She danced in the rain in Copenhagen back in 2014, granting Spain one of their best Eurovision results of the past decade. And now ten years later, Ruth Lorenzo is taking another prominent role in Spain’s Eurovision selection, this time as host of Benidorm Fest 2024.

Ruth will share her hosting duties with Marc Calderó and Ana Prada, who will be in the Green Room next to the artists. Inés Hernand, who held that role in the last two editions, will now host the after show with Aitor Albizua.

“I’m so excited to be a part of Benidorm Fest this year given that it’s the tenth anniversary of my Eurovision participation”, Ruth commented. She confessed she’s nervous about the show, connecting with the Eurovision audience and consolidating herself with Benidorm Fest.

Ruth has been around in some shape or form for both previous editions of Benidorm Fest. She performed in the very first press conference where the contest’s creation was announced. And then, she delivered a spectacular interval act during the live show in 2022.

Last year, Ruth was a host on Cover Night, an RTVE show where Eurovision 2022 star Chanel was part of the jury. And later, she was the spokesperson for Spain at Eurovision 2023, giving the votes right from the beach in Benidorm.

Besides the three shows at Benidorm Fest, which will happen on January 30 and February 1 and 3, RTVE will also hold several online shows and a televised program after each gala. Inés Hernand will host both of them: the one on TV with Aitor Albizua, and the one online with Jordi Cruz.

There will also be a Benidorm Fest edition of the podcast La Pija y La Quinqui, presented by Carlos Peguer and Mariang Maturana. They are some of the most influential podcasters in Spain. To give you an idea of how big they are, they interviewed Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez during the electoral campaign in July 2023 and many people call this a milestone of why his party did better among the youth than in older demographics.

Benidorm Fest 2024: Meet the jury

RTVE has revealed a load of Benidorm Fest details over recent days, including the names of the eight jurors. This time, there will be four national and four international jurors.

Eurovision fans will surely know the international quartet. Three Eurovision Head of Delegations are included: Lee Smithurst from the UK, Twan van de Nieuwenhuijzen from the Netherlands, and David Tserunyan from Armenia. The fourth spot is for Danish stage director Nicoline Refsing.

On Spain’s side, there are four well known artists: Beatriz Luengo (who will also be the spokesperson), Carlos Baute, Guille Milkyway, and Ángela Carrasco. 

Benidorm Fest 2024: The stage

Benidorm Fest bosses Ana María Bordas and César Vallejo, plus Head of Communications María Eizaguirre, have also introduced this year’s stage.

For the first time, the Benidorm Fest stage has a round shape, and it features two “tunnels” at the sides. The main stage measures 581 square metres, and there’s a secondary one for the green room, jury and the hosts.

HoD Ana María Bordas explained there will be “meaningful innovations” in the stage, and that artists are having more time to get a better sense of it, as well as more rehearsals, both in the studio and in the Benidorm Fest venue.

Do you think Ruth Lorenzo will do a good job at Benidorm Fest 2024? What do you think of the jurors? And about the stage? Let us know in the comment section below!

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6 months ago

The stage looks nice, Ruth will be great, the jurors well, a bit questionable for some of them.

Eurovision fan
Eurovision fan
6 months ago

Angy Fernandez for the win!

Iván el Conquistador
Iván el Conquistador
6 months ago

As a Spaniard, it concerns me to see Baute and Carrasco as judges. I mean, two judges from South America? Coudn’t RTVE find musicians in their own country?

6 months ago

Well, you are a conquistador… your concern is unsurprising.

6 months ago

no one cares

6 months ago
Reply to  Anonymous91

Yet you bother to make a comment

6 months ago

la pija y la quinqui also has had an interview with Rosalia

6 months ago
Reply to  benidorm

Why is this comment being downvoted?