Countertenor Cezar Ouatu has won Romanian hearts—and Romania’s Selectia Nationala—with his revamped performance of “It’s My Life”.

But his victory wasn’t clear cut. The jury of music professionals ranked Electric Fence’s “Emilia” first, but fan support helped push Cezar, who is known as “The Voice” in Romania, to the top overall. In recent weeks Mandinga—Romania’s 2012 Eurovision contestants—have been publicly supporting him, as have his famous friends including Angela Gheorghiu, Andrea Bocelli and Vangelis.

Cezar was one of your favourites to win as well, coming third in our pre-final poll. Did you watch the show? What do you think about Romania’s entry for Malmo?


Love is so bright
Like a diamond in the light
Love is so true
I can paint my world in blue

Love is so deep
And it makes my life complete
Like a mountain in the sky
Love is high, so high

It’s my life and I know it’s not forever
It’s my life and I’ll share it all with you
It’s my life, we were meant to be together
I’ll give my life to you

Love is so strong
In the heart where you belong
It’s a dream, a desire
And is burning like a fire

Love is so deep
And it makes my life complete
Like a mountain in the sky
Love is high, so high

It’s my life and I know it’s not forever
It’s my life and I’ll share it all with you
It’s my life, we were meant to be together
I’ll give my life to you

I’ll find my story and fight for my glory of love

It’s my life and I know it’s not forever
It’s my life and I’ll share it all with you
It’s my life, we were meant to be together
I’ll give my life to you

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Ayse Sevgi
Ayse Sevgi
11 years ago

Bravo Cesar i like this song

11 years ago

un cantec bun ce merita sa ajunga in finala!nu?

Jessica Ph
Jessica Ph
11 years ago


11 years ago

Go go Cezar !!! You are the best !!!

11 years ago

Am citit comentariile.. Ce se poate spune,pertinent despre contratenorul roman?? Este o voce minunata care imbina stralucit registrele tenor-soprana.Cu o sensibilitate de exceptie,ne face mai fericiti,mai buni! Ascultati-l si apreciati-l asa cum merita!!

11 years ago

it`s my favourite song!!!…i`m listing every day this song while i drive my car when i`m going to my job!!!…i love he`s voice!!!…i hope we will win the contest this year!!!…

11 years ago

Is the best song for EUROVISION. “It’s my life” is the best. AVE CEZAR. GO ROMANIA!

11 years ago

Cezar is the best choice for this year! The contest changes every year – we need something new, something that will astonish the audience! So…,,Go Cezar gooooo!:-)

11 years ago

bravo cezar
your music is only for connoisseurs

11 years ago

Thank you for your comments, which inspired me to come up with this poll:

11 years ago

I find this to be the best song this year. It is brilliant, it is campy, it somehow works against all odds. It is almost as if he’s mock-paroding this whole subset of overly dramatic ESC songs that have no essence once you scratch on the surface. And at the same time, it is a proper song. Not often is there a song in this competition that has both the silly and quality in one. Congrats to Romania X SerboHolland

Denmark Fan
Denmark Fan
11 years ago

AMAZING ! I’M IMPRESSED ! His voice is incredible ! I think the fight will be between us and Romania. I see it gets negative feedback, usually these kind of feedback turns to be a good factor, remember Lordi? Nobody liked them before, but then they won. 12 POINTS FROM DENMARK! CONGRATS !

11 years ago

I don’t understand the fascination or grasp the excitement of a man singing like a old female opera singer??? Ok, so he can do it for a real long time. Doesn’t mean its enjoyable to listen to. I kept asking myself, if he was dressed in drag, would I like this any better? Probably not. It just grates your nerves. Kinda like fingernails on a chalkboard. Sorry. : /

Vicenzo Fanielli from Italy
Vicenzo Fanielli from Italy
11 years ago

I was very happy when I found that one of my favorite opera singers is trying to change the European music from what it became to something better. Cezar Ouatu is one of the best countertenors in the world, I had the opportunity to listen to him in Milano years ago and I was stunned by his voice, by his talent, by his charisma. And now he is trying something different, a great dance song combined with his voice, it just sounds amazing. I cannot wait to watch his in the final, I hope european people will understand him and… Read more »

Simmon from Switzerland
Simmon from Switzerland
11 years ago

amazing…… best voice….. best song

11 years ago

THE BEST!!! Well done Romania your choice is amazing!!

11 years ago

Is the best song. Cezar is winner. AVE CEZAR. GO ROMANIA

11 years ago

Hi Wiwi, don’t be sad. He is a professional and will do excellent
We prefer to be represented by this kind of music than something mainstream
Big names like Andrea Bocelli, Angela Gheorghiu or Vangelis support him even smaller name like Mandinga:)
We as Romanians know that we are no going to win EVER this prearranged contest but at least Romania will get lots of attention this year that is for sure

Jack Tarr
Jack Tarr
11 years ago

why is everyone saying this is awful? It is a breath of fresh air to the contest 2013 – too many Euphoria / Loreen sound-alikes for me. Cezar has an awesome vocal range and the song is really catchy. I only heard it twice and i been singing it on way to work this morning. I hope it does really well in Malmo to prove the critics wrong.

11 years ago

Is the best song ever!!Those who dont like it,they just have no idea of music.I play music since i was 5 so i have much experience than all of u who dont like him…He rocks and im sure Romania is gonna take a very very good place in Eurovision 2013.Well done!!12 points from Greece!!

11 years ago

I like the song! It’s something different. He has an amazing voice! 12 points!

11 years ago

Haters gonna hate, you are all just envy on Cezar. Relax, Romania will not miss the final and for those who hope so you’ll be very disappointed in the end. I think he has big chances to bring us a good placing in Malmo. I want to congratulate Tudor Turcu, he is the winner for me but I am so glad Luminita did not win. So, good luck Cezar!

11 years ago

To be honest, my first reaction when listening to the song in semi 1 was like “what on Earth is this?!”, but then I realized that it is a unique entry, something overwhelmingly original which is one of the best entries this year. At the end of the twelve performances, I knew this was the most eurovision-istic song among them and has to go to Malmo. Suggestion: listen to the song once again and realize that Romania made a good choice. Peace.

11 years ago

Hillarious. – in a bad way.

11 years ago

I think the song was not right for him, he did to much things with his voice that most people I spoke thought it was a very funny act! People did not take it seriously and that is not a good thing. It was very strange to most people…

11 years ago

This is awful. His voice does not fit the song at all. I can’t listen to this for three minutes. Oh I hate this.

11 years ago

I was really pleased to see Electric Fence top the jury vote, acknowledging the skill and artistry of their performance. I got my hopes up, although I really expected Luminita to win. I’ve been hoping Cezar would do well, but not too well. Winning was never an option. Can he act the part of a Eurovision soloist at the centre of attention on stage? Can he deliver the song without seeming gimmicky; emphasising the song over the technique? That it beat Electric Fence by one point is sadistic. Casa Presei came 2nd in the public vote. Meanwhile, the whole idol-factory… Read more »

Alex B
Alex B
11 years ago

Well, at least Bulgaria has some competition for the most polarizing entry at this year’s ESC.

I don’t think the vocals fit the song. Either change the music or change the vocal performance. Definitely change the stage presentation guys in jeans jumping around is no good.

As it is right now, it is semifinals and out for this.

11 years ago

It’s different, I hope not too different….The dancers were very bad. No connection with the song and the costumes blea…I have no words .

Gavin Brockwell
11 years ago

Hillarious – in a bad way.

11 years ago

This is not a circus act and by no means resembles that Bulgarian entry…It is a controversial entry obviously…As my favorites did not make it to the final I had 3 sort of favorites: FreeStay, Elena Carstea, and Cezar. He was my 3rd choice, but I prefer him over Luminita. At least there is some novelty to his act. Luminita’s song is for old people in philosophical mood and I definitely do not buy that…

11 years ago

I am from Romania, and I hate this song, sorry
P.S. Brovo Romania inca un an pierdut.

11 years ago

Shocking choice.

Electric Fence or Luminita Anghel would have been so, so much better.