Romania’s participation in Eurovision is a surprisingly sensitive issue. On the one hand, we have the ever-harsh Romanian press, who inexplicably ask, “Why does Romania still participate in Eurovision?” They cite our country’s “poor record” in the contest and last year’s “failure” when Mandinga placed “only” twelfth in the final. And then there’s the economic crisis that has forced other countries to withdraw this year.

On the other hand, of course, are those Eurovision fans who think it’s high time that the contest moved to Bucharest. I am one of those Eurovision fans who believes that Romania has always been just one hit away from victory at Eurovision, and that the odds of winning big this year are extremely high if we play our cards right. The Romanian music industry is more evolved than ever, and it’s bursting with unquestionable talents. We also have the support of European fans from Spain to Russia working in our favour.

Potential winners for Romania

Inna is the first name that comes to mind. She’s famous globally. She has more than 7,500,000 fans on Facebook, which is more than twice the number of Lana Del Rey! She could easily mobilize them to vote for her on May 18, 2013. She also has the experience of live shows and, most importantly, the willingness to represent our country and to bring Eurovision to Bucharest. Last but not least, she is beautiful, she can put on a show, and all of her releases have become instant hits.

Take, for instance, one of her most successful songs of 2012, “Caliente” (yes, Mandinga aren’t the only Romanians performing in Spanish — and yes, the hunk in the video is Madonna’s ex, Jesus Luz):

The only problem is Inna’s busy concert schedule, which might prevent her from actively promoting her song ahead of the contest. In which case, we have other potential winners.

Alexandra Stan – another famous Romanian singer, whose video for the summer hit “Lemonade” garnered no less than 36 million views on YouTube. Unfortunately, Alexandra has the same problem: she’s far too busy for Eurovision, although I am quite sure that she would be more than proud to represent Romania. Should she choose to do it, then she wouldn’t even have to promote her song.

Antonia, another striking Romanian beauty, was raised in the United States, became a successful model and moved back to Romania, where she found fame as a singer. She is less known internationally, but she could use Eurovision to propel her star status far beyond the borders of our country. She definitely has what it takes: the voice, the looks and the backing of successful producers.

Andra is another name that has been suggested. However, despite the fact that she has arguably the best live voice in the Romanian music industry, she was disappointed when she was disqualified in the National Selection in 2007, when her song was accused of plagiarism. She allegedly vowed never to compete again (much like superstar Loredana, who lost to Luminita Anghel in 2005). Moreover, she is a judge on the hugely successful show “Romania Has Talent”, now in its third season, which in May 2013 will be in full swing. However, if she changes her mind, I am sure that she could win it for Romania.

Connect-R is a household name in Romania. He has had the biggest year of his career thus far, with his summer hit “Vara nu dorm”. It topped the charts for most of 2012. He has recently released his follow-up dance song “Love Is The Way”, which wouldn’t fare too badly in Eurovision, if the former hip-hop singer could spare the time to promote it abroad.

Ellie White (stage name of Elena Baltagan) is a highly experienced singer with dreamy vocals who has been trying to make it as a solo artist ever since she interrupted her collaboration with the dance duo DJ Project. Her attempt has been rather unsuccessful so far, but I do believe that she stands a chance to make it even bigger than she set her mind to, if she represented Romania at Eurovision. All she needs an infectious dance song, like “Nu te mai caut”:

Speaking of DJ Project, they could, together with Adela Popescu, their current collaborator, bank even more on the success of their Romanian hits. I am pretty sure that their enormous fanbase would totally back them if they participated in the National Selection with a hit like “Bun ramas”:

Andreea Banica is another hugely popular singer in the Balkans and beyond. She has the body and the face of a bombshell, as well as the backing of good producers. Each of her releases has become an instant hit. And gurl can dance! With a good live performance, she could win big. A hit song similar to “Sexy” from 2011 could do it.

Keo, a former rock singer who has succesfully turned to electronic dance, is one of the very few Romanian male singers who has the voice AND sex-appeal to bring Eurovision to Bucharest next year. This wouldn’t be his first brush with Eurovision, either: last year, Anggun recorded an exclusive “Echo (You and I)” version for the Romanian public in a duet with Keo. However, I think that he would do better with a song like “O singura noapte” (minus the rapper Skizzo Skillz, who detracts from Keo’s talent):

Of course, there are a lot more singers and bands who could represent Romania in Malmö (Corina, Akcent, Deepcentral, Alex Mica fans, I hear you!), and it all boils down to the perfect song. I just wanted to highlight who, in my opinion, could realistically bring the trophy to Bucharest this year. Which of these are your favourites? And who else do you think could win it for Romania? You can also see what David, an American contributor to our site, had to say on the matter by clicking here.


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Bogdan Honciuc
12 years ago

Well, in all honesty, David, the Russian grannies went that far not because they were hot, but because they were cute. I bet most viewers went “Awww” when they saw the little babushka grinning happily at the camera, carrying that piece of bread. The rest of the lot owe a lot to her!

But yeah, let’s hope that the best song wins, and not the cutest/hot act!

David Thielen
12 years ago

Bogdan Honciuc – what’s truly amazing is the depth of talent Romania has. You may be right about looks being a prime consideration (although I didn’t think the grannies from Russia were all that hot – and they placed second). But I do think the quality of their singing and the act count for a lot too. Everyone makes fun of ESC and in all the deprecation I think people lose sight of the fact that it is possibly the most competitive song contest in the world. And so raw talent matters a lot too. Anyways, Romania can win. If… Read more »

Bogdan Honciuc
12 years ago

@ Maria – Thank you. I almost included Ami on my shortlist, but she’s too new and I’m not sure if her (fab) song isn’t a one hit wonder. As for Xonia, I admit that I don’t personally like her, but you never know. @ David – I agree, I might look a bit shallow in my choices (although, funnily enough, my favourite Romanian singer isn’t among them), but isn’t Eurovision the type of contest that relies heavily on looks and spectacle as well? Also, I don’t think that the artists I picked can’t sing (except, OK, *maybe* Andreea B?nic?,… Read more »

David Thielen
12 years ago

Inna – She’s gorgeous but the song is good, not great. Alexandra Stan – ditto (also gorgeous, song is good). The song strikes me as shallow. Antonia – Yet another… She’s a bit better – the song pops more and her voice grabs you a bit. (What’s with the pelvic thrusts???) Andra – not wild on the song you picked but yes, she’s got it. She could be a winner. Connect-R – liked him too. A lot. I think he could make the top 10 (but not the top 5). Ellie White – Liked her at first but she became… Read more »

12 years ago

Bogdan, I agree with you, all your proposals are potential winners for Romania. I would like to complete your list with another 2 singers: Xonia and Ami.
What do you think?

David Thielen
12 years ago

I think Romania’s best shot is Horia Brenciu –

But some of the ones you list can do well too. I’m surprised Romania talks of dropping out when there is such a breadth of amazing talent in the country. Instead Romania should work to find the best of the best there and go win the thing.

12 years ago

I think that Paula Seling is the only one who could win for Romania at the moment and I think that she is definitely coming back if she will get a good song.

Gavin Brockwell
12 years ago

Romania is high on my list of countries who I look forward to checking out. Usually there are a few good songs and mostly they pick a strong contender. Go Romania!

Bogdan Honciuc
12 years ago

@ Xander – Yes, you are correct. Except he was not there as a solo artist and not nearly as popular as he is now. @ Nirgal – Good idea, but Morandi haven’t released anything since 2011… I am not even sure that they are a band still. @ eric – I respect your opinion; please feel free to contribute with suggestions of female artists who could win Eurovision for Romania (which is the subject of this article). I am genuinely curious! @ Alex – I agree, except Inna has expressed her wish to represent Romania. And the “Mandinga effect”… Read more »

12 years ago

Well, I’m a Romanian and I understand that everybody on this list would do great at Eurovision. But I know and every Romanian knows that every single one of them wouldn’t consider participating. That’s why since 2007 there are unknown singers/bands competing ( like Hotel FM), the participants number severely decreasing under 100. Why do you think Mandinga won last year? Because we didn’t knew anybody else that was competing. Anyways, I think that Mandinga did a great job at Baku no matter what our newspapers say. At least I hope this year will turn out somehow good. 🙂

12 years ago

INNA or Alexandra Stan , Antnia, Andra 🙂 INNA IS THE BEST:) Like for INNA Eurovision 2013 Romania

12 years ago

All of the mentioned names will do amazingly great representing Romania, i wish Alexandra Stan as my personal favourite.

12 years ago

Sorry, but bad list. Inna, Alex Stan, Ellie and Antonia etc would never do ESC they are already onto bigger and better things. Romania has lots of up and coming female vocal talents in this area that *would* be great. None of that talent is featured in this list, however.

12 years ago

How about Morandi?

12 years ago

Didn’t Connect-R already represent Moldova in 2006?

12 years ago

Inna and/or Alexandra Stan together will bring the trophy to Bucharest in 2013 🙂

12 years ago

Inna 4Ever… she’s the bomb, and it’s an artist known worldwide, here in Latinamerica she’s super Famous!