Ukraine’s Mariya Yaremchuk climbed her hamster wheel, the Tolmachevy Sisters balanced on their see-saw and Aram Mp3 stood on an LED sun. It was an amazing night, and we can now reveal the first semi-final results of Eurovision 2014.

First semi-final qualifiers

In no particular order, the following countries have made the grand final.

Montenegro: Sergej Cetkovic with “Moj svijet” (My World)

Hungary: András Kállay-Saunders with “Running”

Russia: The Tolmachevy Twins with “Shine”

Armenia: Aram Mp3 with “Not Alone”

Azerbaijan: Dilara with “Start a Fire”

San Marino: Valentina Monetta with “Maybe”

Ukraine: Maria Yaremchuk with “Tick-Tock”

Sweden: Sanna Nielsen with “Undo”

Netherlands: The Common Linnets with “Calm After the Storm”

Iceland: Pollapönk with “No prejudice”

Eliminated contestants

And the following countries will, sadly, be going home:

Latvia: Aarzemnieki with ‘Cake To Bake

Estonia: Tanja with “Amazing”

Albania: Hersiana Matmuja with “One Night’s Anger”

Belgium: Axel Hirsoux with “Mother”

Portugal: Suzy with “Quero Ser Tua”

Moldova: Cristina Scarlat with “Wild Soul”

To read a complete transcript of the first semi-final qualifiers’ press conference, click here.


You can keep up with the latest Eurovision news and gossip by following on Twitter and Facebook.

Photo: Andreas Putting (EBU)

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10 years ago

Portugal song was extremely entertaining, live in the Eurovision théâtre (i was there)

Unfortunately, they found themselves in the first sémi, where the Russian/satellites block were in force.

And the two countries who could vote for them most (France and Spain) were voting in the 2nd sémi.

So they had a very bad draw. It was statistically very difficult to qualify.

10 years ago

But Resignal would stuck in Semi Final too.

10 years ago

@CookyMonzta I would love to see Lenna or Sandra in Eurovision again. I was hoping to see Lenna singing in Eurovision 2012, and since 2009 I was waiting for the moment we could hear the beautiful voice of Sandra one more time, but seems the jury of Eesti Laul doesn’t like to repeat singers (I mean about Sandra, because they always give high points to Lenna). But Tanja is great. I loved her song. I’ll say the same about Ott Lepland (Kuula is one of the best entries ever). Should Estonia send Sandra? YES. She would be in my top… Read more »

10 years ago

Go Valentina I’m ruul proud of you girl! San Marino qualifying for the first time just made my Eurovision 2014.
Also, wasn’t the The Common Linnets just the most beautiful live performance ever? They’ve jumped straight to my number 1 spot.

10 years ago

By far, the biggest surprise this semi was The Netherlands. If before I thought it should definetly not qualify, after I saw the performance I was rooting for their qualification in the Final. It was absolutely stunning. The staging has a special mention, though. And her dress 😀
Also, Montenegro was a pleasant surprise yesterday. Flawless performance and the roller-girl just made the song a qualifier from an almost non-qualifier.
Iceland? SERIOUSLY??? Geez…
It’s nice to see a changed Eurovision. It looks more transparent. But it still needs a lot of improvement .. Good path, though!

10 years ago

@Mordecai: I thought the same thing about Iceland. They were on thin ice (10th) on my card before last night’s performance. I wouldn’t be surprised if they were 9th or 10th on points.

I agree; Tanja deserved to be in Saturday’s final. Hard job it is to keep the singing steady and move around the way she did. Again, you now have to wonder how Sandra Nurmsalu or Lenna would have fared.

10 years ago

@Ryanireland: My thoughts on Russia/Ukraine were nearly the same. The twins’ stage set and the song reminded me of something from a fancy secret-agent movie of the 1960s, and Mariya’s vocals were very much off-par. @Sam "Sopon": BINGO! The Dutch song IS quite reminiscent of The Police’s “Every Breath You Take”. @Tha, Sopon: With Estonia having been knocked off, you now have to wonder: What if they had sent Sandra Nurmsalu or Lenna? Too bad for the twins getting booed. They are caught in the middle of a very bad situation. You KNOW those boos were directed squarely at Putin;… Read more »

10 years ago

Really happy for Montenegro and San Marino. Both deserve their qualifications.

At first with Iceland’s performance I thought the vocals were good but the staging, bright colours and goofiness would stop it from qualifying.


I didn’t think The Netherlands would qualify but I wouldn’t be surprised if they did. There is a certain quality about that song that I like, but I would prefer Estonia anyday.

10 years ago

MY favourites are ARMENIA, SWEDEN ,HUNGARY. !!! We want to visit a new country ,Armenia, HUngary!!!

10 years ago

Belgium was the best!

10 years ago

My top 3

1. The Netherlands
2. Azerbijan
3. Montenegro

See you in Amsterdam next year? **crossing fingers and toes**

10 years ago

Congratulations!! 😉
To the hosts and performers: Bravo!! A great start to a much anticipated event every year.
I am, however, sad to have heard booing after Russia was announced as a qualifier. The twins were there to perform – pretty good job, actually.
The same people who booed would be the first to condemn any artist trying to force their country’s politics on them. Double standards?!
Leaving politics out of ESC goes for everyone.
Let’s see what happens to Austria’s entry tomorrow…
Love & Understanding to all.
Enjoy the biggest singing show on earth!!

10 years ago

To smile or not to smile . . . the two ladies backing Montenegro really need to come to a decision. To his right, quite the stern look, yet to his left a beaming smile. Minor, but important since that is the last impression we get, and they are right up there.
Otherwise, the song and presentation wins for the most moving part of the show.

10 years ago

One thing that stuck out for me was how poor the vocals were for some of the favourites, mainly Armenia and Azerbaijan. Especially Armenia and their risky staging. Have to admit, I didn’t like it. I think the idea of having him on the stage on his own was a very poor one. Needed something else like a mini orchestra or 4/5 violinists.

10 years ago

My thoughts on the first semi-final, for what it’s worth! Armenia: Underwhelming song, underwhelming vocals, underwhelming staging. I really don’t get why this is a favorite. I mean, dubstep? C’mon, it’s 2014, people! Latvia: There is such a thing as smiling too much. At some point, it becomes scary. Estonia: Loved the act. The song, not so much. Sweden: The song is a bit too generic for my taste, but it is a quality entry and Sanna delivers the goods. Iceland: This qualified? Really? Why? Albania: Sounded like Evanescence. Not too bad, but not very memorable either. Russia: We all… Read more »

10 years ago

Is there any theory or study to where the programming break has a beneficial effect on the act. During each break the previous song was thanked and reference by both name and a quip regarding their performance/presentation. This nudge gives the Juries a moment to reflect on the previous act and perhaps allows it to stick in their minds more. Other acts blend into each other without commentary.
With Iceland the guy referenced their colorful suits, with San Mario takes on “maybe” were stressed.

10 years ago

@Timselvision: I get what you are saying but I know that when someone is excited they smile and seem happy, not arrogant. This guy was like he didn’t want to be there.

10 years ago

@Himela: lol, you make me serious laughing :’) Indeed, Dutch people are somethimes too arrogantic / cold, but Ilse and Waylon just enjoyed being there. Ilse is really a warm personality if you see her on Dutch television and she was really only enjoying it. Not sure about Waylon though. In an interview they said that it only felt very good and they were really excited to perform the song on stage. I think that´s the reason that they seemed a bit arrogant.

10 years ago

I don’t understand how people like Armenia’s song only because it has a 20 second part of dupstep. His vocals was not good, he was not singing passionately, he was moving like crazy person. I’m angry at the audience booing the russian singers, they are 17 years old and they’ve done so much work for this performance, they have nothing to do with politics, they should be respected as any other contestant. Shame on you audience. I was surprised about Belgium not qualifying, his voice was incredible and he almost cried, but I guess love songs about mothers doesn’t make… Read more »

10 years ago

Was Albanian singer’s microphone broken? I could not hear her almost at all. Did everyone have this problem or was it only in my country?

Dani Madrid
Dani Madrid
10 years ago

There were only 2 moments when I said: “woooooow” it was with Sweden and with Montenegro (even if I´d take out the skater, no need)

Just being honest
Just being honest
10 years ago

This was a really strong night. Most of the countries in this semi-final went serious when it came to the staging and presentation. I think everyone in Europe is finally catching up with Azerbaijan’s staging quality which is good! Bravo to the finalists. Very sorry for Albania, Estonia, and Belgium for missing out. They put a lot of effort in their presentations as well.

10 years ago

My opinion about every song last night: -Armenia-OVERRATED as hell -Albania-it was great <3 loved it -Estonia-it sounds just like every other dance song,but the chreography is awesome -Sweden-loved it <3 -Latvia-Funny,but that's all -Russia-their live perfomance blew me -Ukraine-awesome vocals and perfomance 🙂 -Moldova-PERFECT IN EVERY SINGLE WAY -Azerbaijan-a bit overrated,this is their the weakest entry since 2011 -Belgium-great voice,but not the song -Portugal-I couldn't stop dancing 😀 It was great,although i'm not a fan of the studio version(same situation as Russia) -The Netherlands-a bit too boring,not my cup of tea -Montenegro-my country,i think we were the best last… Read more »

10 years ago

Moj Svijet was beautiful, it definitely reminded me of Lejla from 2006. Quite surprised Estonia went home though.

10 years ago

I find it rude how the Scandinavians boo Russia when they get points acting like they don’t block vote themselves the girls were good and this is Eurovision lets put politics behind us

10 years ago

good luck Dilara you are the best

10 years ago

MY COUNTRY MADE IT TO THE FINALS, HELL YEAH! Their vocals were obviously the best, and there was lotsa positieve comment on it on Twitter… Amsterdam 2015, take that haters! (A) I was seriously disappointed by Armenia. I was thrilled that hè begun, but the vocals in the first part was AWFULL! My mum didn’t get why I wanted it to win lol XD The dubstep part was awesome though! I was really suprised that Armenia was down below in a poll xD Everyone in the Netherlands liked Portugal & Latvia, I wouldn’t be suprised if we have gave more… Read more »

10 years ago

The Russian twins’ song is the best by far. They will be famous.

Melissa J
10 years ago

I cheered so loudly for Hungary when they were called! But I was stunned when San Marino qualified. Was it a dream?! No! It was true! At last, Valentina in the final!! I’m really surprised that Estonia didn’t go through! They had one of the more beautiful stage performances of the year, very unique and entertaining. No surprise about Armenia, but it’s a highly overrated song. Boring, and he mumbled through the first half of it. There were many better voices this year. This year, it must be Hungary to win. They have the best stage show thus far AND… Read more »

10 years ago

Judging by the number of comments of this guy, called… David, i think he jerks-off with that blonde bitch in his mind, all night long. Poor fellow… 🙁

10 years ago

How Estonia is not on the final? One of the best songs this year!! Ok, her voice was not the best of tonight, but I still think that was an amazing song and amazing performance. The people were too busy voting for Sweden hahaha (Undo is a great song and I’m sure Sweden won the semifinal).
Soooo happy for Netherlands, Montenegro and San Marino!!
Russia and Azerbaijan shouldn’t be at Final.

10 years ago

Armenia, Hungary, & Sweden – Well, we all knew they would get through. Azerbaijan – Their classiest number yet, and I love it. Keep using Sweden, it is really helping! Russia & the Netherlands – The two I don’t like in the slightest. The Tolmachevy Twin’s English pronunciation (we all know they don’t speak English, i.e. “Ahpi blurzde”) is appalling and the song, styling, and staging even more. The Netherlands is a boring song that reminds me of “Every Breath You Take” sung by a talented woman and a jerk who couldn’t care less. Iceland – The shock qualifier. I… Read more »

10 years ago

look here who is the winner of semi final one……

This says enough i guess, Go Holland!!

flower crown
flower crown
10 years ago

Portugal and Estonia left out. Insane!!!

Pack your pillows for final. It’s gonna be a snoozy one.

10 years ago

I’m so mad when Estonia and Albania did’nt make it into the final instead Netherlands and Iceland WTF i just cant believe it

Armenian guy
Armenian guy
10 years ago

Oops Correction Not Romania but Hungary* ( And why I always write Romania …haha bad sorry )

10 years ago

I honestly didn’t like the hosts. Petra showed us last year in Sweden that you can put on a show with just one host. But then again, Petra has some serious ladyballs, everyone isn’t cut out to stand alone in front of millions of people. But I seriously think three hosts makes it messy, two is alright, but three is really unnecessary. Three hosts + the boring intermission with the dancing = Thumbs down. The postcards + the hintin’ sketch about only showin’ the good side of Copenhagen = Thumbs up! On another note, just checked the odds and from… Read more »

10 years ago

The Netherlands won this, by faaar

Armenian guy
Armenian guy
10 years ago

All participants were obviously excited .Here my opinion about them Armenia: Aram was way too excited in the beginning.It’s of course difficult to be the first (I guess there was technical problems too ). But the final part was GREAT !!!! LOVED the ending with sun and Armenian Eternity sign!! So cool !Hope his vocal will be better in final . Azerbaijan : Dilara kinda disappointed .I expected more but het vocal was too weak and she looked tired .Show was good though .Background reminds me of a church looks nice and classy …her dress looks nice too .Only face… Read more »

10 years ago

I do not understand at all … Sweden is sooo Celine Dion ten years ago … but with a much worse voice … let Sweden can not win with this only two gourmet dessert after Euphoria.

10 years ago

Substitute Iceland for Estonia (although she didn’t sound at best) and I’d be happier.

Rob S
10 years ago

Yesss!! The Netherlands is through!!
The best performance by these two professional singers!

I also like Montenegro, don’t know why but It’s a nice song!

The rest? Well take some singing lessons, no one can beat Ilse De Lange and Waylon (The Common Linnets)

10 years ago

Armenia is going down the drain…good riddance !

10 years ago

And by the way, Aram MP3 was waaaaaaaaaaaaay below the “winner” line here. He sounded bad, really bad. Now, it’s official – he won’t win (hopefully)!

10 years ago

I already knew Mariya wasn’t a great singer, but she was realy bad tonight. Anyway, the song is catchy, the show is great and the country has my sympathy.

Belgium… I always thought that at least the guy would nail his vocals, but he was as bad as his song. Bye.

San Marino… boring song. Waste of time.

Netherland is overrated. The song is OK but I’d be shocked if it ranks high.

And that was my hate report. Good night and good luck.

10 years ago

That was one AMAZING show (sorry Estonia!). The hosts were great, the jokes were excellent, the production was very well executed. Just one thing, actually – the sound for some songs were below expected. Knowing the fact that delegations themselves put the level of volume for their respective singers, this wasn’t EBU/DR fault.

About the results – LOVE for the Netherlands. I’m more than a fan of this song. Just great! Feeling happy about it! And I was sad about Portugal, in other hand. Too bad, I danced to that.

Nevermind, looking forward Thursday. Well done Denmark.

10 years ago


10 years ago

Forza San Marino…In Bocca Al Luppo…Bravissima A Tutti…Eurovision 2015 da Monte Titano da San Marino…Ti Amo :,-)

But i dissapointed then Portugal & Belgium out in Eurovision 2014. Portugal & Belgium is better than Iceland & Netherland… Awawawewawe Eu Quero Ser Tua Oh Oh Oh Oh… Te Amo Suzy 🙁

suzy will win
suzy will win
10 years ago

suzy and estonia = robbed

10 years ago

Don’t you think that Sweeden is tooo much overrated. The only powerful song was from Armenia. He really could make it powerful. Hope he will win!