When Bojana Stamenov released her Eurovision 2015 song “Ceo svet je moj” (The Whole World is Mine), the good people of Serbia could hear us screaming with joy in London. We loved the melody, the delivery, and the language, even if we couldn’t understand what she was saying. Since then Bojana and her composer have suggested that she may perform in English at Eurovision, and today OGAE Serbia unveiled the English-language version of her song. It’s called “Beauty Never Lies.”
Bojana Stamenov — Beauty Never Lies
Charlie Mason, the man behind Conchita Wurst’s ‘Rise Like a Phoenix’, crafted the text. As with the Serbian version, it tells the story of a woman who has to let down her walls to open herself to love. It’s like RuPaul says: If you can’t love yourself, how in the hell you gonna love somebody else?
In a shadowy world lived a dazzling girl
Unaware of the light she’d imprisoned inside.
Took a million mistakes to lead her to daybreak,
But she made it through, now I know the truth!
But which version is better for Eurovision?
We don’t know, y’all. We’ve heard Bojana sing the Serbian verison live and she had real soul. Until we hear her sing the English version live it’s hard to know. But based on the English recording, I definitely prefer her singing in her native tongue. It just feels more real. The English version feels somewhat sanitized and lacks the mystery of the original.
Do you want Bojana to sing the English version of the song? Or do you prefer the Serbian version, which you can listen to below? Listen to both of them and then vote in our poll! Serbia still has a week until it must submit its song, so let your voice be heard and help them make the best decision! You can only vote ONE time, so make it count!
You can also read the Beauty Never Lies lyrics below.
Beauty never lies lyrics — Bojana Stamenov
In a shadowy world lived a dazzling girl
Unaware of the light she’d imprisoned inside.
Took a million mistakes to lead her to daybreak,
But she made it through, now I know the truth!
Beauty never lies, never hides, never gives a damn!
Beauty never lies, no, it cries “Here I am!”
Finally I can say , yes, I’m diff’rent, and it’s okay!
Here I am!
Had to shatter the fears laughing in the mirror
Undermining me, now at last I see!
Beauty never lies, never hides, never gives a damn!
Beauty never lies, no, it cries “Here I am!”
Finally I can say , yes, I’m diff’rent, and it’s okay!
Here I am!
Beneath the veil of skin the heart’s entangled in,
Beauty’s embodied!
Beneath the mask of shame, my soul is set aflame!
Beauty never lies, never hides, never gives a damn!
Beauty never lies, no, it cries “Here I am!”
Finally I can say , yes, I’m diff’rent, and it’s okay!
Here I am! Here I am!
Serbian is better!!
Okay, after few listenings, here is my idea:
Serbian language, because it has more power than english one
Keep the arrangement of english one, because it’s better than the Serbian
And keep that “screaming” part from the english version 😀
Her English is quite good…but I don’t think it matters if she sings in English or not…
I hate when all the countries change their songs into English.
The melody is very “Serbian”. The ending sounds familiar. I don’t like the second part of the song (“techno” is just destroying the effect of the first part). The fact that it is sung in Serbian adds much to this entry. The Serbian language just sounds much better with such a Serbian melody than the English one. Without the second part and with the Serbian language I would maybe like this song, but for now I am indifferent.
I really hope she keeps it in Serbian! We need more native language songs in the contest again.
Btw this one is def one of my favourites, not because I’m from Montenegro, but srsly I love this 😀 And if they keep this arrangement and “screaming part” from the english version they could struggle to top 10
I’m from Montenegro, so I understand both original and these new lyrics. Honestly, I prefer english version because of the new arrangement they made, and that “screaming” part showcases her vocals more than it was in the serbian version. Don’t get me wrong, I always support the native language songs, but in this case I wouldn’t mind language, just keep this arrangement and the english version “screaming” part 😀
Honestly, I’d prefer Serbian over English!!! That’s all.
Serbian much more better <3
English version sounds cheap. It sounds li?e it could be written by a 5 year old. Serbian is more special.
I liked this song initially but It just sounds soo cheap ….. I can’t at people talking about it like it is a masterpiece !!!
very amateurish, she would have done better with a less tacky song
With the Romanian entry, I don’t mind what way they go, but for Serbia I’m all aboard ‘Ceo Svet Je Moj’ – I usually love at least hearing the English version or a mix of the two, but with this particular song, I think the original version is an absolute masterpiece. <3
I like the english version but the Serbian has the strenght the song needs, but we already know that foreign languages are not always so welcomed, but both versions are great, SErbia is one of my favorites
Though I’d prefer she sing in her native language, perhaps a mix of the both English and Serbian could work, as Spain and Poland did in 2014. Anyway, she’s not in my top 10, regardless, so I’m neutral.
I nearly 100% prefer countries to sing in their native languages…except in this case. I rated the original version as not qualifying but this one is way better in English. I’m shocked at the quality of her English. She’d definitely would qualify with the English version.
There is no way I would make every country sing in English.
Eurovision is about representing your country and part of that is language. If a country decided to sing in their own tougne that’s their decision to be proud of where they come from and who they are.
Not all songs translate into English properly.
Oh please keep the Serbian!! It is such a beautiful, special language and the Balkan countries/voters will love it as much as I do which will help you get to the final!! You’re definite qualifiers either way you choose but the Serbian has the edge! :))
serbian is the only way to go
come on, there’s only five or six songs that’ll definitely be sung in other languages so far:
France, Italy, Spain, Finland, Macedonia, and Portugal
Romania and Serbia are tentative
and possibly Austria, Montenegro, Norway or Sweden although those are extremely unlikely
embrace your local culture, Serbia! just because some people are too lazy to get subtitles doesn’t mean a switch to English is necessary.
English version is better
Serbian!!!!!! Mnogo ja?i utisak ostavlja! U engleskoj verziji uopste toliko ne dolazi do izražaja Bojanin glas jer više juri da dobro izgovori re?i,a mnogo mo?an glas i šteta da ne izvodi na srpskom!
I think that she won’t qualify with the Serbian version. Is she singing better in English than in Serbian?
Hmm, I quite like the English version. Im all for singing in your native language but she did a very good job in English.
Serbia will struggle to qualify with the Serbian version and with the English version they wouldn’t qualify at all.
Bojana’s english skills are impeccable and she would no doubt do the song justice, but my fear is that a song so clearly dealing with an issue of acceptance might be branded a rip off from Conchita. Not that Bojana shouldn’t convey her beautiful message, but if Serbia want to be a contender, they need to distinguish from last year,
Personally, I’d choose Serbian, but either language, I love Serbia 2015!
OMG Mario I love your comments so much!!
For Serbia, a combination would be nice.
1) To everyone ever complaining about not understanding the words, go to translation and voila… I don’t speak Portuguese, Romanian or French and I managed to translate the lyrics. You should do the same and stop complaining. 2). I think *most* songs sound better in the original language. It has nothing to do with it being the national language or not (if the accent is right). It has to do with lyrics. Most of the time, the lyrics are not exactly the same and it stop being the same song in the most detailed sense of the words. Songs are… Read more »
Serbian-language songs always sound great in Eurovision so normally I would say keep it in Serbian. In this case, Bojana also sings very well in English as well so the English version is not a disappointment. I think a mix would work just fine.
If i was the president of EBU Vision i would apply 4 a strict rule that i would demand in my precious Vision all the countries to sing exclusively ONLY in english! <3 😀
The songs sound much better in this language and i can understand what the words mean and everything! <3 🙂
They’re both great, but I prefer the Serbian version. I wouldn’t mind if she ended up doing a combination of Serbian and English for the contest.
4 me its all the way the ENGLISH version !<3 😀 I did not really like the non english version but now THIS *Beauty Never Lies*…?? I LIKE it! <3 😀 It sounds much much MUCH **{it gets}better!** when dear Bojana sings in english! <3 😀 Her voice has much more *Beauty* in the english version! <3 If the english version is used 4 the Diamond Vision then Serbia's song will go up higher on my top40 4 sure! <3 😀 Im a fan of Bojana and i care 4 her…:) I was very happy that she won in Serbian… Read more »
Although I’d love for Serbia to keep their record intact as the only country not to sing in English ever, I think a mix like Poland 2014 would be good. Before the bass drop should be in Serbian, and after should be in English.
Serbian all the way.
Doesn’t matter, it’s still rubbish.
I’d prefer it to be mixed both Serbian and English, best of both worlds,
I like both but I prefer the Serbian version. I do like the message in the English version’s chorus though.
Quite frankly, I like them both. I’m always a fan when acts give us both English and their native tongue a la Poland 2014, France 2001, FYR Macedonia 2007, etc.
I won’t mind what language it will be.