Don’t label them with a 0 or a 1. Nemo from Switzerland is rejecting binary labels and celebrating their truth with their Eurovison 2024 song “The Code.”
Their song is a complete package, from touching lyrics to musical highs. It blends pop, rap, and opera elements seamlessly. Nemo’s live performances have pushed boundaries and made us rethink what’s humanely possible with the voice. And, perhaps more than any other song this year, their lyrics portray a journey of self-discovery. Sure, it relates to notions of gender specifically. But its theme of perseverance is more universal.
As Nemo says: “‘The Code’ is about the journey I started with the realization that I am neither a man nor a woman. Finding myself has been a long and often difficult process for me. But nothing feels better than the freedom I have gained by realizing that I am non-binary.”
It’s a call for everyone to, in the words of the Swiss broadcaster, “crack their own code and enter the kingdom of authenticity.”
Scroll down to read the “The Code” lyrics
Switzerland at Eurovision 2024: Nemo with “The Code”
Nemo Mettler is a versatile Swiss artist. Beyond their prowess as a rapper and singer, Nemo showcases their musical talent through their proficiency in playing the violin, piano, and drums. Their EP Clownfisch, released in 2015, made waves by securing the 95th spot on the Swiss charts. Building on this success, Nemo’s single “Du” reached an impressive fourth position in Switzerland in 2017.
In a notable television appearance, Nemo participated in the second season of The Masked Singer Switzerland in 2021-2022, where they enchanted audiences costumed as a panda and secured a commendable fifth place.
What do the “The Code” lyrics mean?
For Nemo, “The Code” is a source of personal healing and a declaration of their freedom. The song articulates their journey from a period of loneliness and uncertainty to a place of happiness and self-acceptance upon breaking free from societal constraints. The lyrics poignantly convey Nemo’s realization of their non-binary identity and their subsequent pride in embracing it openly. Their ongoing journey of self-discovery is depicted as both a challenging voyage and a cause for celebration, marking a pivotal moment in their life’s narrative.
Welcome to the show, let everybody know
I’m done playing the game, I’ll break out of the chains
You better buckle up, I’ll pour another cup
This is my bohème, so drink it up, my friend.
Nemo proclaims their arrival on the scene, urging everyone to take notice. By declaring that they’re done playing the game and breaking free from the chains that bound them, they assert their independence. They are ready to take on whatever challenges lie ahead, with a hint of rebelliousness and confidence. The reference to “bohème” invokes a sense of artistic freedom and unconventional living, inviting others to join in and embrace the journey ahead.
I, I went to hell and back to find myself on track
I broke the code, oh ohh
Like ammonites, I just gave it some time
Now I found paradise
I broke the code, oh ohh
There’s a sense of personal triumph and resilience after intense struggle and hardship, but ultimately that leads to personal growth. By breaking the code, they metaphorically shatter the barriers that once held them back, finding liberation and inner peace. The comparison to ammonites, ancient creatures that endured over time, speaks to the patience and perseverance required to navigate life’s challenges.
Somewhere between the 0’s and 1’s
That’s where I found my kingdom come
My heart beats like a drum
The reference to “0’s and 1’s” carries a symbolic meaning, representing the binary classification of genders as male and female. By navigating between these binary categorizations, the artist suggests a fluidity and freedom in their musical expression. The declaration of finding their “kingdom come” within this space signifies a place of personal authenticity and empowerment, transcending traditional gender norms.
“The Code” lyrics — Nemo (Switzerland Eurovision 2024)
Songwriters: Benjamin Jon Alasu, Lasse Midtsian Nymann, Linda Dale, Nemo Mettler
The Code
Welcome to the show, let everybody know
I’m done playing the game, I’ll break out of the chains
You better buckle up, I’ll pour another cup
This is my bohème, so drink it up, my friend
Uh, uhh
This story is my truth
I, I went to hell and back to find myself on track
I broke the code, oh ohh
Like ammonites, I just gave it some time
Now I found paradise
I broke the code, oh ohh
Let me tell you a tale about life
‘Bout the good and the bad, better hold on tight
Who decides what’s wrong, what’s right
Everything is balance, everything’s light
I got so much on my mind and I been awake all night
I’m so pumped, I’m so psyched
It’s bigger than me, I’m getting so hyped, like
Let me taste the lows and highs
Let me feel that burning fright
This story is my truth
I, I went to hell and back to find myself on track
I broke the code, oh ohh
Like ammonites, I just gave it some time
Now I found paradise
I broke the code, oh ohh
Somewhere between the 0’s and 1’s
That’s where I found my kingdom come
My heart beats like a…
Somewhere between the 0’s and 1’s
That’s where I found my kingdom come
My heart beats like a drum
I, I went to hell and back to find myself on track
I broke the code, oh ohh
Like ammonites, I just gave it some time
Now I found parаdiѕe
I broke the code, oh ohh
What do you think of the lyrics for “The Code” by Nemo? Will Switerland secure a spot in the grand final? Tell us in the comments below!
non-binary and full-clownery…
LOVE IT!!!!!
I’m waiting to meet Rambo who idetifies as nonbinary.
All this article does is explain the meaning of the lyrics. It’s helpful and enlightening. Would be nice to hear what people think about the song. For me, it’s very innovative and adds a lot to the competition. I think it’s a top 5 song but has been a bit hyped in the odds. I wish Nemo all the the best and look forward to seeing the performance in the final.
I personally think it is one of the most creative songs but may not have quite the impact to win. I may be wrong!
Ah yes lets use again the formula of a difficult road to success and let’s praise someone who uses a “they”his name. It was ok at first but its getting pretty repetitive imo.
hmm well the code of getting fame and standing out. You can identify either as a woman or man and dress as you like. The problem here is the style is very bad, no taste
It’s interesting that Bambie also identifies as non binary but doesn’t get the same level of vitriol.
i don’t think that this article is particularly helpful for Nemo given that the Wiwi editors must realise how much unpleasantness has been commented already on this topic. Why stir it all up again?
forget the gender issues and talk about the music and the performance please.
Your last sentence, you should tell it to Nemo. HE is the one giving his gender issues prominence!
From what I’m seeing, Bambie is also getting the same treatment with many comments about it.
Also, life is not about equality in every aspect (like getting the same amount of “vitriol”).
Also, you want people to talk about the music but the music is the one talking about gender, so like…
Exactly. But Nemo’s costume is actually terrible imo.
He is not breaking the code, he’s following it.
Nemo saying I realized I am not a man or woman is factually and scientifically false. In mammals, the sex of the organism is determined by two sex chromosomes (X and Y). Sperm cells can either carry an X or Y chromosome and fertilize eggs, which carry an X chromosome. The offspring is therefore either heterogametic (X/Y) triggering male development or homogametic (X/X) and become females.
And it is quite simple to prove that it is in fact just false. God forbid, during the rehearsals THEY (I am going for that charade in this example) experiences some abdominal pain and goes to a doctor. The problem is a harmless prostate related infection. But the doctors tells THEM, as THEY also identifies as a woman, that THEIR uterus has to be immediately removed. What do you think, will THEY accept this diagnoses or would THEY insist on being a male?!
The real crime is the wardrobe, honestly, though Celine Dion also wore something… questionable when she won, so… God knows what’s gonna happen
Well, I for one love how ridiculous it is. Gives me something to look forward to since the song is so unbearable.
I’m saving Israel as my toilet break.
Oh no, I’ll go cry now (not)
Do what you want…
Who is doing his styling? With one of the most popular songs this year, it looks like sabotage.
So many grammar mistakes in this hard-to-read article!
Good one!!
He has any right to use whatever pronounce he wants, but that also means I’m not obligated to throw away my own beliefs (male he, female she and thats it),just to pamper someone’s else feelings… this non binary thing is not some scientifically proven fact, it highly debatable and in the end its about preferances… but if someone is trying legally to force me to use they them or whatever pronounce that are against my own also valid beliefs, tbis also quite hateful and suppression of freedom of speech and free thoughts…
Noted. Thank you. We will all remember this, so no need to bring it up again.
“tbis also quite hateful and suppression of freedom of speech and free thoughts…” this comment made me laugh hahahaha
I think some folks are having double standards in their interpretation of Free speech!!
Im also free speaking out that I dont agree with the presence of Israel at ESC24 as imo the country are commiting warcrimes in the current time.
Well well, we all know how those discussions went……………………………
Warcrimes, just like pronouns and gender, are a matter of facts, not opinions.
Leave that to the ICJ to decide, those who studied it and are qualified to determine that, according to law.
I knew We were putting salt on your sensitive skin my pumkin.
You didnt dissapoint us with your reaction.
Oh dear, it takes much more to actually annoy me…
I simply stated a fact.
However, I’m happy to see that I’m on your mind
Ofc we are always thinking about our troubled sisters in the world.
Such a big pleasure. TY
Are people qualified to know what gender they are?
By qualification I obviously mean to the ICJ and warcrimes, not the gender subject.
But yea, people know what gender they are. Some of them simply don’t accept it and make up a 3rd one.
I think it was you who I talked about it with, so I won’t enter another discussion about it, it’ll just be the same as the previous one…
Adevadavra, I put a spell on you.
Arent we all just Humans afterall?
We are all the same cakes baked in diff shapes??
Lets come together as Peoples of the World.
Its about time isnt it?
How do we get out of this mess otherwise?
Just asking for my friends.
okay so if you tell me your name is Miko, I will call you Peter because I don’t like Miko and I’m not obligated to pamper your feelings
Yea, they’re all for “respect my pronouns!” but it’s never about respecting our choice not to go along with it…
Hmm yes, overall I agree. However, and to be fair, gender is a social construct, and I think we can all agree that it’s up to everyone to choose whether their gender aligns with their sex or not. And it’s perfectly fine if a man identifies as female (or something fluid, in between). This has been present throughout history… We have Muxe in Mexico, there used to be so-called Virdžine in Montenegro and so on. And yes, I am deliberately using “old” examples as many of the young ones today seem to think these are new concepts and they are… Read more »
Public service announcement.
Bambie has put a Grade A Hex on all non-binary-phobic comments.
For every one comment, Switzerland and Ireland will each receive a thousand votes.
I’m not gonna intervene anymore, they can keep on hating Nemo in the comment section. At least Nemo can perform on a stage watched by 170M+ people worldwide.
That’s good, no one asked you to do in the first place
Alex, what should we do?
I asked.
I’d vote Switzerland just so haters get even more mad xxx
Excellent suggestion!
let me give 20 votes to Switzerland aswell
Nemo’s getting my votes regardless because I love the song
So, you vote because of that charade HE is creating around his made-up gender and not for the song. I rest my case!
It’s all part of our campaign for world domination.
So can 36 other acts who do not need extra attention and are about their music and are not abusing of the ESC to promote their gender nonsense!
wiwibloggs remember to moderate this comment section, because I can just feel like that there will be some disgusting comments
His stylist should be fired and his closet should be set on fire.
Best lyrics of the season. Winning vibes all over it.
It scares me and saddens me because of the comments about seeing how fascism re-emerges in Europe and yes, ladies and gentlemen, fascism is restricting the freedom of others due to their ideology, religious orientation or simply because they think differently.
Ah, yes, politics. The topic where everybody calls each other a fascist because others don’t agree with them.
Oh yeah. The typical comment from someone without arguments.
he said it. announced it. we nailed it. that’s enough…..I also liked women and I’m male, I don’t say it every day. IT’S A MUSIC CONTEST DO YOU GET THAT?????
Music is one of the many arts through the centuries.
Art is being used as a voice for the Peoples and also against them for that matter. Art is putting human emotions on the plate.
in a Free World there should be space for various forms of expression.
Eurovision is a platform getting out a message.
Either its peace, love, lalalala and everything between that.
Wishing Nemo and team all the Love and best of good luck.
What kind of absurd comment is that? That is why it is so necessary for feminist, LGTBI, and anti-racist groups to continue talking about it. Do you have to defend your heterosexuality because you are insulted, physically attacked, you earn less money than your partner for being heterosexual and that is why you go around saying that you are heterosexual every day? ESC has always been a platform for persecuted and repressed groups to express themselves through music. DO U GET THAT?????
Thanks to all the downvotes in my comment for confirming the rise of fascism. When it is installed in your countries you will cry but it will be too late. Mark my words
Note that you are the one saying “ladies and gentlemen” 🙂
It’s not 2017 anymore and we are not on Tumblr, nobody takes these things seriously.
Just change the outfit. He will still stick to his principles with or without pink fur. If few fans are not happy – he can say “OK, there will always be bad comments”. But if most fans say the outfit is wrong – maybe it makes some sense to listen.
Do you want him to win by force or should he win in another way? Do you have orders to promote it?
To be honest, I get serious Destiny vibes, this guy is getting promoted like there’s no tomorrow.
Isn’t it obvious?! The song is not good enough so they have to shove it down our throats with that “heartwarming story” of HIS elective gender!
This comment is very true!
No it’s not!
enough with this story,we’re really tired, we don’t has become disgusting
I agree. more whipped cream, more whipped cream, and more whipped cream… enough.
How DARE the topic of the song be discussed! An outrage.
Yeah right! Did HE write the song?! No, HE did NOT! It is just a planned strategy to gain attention. Feels really good to read the comments of Swiss people on 20 Minuten and Blick what the overwhelming majority of them think of this MAN in a little girl‘s dress.
Yes, Nemo is one of the songwriters.