaia. Absolutely lifeless sleepy version no way I’ll vote for. Luca will get a better result than this crippled La Venda. That was the last time I was rooting for Spain.”

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Do you prefer the original or the revamp? Do you think the changes will in anyone impact where this finishes on the big night? Let us know down below!

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5 years ago

Revamp? Yes. 🙂

Atari 2600
Atari 2600
5 years ago

Spain had a potential left-hand side of the scoreboard with the original version, now they’ve taken all the energy out of it.

It seems like RTVE are doing everything in their powers for Spain to end up in the bottom 5 yet again!

5 years ago

YES!!!!! i hated it before revamp, and now i really like it

5 years ago

But as Deban said in the latest Miki YouTube video, we were used to the live version and really loved its potential. If all we had was the studio version we would like it too. We will be able to hear the live version again in the Finale.

5 years ago

All of you who said no, did you listen to the same revamp as me? The revamp was miles better.

Polegend Godgarina
Polegend Godgarina
5 years ago

the revamp was made to make the song sound like a studio version, dassit. there weren’t any major changes so i don’t understand the drama bout it

5 years ago

Remember UK last year who also has butchered their song with a lifeless revamp. Spain will have the same destiny this year.

5 years ago
Reply to  Nicolas

It worked well for Lucie Jones though in 2017

Atari 2600
Atari 2600
5 years ago
Reply to  Nicolas

Storm wasn’t good to begin with anyway

5 years ago

I don’t get the drama surrounding this revamp. Back when the studio versions for the OT gala were released, a lot of people (myself included) complained about the lack of a better production on the tracks. It was obvious that the winner song would be revamped and I think it sounds much more professional right now, while the song is virtually the same. Some say it lost energy. Maybe it’s because the song really came alive on the stage and they’re now comparing a studio audio to a live performance? Or possibly the issue here is that by that time… Read more »

5 years ago

Thanks for the option “I can’t tell the difference”.

5 years ago
Reply to  Jo.

I voted that option too. It’s very subtle and makes little difference in quality.

Roger Rabbit
Roger Rabbit
5 years ago

For me honestly still sound the same and is just a versión studio .the tru come when in that wonderful stage in Israel he go to grow like hell.with the perform and this song is for enjoy in live.can be a big surprise this year .lets wait. in my top 5 this year

5 years ago

I have a feeling that if the revamp was performed live at OT Gala, and original version released as a revamp, the reactions would be identical.

5 years ago

The revamp makes me sad. So much vivacity sucked out of it. There must be drums!

5 years ago
Reply to  Will


5 years ago
Reply to  Will

how can a upbeat fun song make you sad

5 years ago

Did you hear the studio version of the original or just its live version? I find it somehow raw. But live it was empowered by Miki. The revamp version is far better than the original studio version and I think it will be likewise empowered by Miki and the audience once it’s performed live. So let’s see him live again before any drama

5 years ago

Revamb sound more professional. The sound is full and the bridge that added makes the song more complete. For sure is a better production than the original

5 years ago

The original >>>>>>>>>>>

5 years ago

I preferred the original one a bit more but that’s purely on a like for like comparison. In the Grand final, the majority of the viewers won’t have heard the original version so it wouldn’t matter. My main concern though is that Fokas (I quite like his work) might force Miki to do a strict choreography and the song looses its “randomness/life”.

5 years ago
Reply to  Andy

This is something that worries me too. Let Miki do his thing. If they give him a choreography, there’s a big chance it will become awkward to see. The same would apply to Michael Rice, that should focus on his singing, not in doing calculated gesture with his arms like it happen in the UK final.

5 years ago

I’m sorry but I must be listening to a different song to many people out there. This is just a hot mess. It’s like a party song played at a child’s birthday. Is it supposed to be taken seriously because if it is then I really despair.

5 years ago

I did not even understand the necessity of revamping the song, cuz it was good as it was.

As for the revamp, I feel like it lost life and impact.

5 years ago
Reply to  KESC

it was too wild pre-revamp

now it is a lovely upbeat fun song, what i expect from latin pop to be, smooth but fun 🙂

5 years ago

Same crap song. What Spain needs is a plain good song, not these type of joke entries like La Venda, Baila Chiki Chiki or Manel Navarro. Until they’ll treat the contest with the same respect as other countries do it won’t rank well in the final. Wish Spain, UK , France, Italy and Germany to be semifinalists as well. Some of them will probably qualify from 10 to 10 years, and some of them never…

5 years ago

It made the song a lot worse. It fell from the Top 10 to the bottom of my Top 41.

5 years ago
Reply to  Cedric

it went from my bottom to my current 8th place

5 years ago

NO! But no in all seriousness, while both versions have their merits, the original had so much more life to it, and I really loved the trumpet flares that you heard in the original song.

hi guys
hi guys
5 years ago

crimea is ukraine

esc stan
esc stan
5 years ago
Reply to  hi guys

i HaVe A rEaLlY uNcOmFoRtAbLe QuEsTiOn To YoU

5 years ago

In my opinion, the original had a lot more life and bounce in it.
The revamp took that life away.
The revamp is basically ‘La Venda: The zombie remix’. Spain dropped dramatically down my Top 10 from 4th to 9th as a result of the revamp.