Today, our Finnish beauty Krista Siegfrids released the long awaited music video for her new single “Can You See Me?”. Taken from her debut album, “Ding Dong!”, this emotional ballad is a far cry from the happy pop songs like “Marry me” and “AMEN!” she has released from the album prior to this.

Krista explains the meaning to her simplistic new release on a post published earlier on her Facebook page “This is the song that I wrote to my dear father who passed away when I was 15. I miss him so much. It still hurts, but we have to learn to live with the sorrow. This song is really important to me and I hope you will like it. If you have ever lost somebody you love, I hope this song can comfort you and help you to move on ?”

The new single couldn’t be more different to what we would’ve expected from Krista. The music video is shot on a field in Finland, which is something we’d expect from Emmelie De Forest rather than from Krista. Despite the obvious differences from her usual work, Krista still shines in the music video and has us all feeling her emotions and pain throughout.

The change in genre certainly doesn’t mean it lacks in quality and some may say this is her best single yet. We commend Krista’s courage to release such an emotional song, and send her virtual hugs from around the world! Go Krista!

Katie Wilson contributed this story from the U.K. Follow her on Twitter at @katiewillfly and like our Facebook page to keep up with the latest Eurovision news and gossip.

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11 years ago

I looove Krista!!! This is such a touching and honest song. I love the video too. It was nice to see her shed the glitzy pop image. You could tell it came right from her heart.

11 years ago

This is beautiful. My mother passed away a few weeks ago, and this song perfectly captures the pain and confusion I feel; memories of the past and hope for the future.

11 years ago

Really loved Marry me. Amen was too generic. And now we’re back to good with this beautiful touching song 🙂

11 years ago


Padraig Muldoon
11 years ago

“Marry Me” and “Amen” were great fun tracks but there was a risk that Krista was going to be typecast as a Eurotrash Katy Perry. But I think this song sets down a marker that Krista can be a serious artist who’ll be with us for the long haul. Big thumbs up :mrgreen:

Alex B
Alex B
11 years ago


Boyfriend would be my pick also. The video for that would be beyond hilarious.

Seventeen is a close second. Krista dressed as a teenager would be classic.

11 years ago

I absolutely loved Krista from the moment I first saw “marry me”. Krista live in London was awesome. And her album is one of the best releases this year. I love her diversity.

This song is fantastic. Really touching, loved it from the first hearing! I’m hoping for Your boyfriend next….

Alex B
Alex B
11 years ago

Some of us have loved the song since May, when it was on her album. The video is awesome, but that was to be expected.

Krista rules no matter what she does.

What does suck is they decided to place a geo block on the song so those in the USA cannot watch it unless they know the work arounds (like myself)

11 years ago

that’s beautiful