
Georgia’s national selection for Eurovision 2015 takes place on January 14, but voters in the country are already voting. Sadly we don’t have a Georgian passport or mobile phone, but we do have opinions on each of the five competing songs. So over the next week the Wiwi Jury — our in-house panel of musical unprofessionals — will review each of the five acts. We’re honest and uncensored, and we promise this hurts us more than it hurts you. Today we turn to Nina Sublatti and her song “Warrior”.


Reviews of Nina Sublatti’s “Warrior”

Angus: This feels a lot like “Tick Tock’ 1.0”: a lot of leather, bad diction and a sultry vocal. “Warrior” is underscored by dizzying production and is equal parts sassy and sexy. That said, it’s a little bit flat. The dubstep through the bridge and gurning really don’t do anything for me. This is better than the Shin by a long way but that doesn’t stop it being decidedly average.

Score: 6.5/10

Deban: By far the best effort from Georgia in recent years, I’m in love with Nina’s Gothic energy. She brings strong vocals and a fierce stage presence. This is haunting pop at its best! If Georgians want to feature on the left side of the scoreboard this year, then “Warrior” should be chosen as the song to represent them in Vienna.

Score: 8/10

Nina Sublatti 1Sami: There’s no way this song isn’t winning the selection, and I cannot resist it. The song is quite modern, fresh and Nina is just an amazing performer. She needs to hire a new hairdresser, a new designer and probably a new make-up artist, but other than that, this is the best choice for Georgia. I hope that after a few small changes it will do well in Vienna.

Score: 8/10

Francheska: “”Bring It On” (the cheerleader movie) meets attitude” is the best way to describe this song. Where Amber’s “Warrior” fails is where Nina’s “Warrior” thrives: in theatricality and personality. It is wonderful to hear! I’m ready to put this on my “In Case You Get Rejected By Your Top-Choice University” playlist, but before that, Nina should consider revamping the last half, which begins to sound a little one-note.

Score: 6/10

Liam: This beats Malta’s “Warrior” by miles. This song must win. It is probably the only song which could be taken anywhere in Vienna this May. The dubstep that comes in to play sounds like Anastasiya Petryk’s “Nebo”, just more upbeat, but hey, I liked that song, and I like this one too.

Score: 10/10

Patrick: We don’t need a “Warrior 2.0” in the contest! OMG how low can Georgia go? This is not Eurovision, this is Eurovision vampire edition! Nina is a beauty, no doubt, but she creeps me out. Even so, I love her blue eyes! She looks like the biggest Goth-queen in the history of ESC….but the song is not the best. Even if it is mystical, spooky, a bit modern and in some parts really something special, it’s not a winner. I’m sorry guys, but there is only room for one “Warrior” — and that’s the Maltese one!

Score: 4/10

nina sublatti eurovision georgia 2015

Ramadan: “Warrior” is definitely the best song in the Georgian selection for me. It’s modern and has got real potential. I feel like Nina has the best shot qualifying. It’s the best choice for Georgia. Nina needs to call on that Swedish team that re-cast “Tick Tock” and “Warrior” will be perfect.

Score: 6.5/10

Renske: I love Nina’s style so much! If this wins, it’s definitely the best song from Georgia in years. The song is very strong and totally fits Nina’s voice, style and performance. The sad point of it all is, of course, the title: “Warrior”. But if this song goes to Vienna, it will be one of my favourites and may achieve Georgia’s best result ever.

Score: 10/10

Robyn: As well as having a title in common with the Maltese song, this “Warrior” also sounds inspired by Sia’s bombastic pop style that’s been all over the charts in the last year. So let’s declare songs about strong-but-fragile women to be a thing for Eurovision 2015. Nina’s “Warrior” is easily the best of the five Georgian songs, it has the potential for good staging, and it’s the sort of song that I could actually expect to hear in the pop charts.

Score: 8/10

Nina Sublatt Eurovision Georgia 2015 Warrior 2

Sopon: First of all, is “Warrior” the new “Shine”? If this trend continues, we’re gonna have six more (mostly) mediocre songs named “Warrior” in the next few years! However, unlike Amber’s “Warrior”, Nina’s won’t be one of the mediocre ones. This tattooed tabby seems fiercer and stronger than the little Maltese kitty in every way: her song is much stronger and memorable, she makes the facial expressions of a true fighter, etc. Nina’s notes are spot on, although she could be less nasally on the “oooooooo”‘s. Also, loving the dubstep middle-8! A strong potential entry from Georgia.

Score: 9.5/10

William: If I ran into this Gothic diva in a dark alley, I’d give her all my money as long as she promised to sing to me. She’s got soulful vocals that work well with this song about female empowerment. Part Janis Joplin and part Elvira, she had me hooked within minutes. At the moment the bridge is pure filler — she sounds like a cat giving birth — but with some clever editing this could do very well at ESC.

Score: 9/10

Wiwi Jury Average: 7.77/10

Final rank: #1 of 5




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10 years ago

The best option for Georgia, great song, with amazing exotic vibes. Candidate to a top ten for sure, and the best song that we had ear so far this year.

10 years ago

Potential winner of the whole contest. Only song in all selection rounds I’ve seen so far that has me hooked with the exception of Walk Along which is so catchy
Georgia needs to send Nina!

10 years ago

“This is a hyper-evident” LOL

10 years ago

If I participated in the ESC, I would put on a much better song.

10 years ago

At the moment, only Macedonia has a chance for the top ten. The rest is tragic. This is a hyper-evident. How can you not see it? You have to be very sick.

10 years ago

Both “Warriors” are tragic. This is an obvious truth.

10 years ago

This Warrior is much better!

10 years ago

everyone,be calm! nina go gal,you r the best!

not everyone is an artist but everyone is a fucking critic!

10 years ago

Georgia always have so strange songs…. very aggressive songs….the only georgian entry that i have really liked is their 2007 entry

10 years ago

Malta’s Warrior is much better

10 years ago

My Top 6 (so far)

1. Malta
2. Netherlands
3. Georgia (only if they choose Nina)
4. Albania
5. Belarus
6. F.Y.R Macedonia

Pastora Soler haha!
Pastora Soler haha!
10 years ago

Of course she’s the best option for Georgia, and I have to admit that I’m starting to like the song ^^

Even more than Amber (Malta).

The sound in Georgia is horrible, but with a better stage it could be a hit.

10 years ago

Yawn! Xena Princess Warrior from years ago. Nina looks like someone attending Comicon. Musically, the song is unintersting. Lyrically, it is embarrassing.
I hope the Wiwi jury has got this one wrong too & Nina goes the Milki way.

10 years ago

This is the one. It has that hook and power despite possibly getting a bit repetitive.

Love the image, Love the beat. The bridge should be purely instrumental and with a more ethnic feel to it, the “ooooooooohhhh”ing takes away from it.

This song could also lend itself for the best staging. Dark and dangerous. With a revamp, I see Georgia getting out of its slump with their best song since 2011.

10 years ago

This is the only notable entry from the Georgian NFs and this one will definitely bring Georgia to the left side of the scoreboard if this is chosen to represent their country at thr Eurovision this year. In fact, it might just bring Georgia their first Eurovision victory!

If this does get revamped, I hope it will be for the better.

10 years ago

By and far Georgia’s best entry this year. The only one with the chance to reach the final.

nino merabishvili
nino merabishvili
10 years ago

this is the best song. I’m sure Nina will win! Nina… Nina…. Nina !!!

10 years ago

this is the only song in the georgian NF that would pass to the grand final

10 years ago

I don’t really like it, but if it wins it might grow on be until May…

Mario Esc Vision Of Gay Love
Mario Esc Vision Of Gay Love
10 years ago

Honestly this song really stands out by far even from the rest ones in Georgian NF… I really like it… <3 If this wins in 5 days it wil be my 2nd most favorite behind Malta's *Warrior*.. If Georgia selects Nina 4 Vienna has not only great chances of qualifying to the grand final but get there a very descent place with many points as well… Possibly even higher than their all time best spot that is 9th.. :)) Im only worrying about how Nina will manage to perform such difficult fast song that requires a lot vocally live on… Read more »

10 years ago

I watch ESC since 2010 and I think this will be the best georgian entry ever if this will win the national selection! I love this song because it sounds modern, the dubstep part is amazing and this song don’t sound like an typical ‘Eurovision’ song! I love both ‘Warrior’s! Maltas is great too! I think Maltas ‘Warrior’ is the best maltese entry ever!

10 years ago

She´s sexy, the song is quite good (at some parts a bit boring but maybe a revamp can cure it :p It´s a bit sad that there are two warriors now though (because I think it´s quite obvious that she´ll win the Georgian NF. If she doesn´t… *o*)

10 years ago

Malta’s warrior is far better then this

10 years ago

I like this warrior 1000000000% more than the Maltese one! 🙂

Dimitri from GEORGIA
Dimitri from GEORGIA
10 years ago

We (Georgians) actually think, that this girl has a really good ponential to represent us on Eurovision in Vienna. So some of this Jury comments and points don’t effect on us :)) we are voting crazy for her, to win the National Final.

10 years ago

I honestly don’t like it

Deven O'Kearney
Deven O'Kearney
10 years ago

I hope Georgia choose “Warrior” for Vienna. It is the shining diamond in Georgia’s selection process.

Good luck Georgia!!!!!!!!!!

10 years ago

It may be the best one of the five… but none of them sounds like a great song to me, not even this one. Unless they re-work their winning song and improve it greatly, I don’t have high hopes for Georgia this year.

10 years ago

Dramatic much from Patrick? Though, I agree the Maltese Warrior is my preferred one.

Although imagine if Georgia’s Warrior doesn’t pass the national selection? Let’s be real, most assumed Milki would win Belarus whether you liked the song or not.