BBC Radio 1 DJ Scott Mills claims that Robbie Williams is “considering” the option of singing at the Eurovision Song Contest on behalf of the UK.
Mills, who presents the Eurovision semi-finals for the BBC, made the claim in an interview with British tabloid The Sun.
“I asked Robbie not so long ago if he’d do it and he said he was considering it,” he is quoted as saying.
“He is a fan and I don’t think he was joking. He’d be awesome as he’s an amazing performer.”
Williams — who rose to fame as part of Take That in the early 90s — has 18 Brit Awards to his name, and has sold nearly 20 million albums as a solo performer.
The “Feel” hitmaker has spoken publicly about Eurovision in the past.
In March 2017, during an appearance on the Russian chat show “Let them talk”, he revealed that he was so impressed with Sergey Lazarev’s Eurovision show the previous year that he’d love to borrow elements for his own tour. He even joked that he’d sing for Russia if given the chance.
“I love Eurovision,” he said. “Everything is so colourful, a grand show. I would like to represent Russia at the Eurovision Song Contest….come on, Russia, we can win.”
Mills believes an artist like Williams could help pave the way for other stars to enter on behalf of the UK.
“All it would take is for one big performer or person like him for other stars to go, ‘OK, I’m doing it’ to immediately change the perception of Eurovision.”
“If everyone saw Eurovision in the way that countries like Sweden and the Scandinavian artists do, then big artists will go, ‘Actually, it’s not a shameful thing to be part of’.
“We could win in the future – it just needs a slight mindset change, which I think is happening but it could still take a while.”
Would you like to see Robbie at Eurovision? Do you think the BBC would consider him if he were interested? Or would you prefer James Blunt? Let us know down below…
I’m interested! From my limited, Anglophile American perspective, he can be kind of a goofball sometimes (the only song I’m very familiar with by him is Party Like a Russian – how very Eurovision) I think he’s a big enough name that the BBC would pay attention to what song he gets.
It would be great to see the UK coming to win for a change
The UK can win it anytime, with any artist and any song it wants. After all, the UK owns this whole thing and won it five times, but it is letting others to enjoy the moment as well.
Robbie Williams was doing quite well here in the USA for a brief period, until his “Rock DJ” video came out. Almost overnight, he disappeared from the American music scene.
People here just didn’t like that video.
I liked the song but the video was disturbing and just gross.
Scott, it would be just as good for the contest if a few of the songs from it were playlisted on your station every year. But they won’t be, will they? Because they are “Eurovision” and your bosses are as quick to dismiss them as you are to make your lame jokes at postcard time in the semi-finals.
As long as songwriters can still enter songs into the contest, this could be a good idea.
20 years since they won, and counting…
I’m not sure how well Robbie would do, it all depends on the song, but at the very least it would bring some attention to the contest and grab some headlines. I imagine BBC would get great ratings, if not necessarily a great result. He could easily make Top 10, though…and it might make other big names consider it.
I’m in!
If it does happen please focus on the song,not just the hope that it’s Robbie Williams. The problem that the Uk in recent years has had is sending rather bland and generic songs, the performers although not well known have been pretty decent.If he swaggers along with some mediocre song dont think it will end well. Never been a huge fan of his but Robbies peak as an artist is long past, the beginning of the end was when he started bloody rapping. Plus most of his recent stuff hasn’t been great.
Let the UK has-beens come to get A Bonnie Tyler welcome lol.
It doesn’t matter who the country sends but the quality and also originality of the song- get better songwriters/producers! Asanda’s song was so cheap the ‘snare’ buildup to the drop was the default ‘clap’ sound in fl studio >:( and everyone agrees if surie was given a better song she would totally kill it
We need to keep these big names away for now and just focus on repairing the ESC image in the UK. We need to attract acclaimed songwriters to send their songs to You Decide.
As much as I like(d) Robbie he is way past his prime. Most of his later stuff is meh. He is not the himaker he used to be. If he gets chosen which is very unlikely, it would be Bonnie Tyler result all over again: Sending someone who used to rule the world thinking fans will support. Not sure if it would work!
Now had it been 2002 when Robbie was in his prime..
He may have a point about sending top artists. Since returning to Eurovision in 2011, Italy has sent 8 established artists and have 6 top 10 placements.
Weren’t most of the Italian artists still in their prime? Robbie is almost a has-been.
The thing about Williams is that he is either completely brilliant or completely awful depending on the song. Not much in between anymore.
He could get Luisa Sobral or Alexander Rybak (or a collaboration, maybe) to write him a pop standard song and do well – he’s had a couple of great standards albums – but I think it is too soon for that style to win again.
(Yeah, yeah laugh at Rybak, but he has written some good standards)
Ok, now we’ll get into the “rumours” time
Using the media and the Eurovision headlines – created by SuRie.
Someone should tell hom to listen and learn to ”love, love, peace, peace” whith Petra and Måns. And add an animal as a methafore.
How long has he been in the business? 25 years? 30 years?? His mojo is on its way to failing.
If I were the U.K., I’d get someone who hasn’t been in the business that long (5 or 6 years is enough) and/or doesn’t have a resume that extensive.
I want Jessie J but out of her known genre and doing an epic power ballad instead. Amazing voice, amazing stage presence. Just need the right song for her.
Dua Lipa?
Dua lipa is too fresh for eurovision, and can’t see the juries reacting well to her monotone style which is what all the pop stars of today sound like.
Interesting fact of the day, black skull (dan shipman) who designed Lucie jones and SuRie’s ev staging also work alot with Dua!
Please god no. Not Robbie. Don’t get me wrong, I’m a one time Robbie Fan, he’s a great entertainer. Angels is one of the best songs ever written. The albums Life thru a lens, Escapeolgy and Swing when you’re winning, still get occasional plays on my cd player. But everything he’s released since 2004 has been bloody awful. And let’s not mention the fact that he can not sing. I’ve never seen him perform one song all the way through where he doesn’t look uncomfortable on stage or gets the audience to sing along to the high notes, just like… Read more »
This is so painfull to read. They still havent realised that they need a good song as those who top the uk charts, not something specifically writen for eurovision because it sounds cheap (hello electrovelvet). Robbie is a good idea but without a good song he will flop. This is not a personality contest, they still havent realised that….
He cannot sing live. It would be disastrous.
He is the greatest male british artist…give me a break…
I thought it was Cliff Richard.
Oh, if every Country sends their celebrities I’m suggesting Rammstein for my home Country Germany, how about that lol
I support this. They get all my money
The UK have got a golden opportunity to possibly win the contest if they accept the offer of Robbie Williams or James Blunt. If they carry on with You Decide with public submissions, it just shows that the BBC doesn’t care about Eurovision.
Did Guy Freeman downvote my comment LOL?!
He’s left the BBC. Though to be fair, one of the points he made was that it was next to impossible to find an established star who would be free for the lengthy rehearsal period.
Yes, because sending has-beens to Eurovision always results in victory…
Why are they hyping British fans hopes?
This is just mean, when they will send the most uninspiring artist with a song no one even in the UK would download
Bring Adele and close the contest!
Now we just need Kate Bush to throw her hat into the ring!
Yeah, Kate Bush would be amazing!
Anyone who makes money from touring will not be giving up their time to do the ESC preparations (probably about a month at least) unless they get paid highly by the broadcaster- not a chance in Robbie’s case.
Although it’s too good to be true, I would really like to see either James or Robbie with some hit in their style on the ESC stage. C’mon, UK! I want to root for you at least once!
Looks like 2019s UK preselection will be more interesting than BRIT Awards!
NO. We’ll get another nonames with nosongs.
Robbie Williams is a fantastic artist too. But even if I’m sure he could bring something original and classy to the contest, I’m not sure that mentally he would be able to handle the stress of a competition. It ‘s not a mystery that he has gone through some personal problems about it.
Oh please. First Blunt, now Williams? Just send a local unknown like every year and call it a day. Because the hype will die out before it even begins. Only a week has passed and they are already making surreal plans.
Imagine a James Blunt/Robbie duet!
imagine that irish dance by these two!
A national final with the likes of Blunt and Williams would get the U.K. close to a U.K.-level Melidifestivalen. I actually think the BBC would be smart to secure Christer Bjorkman to get something like that of the ground and get a huge television franchise now that ITV stole The Voice from them