Photo: HRT

Croatia continued its selection for Eurovision no Friday with semi-final 2 of Dora 2024.

Another 12 acts did battle for the last eight spots in Sunday’s grand final.

The lucky qualifiers included fan-favourite Baby Lasagna, along with Dora 2020 champion Damir Kedžo.

Dora 2024: Semi-final 2 results

The decision of who qualified to the grand final was entirely down to the public. They chose eight acts to progress, which were:


Who were your favourites from semi-final 2 of Dora 2024? Can any of these acts go on to win the grand final? Let us know in the comments.

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5 months ago

I want to mary him.. he’s so sweet. ??

Mor Cowbell
Mor Cowbell
5 months ago

serious winner takes all vibes here.

Mor Cowbell
Mor Cowbell
5 months ago
Reply to  Mor Cowbell

Winner takes it all

Mor Cowbell
Mor Cowbell
5 months ago

Well I think this is the place for the live discussion.

5 months ago
Reply to  Mor Cowbell

Okay! What was that with Boris

5 months ago
Reply to  Julia

Dying to know here to!

5 months ago
Reply to  Kalla

I don’t wanna jump to dumb conclusions but he seemed a bit drunk on stage haha. Or is the act always like this?

5 months ago
Reply to  Julia

Well I definitely got drunk dad doing karaoke vibes on Friday to, so maybe that’s just him lol

5 months ago
Reply to  Kalla

Haha okay

The Voice of Reason
The Voice of Reason
5 months ago

Where is Wiwiblogg’s live discussion for the final?

Mor Cowbell
Mor Cowbell
5 months ago

I have the same question! It may be Sunday, but the final is today!

5 months ago

Came here to ask the same question!

5 months ago
Reply to  Julia

Me to! Scandalous behaviour. Maybe San Marino’s show last night put all the writers in a deep sleep today.

5 months ago

When will the live discussion of the final be posted?

5 months ago

Good for Croatia to be in top10 but I find Lasagna’s song really overrated

5 months ago
Reply to  Roger

Agree and for me ( again, personal opinion) that is just noise happening

5 months ago

Despite being disappointed with Baby Lasagna’s performance, I still want him to go to Eurovision. Though, based of the running order, the Dora staff seem to sabotage him by placing him in between two other front runners for the win.

5 months ago

Oooh the hot Baby Lasagna is now 5th among the bookies behind the UK… People really are doubting hahaha

5 months ago
Reply to  Ellen

Träum süß von Baby Lasagna du Hater. Hier noch das blöde Lol damit du es auch verstehst. Lol ?

5 months ago
Reply to  Lilli

Are you talking about strudel ? Yes, please. I’d like some. Yum lol

5 months ago
Reply to  Ellen

Jeez, I hope you have a therapist

5 months ago
Reply to  Julia

Better than that, I can annoy people here lol

5 months ago
Reply to  Ellen

Have you forgett to take your pills ? You are like Psychologie.. poor thing. Tztztz

5 months ago
Reply to  Lilli

Sure honey. I’m like Psychologie haha

And you’re like illiterate lol

5 months ago
Reply to  Ellen

If there would be big doubt, Croatia would drop in odds like a brick. Actually in average, Croatia is still 3rd…. so you picked one where they dropped to 5th and make it a news? Sad…

Btw, UK is 7th average across major booking sites

5 months ago
Reply to  Kor

It was quick this day actually. Croatia dropped to 5th position behind Belgium and UK but it got back to 3rd

Yeah yeah fire
Yeah yeah fire
5 months ago
Reply to  Ellen

You are leaving your fifth comment where you “roast” BL, saying people only like him cuz he’s hot. Frustrated much?

5 months ago
Reply to  Yeah yeah fire

He’s so handsome. I only lile his looks

5 months ago

Everybody is talking only about Baby Lasagna. Send him.

5 months ago

Liebes wiwibloggs Team können Sie jetzt mal diese Hater Ellen sperren! Danke Und warum werden meine Beiträge nicht angezeigt? Die Hasskommentare lassen Sie drin und meine werden nicht angezeigt? Was soll das? Wenn solche Arschlöcher wie diese Ellen ihren Müll hier frei schreiben können kann ich ja wenigstens verteidigen. Sie sind enttäuschend.

5 months ago
Reply to  Lilli

No need for a ban. I like to see how that person is getting more and more frustrated. Sorry, I am not as fluent in German that I could reply in writing, but do understand enough…

5 months ago
Reply to  Kor

Yes your right but it’s very uncool to diss someone in that way.

5 months ago

Liebes wiwibloggs Team können Sie jetzt endlich mal diese Ellen sperren. Ihre Hasskommentare sind unerträglich und das muss man sich nicht anhören. Das ist nicht ok !!

5 months ago

The sugar on the cream: Croatia is losing places among the bookies. They kicked out of their top 3 this impostor of a singer that is BL lol

Anna Banana
Anna Banana
5 months ago
Reply to  Ellen

He is Still 3rd

5 months ago
Reply to  Anna Banana

Check oddschecker girlie. Belgium is 3rd now, as it should be

People are doubting about BL chances of winning now, as they should lol

5 months ago
Reply to  Ellen

croatia was 4th on oddschecher even before Dora’s 2nd semifinal. So, no need for your rude comments.

5 months ago
Reply to  Ellen

It’s not a bad song, but not a winner as well

5 months ago
Reply to  Ellen

What is wrong with you? You are a disgusting hater shut up your stupid mouth!!

5 months ago
Reply to  Ellen

You are obsessed with baby lasagna.. poor thing ??

5 months ago
Reply to  Lilli

Haha at this point I may be. Like the rest of y’all I can’t help myself but to love a hot guy. At least I can recognize when he can’t sing correctly lol

5 months ago
Reply to  Ellen

Du bist wie ein rotziges Kleinkind und so einen Hass kenne ich nur von serben. Also geht es dir nur darum den möglichen Sieg für Kroatien zu sabotieren. Wow das ist echt krank ! Sowas wie du gehört verboten und bestraft!! Lol

5 months ago
Reply to  Ellen

Betrüger? Sagen Sie mal sind Sie ganz gesund? Was soll dieser Hass? ihr serben seid ja schlimm !!

5 months ago

Ich bin ehrlich gesagt entsetzt das solche Hater wie diese Ellen hier ungeniert ihren Hass zum Ausdruck bringen können . Was soll das? man muss es ja nicht mögen, aber ein ganzes Volk deswegen zu verunglimpfen ist ja das Letzte!!

Anna Banana
Anna Banana
5 months ago

Listen to me: Put him and the dancers in the traditional clothing from the video but with a modern twist. He can keep the boots, he can keep the hair and makeup – signals he is ready to leave, his shoes are ready. So the traditional stays in the focus and the modern twist doesn’t become to overpowering. There are two separate things happening at the same time: Baby Lasagna and the dancers. It is a little hard to focus on both at the same time. Let the three of them become more intertwined. Even though I liked the beginning… Read more »

5 months ago

Wiwibloggs seems to have shares in baby lasagna… the song makes me very nervous I think I’m getting old;-)

5 months ago
Reply to  Maria

I think, like “Cha Cha Cha’ last year, that it’s one of those songs that the fandom just leaps upon and becomes completely obsessive about. If it doesn’t win tonight, they’ll be screams of “RIGGED!” on here tomorrow. If it does wins and goes to Eurovision, it’ll be the same the day after the contest if it doesn’t win there.

5 months ago
Reply to  jercle

This song has zero chances of winning eurovision. Casual eurovision viewers do not like imitators of previous entries. It’s a fact at this point. How many imitators have achieved a great result? None. Original entries do.

5 months ago
Reply to  Jamie

I made a similar comment below. Voters rarely go for the same thing two years in a row.

5 months ago
Reply to  Jamie

Songs that imitate previous winner do not fare well. He isn’t imitating a previous winner.

5 months ago
Reply to  Maria

Nervous? I think you are getting old. ?

Poul Riisen
Poul Riisen
5 months ago

The song (by Baby Lasagna) is a smash. So Eurovision and so winning-vibes. BUT they need to improve their staging and performance. His vocals were weak, you can’t understand any of the lyrics (or even hear what he says). And the staging is messy. If they win, they need a serious revamp of the staging and performance.

I like the pink neon visuals in the background but that does not match with the Slavic lady and the rest. It’s not coherent.

I can’t see this winning (as is now) but Top-5. If they improve, they are contenders for the win.

5 months ago
Reply to  Poul Riisen

I came exactly to the same conclusion last night.

5 months ago
Reply to  Poul Riisen

whos “they”?

5 months ago
Reply to  snowflake

baby lasagna and croatian broadcaster

The Voice of Reason
The Voice of Reason
5 months ago

I’ve been watching the live performance again a few more times and I realised that it isn’t actually THAT terrible live. In fact, it actually comes together quite nicely, like an underground punk performance! Marco also gives some of the vocals a bit of sass here and there and then the dance break actually wasn’t that bad! He also gives it everything at the very end. Him thrashing it out alongside the pyros would be enough for me if I were a Croatian viewer to vote for him.

5 months ago

i agree. the more i watch it, the less i notice those ”flaws” with vocals=meaning, the more i realize that it was actually pretty great

5 months ago

Baby Lasagna needs to hire a stylist asap, he looks terrible in that outfit. He could look very hot with the right outfit. Change itttt

Poul Riisen
Poul Riisen
5 months ago
Reply to  Grft

Even the “traditional” (I assume) outfit he has in the video.

5 months ago
Reply to  Poul Riisen

I liked that one too!

5 months ago
Reply to  Grft

The reoccurring theme I’ve noticed in this comment section is that he’s hot. Not that he can/cannot sing, but that he’s hot. That’s all that matters apparently.

5 months ago

Ich finde es nicht ok daß Hater wie diese Ella hier ihren Müll loswerden können!

5 months ago

Let’s go Baby Lasagna! <3

Yeah yeah fire
Yeah yeah fire
5 months ago

A few things to consider- He was a backup entry and had less time to prepare from everyone else and still give us the best performance of the night. Maybe even Dora in general, performance and energy wise. I don’t think his singing was as bad as some suggest. Especially considering he himself is more of a songwriter (the song is all his work btw, no other composers, cowriters or big producers) and had no major singing experience beforehand. Also, you can see that he got excited and was constantly pulling the mic away. Not to mention, HRT wrecked audio… Read more »

5 months ago
Reply to  Yeah yeah fire

I love how you find him a big qss list of excuses to make him look better. Some others here had been roast for less in the past. Y’all are just saving him because he’s hot. That won’t maje uo for the lack of… everything.

5 months ago
Reply to  Ellen

That’s Eurofans for you. If a song is a “YASSSS QUEEN” banger or sung by a hunky man, Eurofans will forgive all songs.

Unfortunately for them, the vast majority of voters are casual viewers who don’t care about such things, and will vote for their favourite on the night.

5 months ago
Reply to  jercle

forgive all sins**

We need the edit function back.

5 months ago
Reply to  jercle

Cheers to that. Let’s vote for real music. Not for a hunk making noise

Yeah yeah fire
Yeah yeah fire
5 months ago
Reply to  jercle

Never thought of him as a hunk so go get an another theory.

5 months ago
Reply to  Ellen

And here is Ellen…. again with hot theory :))))

5 months ago
Reply to  Kor

You know you love to read me lol

I allow you to continue my dear.

5 months ago
Reply to  Ellen

You know, I see that you like him so much that it drove you crazy, and now out jealousy you insulting everybody 🙂

5 months ago
Reply to  Kor

I never insulted you so no. I just don’t like noise being praised as real music

5 months ago
Reply to  Ellen

You forgot when you called anyone liking this not being a decent human?

5 months ago
Reply to  Kor

She is right about the noise…

5 months ago
Reply to  Ellen

of course i’m saving him, hello very strong ethnic bop

running order wise, Baby Lasagna will completely eat up Kedzo’s chances (if he had any) make snoozefest Kedzo end up forgotten lol

5 months ago
Reply to  Anonymous91

Where’s the ethnic ? I didn’t hear it in the song. I must have missed something lol

5 months ago
Reply to  Ellen

but hes not even THAT hot, im not saying that hes ugly, im just saying that hes not as hot as people say, i still adore his song though

5 months ago
Reply to  snowflake

Go on with your lies Pinocchio.

5 months ago
Reply to  Yeah yeah fire

“He was a backup entry and had less time to prepare from everyone else and still give us the best performance of the night.” You’re making it sound like the got the call up at 6pm on Thursday. He had time to make a music video, therefore he had plenty time to prepare for the live performance.

Stop making excuses for a very poor vocal just because the song is a fan favourite.

5 months ago
Reply to  jercle

Very that. There’s no excuse here. Maruv was also a backup choice in 2019 and she still killed it. The guy just can’t sing lol

5 months ago
Reply to  Ellen

Exactly – he was a back up who got the call up, yes. But he got it with plenty time to prepare. Like I said, he had time to make a music video, hardly a last-minute call up.

5 months ago
Reply to  Ellen

Maruv couldn’t sing either.

5 months ago
Reply to  Yeah yeah fire

Why so many excuses? imo they should have worked this out already. He only has one chance to qualify

5 months ago

So after Finland last year almost all countries opt to circus acts? Will we beat the 2008 record of novelty acts? Is that the direction the contest needed?

Yeah yeah fire
Yeah yeah fire
5 months ago
Reply to  anna

How is this a circus act exactly? It’s a well composed song and the staging is a mix of traditional Croatian culture and glam rock.

Poul Riisen
Poul Riisen
5 months ago
Reply to  anna

It’s a bit messy, yes. But nothing close to a circus. The song is good and the staging ok. Glam rock and tradition plus catchy pop vibes.

I have other countries and entries in mind when talking about Circus (Estonia, Ireland, etc.)

5 months ago
Reply to  anna

Always going to happen with the return of 100% televoting I’m afraid.

At least Baby Lasagna’s song has a message behind it, which saves it from being a novelty entry.

5 months ago
Reply to  anna

No, we have bangers and ballads each year, in fact for now 2024 has far more female, ballads and uptempo songs (already over 20) than what you call circus acts.

5 months ago

For those who like Lasagna’s song and vocals performance, are you deaf? They couldn’t even sing :/ Of course it is an objective thing but the qualify of this song is really low; vocals are also bad.

5 months ago
Reply to  Thomas

It’s a he, not they..
The voice is not great but does not need to be either. It’s a song that is dependent on energy, not voice. Käärija did not sing either and still did well with juries.
Besides, there is always time to work on vocals.

5 months ago
Reply to  Thomas

Baby Lasagna is singing about cows. I think that’s actually them that are manifesting love for him lol No decent human would like that noise

The Voice of Reason
The Voice of Reason
5 months ago
Reply to  Ellen


5 months ago

That too. I can’t understand what he was singing btw. His pronunciation is terrible.

5 months ago
Reply to  Ellen

Schrecklich sind Sie!!

5 months ago
Reply to  Ellen

So all of us who like it are not decent humans? That’s a bit bold. And how is it decent insult everyone just cause they appreciate different things….

5 months ago
Reply to  Kor

Yes, you’re not. Just h0rny deaf and blind people lol

5 months ago
Reply to  Ellen

Sie finden es lustig andere fertig zu machen? Wie armselig das ist. Könnte man fast Mitleid haben mit Ihnen, aber mit Mobbern hab ich kein Mitleid!!

The Voice of Reason
The Voice of Reason
5 months ago
Reply to  Thomas

His song is good though…strong enough to win on it’s own.

5 months ago

While his vocals are far from perfect, check out some videos from inside arena (mobile phone recordings). It actually sounds way better than what we saw on tv

Vjera Brdar
Vjera Brdar
5 months ago
Reply to  Kor

I just rewatched the YT video of last night, and what seemed like like voice was breaking wasn’t that at all. The sound was lame AF.
He did good. Hopefully they ditch the glammed up look and go less is more in a peasant typa way. That rocks!

5 months ago
Reply to  Kor

As usual: the sound team probably didn’t add any reverb, which creates that « raw » feeling about the vocals. It’s very unprofessional from them.

The Voice of Reason
The Voice of Reason
5 months ago
Reply to  Grft

At least it comes across as a rock entry though!

5 months ago
Reply to  Kor

It usually is so. Listening to voices live creates some kind of echo that make everyone sound better.

5 months ago

That Cha cha cha thing had the worst impact on this year’s entries. And as usual something completely different than last year wins. Food for thought.

5 months ago
Reply to  Chris

Exactly – it’s a tradition that the song that wins or does very well in one year influences the next years’ songs, but history has shown that trying to repeat the previous years’ successes doesn’t work. In 2007, there were quite a few rock entries, none succeeded. In 2013, we had lots of dance numbers, none of them worked. In 2015, we had lots of songs about being different, they didn’t win.

Voters rarely go for the same thing two years in a row, a lesson that too many people seem to forget.

5 months ago

perfection, wow wow wow wow

Zagreb2025 here we come

Baby Lasagna most authentic eurovision entry ever ever ever

5 months ago
Reply to  Anonymous91

i cant tell if youre being sarcastic

5 months ago
Reply to  snowflake

i’m not

i genuinely see a winner here

5 months ago

I think Croatia can win with this! 🙂

Poul Riisen
Poul Riisen
5 months ago
Reply to  Tony

They can indeed, if they improve the whole package.

5 months ago

Very underwhelming performance of Baby Lasagna. Where those carnival clothes really necessary?

5 months ago

I haven’t been following Dora this year, and now I’ve only watched Baby Lasagna’s performance, as many people were cheering for it and labeling the song as a televote winner in May. Well, frankly, I got the hype about why some people were cheering for it on the official video, but the live performance was rather uninspiring. Sorry, not sorry, but it looked rather like a cheap Kaarija copy, so at the moment, this entry is a bit overrated, but it may grow for me depending on the final production. Nevertheless, I’m one of those who rarely like prank entries,… Read more »

5 months ago
Reply to  Devito

I don’t think it’s a “prank entry”

5 months ago
Reply to  Devito

Classic narrow-minded low intelligence comment labeling good song as a “prank entry”.

5 months ago
Reply to  Historian

One must be of low intelligence to recognize the other.

5 months ago
Reply to  Devito

I can´t see Käarija in this at all. It´s a great song and I am pretty sure, the staging etc will be perfect in Malmö 🙂

5 months ago
Reply to  Tony

His white sleeves though, too much resebmble of Käärijä’s green bolero.

5 months ago

Can you all just stop being so mean for once?
Some of these comments – flop, awful, Kaarija from wish.. seriously, does writing stuff like this make you feel better?
The singing or staging were not the best – yes – but then give constructive critisism, ideas, or express your opinion politely. Makes me furious to see this. The guy literally wrote one of the best Eurovision songs this year – I bet none of us can do that.

5 months ago
Reply to  Julia

I totally agree with you. This will be great in Malmö.

5 months ago
Reply to  Julia

Constructive criticism ? Why do we need to write novels when a few words can perfectly describe it. But let’s give it a shot : horrible vocals, screaching music, poor writing, childish staging, copycat of the dance moves of last year Finnish act. Is that good for you ?

One of the best Eurovision songs this year. I’ve never laughed that much here. Hopefully the juries are there to do their job. Which is rewarding real music from noise.

5 months ago
Reply to  Ellen

I see you are upset, but I don’t understand why 🙂 hope you have a refreshing weekend

5 months ago
Reply to  Julia

I’m playful actually. Thank you girlie. You too xo

5 months ago
Reply to  Ellen

If it wasn’t one of the best songs this season (so far), the release of the official video wouldn’t have landed Croatia in the top 3 by the bookies. I agree that this staging and singing won’t give them victory, but the song really is good

5 months ago
Reply to  Julia

Because the Croats are rigging the bets and bookies with their patriotism. Trust me. They do it with Wiwi polls every year that it became a joke. One country could reveal the next Euphoria or Fairytale that they would still put Croatia in the top. Don’t trust those people

5 months ago
Reply to  Ellen

Ellen, there is about 4.5 million Croats… you are giving a bit too much credit to Croats that they could rig bookies. Also, Eurovision is not so popular. Last year, after Let 3 win there were few articles in mainstream media that referenced Wiwi and that gave them high place in one poll. After all they did achieve 7th place in televote in 2023….

I get you do not like the song, but you are becoming a classic example of hater.

5 months ago
Reply to  Kor

Of course I’m a classic hater lol I’m from Twitter

You’re underestimating those people. They’re known to rig polls.

5 months ago
Reply to  Ellen

Du bist offenbar eine respektlose, rotzige dumme Gans, die keine Ahnung von nichts hat. Deine beleidigenden und dissenden Aussagen sind unterste Schublade und du bist einfach nur lächerlich!!

5 months ago
Reply to  Ellen

So eine Frechheit woher wissen sie das?? Sie spinnen wohl so ein Müll hier zu labern. Das ist Verleumdung und sie müsste man anzeigen. Und deutsche sind alle nazis oder was? Unglaublich blöde Ku… !!

5 months ago
Reply to  Ellen

Und deutsche sind alle nazis oder was? Sie kennen wahrscheinlich gar keinen Kroaten und schreiben hier furchtbare Sachen das ist Verleumdung und Verunglimpfung und kann und sollte angezeigt werden. Lol

Vjera Brdar
Vjera Brdar
5 months ago
Reply to  Julia

Just don’t let Ellen see your post grrrrr.
Oh wait, she’s already here.

5 months ago
Reply to  Vjera Brdar

Another fan of mine acknoledging my posts. I’m blessed

5 months ago
Reply to  Ellen

Sie sind unerträglich in ihrer Arroganz und Mobbing. Was läuft falsch bei Ihnen? Haben Sie so ein armseliges Leben? Schön es gefällt Ihnen nicht, so what wen interessiert ‘s ? Was soll das?

Ultima Thule
Ultima Thule
5 months ago

I read all the comments (yes, I did) and most of them are missing the point. The sleeves don’t matter. The vocals don’t matter. They weren’t atrocious, they certainly weren’t flawless or anything, but you don’t need flawless vocals to win Eurovision (Loreen, Kalush, Netta and many others can confirm that)m the sleeves are fine, really people, you really want to talk about irrelevant things. What is important however, that the performance kinda falls flat after the first verse. You need something stronger for the dance break, you need more traditional Balkan dance.Those two things alone will elevate Rim Tim… Read more »

Poul Riisen
Poul Riisen
5 months ago
Reply to  Ultima Thule

Yes, the strong point of the song is the rather ethnic slavic heritage. They should focus on that even more. I liked the pink neon visuals in the background (although I feel the lyrics video visual style would fit better). But the Slavic lady dancing around was kind of off. For me the best is to blend the lyrics video visuals in the background with a bit more static (less frantic) performance so he can also sing and we hear the lyrics. Otherwise a rabbit or a horse in the background tells little to nothing. The song is a smash,… Read more »

The Voice of Reason
The Voice of Reason
5 months ago

I’ve heard they might improve the sound mixing for the final, so Baby Lasagna might sound better

5 months ago


5 months ago

Just send Damir honestly, he’s been ready for this for many, many years. Even this terrible sound mixing he delivered a brilliant performance.

Vjera Brdar
Vjera Brdar
5 months ago
Reply to  Henry

And he looks like a whole different person too, with all the procedures and s*** he”s been doing. Awful.

5 months ago

Baby Lasagna’s performance kinda like Kaarija last year I hope they change a little bit. Kaarija doing well last year doesn’t mean they will doing well to with similar concepts.

5 months ago

I thought his vocal was ok considering how much he was bouncing around on stage. I mean, there was a lot of energy in his performance.
He is still my favourite of the Croatian songs and has a very good chance of being my winner of ESC.

5 months ago

Fun song, but weak vocals are ruining this for me.
And i usually am not the one to care about perfect vocals,
but this is really really bad.

I can only hope it was just nerves and he can actually sing. Goodluck!

Poul Riisen
Poul Riisen
5 months ago
Reply to  Sometimes

The lyrics are simple but the audience needs to hear and understand them to connect with the song. I agree he needs to reduce bouncing and singing more, he needs a new artistic direction to pull it off and win the contest.

5 months ago

Love the song but have to admit, vocals not good at all.
Let 3 clearly had more experience.

If he wins, needs to be a lot polish added over next 2 months.

5 months ago
Reply to  Azuro

This song doesn´t need perfect vocals like a ballad. About Let 3, I think they are really pathetic this year. Not at all shocking and not at all funny.

5 months ago

This could do really well, love it..
I’m torn between him and Lithuania ??
1 Croatia ??
2 Lithuania ??
3 ??

5 months ago

Hey, team Wiwi, with respect, this time yesterday you already published an article promoting Slimane and his Dora performance. Can we expect the same for Raiven?

5 months ago
Reply to  Mqe

apparently not

5 months ago
Reply to  Mqe

Still nothing. You should try and cover all the artists equally. Giving preferences here does a whole lot for people’s hypes around songs. Baby lasagna wasn’t a thing before wiwibloggs started the hype. Granted I like the act but that maybe just confirms the point I’m trying to make.

5 months ago

Got San Marino 2022 Achille Lauro vibe from his live unfortunately.

5 months ago
Reply to  Bandido

Yes! That’s exactly what I thought. Unfortunately, not many people will remember Achille…

5 months ago
Reply to  Why

i loved achille!

Poul Riisen
Poul Riisen
5 months ago
Reply to  Bandido

Yesss! I was banging my head to find out what he reminds me of. 🙂 Thanks for that.

Anna Banana
Anna Banana
5 months ago

In the Press Conference Baby Lasagna said that the reason why he held his micro so far away was because he was messing his performance up and didn’t want people to hear it haha he also said he doesn’t want to wear a headpiece because he doesn’t know what else to do with his hands during the performance
also fun fact, he only slept about 4-5 hours a day in the last couple of weeks and he went to do nr2 about four times today. I can feel him, I also have anxiety sh**t.

5 months ago
Reply to  Anna Banana

He’s hilariously genuine and charming. You can really tell he’s very new to all this

5 months ago
Reply to  Anna Banana

Oh no… anyways

Eurovision fan
Eurovision fan
5 months ago
Reply to  Anna Banana

Whether he goes to Eurovision or not he’s gonna have great career in Croatia after this, and he’ll probably win Dora too!

5 months ago
Reply to  Anna Banana

Oh good to know. He’ll mess up his finale performance by himself lol

The Voice of Reason
The Voice of Reason
5 months ago
Reply to  Anna Banana

This is also the first time he’s actually ever performed a song live or on a stage at all. I reckon he wasn’t chosen because of his inexperience. But he can write a song! He really should use a headpiece!

5 months ago

lil bro is Käärja from wish both by stage, performance and vocals.

5 months ago

when will the running order for the final be revealed?

The Voice of Reason
The Voice of Reason
5 months ago

To be fair, this was literally Baby’s first performance and the first on a stage with so many people watching him! He was probably really nervous. I would have been!

5 months ago

So? Who cares about that. We dont want flops or bad songs.

The Voice of Reason
The Voice of Reason
5 months ago
Reply to  Kunelaki

The song is good. The performance though?

5 months ago

First time performing and going to Eurovision. What a delightful combo.

5 months ago

It doesn’t matter really. It’s not just the voice. So many bad choices with the performance and styling as well. This will need a huge makeover if it wins.

The Voice of Reason
The Voice of Reason
5 months ago
Reply to  Milla

A lot of that will be down to Croatia and HRT’s budget. He was also a last minute decision.

5 months ago

That´s why he will win. Because the song and he is really great.

5 months ago

Just one explanation, if someone thinks that his sleeves are try to copy Käärijä. These are actually quite common in traditional national costumes from Croatia.

However, I agree that they have to go, even though its just a coincidence

5 months ago
Reply to  Kor

hahahahaha but the last crazy moment same as Kaarija is from national croatian dance also?? AHAHHAHAHA FLOP

5 months ago
Reply to  Kunelaki

You realy have that hate vibe…ughhh ew

5 months ago
Reply to  Kunelaki

I love how you people think that Kaarija invented something last year. People were wearing boleros, puff sleeves, dancing and squatting before Kaarija…
That being said, BL needs to improve more than few things before May, if he wins Dora at all….

5 months ago
Reply to  Kunelaki

Unfreiwillig komisch bist du, laber nicht rum wenn du keine Ahnung hast! Die kroatischen Trachten haben solche gepufferten Ärmel ob es dir gefällt oder nicht !! Dieses komische Outfit von diesem Kaarija ist eins der hässlichsten Dinge die ich je gesehen habe .

Vjera Brdar
Vjera Brdar
5 months ago
Reply to  Kor

Just slightly upgrade the peasant look from the video – et voila. Keep the blond look tho.

5 months ago

I feel like I shouldn’t be so attracted to someone who calls himself Baby Lasagna, yet here we are.
It wasn’t perfect, but the song is such a banger, so for now I can overlook the flaws.
Talking about a banger tho… (I’m being rightfully forcefully removed from this comment section now.)

5 months ago
Reply to  Anja

I was thrilled to see he bleached his hair again. It’s incredibly H O T

The Voice of Reason
The Voice of Reason
5 months ago
Reply to  Anja

It’s weird isn’t it? I’m sure he has a female partner but his feminine voice and glam rock look and personality on stage give off strong in the closet gay vibes!

5 months ago

What’s so weird about it. Bisexuality exists.

Alexander Gunnarsson
Alexander Gunnarsson
5 months ago

I have a sick feeling in my stomach that Baby Lasagna will lose, I’m not seeing much hype among Croatians for the song…expect the worst and prepare for the best I guess

5 months ago

My heart was broken one too many times this NF season already, I don’t think I think I could take another stab in the heart.

The Voice of Reason
The Voice of Reason
5 months ago

At least his performance has the most views and likes on YouTube!

5 months ago

Trust me, there’s a big hype in Croatia for Baby Lasagna. If he loses, it will be because the juries put perfect vocals or the most polished production ahead of the banger song. I’d be stunned if he didn’t win the televoting on Sunday.

Anna Banana
Anna Banana
5 months ago

croatian media ONLY writes about him

Alexander Gunnarsson
Alexander Gunnarsson
5 months ago
Reply to  Anna Banana

I sincerely hope that will lead him to victory

Poul Riisen
Poul Riisen
5 months ago

We have to ask fellas from Croatia if some in Croatia find the song message a bit sad or not flattering for their country, being portrayed as a country of immigrants, etc. This sometimes happens and people don’t vote for songs that they feel “harm the image of their country”. I was just wondering.

Otherwise, I love the song and I am rooting for the song.

Vjera Brdar
Vjera Brdar
5 months ago

The hype is real, deservedly so… For the win! There will be riots otherwise.

5 months ago

Love that Dora is expanding, but honestly… These two semis haven’t been great. It may be better to just have 1 show, have fewer songs, deeeeefinitely invest more in the sound and camera work, give the hosts something fun to do or say, insert some dynamism and suspense in there… Tighten things up, put your budget into one solid show. When 3/4 of all songs from each semi qualify, what’s even their point?

Yes, Baby Lasagna’s overall performance wasn’t great and he was super nervous, but the awful sound absolutely killed it.

Anna Banana
Anna Banana
5 months ago
Reply to  Mqe

i also thought so, but keep in mind, if they only had 12 instead of 24 songs this year and one person dropped, like sza sza did, baby lasagna wouldn’t have advanced. so it is a blessing in disguise, I guess

5 months ago
Reply to  Anna Banana

Yeah, true. Although watching the songs and performances (especially in semi 1), it’s completely baffling how they got in over Baby Lasagna in the first place.

5 months ago

“Rim tim tagi dim” is one of those songs where it’s more about energy than about flawless vocal performace. So it’s not of crucial importance if Baby Lasagna’s singing isn’t perfect.

Poul Riisen
Poul Riisen
5 months ago
Reply to  Benji

Singing perfectly is one thing but I believe it is important for the song’s story to be able to hear and understand most of the lyrics (for the first time viewers during the ESC final).

The Voice of Reason
The Voice of Reason
5 months ago

THANK GOD he got to the final! Now is the time to change your staging, Baby Lasagna! Please can we see the staging match more closely to your music video? I’d prefer that as you look classier in a red and white rather than the punk ‘just come out of Manntra’ outfit! I’d also like to see more traditional dancing, especially in the dance break section! It would actually be memorable and iconic! Also, make the set less dark and more colourful! We don’t need all these neon images of horses and cats as the background. Instead, show us more… Read more »

5 months ago

I completely agree with everything you said.

5 months ago

nice to see some constructive criticism