Wiwi loves Eurovision front-runner Lena Meyer-Landrut. Her song Satellite doesn’t need any remixing, but Wiwi enjoyed these club versions nonetheless. If y’all have any other versions that you want Wiwi to post, please provide a link in the comments section below. One link per post, please; the spam filter will block you otherwise. xoxo, Wiwi
JK Rio Sputnik remix:
bichler16’s remix:
djFrobi’s remix:
kindman’s remix and cover:
Slovakia’s Kristina with Horehronie
well here’s my triphop/d’n’b-version. its a bit edgy and some people really seem to dislike it, but give it a try: you might be one of the other kind 🙂
I basically tried to work out that dark undertone, that i feel, when i see her permforming the song.
wow. lena should compete with one of these! it’s great! zehr toll!