Albina Croatia Eurovision 2021 Tick Tock

Another Eurovision favourites poll, another new favourite. As we close our fourth “who is your favourite Eurovision 2021 act so far?” survey of the season, we can reveal that our readers have a fresh number one — Croatia’s Albina with “Tick-Tock”.

Poll results: Albina is your favourite Eurovision 2021 act so far (16 February)

Since Sunday, 7,906 votes were cast in our poll. Of these, 29.84% went to the newly-crowned Dora championThat amounts to a grand total of 2,359 votes for the “Tick-Tock” popstar.

Lithuania’s The Roop remain comfy at two. The “Discoteque” bop-makers picked up 1,852 votes or 23.43% of all votes cast.

Last week’s poll toppers Go_A come in at third with “SHUM”. The Ukrainians took 1,497 votes or 18.93% of all votes cast.

France’s Barbara Pravi and Israel’s Eden Alene complete the top five. Thankfully, this isn’t a battle royale. All six acts will return to the ring once again when we relaunch the poll after Czech Republic’s Benny Cristo unveils his 2021 entry on Tuesday evening.

Your Eurovision 2021 favourites

16 February (6 acts)

  1. Croatia: Albina “Tick-Tock” 29.84% (2,359 votes)
  2. Lithuania: The Roop “Discoteque” 23.43% (1,852 votes)
  3. Ukraine: Go_A “SHUM” 18.93% (1,497 votes)
  4. France: Barbara Pravi “Voila” 18.86% (1,491 votes)
  5. Israel: Eden Alene “Set Me Free” 6.03% (477 votes)
  6. Albania: Anxhela Peristeri “Karma” 2.91% (230 votes)

Total Votes: 7,906

13 February (5 acts)

  1. Ukraine: Go_A “SHUM” 36.65% (2,873 votes)
  2. Lithuania: The Roop “Discoteque” 30.02% (2,353 votes)
  3. France: Barbara Pravi “Voila” 22.92% (1,797 votes)
  4. Israel: Eden Alene “Set Me Free” 7.05% (553 votes)
  5. Albania: Anxhela Peristeri “Karma” 3.36% (263 votes)

Total Votes: 7,839

6 February (3 acts)

  1. France: Barbara Pravi “Voila” 67.69%  (1,923 votes)
  2. Israel: Eden Alene “Set Me Free” 21.79%  (619 votes)
  3. Albania: Anxhela Peristeri “Karma” 10.52%  (299 votes)

Total Votes: 2,841

30 January (2 acts)

  1. Israel: Eden Alene “Set Me Free” 62.48% (1,372 votes)
  2. Albania: Anxhela Peristeri “Karma” 37.52% (824 votes)

Total Votes: 2,196

What do you think of the current standings? Does Croatia deserve to be at number one? Let us know below.

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4 years ago

The Croatian song is pretty catchy. She’s just the wrong singer for it. She struggles with some of the notes.

Leo Gaylord
Leo Gaylord
4 years ago
Reply to  gilpgilpgilp

Croatia’s entry is a perfect package and has “the winner” written all over it! Albina is gorgeous and talented! Simply lovable!

4 years ago

For now Croatia and France, I dont like Lithuania and Ukraine, overrated, nothing special and woow for me, sorry.

4 years ago

Croatia beating Lithuania at the moment.. Now there’s a shocker!

Leo Gaylord
Leo Gaylord
4 years ago
Reply to  Stephanie

It is actually a very pleasant surprise – Croatia’s stunning!

4 years ago


Polegend Godgarina
Polegend Godgarina
4 years ago

pls this 2017’d song isn’t gonna make it past the semi finals

4 years ago

Couldn’t agree more people are over hyping this to the moon and back! Let’s not get started on the garbage live vocals haha.

4 years ago

Roko’s army is back lmao.

4 years ago

Everyone is sleeping on Israel

4 years ago


Last edited 4 years ago by Grft
4 years ago

I totally agree, Croatian song is a bop!

4 years ago

what ???? no….

4 years ago

Was this poll bombarded with fake votes lol, it’s crap! She cannot sing live her vocals sound like she’s on a waltzer all over the place!

4 years ago

Will this poll be reopened soon to include Czech Republic?

4 years ago

I actually think Croatia could do really well this year. It is catchy, memorable, makes people dance and is a bop. Over on the official YouTube channel people love it. This is for me the best Croatian entry since Danijela in 1998

4 years ago
Reply to  Denis

I think your entry last year would’ve stayed behind the semi finals. Tick-tock might actually give you a fighting chance to be in the final this year. I hope you guys do well. Overall the 2010s were a terrible decade for Croatia, apart from your qualifications in 2016 and 2017. Let’s hope this new decade can Bring about a comeback for Croatia

4 years ago
Reply to  BadWoolfGirl

I actually am Swedish but born in Ex-Yu, so I get why your reply:)
And I agree! Last year Damir was great but he needed a better song! Overall I think Croatia needed better songs..

4 years ago
Reply to  Denis

So you’re swedish but born in Ex-Yu? It sounds to me like you’re bosnian from your name.

4 years ago
Reply to  Denis

I find I am becoming addicted to this track. First I thought borderline qualifier, then qualifier, now query Zagreb 2022? This happens to me every year I just seem to lose perspective and my first reaction turns out the correct one. Anyone else experience this? Another example of reading something completely wrong was Telemoveis sadly.

4 years ago
Reply to  Jofty

I don’t wanna make any predictions for winners of qualifiers until all the songs are out, but I do hope Croatia at least gets a chance to qualify this year. I’m not sure the song can break the top 10, or least pass fourth place which is currently Croatia’s highest placing, but we’ll see.

We can all be very wrong in our predictions. Songs we thought were going to qualify and win but end up flopping in semi finals while songs we completely overlooked could win the whole shebang. You never really know until the show happens

Last edited 4 years ago by BadWoolfGirl
4 years ago
Reply to  BadWoolfGirl

Soo true. I completely overlooked Wild Dances in 2014. And I changed my mind about In The Disco after I had seen the live performance.

4 years ago
Reply to  Jofty

I got the 2017 eurovision completely wrong. I thought Italy or Belgium would win the whole shebang, but I didn’t think Portugal would even qualify much less win. I knew Bulgaria was going to reach the top three, but I thought he would be in third place. Another example, while it was probably obvious that Israel was going to win 2018, Would you have guessed that Cyprus was going to take the silver metal? I didn’t, and hey, it’s nice that that’s their highest place. And don’t get me started on all the songs that I was wrong about qualifying… Read more »

4 years ago
Reply to  BadWoolfGirl

Ha yes. I thought Italy only had to turn up to win in 2017. I thought Belgium would be second. Moldova? I did not see that coming. I did expect Cyprus to do well in 2018. I understand what you say about hearing all the songs before predicting, however, I think we can make temporary conclusions based on past experience. I think Albania and Israel will struggle to qualify. And France as likely to finish last as first.

Polegend Godgarina
Polegend Godgarina
4 years ago
Reply to  Denis

better than marija magdalena ? no one’s takin u seriously hun

4 years ago

Not saying this will reach top 5 but it should do better than recent Croatian entries who all reached nothing. And yes, no song since 1998 has been this good

4 years ago

Sure Jan
Let’s not forget that Roko was also first in this poll lol

4 years ago

Remember how Amaia and Alfred constantly topped this poll here? LOL

4 years ago
Reply to  T.J.

As a spanish girl, I have to say that we love free polls and votes… but I didn’t vote for “Tu canción” ever. Promise.

Tom Ripley
Tom Ripley
4 years ago

The commenting / discussion below is pointless as shown resaults are not results of wiwibloggs readers or people who registered of the blog and constantly partipate in the chat/poll. Everyone can pop up on this page link and give vote especially if the artiat share the link on their social media account. Yes, Croatia is new entry and Croats are happy about their song and it’s not big surprise Albina end up on first position at this moment. I am from Croatia and personally the best song to me (out of this 6) is France. But, if you mention Croatia… Read more »

4 years ago
Reply to  Tom Ripley

Very well put, especially about winning. To me The roop has won already – their streaming numbers show.

4 years ago
Reply to  Jenny

Just like how Occidentali’s Karma did in 2017? Don’t get me wrong, Discoteque is great, but it is definitely not a winner. Most likely Lithuania will end up being 6th this year just like Italy in 2017.

4 years ago
Reply to  Marc

I really like this! I think it grows with each listen.

4 years ago
Reply to  Marc

On first listen it’s a definite NO from me..

4 years ago

Interesting to know what percent of the votes were cast from Croatia

Tom Ripley
Tom Ripley
4 years ago
Reply to  Anhel

Or you want to say that this around 300 votes for Albania is only from Albanians? – considering that Albania is the last on the polls from beginning?

4 years ago

I bet this is going to be a constant thing for the next few weeks. The newest song release will book at the top spot because it’s a freshest and newest of the bunch. I wonder where Benny cristo’s new song will land.

4 years ago

I am Croatian. My top is:
3./4. France or Croatia

I think Croatia has cool song but it is not better than Ukraina and Lithuania.

4 years ago


Stian F
Stian F
4 years ago

Croatia and Albania last so far…. The other 4 are superior to them!!!

Tom Ripley
Tom Ripley
4 years ago
Reply to  Stian F

Why Ukraine is superior to Albania for an example? Or why Isreal is superior over Croatia? Is the France superior over Lithuania or you still cant say ?! Superior as a word doesnt sound so cool, especially after 3 !!! in your sentence! Maybe, instead telling which song is not on your SUPERIOR level, try to understand what you write its not a fact!

4 years ago

Crotians hacking this wiwibloggs poll

4 years ago

the song is not appalling but it lacks the spark

4 years ago

These wiwibloggs polls turn out to have the weirdest results sometimes. Croatia is my dead last so far. I guess it’s more generic compared to some left-field acts like Ukraine and Lithuania or compared to a classical French chanson that are either your taste or not so that’s why she’s considered the best? That or because she’s the newest entry…

4 years ago
Reply to  EProduc

Think it’s likely the latter and the fact that I think Croatian fans are very excited they have a good entry for once at Eurovision. I can’t blame them for it.

4 years ago
Reply to  EProduc

Different and unique doesn’t always translate to a great result in Eurovision, though. The most notable example is Telemoveis. Sometimes, when a country is more courageous and takes a bigger risk, the risk doesn’t pay off. Furthermore, let’s not act like Fuego was something we’d never heard before. Or Heroes, one of the most generic pop winners ever, if you ask me. There’s a huge audience for Albina’s pop song type, while Ukraine is targeting a narrower audience that is rewarding ethno elements in ESC entries. Ukraine’s song is not everyone’s cup of tea and that should be taken into… Read more »

Last edited 4 years ago by Euterpa
4 years ago

lol for Ukraine and Lithuania being that high.

France is the best so far. Croatia is a grower and a pleasant surprise, dark horse.

Ukraine will most likely miss the final but yes it’s too early to tell.

Dark horse
Dark horse
4 years ago
Reply to  Alex

Croatia is a dead horse

4 years ago

i voted for croatia. albina will qualify mark my words

4 years ago

Croatia and France are absolutely great. My favorites so far, feel like it might stay that way. Honestly I like all of these songs but Ukraine. I just can’t listen to that high pitched screaming.

4 years ago

The Croatian song is good, but the best? No!

4 years ago

not mine