Last weekend’s Super Saturday brought seven new acts to the Eurovision 2023 party. Before we add a couple more to the line-up this weekend, it’s time to have a look at who is an early favourite.
We set up a poll at the start of the week asking you to name your top picks from the 15 acts chosen so far.
There was a staggering 31,437 votes submitted. After checking and verifying, we can now reveal the results…
Croatia’s Let 3 are a favourite in Eurovision 2023 so far
Get your tractors ready! Topping the poll by a massive margin are Croatia’s Let 3. Their song “Mama ŠČ!” received 16,974 votes, which is over half of all those cast.
The song has been somewhat divisive among the Eurovision fandom. But for those in Croatia, it has renewed the country’s spirit for the song contest. Since their victory at Dora 2023 last Saturday, Let 3 have been on everyone’s minds. And with a little local promotion of this poll, we’ve seen 15,276 votes submitted from Croatia alone (compared to the next highest of 2,100 from Slovenia, 1,794 from USA, 1,642 from UK and 1,297 from Germany).
Ultimately, it will be the rest of Europe (and Australia) who will be the judges at Eurovision. But for now, Croatia is ready to get behind its act.
In second place, we have a riser. Slovenia’s Joker Out were fourth in our previous poll but have now jumped up two places to achieve the silver medal. “Carpe Diem” earned 2,899 votes — that’s 9.22%.
Only the second Slovenian Eurovision act to be internally selected (third if you count Ana Soklič’s return after the cancellation), it seems RTVSLO have made a good choice from your point of view.
The final podium spot goes to the winner of our previous poll. Norway’s Alessandra remains a strong fan favourite with her regal track “Queen of Kings”.
Alessandra was awarded 2,521 votes in the poll, which is 8.02% of the total.
Results: Who is your favourite Eurovision 2023 act so far?
18 February (15 acts)
- Croatia: Let 3 – “Mama ŠČ!” | 53.99%, 16,974 votes
- Slovenia: Joker Out – “Carpe Diem” | 9.22%, 2,899 votes
- Norway: Alessandra – “Queen of Kings” | 8.02%, 2,521 votes
- Spain: Blanca Paloma – “Eaea” | 5.74%, 1,805 votes
- Italy: Marco Mengoni – “Due Vite” | 5.49%, 1,726 votes
- Czech Republic: Vesna – “My Sister’s Crown” | 4.98%, 1,567 votes
- Estonia: ALIKA – “Bridges | 2.12%, 667 votes
- Albania: Albina & Familja Kelmendi – “Duje” | 1.69%, 532 votes
- Malta: The Busker – “Dance (Our Own Party)” | 1.67%, 525 votes
- Denmark: Reiley – “Breaking My Heart” | 1.49%, 468 votes
- Latvia: Sudden Lights – “Aijā” | 1.48%, 466 votes
- Ireland: Wild Youth – “We Are One” | 1.12%, 352 votes
- Belgium: Gustaph – “Because of You” | 1.11%, 350 votes
- Ukraine: TVORCHI – “Heart of Steel” | 1.05%, 330 votes
- Romania: Theodor Andrei – “D.G.T. (Off and On)” | 0.81%, 255 votes
Total Votes: 31,437
@wiwibloggs_official Helped by a little local promotion 😅 Detailed results at #Eurovision #ESC2023 #Let3 #MamaŠČ ♬ Mama ŠČ! – Let 3
11 February (8 acts)
- Norway: Alessandra — “Queen of Kings” | 26.79%, 1,954 votes
- Spain: Blanca Paloma — “Eaea” | 22.47%, 1,639 votes
- Czech Republic: VESNA — “My Sister’s Crown” | 18.77%, 1,369 votes
- Slovenia: Joker Out — “Carpe Diem” | 15.36%, 1,120 votes
- Ireland: Wild Youth — “We Are One” | 5.94%, 433 votes
- Belgium: Gustaph — “Because of You” | 4.70%, 343 votes
- Ukraine: TVORCHI – “Heart of Steel” | 3.04%, 222 votes
- Albania: Albina & Familja Klemendi – “Duje” | 2.93%, 214 votes
Total Votes: 7,294
29 January (3 acts)
- Belgium: Gustaph – “Because of You” | 38.68%, 957 votes
- Ukraine: TVORCHI – “Heart of Steel” | 35.81%, 886 votes
- Albania: Albina & Familja Kelmendi – “Duje” | 25.51%, 631 votes
Total Votes: 2,474
17 January (2 acts)
- Ukraine: TVORCHI – “Heart of Steel” | 53.18%, 1,253 votes
- Albania: Albina & Familja Kelmendi – “Duje” | 46.82%, 1,103 votes
Total Votes: 2,356
Do you agree with the results? Are Let 3 one of your top entries of Eurovision 2023 so far? Let us know in the comments below.
Votes have already said it all,
LET 3 is the BEST! They are unique and amazing artists, I am proud of them when I see children and adults singing their song throughout Croatia! Only they can do that and I can’t wait Eurovision to see them there!
Show must go on! 🙂
We are working on performance.
I’m from Croatia… They are not the favorites… They have bought bots for these polls, everything you guys say is true, they do the same things here in Croatia, the guitarist of the band is the chief of HGU, the government financed, main music institution, they are Croatia’s music mafia. Their connections go soo deep into the croatia music infrastructure, that it was impossible that anyone else would even be sent to eurosong once they applied. And nobody in Croatia’s music scene, has any courage to stand up to them.
It’s obvious that you watch too many science fiction movies, so you spread nonsense and lies. I wonder what kind of spineless person is hiding behind these disgusting lies. It’s one thing to dislike something, and another to tell a heinous lie.
Well,I’m from Osijek,Croatia. this band is just like that. either they like They have their fans,for years. I don’t know a single song of theirs, but even last year I said that they should apply because everyone in Croatia is sick of the ballads that we sent to the competition. Papap is lying,
If your whole music industry is rather boring ballads or THAT, then maybe you should take a little break from the contest until your artists discover the hundreds of other music genres.
We have a lot of high-quality performers, but none of them apply for the competition because their vocal abilities have not been valued at all, for years, and that’s why I’m very glad that you all hear and see Let 3
Damir, Albina and Mia didn’t sing ballads. They were all super songs which would have been worthy finalists.
And how did they do in the competition? They did not stand out in any way
are you okay dude? what mafia? we ain’t talking here about AP 🙂
Papap. Your comment is just sad!
Sorry guy, but you really haver no clue how many fans do Let 3 have – not just in Croatia, but in the whole former Yugoslava. I personally listen to them almost 30 years and have never watched the Eurosong or Dora like most of their fans before.
This other nonsense about ”mafia” it’s really hard to comment. You may hate them like many people in Croatia do but to post such a silly statement is incredible..I haven’t seen such a funny comment for a long time.
For the first time in my life, I watched Dora, from the beginning to the very end. For the first time in my life, I voted. Let 3 got my vote because they are extremely special. When they performed the song again after announcing the winner, the cameraman fell, I thought, this is a sign, we will do well at the Eurovision Song Contest ?
Im sorry but nobody from Croatia would never ever think noting similar what you just written here. Your not Croatian 100%
Honey, no, you’re not from Croatia! Thank you for you keen interest in our entry – I do believe that LET 3 is a dark horse this year! Vote Croatia so that we can organize the first outdoor ESC in the Arena amphitheater of Pula situated by the seashore. IL DIVO – Hallelujah (Alelujah) (Live Video) – YouTube (Pula Croatia)
Daj ne lazi , vec su bili na Dori prije i nisu pobijedili( objasni to). Kakvi botovi. Pjesma im je najslusanija na Eurovision youtube kanalu, a to sto si ti prikriveni Srbin i sto Srbima smeta istina je druga strana price. Zapamtite jednom zauvijek na kraju DOBRO uvijek pobijedi Zlo. Š?
Mama SC is clearly the song that is polarizing people. You love it, or you hate it. This comments are a proof to that. However, this love or hate emotions might be better for a song than that fans just don’t care.
I love it, making fun of Lukashenko who pretends he is not involved in the invasion against ukraine but still being openly besties with Putin, gifting him a tractor for 70th birthday
Eurosong 2023 should belong to Croatia. Eurivision has never seen such genius in performance, melodic singing, textual simplicity, with an incredibly deep pacifist message. I’m from the Netherlands, but I don’t mind saying loud and clear that Mama Š? by Let3 is a masterpiece.
Let 3 and Croatians hijacked the poll!?
It is so cute to see so many people with tiny brains not understanding this masterpiece. There is not a single detail or a single word in the song without a double or triple meaning. Hate it haters. Europe is gonna eat it.
Everyone understands this song’s ultimate message: we shouldn’t bully other people. And that’s exactly what you are doing here: bullying and insulting others on the grounds of different preferences in music. 12 points for decoding and execution of Mama Š?’s message
What a horrible comment. Yeah, people who don’t like this “song” (?) are obviously stupid. Respecting other people’s opinions?
bro said “it is so cute” and thought he ate? you’re so quirky and goofy
I understand it. I don’t hate it. But I’m sure it won’t win, and it may not qualify.
Let3 is Amazing, BRAVO TOP
Well the dislike tsunami in the comment section only prove one thing, depressed people with no life.
Those Croatian trolls needs to be stopped.
Croatian bots going in hard, pathetic this song is trash!
No bots, just Croatian people who like their country and their entry.
I would rather say that your bad taste in music is trash and that you are now crying and moaning because your Eurovision number 1, fortunately, is not the first.
I literally do not understand what you are all so mad and pressed about…It’s just a silly poll for fun. They happen every year and the results never match the publics opinions before the actual show. So relax a little bit and have fun, it’s okay to have different opinions 🙂
Es aquí cuando está Encuenta pierde credibilidad este año
And now its hoy this Dinámica donde hace a credibilidad this year
If this is not a rigged poll and truly what Europe likes I weep.
And yes we get the message, it’s quite obvious. I’m also finding politically themed songs tiresome. We’ve already had one politically charged contest we don’t need more. We need a fun contest for a change. Yes Czech Republic I’m also referring to you (though the song is decent to be fair).
Gurl sit down.
Your taste isn’t better than anyone else’s here and you weren’t born better. And this is hardly the first time when you had a song like this is this competition. And this poll has nothing to do with the fact that Croatia picked this song so no point complaining the fact that it was chosen here.
Clearly what “you” want isn’t what “we” want.
Weep quietly.
Rigged or trolls, that’s it.
People talk about Croatia’s entry as something that “people struggle to understand”. No we don’t, we seen this kind of novelty cr*p over and over in the contest for many years. Guys in dresses singing about a nuclear war is actually pretty boring if you consider what we seen in the early 2000s for example. We are not amazed or shocked by that, we are actually bored.
and still you didn’t get the point 🙂
Sister if you try to look past the ”guys in dress” you might learn something and undertand it. But don’t hurt your little brain.
An average ESC viewer will not do a research about the many double and triple meanings of this “secretly genius” entry. The average ESC viewer will see a bunch of old clowns in ugly dresses mumbling something in a foreign language. That’s it, quit being a delusional !d*ot and accept this very simple fact.
Ana we know you are from Serbia.
Well said, if people think this is cutting edge they need to get out of their goldfish bowl.
what the actual F! I did not see any top out there having them even in the top 12!!!! this definitly done for the laugh!!!
It is just the most watched and most commented Euvrovision video on Youtube babe
I be scary for Croatiens song. Its the worst EVER. The only song so far is Denmark, a real song. The rest is crap
Yeah, with that autotune, I’m sure It’s a real song???????
I know Croatians hacked the poll, but the song is good and they were great live, so I can see it in the final this year 😉
Torino 2022 vs Liverpool 2023 so far These countries had a better entry for Torino 2022, random order: Italy, Ukraine, Estonia, Belgium, Romania, Albania, Ireland, Lithuania (Monika Liu is miles ahead of anything from their 2023 selection) and Slovenia (I don’t mind Joker Out either but their song just sounds more “predictable” to me) These countries have a better entry for Liverpool 2023, random order: Spain, Croatia, Latvia, Malta, Norway, Denmark and the Czech Republic Actually quite close so far, only 9-7 for Torino, but this is obviously not the best way to compare them at all, since for some… Read more »
Eaea better than Slomo!? The Chanel stans won’t be happy…
EaEa obviously light years ahead of the SloMo dance routine, it’s actually my favorite Spanish entry of all time along with ’83’s Remedios Amaya.
It’s a big love indeed, I don’t share it but I respect
It’s always nice to see a country excited about their act and to see all the support too! Now as it was said in the post, it’s Europe, Australia and people from all over the world too this year who will judge in May so we will see.
It’s so out the box that it will stand out hugely, it can helps.
To all the haters of the Croatian song: cope harder.
I band dressed like a certain 20th Century dictator in brightly coloured skirts and stilettos will not go down well with the pan European audience, and we are not talking about Stalin here. The lead singer looks like someone else who was responsible for millions of deaths 80 years ago. Bad taste and it will not get my vote. As for the song, well 30 seconds is what one can endure.
Song is not far from their usual material. It’s not supposed to be understood and I see many react in a way to try and understand, which is anti music. Songs are always fun and aim at a state of mind where you are free from conceptions, because that is what enslaves the mind. This is true Rock. My personal favoutite is song “Kontinentio”. One could conclude it aims at the subject of overpopulation: “Who knows where the 7th continent is hiding?”.
I think these polls really just reflect what stands out among “what’s new.” I doubt the fandom for Norway and Spain will show up every single time a new song is released just to vote again. Its just a silly poll, relax guys.
Well… Anyways up to now and after warming up to the songs we already have, I have to rank Italy first (I hope he doesn’t change the song it’s lovely), Estonia second (I might have preferred Ollie to win but Alika’s song has grown on me a lot, she has an amazing song and the song builds beautifully until the climax. I also started to like her theatrical interpretation). Slovenia is third as they offer a fun kinda Britpop song and Spain is 4th with its traditional electro fused song and beautiful red scenography. The rest of the songs don’t… Read more »
Last rumors are that Marco Mengoni will change the song to a more uptempo and he will sing with Elodie.
I liked Elodie’s Sanremo songs a lot but I am not sure if I would like an uptempo Mengoni song. We will have to wait and see of course. Due Vite is great.
The reality is there is no beating Spain. The song, vocals and performance are the best I have ever seen in Eurovision. It’s spectacular and will win for definite
Ukraine second to last and still will finish ahead of all these 14.
You gotta be kidding.
No kidding
Little tips for you people 🙂 stop commenting about these polls and don’t bother to vote in the future. Giving attention to it equals giving credits. That’s all for me.
LOL! Croatians hacked the poll. Literally the worst song this year
Hacking: the gaining of unauthorized access to data in a system or computer.
Croatians who are excited about their entry, sending a URL to friends and other people is not what hacking is.
Tell me you are from Serbia without telling me you are from Serbia
went from my last place to my #1! mama š?! is what bohemian rhapsody wishes it was
For anyone wondering, Croatia was still top 5 before the vote tampering started. But it was Norway top.
Mama kupila traktoraaa, Trajna-nina Armageddon nona…
Okey, so from now on Croatians will be taking over the poll. I mean, just cancel it for what’s left. It doesn’t make sense at this point.
I’m curious though about the EBU reaction to a clearly political staging.
I guess they’ll have to change the staging. On the other side, it is a terrible song.
Croatian hacking youtubr too?? Haha maybe you don’t like song but we others like it. SC
There is no point having a poll if it’s to be easily manipulated. Either have things set in place to prevent trolling or don’t have a poll and pretend it is representative
Norway is realistically the favourite act so far
You are right
Of course most voters are Croats. I don’t know Wiwibloggs supports voting for your own country, the results aren’t representative.
The views on Youtube are fake too? Song has more views then Croatia people , explain me that fake Eurovision fan from Belgrade
WOW, what a text! Why there is no information how many votes others got from their own country? Or others didnt vote for their own country? OH, c’mon! Lets deduct all those votes from everyone not just Croatia.. somehow i am sure that even then Croatia will be in the TOP3, maybe even the first one…
I both love and hate Let 3 to the point I just ended up laughing everytime I listen to this song.
I like that some of those coming here to vote Croatia don’t forget about their neighboring Slovenia <3 love is in the air
My favorits so far are Spain, Norway, Malta
I look forward to Loreen’s song. Something tells me she will save ESC once again
we all know this is a troll result hahaha
And even if there wouldn’t have been a troll result. The poll stays useless.
Don’t mind me. I am just here laughing at people seething at Let 3 winning a useless poll.
I’m joining you!!!
Stop crying
Crying? I am not the one who gets mad when their favorite song doesn’t win a useless poll.
Lol ok
Funny, the least popular song is the most popular too
Excuse me but I have to laugh…
After all these years some people still don’t understand the reason why one shouldn’t vote for one’s own country 😉
The standard is very low then.
JK I know this is just Croatians and trolls voting Croatia up in the polls.
What the hell happened here?
Same procedure as every year… These polls are easily hijacked. They are good for a laugh, not for much else