Ahoy! Mandinga, the band that represented Romania at Eurovision in 2012 with “Zaleilah”, has released the video for “Ce poveste” (What A Story), featuring Connect-R — and a lot of pirates.

We’ve already talked about the song, but now it’s time to focus on the video. It was shot on the Black Sea, aboard an old ship, to the delight of the tourists on the shore. Special guest star Connect-R, who represented Moldova with Arsenium and Natalia Gordienko in 2006 and is now a highly popular singer on his own in Romania, channeled Johnny Depp in this “Pirates of the Carribean” inspired story. The video doesn’t fail to focus on Elena Ionescu either. The former winner of Eurovision’s Next Top Model looks fit as ever as the sultry prisoner that the pirates fall in love with. With her charms, she manages to literally disarm the pirates and regain control of the ship.

It’s a light and fun video that brings the summer – and the sexy – back! We love it as much as we love the song. Keep it up, Mandinga!

Ce poveste lyrics (Romanian) — Mandinga

Ce poveste
Stii ca doar tu ma faci sa rad
Si apoi ma vezi usor plangand
Ce am gresit de m-am pricopsit
Cu o asa iubire
Tu spui pa, pa
Eu vino-ncoa
Mama, ce nebunie

La la la la la
Cand inima spune da
Nu mai poti sa faci altceva

Ce poveste
E sufletul tau
Cand ba e bun, ba e rau
Ce poveste,
In inima mea
Doar daca esti tu in ea
Ce poveste
E sufletul tau
Cand ba e bun, ba e rau
Ne certam dar
Ne-mpacam iar si iar
Fericiti la final
De poveste…

Nici note de-am fi, n-am fi de acord
De-ai fi tu la sud, as fi la nord
Cu ce am gresit de m-am pricopsit
Cu o asa iubire
Tu spui pa, pa
Eu vino incoa
Mama, ce nebunie

Ce poveste avem noi baby
Ne impacam pana la 3, 2, 1
Ne certam dar e just for fun
Ma dai in dragostea ta
Spui ca nu ne potrivim
Eu nu am terminat regia
Dar povestea noastra-i film
Eu rom tu o cola si putina dragoste
Si rezulta Cuba Libre

La la la la la
Cand inima spune da
Nu mai poti sa faci altceva


Ce poveste lyrics (English) — Mandinga

What a story
You’re the only one who makes me laugh
And then you make me cry
Where did I go wrong that I’ve got
Such a love story
You say bye, bye
I say come here
Oh my, it’s crazy

La la la la la
When the heart goes yes
You can’t do anything else

What a story
Your soul is
Now it’s bad, now it’s good
What a story
In my heart
Only if you’re in it
What a story
Your soul is
Now it’s bad, now it’s good
We fight but
We make up again and again
Happy in the end
Of the story

If we were notes we wouldn’t be in harmony
If you were South, I would be North
Where did I go wrong that I’ve got
Such a love story
You say bye, bye
I say come here
Oh my, it’s crazy

What a story we have, baby
We make up in 3, 2, 1
We fight but it’s just for fun
You tell me to go love myself
You say we don’t match
I haven’t finished directing
Our story’s a movie
I am rum, you’re cola, with a little bit of love
And we have Cuba Libre

La la la la la
When the heart goes yes
You can’t do anything else



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10 years ago


10 years ago

Great, Mandinga!