Eight songs, but only one winner. Who should it be? Our Deban watches all eight songs and reacts. Who will advance to his superfinal…and who advanced to yours?

1:31 Aura Dione – “Mirrorball of Hope”

3:41 Basim – “Johnny”

6:00 CHU CHU – “The Chase (Zoom Zoom)”

8:33 Janus Wiberg – “I Need Your Love”

10:54 RoseeLu – “Real Love”

13:05 SABA – “Sand”

15:57 Stella – “Sign Here”

17:56 UBLU – “Planetary Hearts”

20:58 Deban’s favourites


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Purple Mask
Purple Mask
3 months ago

Deban, at his best.
“There is only so much you can do with pasta and no sauce.” 🙂
“Yes, I feel you sister… and non-binary brother.”
Also, Deban’s reaction to the “sound of a latex whip” is hilarious. There are no cracks in Deban’s disco ball tonight. 😀

As for Denmark, maybe something will stand out live. We know Basim can “bring it,” so the rest may already be at a disadvantage on the night. But, we shall find out together.

By the way, guess what my favourite ever Danish ESC entry is.

3 months ago

UBLU – ‘Planetary Hearts’ that’s it Denmark please

3 months ago
Reply to  Andy

I’m a Dane and I would never vote for them. Sorry. They will most likely not even participate in Eurovision if they win