Today the Wiwi Jury – our in-house panel of music unprofessionals – headed to historic York. We split some cakes at Betty’s Tea Rooms, took in the views from the top of the Minster and then enjoyed some cocktails, using the UK’s Eurovision 2014 Contestant Molly and her song ‘Children of the Universe’ as the soundtrack. Did we lap it up or throw it away? Read on to find out!
Angus: Whether Molly meant to rally people to a revolution against the tyrannical BBC policy of internal selection for Eurovision or not this song’s quite fabulous. Irrespective of any critique of the BBC’s selection methods the past few years, ‘Children of the Universe’ has a super catchy refrain in ‘Power to the People’ but I also think the chorus should stick with people on the night. The song also has a fair amount of lyrical depth and Molly crucially is a natural at stagecraft. She looks comfortable and more importantly like she’s enjoying herself. The UK has made a big effort this year and I only hope it pays off as it deserves in Copenhagen.
Score: 8.5/10
Billy: That’s nice! It may be one of those songs about environment, children and education that have been previously represented by the UK (and failed), but “Children Of The Universe” manages to step out from these unsuccessful tries. However, “Power To The People”, which is the main moto of the UK’s delegation and is often heard during the song, is the phrase that may let Vodafone use the entry as its theme song, for some time. I like the presence of drams there, even though nothing can improve at a big scale this wonderful performance. Molly’s voice is beautiful, and I’m sure that this song will improve UK’s position history in the contest. I’m not sure, though, if this song should finish in the top-5 of the final.
Score: 9/10
Bogdan: If I were to make a prediction based on the current Eurovision trends, I would say that Molly should easily win the contest this year. She mixes Emmelie’s modesty with Loreen’s talent, she looks like a modern pop icon (Lorde), her voice is flawless and her beautifully melodic song is perfect for 2014. In a year marked by the revolution in Ukraine and the threat of war, what better Eurovision winner than a song about giving “power to the people” and reminding everyone that we are all the same, “children of the Universe”? The fact that this was Molly’s songwriting as well is a testament of her astounding talent. I am thankful that the BBC has plucked her from obscurity and brought her to the spotlight, giving her the biggest stage in Europe. Power to the UK!
Score: 10/10
Deban: Power to the people? Seriously?? That just needs to be edited out…especially when you haven’t earned your votes! Aside from this, there are merits to be found in the composition. The bridge and chorus are particularly strong, and Molly’s breathy voice does have a unique quality to it. Children Of The Universe’ showcases lyrical strength, and Molly is primed to have a successful career on the back of this gig.
Score: 6/10
Katie: Molly is VERY cool; young, classy and she’s popular with a lot of people. I love the song, but sometimes I wonder whether I love it because I know what the BBC are capable of rather than because the song is great. Unlike most, I find the “power to the people” chant cliché, unnecessary and awkward. Sorry. By the bridge though, everything is a lot more exciting and I’m lovin’ it by the chorus! I know it’s going to do really well at Eurovision and the atmosphere is going to be electric when she sings! I have faith in Molly, she’ll do us proud.
Score: 8/10
Padraig: To quote Sheldon Cooper: “I dislike the sound of the harp. Its overuse in classic television sitcoms always makes me think I’m going to experience an episode from my past”. And what do Molly and her gang do? That’s right, they only go and open the song with a great big blooming harp! Fortunately rather than remind us of best forgotten nightmares such as Scooch, Andy Abraham and Daz Sampson, Molly brings back fond memories of when the UK used to make an effort. Alas, I don’t think she’ll become a successor to Katrina and the Waves. The lyrics are too populist and for a big 5 +1 song the entry lacks the impact necessary to win over first time viewers on the Saturday night. Having said that, she should easily challenge Jade Ewen and Jessica Garlick for the status of best 21st century UK entry.
Score: 6.5/10
Zach: After nearly giving up hope for the United Kingdom, they introduce Molly Smitten Downes, and for the first time in forever (I want to build a snowman lol) I think they have an amazing shot at the win. Molly’s charm is infectious, the song sounds so “British” if you know what I mean, like something they’d send to solidify their status as a fresh music powerhouse in Europe. “Children of the Universe” is such a big turn around for the UK, it shows that the BBC finally took the people’s advice to actually try for once, and they brought their A-Game. An unknown up and comer worked for fellow big 5 member Germany, it seems poised to do the same for the UK. Power to the people!
Score: 9.5/10
Vebooboo: Molly is a teeny, little girl, but she builds in this song better than the biggest construction worker out there. For all the granola youth out there in Europe, this is definitely their number 1 jam of the contest. My key reservation is in the opening minute of the number, when you can barely hear what Molly is whispering into the microphone. By the end of the song she is busting it out like Aretha Franklin, so why does she need to start out like a little mouse? If she can get spectators past this one flaw, we have a serious contender for Top 10, though.
Score: 7.5/10
All 19 jurors review each song, but we only have room to publish 8 written reviews. Below are the remaining 11 scores.
Anthony: 8.5/10
James L: 7/10
Mario: 9/10
Maxim Montana: 7/10
Mike: 6/10
Francheska: 2.5/10
Ramadan: 10/10
Sami: 6/10
Patrick: 9.5/10
William C: 9.5/10
Wiwi: 9/10
The highest and lowest scores are removed before calculating the final score. We have dropped a low of 2.5 and a high of 10.
The Wiwi Jury Verdict: 8.03/10
You can check out our latest Eurovision 2014 reviews and rankings on the Wiwi Jury page. You can keep up-to-date on the latest Eurovision news and gossip by following the team on Twitter @wiwibloggs and by liking our Facebook page.
How can anyone give Molly a 2,5? Utterly ridiculous and I’d hate to see Francheska’s record collection! That said, is this a song I would buy if it weren’t Eurovision? Probably not and it would score a 7.5 at most…is it the best UK Eurovision in decades? Absolutely and I would definitely vote it my number 1 in this contest and a 10/10 in Euroland. Bear in mind, I am usually hiding behind the sofa cringing with shame when the UK entry plays, so I am happier still to be able to sit proudly on the sofa, watching the TV… Read more »
So what do I want from the winner? Good singer. Tick! Good song. Tick! Good performance. Tick! And also a feeling it’s not a one trick pony and actually the singer will go on to make music and impress Europe!
Iv been looking at Molly’s other songs on YouTube. Wow. I can so see “beneath the lights” opening the contest next year In london 2015. I love ‘strange alien’ and ‘for you’ as well. Good luck Molly. Show Europe what you got!
She’s new, she’s fresh, has not too much history or baggage, she’ll do the UK proud. Not the best but it should do better than the previous UK efforts. 8/10
Obviously Francheska’s comments were not posted because she could not dignify such a low score of 2.5 for the song.
Power to Molly – whether she wins or not, this is a powerful, credible entry, an engaging performer and a totally refreshing change to the past few poorly selected UK entries.
Love it. The UK made a real effort this year and I’m keeping my fingers crossed for them to win. They SO deserve it.
I am rooting for Molly and “Children of the Universe” since it came out in March 3rd, very current to the music scene and hopefully will bring back the enthusiasm for Eurovision in the UK. Probably the best UK entry in the 2010’s, good luck Molly!!
Very good song. Certainly worthy of the top 10. I have her 8th on my 3rd and final evaluation.
@Darren cmon vote for you neighbour the UK in gonna vote for ireland norways and hungary xxxx
100 times better than Sweden
The first time I watched the music video (April 24, ’14), I LOVED it!
Score: 10/10
good luck UK but not a winner song
My Number 2 of this year! I’ll be voting for it.
It’s not only UK time to win with this fabulous song, she’ll be the biggest thing out of Leicester ( Sam Bailey – X-factor)
She’s got 8.03 which means the Wiwibloggs’ winner is Hungary!
I hope Hungary will win the real contest too 🙂
She will be the winner. Nice voice +cool song + interesting style .They only need to put a great show ,then we can get ready to go to London next year . 😉 Hope the show will have some kind of connection with her song ,unlike music video ,which had nothing to do with the song .
I find how everyone puts their point across so so bitchy. Especially when you go an interview these people.
This is my favourite song of the year. However, I don’t think that’ll be a blessing for Molly. Since 2010, my favourite song has placed 4th in the final (except in 2012). It’s a weird superstition I have, but I feel like this will be no different. 10/10
Oh great! I thought I was the only one who isn’t a fan of “Power to the people” 😛 I guess I’m not! But other than that, I love this song!
Forse my favourite this year
Darren, vote UK! Not saying this cos I’m British or anything… ERM.
If Florence and the Machine and Ellie Goulding could have a baby together, their child would be Molly Smitten-Downes, which, on a eurovision stage is really not the worst qualities to have!
Cant decide weither to vote for United Kingdom or Hungary. One of these will be getting 12 points from Ireland.
the song is really great…
I’d love to have heard the thoughts of Francheska. I don’t think it’s as bad as 2.5 out of 10, but I fear that Molly’s inexperience will show.
Great …I like the score 🙂
I think it would benefit the ESC if the UK won…. as UK is a huge market and the press would report much more on a UK win than a win for most other countries… it is a fact.
good luck molly.