Lots of us were happily surprised when Iceland’s Maria Olafs announced that she was bringing Eurovision veteran Hera Björk with her to Vienna. But some fans weren’t so keen and openly criticized Hera for playing a supporting role. Today Hera rightfully brushed the hate aside in a Facebook post:

I’ve gotten a huge amount of messages where I’ve been asked why I was singing backings for Iceland in this year’s Eurovision Song Contest in Vienna – some of you seem to think that was inappropriate and strange, and some even used the term “beneath me”! An OK opinion but still so wrong and naive in my own opinion. To support and back up other people is NOT and NEVER WILL BE beneath me… And please hit me in the head with a soft hammer if you suspect me of thinking that highly of myself!

Hera Björk on the Red Carpet

She continued on this thought, letting her fans know that her role in the Icelandic delegation was as a mentor – singing with Maria was only a perk.

The reason I was there was to support this young amazing singer Maria, coach her, be a moral support and just to be there if needed in this stressful journey. To do so 100%, the only way is to accompany her to the stage and the BONUS was to get to sing with her while ON stage. The only ones with access to the singer after she/he leaves the dressing-room are those going on stage (in this case moi and my fellow backings) and the Head of Delegation, so everything is 100% thought of in a big, important project like this.

Maria Olafs on the Red Carpet

And she gave her haters a little schooling on what a good musician should do:

In my opinion, one of the most important things a musician can do is to step back, enjoy and watch other fellow musicians shine in the spotlight. It’s a beautiful thing and I’m forever grateful for getting the chance.

Hera Björk, we love you! We never doubted that your choice to back Maria was out of genuine kindness, and we don’t see this as a demotion at all. Je ne sais pas porquoi these haters would give such hateful comments, but keep shaking it off! You know best, Hera!

Read all of our Iceland Eurovision news here

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Felix Prochain
Felix Prochain
9 years ago

I still remember her performance at ESC 2010. It was.. magical.
Hera <3

9 years ago

she didnt do a great job mentoring seeing that they didnt even qualify. just sayin.

9 years ago

What a professional. I love her so much.

9 years ago

Come back Hera!!!!! <3 We love you!!

9 years ago

“Je ne sais quoi”

9 years ago

Cuanto me alegra que mi niño…AMOR,buelva a ser el mismo de siempre.AGAPIMU

9 years ago

“Sandwich” by Michael B. Tretow
Backing vocals and instrumentation by ABBA.

Mario I Am Summer ~ My Summer Vision of Gay Love ~ Feel The Gay Love
Mario I Am Summer ~ My Summer Vision of Gay Love ~ Feel The Gay Love
9 years ago

Well yeah…Even if how many fans of Hera thought that they treated her poorly with not having her on side of Maria as co singer or feat vocalist it doesn’t matter.. Hera was in Vienna to support Maria & not steal the show from her.. Iceland’s main act in the Vision of Vienna was just only Maria Olafs…Hera & Selma were just her support back up crew & nothing more like co singers on stage.. I adore Hera & she is just only the selective few acts of EuroVision that i feel such sympathy but i understood from the start… Read more »